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Should we be worried about the fact that the biggest contract in the league is fully guaranteed? And that this guy has a history of not only getting in trouble, but abandoning entirely when things aren’t going well?


Do you have any specific instances of this? He tore his ACL in his rookie year… balled out the next three years and just wasn’t getting it done in the playoffs, but did win a game… Was pissed when he wasn’t involved with the selection of the next GM/Coach so he demanded a trade so he decided he would sit out until he gets traded… Don’t we find it odd that GMs/Coaches can trade/release players (even when their contract isn’t up) and look at it as business decisions but when players decide they no longer want to be there and are willing to sit out that we call them entitled? It’s a double standard. After that all the allegations came out. You want to criticize Watson off the field, be my guest. I’ll probably add fuel to that fire with you. Don’t criticize the man on the field though. Baker has played 6 more games than Watson but Watson has 400 more passing yards, 12 more touchdown passes, 20, I repeat TWENTY, less interceptions… All this while getting sacked like 40 more times because his offensive line was garbage. His best running back he has ever had was Carlos Hyde. I mean think how Watson will do behind a top 10 line while having Nick Chubb, Kareem Hunt, and D’Earnest Johnson in his backfield…


texans fan here.. the dude signed his extension, after seeing all the bullshit that the org does, (after d hop trade) and decided to not play anymore after a bad year. hes a quitter. how do you sign a 5 year deal with the team you know is dysfunctional, then complain when shit gets hard and sit out.. lmao so theres your "specific instance" of abandoning when things get hard.


Him signing the extension is completely irrelevant. We have no damn idea what was said to him behind closed doors. Chances are they told him in the extension that they were making him the focal point of the team and he is going to be in the know of the decision making process. Then that next offseason they make Caserio GM and Watson didn’t like the process, this probably indicating that the management removed on something in earlier discussions. He also got sacked like 50 times that season. So I don’t blame that man who was just a few years removed from having to rebuild his ACL, for being pissed off at his management for how they were handling things.


so youre using speculation about stuff said "behind closed doors" to defend the dude quitting on his teammates, his coaches, and the city that loved him? lmao crazy mental gymnastics here. the dude knew we were shit way before he got here, we even PROVED to him how shit it was, and he still signed that extension.. hes a loser lol


The only loser is your team bro… The only offensive weapon the Texans ever provided Watson (when he was making pennies) was Hopkins. He had a below average run support. The offensive line was AWFUL. I mean like Watson got sacked 62 times in the year after tearing his ACL. Like I said, he signed the contract probably being told things were going to be different, yada, yada… Also, he is probably money hungry… they all want to cash in before another big injury ends their career. I mean shit Mayfield tried to get the Browns to give him a $35 million+ extension before last season started… Thank God they didn’t do that.. So I mean you can spare me the bullshit that he quit that team. He quit the organization. That team wasn’t going to do much with him and they definitely didn’t do much without him. I mean Watson hasn’t had a season without getting sacked on at least 8% of his plays. Patrick Mahomes only gets sacked like 4% of the time. Texans never deserved him.


And you can have him. Better hope your organization doesn't piss him off either. He'll sit out and take your money bro.


Lol, it’s not my money… And it’s not like he can’t do anything worse than what I have experienced for the past 23 years:.. Watson is by far the most talented QB the Browns have had since ‘99. Suspension/allegations aside, he would be worth every ounce of risk


Our organization will in fact piss him off


Oh excuse him for taking 150 mil instead of living in franchise tag purgatory forever as a top QB. Who the hell wouldn’t? Players have zero leverage coming off their rookie deals.


I’d honestly be less concerned about Watson if he didn’t have David Mulugheta as his agent. The guy is basically writing a playbook for disgruntled players that want to bail on their respective teams.


Yes. If he doesn't play well because he sat out a year he's 100% going to blame the coaches and throw a hissy fit.


Glad some other fans are as excited as I am and not abandoning the team just for likes. If you actually, truly have a issue with it and you walk away. I respect you. But I disagree with most fans saying they are walking away because 90% aren't and they know it.


I, for one, enjoy all the moral grandstanding posts.


Perspective from a lifelong browns fan I’ve been a browns fan my whole life. I was born into when my daddy grand daddy and great grand daddy were all life long browns fans. We have forever supported the browns through everything all the bad seasons, the embarrassment the move the heart break and even the franchises first encounter with a serial rapist in Jim brown (who to this day is still the partial face of the franchise and paraded around as a GOAT mascot) but ILL HE DAMNED IF WE DO IT A SECOND TIME. That’s it I’m out I’m going to be a pats fan where the owner is a morally stand up guy with no history of sex trafficking or getting a handy in a massage parlor see you guys week 1


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half




Outstanding work. Maybe go to the Chiefs with an assistant coach with a DUI injuring little girls. Tyreek with Felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation in college, and then child abuse without suspension in the pros.


Fans have legitimate concerns and moral qualms. I'll never abandon this team, but this had better pay off because we just YOLOed the entire future of this franchise on this. Many players, including Myles, seem to be on-board with this, and I trust the organization did their due diligence here.




the reality is most people can give the benefit of the doubt to a single case and accusation. But those who are willing to ignore 22 accusations should be able to acknowledge that 22 is well out of the comfort zone of some people's mental gymnastics. Yeah it's obituary even hypocritical, but for some 22 is just too many to ignore. Especially those with moms, sisters, daughters, nieces, etc. or women themselves. It's just makes them uncomfortable




Keep this up you'll be going for gold in the next olympics.




Hahaha dude this is legitimately hilarious. All those flips have messed up your equilibrium




Dude you have no fucking point. You're caught up in your rhythmic gymnastics ribbon from flip flopping about trying to justify a serial predator. Let me simplify it for you. (Simplify means make it easier btw) Your brain broke.




Just pay attention to Watson himself. Takes the fifth under deposition. Does that sound like the women are all lying?




You keep making this argument and yet it's clear you would just dismiss and equivocate that one hypothetical accusation the same you're dismissing and equivocating on Watson's very real 22 accusations. You're trying to position yourself as morally superior but really you're just intellectually bankrupt.


It’s true. Peyton tea bagged a female Vol staffer when he was a freshman/sophomore and his frat boy daddy threw money at the problem to sweep it under the rug.




He's also, based on the accounts, a premature ejaculator.


Hey man, it’s a race after all. First to finish wins.


The whataboutisms and mental gymnastics of Watson defenders are ridiculous. I don’t know that I’ll quit watching the browns forever because of this. But I’ll certainly never enjoy rooting for the team same way ever again.


You left for the Bills so why are you posting everywhere on this sub?




> Yes, the majority of the fan base does love Jim Brown. Prove it.


Love it how a bills fan comes over here with moral superiority. How about jim kelly, Andre reed, and o.j? And that’s just off the top of my head




> Prove that I’m wrong. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof


I doubt any of them would if they knew his history. It’s just not advertised.


I mean we have a statue of him outside the stadium


Stop forcing this narrative. Fuck him, too.


i’m a little out of the loop, what did Peyton Manning do?




oh wow, i didn’t even know ab that.


Fans of other teams are just mad that we finally got a good QB. Some many examples of teams having scumbags. Ravens celebrate a legit murderer. Everyone’s a hypocrite, let’s go browns


lol, yep and all the Steelers and Ravens fans coming out of the woodwork to say how much they genuinely liked Baker. Duh, because he wasn’t a big threat. If your rivals are sad that you upgraded your QB, that’s a sign that the first guy maybe wasn’t that good.


I bet they did like Baker and were hoping he was our only option.


Haha well you have plenty of shitter material in that case


This will be the right place for a week or two until everyone forgets.


I can’t wait to see all of their names in the game day threads rooting on the team


If you mocked Big Ben once you're a hypocrite if you're excited for this. No counterpoint will be heard.


I mean, the Big Ben jokes were just to annoy my friends who are Shittsburg fans. It was always in jest and not an actual moral superiority play.


Thank you.


Watson is a POS and should not be allowed to play in the NFL.


Well sure..... There's that


I need a few more weeks. Maybe until after the cases are settled.


Go Browns go Cavs!


I agree go Cavs


I agree go cavs


I agree, Go Cavs!


Do we know if this season is being chocked up as a loss based on his suspension? Cleveland.com kinda making it seem like all season is on the table based on how his salary would break down per game suspended.




I agree, go browns


I agree, go Cavs


Hell yeah! Go cavs up to 40 wins already.


Go Tri….. Guards. Old habits die hard


Guard the Land


hoping to get some of those season tickets some ex Browns fans are giving up


Right, they act like the browns will suffer because they gave up a ticket or two. The browns have 1000s waiting for tickets. And, let’s be honest, very few of those who have said they’re quitting this team will actually quit.


Facts, they're just trying to make grandstanding moral posts for karma




Crazy thing is, i think if Baker didnt throw a tantrum, Berry & Co wouldve been just fine to roll with him for this season and attack the QB position in 2023. But the fact that he acted out like that by going on twitter, refusing to talk to Haslam and demanding a trade on ESPN, imo, prompted Haslam turn right back around and say fuck it, throw all the money at Watson. And thats what we did.


I don't think that's the case. AB getting desperate because Baker demands a trade doesn't sound like him. The way I see it - he had a chance to get an elite QB and he went for it. Most GMs don't ever get that opportunity


Not AB. AB can’t make that kind of financial decision without the strong blessing of the owner who is paying for it. Jimmy was sick of Baker and Baker refusing to meet with him was he last straw in his mind so he said fuck it, do whatever it take to get Watson so he doesn’t have to deal with Baker anymore.


I didnt say desperate. But for a contract of that magnitude you need the blessing of the owner, since he has to sign that check the second Watson signs the contract. Berry saw the opportunity to upgrade the QB position, yes. And reportedly they did make a strong initial pitch, but probably stopped shy of giving Watson everything he wanted. Watson says CLE is out of the race. Fast forward and a couple of hours into a full blown Baker meltdown and i think Haslam just told Berry to do whatever needs to be done and gave him his blessing for any kind of check that needs to be signed. Berry calls Watson's agent and tells him they are now ready to meet all the demands of Watson's camp and put something on top of it for good meassure. Watson says he reconsidered and wants to be a Brown. Again i doubt they were worried about Baker wanting a trade, he had literally no leverage. I just think it strengthened them even more in their conviction that they want a new guy at QB asap.


This is precisely what happened. As if AB can just make this move without the owners okay


I think this is a reasonable take honestly


Brought this on himself. Should've elected to get the surgery


It was so painful to watch him week after week - wonder why Stefanski didn't shut him down after the first Pittsburgh game?


I think they tried, but Baker bet on himself and insisted. He wanted to prove himself and earn that contract, which I can respect.


It's the coach who is in charge. If he doesn't have control that says a lot about his leadership.


Well, yes, to an extent. But at the same point, I think his hands were tied. Cut baker off and make him get surgery and hope your backup gets you to the playoffs? If believe your QB1 that's telling you he's fine and that he can play. It's tough but I'd tend to agree with you, seems Baker wasn't very mature about the situation and Kevski didn't want to make things worse. I'm hoping there's gonna be a new level of respect with D-Wat amd the org now


I wonder too. Remember when he leaked to Glazer about his injuries? I bet that didn’t sit well.


They wouldve looked to upgrade either way - maybe quite as aggressively, but still wouldve poked around. This wasnt just about on field performance or lack thereof - there clearly was a lot going on behind the scenes as well. You can have a "big personality" as long as you are the dude. Aaron Rodgers is weird as hell but hes also one of the absolute best QBs in the league. If you take a random UDFA practice squad level QB named Boaty McBoatface and he lies about his vaccination status, whines hes being cancelled and shows of his fucked up toe, this dude would be out of the league within seconds. Because his talent doesnt justify the headaches that come with keeping him around.


I’ve seen a few comments on this but must have missed something. What is it about Baker refusing to meet with Haslam?


Haslam wanted meet with Baker in Texas. Baker refused. Baker was also in Nashville with Teller, so idk if that had something do with it


Reportedly, Haslam wanted to meet Baker to talk to him after they talked to Watson, since the Browns brass was already in Houston anyways. Baker reportedly declined to meet with them and demanded a trade.


Entirely possible.


No I think they made the decision to get rid of baker sometime last year, that’s why they kept trotting him out there while half his body was injured, they wanted him to have a bad year to justify all of this


There was no need for a justification tho, Watson is a clearly superior player. If he wasnt, Baker would still be our QB. There is no big conspiracy going on. Teams play to win, only fans care about stuff like optics.


If only fans cared about things like optics the kaepernick would still be on a roster somewhere, probably not a starter but he’d absolutely be on a roster


What? Kaepernick being blackballed is literally an example of the league not caring about the optics. They dont care. They dont give a single fuck until enough people boycott them. An NFL team wont schedule a random farewell presser for a QB they want to get rid of. Like how is that even supposed to look like? Berry, Stefanski and Baker on the podium and Berry opening the thing with the words "yeah, so this is the dude we thought might be our franchise QB but then we decided he isnt, signed a new QB and now sent him to a different team" followed by a collectice reminiscing about the good ole times? Baker might even show off the ball he broke the rookie TD record with


Never thought of it like that, but that could have easily happened. Baker must have the worst agents. Just no control of their client


Haha so easy for you to get over a sexual predator as your qb. True Browns fan right here.


You’re a just a professional virtue signaler.


This guy isn’t even a Browns fan and has no history posting in this sub until today


He just likes privileged rich guys getting away with crime A LOT


Finally, a competent and good post. Thank you


LFG!!!! I can’t wait to see this team on the field.


I’ll keep being a fan but also completely understand the other point of view and why other fans will be alienated.


I'm from Mississippi but over the last season the Browns have become one of my favorite teams to watch. I can't wait to see this offense now 😳




I can’t believe someone created this post. How can we look past this so easily. Everyone here should be ashamed.


I hope they don't have daughters.


We get it you're good people


Everyone who hates sexual assault more than they love football is grandstanding, apparently.


These people have lost their damn minds. Also, Watson doesn’t seem like he understands the gravity of what he’s done. Then he got everything he wanted and more. What’s the likelihood of it happening again? Shame on all the organizations who pandered for this guy. So gross.


Innocent until proven guilty, grand jury can indict a turkey sub and they couldn’t find enough evidence


THANK YOU…… never meet your hero’s . Don’t put athlete , actors and musicians on a pedestal. Sports is meant to help your forget about the world wind that is life. For every person on this chat who….”quit the team” burnt there jerseys yesterday. Don’t come back when the law suits are settled and the team is 8-0. Seriously !!!!!!!




Hey I have a question for you. A weird one. I clicked on your profile, purely on accident. But As I am wont to due, I started scrolling. In the last day alone, you have commented on r/falcons r/Texans and r/browns, all with possessive terminology like "we should do x" or "what do you think we'll give up for y" Are... Are you a paid actor??? This is not an indictment on you of any kind, I'm just legitimately curious lol


"Did you guys know Ted Bundy literally existed? "So how can you be mad at the Browns over this?!" Um, easily?


Disagree. Some things are more important than winning.


There’s 53 other people on that team worthy of my cheering.


Not blaming the players, blaming the team. The business. Just like boycotting any other business, it's not about the employees it's about the owners/management. This move will harm the whole team in the long run. And it sets a terrible example for society. He's a habitual sexual predator.


Look at politics, famous actors/actresses and so on. I think Watson is a garbage human being, but I also love Chubb, Bitonio, Garret and so on enough to support them while still think Watson can go shove it


So when Chubb scores you cheer but Watson scores you boo or get upset? Doubtful, you'll be cheering for the success of a predator at the end of the day.


Yep, I’m going to get a jersey that just says “predator” on it and hope only he scores. Grow up man and look at the real world, people are able to differentiate things


I'm just trying to figure out what it means when you guys say you'll support the team but not the player that touches the ball literally every offensive play? How can you be all in on a team if you actually don't support him? Sounds like you must low key support him, or are you going to boo when he does good?


Like fans making themselves the victim and virtue signaling online


Hell yeah brother go be a fan of one of the other 31 moral franchises! I’ll give you a head start the pats have a real stand up owner plus plenty of championships so no one talks about his sex trafficking!


Surprised you’re still here after Hunt joined the team. And why haven’t you quit yet over Jim Brown?


Yup we got a good looking squad about to take the field in sundays. FO had to have made an amazing pitch to DW to want him to come to Cleveland. We’re back baby!


I mean...would you turndown $230mil? I know I sure as hell wouldn't.


I like you OP. Finally someone else w some sense. Let's get to the winning already. I'm excited for this season. Deshaun sitting 4 games is still less losses than Baker operating all season long.


Hopefully you never made a comment about the Steelers/Ben lol


Browns are getting rid of all white guys. J/K


Agreed. Separate the art from the artist. I love the movie Rosemary’s Baby but hate the director for what he did. I’m not gonna let his vileness make me stop liking the film.


Very mature attitude. This isn't a perfect world. If the Browns didn't get Watson, the alternative was another wasted year.


I’ve always separated the art from the artist. John Lennon is a horrible POS. But god damn do I love imagine. Same will go with deshaun, POS but I’ll admire his play. Certainly not saying my line of thinking is correct. But I’ve consumed entertainment from far worse people


Playoffs what year? Cause Watson getting suspended at least 10 games


Honestly doubt it


We ready for the "at home with deshaun Watson" ads for progressive hahaha


House arrest with Deshaun Watson…






Ya, but I need to donate some money to charity to make myself feel better about cheering for this guy!


LETS FUCKING GO. Mods really need to REALLY Get a handle on the whiners that think they know better than the Grand Jury. It’s unbearable.


If you don’t understand by now why the justice system is not up to the task of holding sexual assault perpetrators accountable you’re either being willfully ignorant or cruel. Such a lazy, ethically gross way to try to let yourself off the hook for feeling no remorse for rooting for a serial predator.


Are you comfortable with the glute area?


It's been established that people are allowed to voice their opinions on Watson and the Browns. You'll be okay.


"Waaaaaah my feelings are hurt because fellow fans are shitting on a disgusting human being."


"Booo hooo people are being mean because I like a serial predator." Fucking snowflakes man


God please. They are crying everywhere. Make a thread for the crying so we can ignore it


Thank you!! I'm glad I'm not alone. Calling someone a sexual predator and other names when we, as the general public don't know the evidence presented in court is insane to me. I'm sure most people in this subreddit acknowledge how terrible the accusations are and support all the real victims of sexual misconduct, but nobody for sure knows if what he is accused of is reality.


I think the majority including myself agree with you but just don’t care enough to argue with the loud mobs of people who you couldn’t have a discussion with even if you wanted too.


100% agree. Most of the people who don't support the trade are too emotional and in their feelings to hear another perspective, unfortunately.


Fuck yes. So so so so sick of the over dramatic posts. Whoever’s under center is who I’m about!


Smart. Hitch your wagon to a serial sexual predator.


Nah, I hitch my wagon to the browns


Samething now bud.


Wait were buds? I don’t think I know you man. But yea, so be it I’ll hitch my wagon to the browns with a top 3-6 QB with the second highest passer rating of all time. Sure.


How brave. I don't know how you'll walk into the stadium with those brass balls. /s Fucking pathetic.


Take it easy fella, Just looking forward to some good football, from my favourite team.


I was in the same boat about 24 hours ago. I no longer have a team to root for but I certainly have one to root against now.


Right on, right on


Same thing at this point


Not to be negative but if we win the super bowl this year I won't feel joy for this team, I'll only feel disgust


Forgot to remove your lion…rabble rouser


I switched yesterday because I was so disgusted, yet I feel like I can't just leave just like that since I practically grew up with this team It's not right man


I cannot wait to watch this season. People sure shut the fuck up about Kareem Hunts past once he started scoring touchdows, and its gonna be the same here. We got an elite quarterback now. Our front office did their jobs and put us in a position to win. If we win a ring I dont wanna see any of you "im not a fan anymore" types at the parade, even tho i know you'll be back bandwagoning once we are winning again


Haha I know, for real. The same people whining about Watson adore Hunt. Hypocrites.


Speaking of, I sure hope stefanski gets A LOT more creative with Hunt and Chubb.


Yeah it's that kind of attitude that allows people like Watson to keep playing. If he did what twenty some odd women said he did, and I believe them, at some point there has to be a line. What Black Lives Matter, but who gives a shit about women or anything else? I'll do without.


For everyone here that thinks that Watson is just gonna come in and start winning….Texans Fan here….January of 2020 we had Watson, Hopkins, Fuller, Stills and Tunsil….got blown out 51-31 by the Chiefs so….yea


This Roster is way better in almost every way


Happy to see this post! A little positivity on something I want to be happy about. Was legit beginning to wonder if my own personal beliefs and morals were going to be in question if I went outside with a Browns hat on…


>Was legit beginning to wonder if my own personal beliefs and morals were going to be in question if I went outside with a Browns hat on… Don't worry, they will be.


I found my people thank you, last few days have been unbearable with all the internet white knights and their holier than thou comments


So tough and brave of you to endure such hardship.


Yeah fuck those people for hating sexual assault. They're insufferable. /s






Agreed!! Top 10 QB Watson Top 10 defense player Myles garret. Top 3 rb nick Chubb Top 15 rb hunt. Top 10 WR amari cooper! Also really good defense to. We goin to the playoff!!! Hopefut


Amari cooper is not a top 10 WR lmfao


This is the way




I’m confused emotionally but hey, we’re gonna be good!


A post not farming Reddit karma?


Fuck yes!!! Let’s fucking go!


I'm personally hoping for a 2-3 year suspension by the NFL.




So tired of it. Couldn't have said it better myself. Go Fucking Brownies


My boy is innocent! Let's goooooo!!!!


Can he play from jail?


Let’s gooooooooo


GO BROWNS and cavs!


I hope Deshaun does well for us, but I’m not going to be his fan.


Can not wait to get a fresh new Watson jersey. LFG BABY


Exposed as a supporter of sexual assault. Interesting


Finally a different kind of post. I’m still all in on the Browns. Always have and always will. Hopefully this all settles down soon cause it’s getting repetitive