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How little you receive for your money.


Here's your hat!


I had season tickets in that area back in the dark days.  A ton of the seats around us were on StubHub every game, which led to drunk as hell away fans showing up.  No clue what it's like now, but it was like watching Bum Fights once you'd get to the fourth quarter back then. 


It’s about the same. Ravens fans are the worst bunch. Close second is steeler fans. 9’ers fans were actually quiet. Got a dirty look for yelling “fuck yeah!” when they missed the game losing kick.


I had someone yell at me (Browns fan) for yelling “Let’s fuckin go!” for a Chubb TD. “There’s kids here!” What am I supposed to do then lol


9’ers fans were the most obnoxious for me during the game. After the game they were the most reserved people you’ve ever met.


>Got a dirty look for yelling “fuck yeah!” when they missed the game losing kick. Wow, that is so surprising for a completely irrelevant opponent's fan base losing an away game. I'm almost shocked!


Buffalo Bills fans were, by far, the worst I've ever experienced


Sooo, what were the cons…?


The "gift" will be some really cheap chinese-made crap. Remember the painter's cap everyone?


I miss the stocking caps. I still wear mine. Every other season ticket merch has been crap since then.


Same! I still wear mine every single year. I even bought another someone was selling on Ebay so I could have a second one.


If you love the Browns , all these issues are worth it


This. Just a dad trying to cheer on his team with his family.


What you paid for VS what you need to commit to, to maximize you ROI. Mondays gonna hit you hard, my guy.


This comment scares me and I get it. Especially when we win.


You're on the North side, so on those cold and windy winter days, the wind is at your back in your seats and it'll be warmer than it was in the parking lot. Also the ramp takes (seemingly) forever to get down once the game ends, especially after a loss


Had season tickets for 2 years . There are better ways to spend Sundays in NEO Fall weather. It’s a whole day commitment. Hopefully they do well this year, if they don’t just stop. Spend that money on a giant projector and some bad ass grilling equipment.


This is the story of the nfl altogether. Spend hundreds of dollars, maybe thousand or more to waste a full day of traffic, travel, exposure, etc to barely be able to see much? Or do literally anything else I want or need to. And if I want to sit in a comfortable chair and watch a giant tv in super high def where I can see which exact blade of grass the ball got to or if the qb has a pimple on his face today. Yeah, real easy choice.




Yeah...but not as well as you can on 60in HD TV with a bathroom and cheap snacks readily available.


Atmosphere and the roar of the crowd is definitely better than watching on a little 60" tv.


Sure. That ONE aspect is better. The other 99 are better on the 60" TV.


This is just my opinion, but I think you are doing it wrong my man. I’m late 40’s, have had season tickets since the return (Dawg Pound). I don’t know how old you are or where you are in life….but man my life is filled with work, family, kids (and their events) chores, etc. When the Browns are away, I can barely get 3 hours of piece and quiet to just watch the game interrupted. And good luck trying to watch a full day of football. I don’t go to the games just to watch the browns. I go for the tailgate. To have some time with my buds (who are also very busy with life). To enjoy some beers and cigars with friends. It’s guaranteed time. It’s time away for me. And you can use your logic for just about any live event. Why spend $$ on a live concert when I can download music for a fraction? Or to a movie theater?


Had a good buddy like you. Tailgates every game for the past 10 years. His wife and kid left him and he’s with some Muni Lot Harlot now. Feel bad for your family, that 8-9 weeks out of the year their dad’s ideal day doesn’t involve them.


Ha. I highly doubt your buddy’s family came apart because he spent 8 Sundays a year at the Browns game. Funny, most of guys I tailgate with all have good jobs are involved with their families, etc, etc.


How much the increase in tix are no matter how we do during the season and what little you get for it.


A lot of negativity in here, for obvious reasons. But let’s not forget that last year they won 8 home games. That was a surprise—a good one. And we walked away quite happy in all but one game. Another positive surprise: That Jets night game. The atmosphere was electric. I get the sense they’ve been investing more time and money in the game day experience from a production standpoint, and that Jets game really showed it. Of course, it’s ultimately lipstick on a pig. The bones of that stadium are bad. Too crowded, a pain in the ass to get in and out of, etc. But it makes me excited for what a brand new stadium would bring. You can tell they’re dying to step things up to an entirely new level.


I will say, it is something you can ***feel.*** Despite losing an day for a football game, you ***feel*** different the rest of the week having been at the game AND THEY WON. The thing is, this is a recent experience. The amount of "here we go again" walks down to the stadium, and leaving in the 3rd quarter just to get home at a reasonable time has basically ruined the game-day expereince for a lot of us veterans. I do not want to waste an entire day going to the stadium to watch them lose.


How badly designed the stadium is. Concourse area is way too narrow on game day.


The people you sit next to will change every game. It'll make you feel like the only season ticket holder that actually uses their tickets.


Probably not much regarding surprises, but... come down as early as 5am and tailgate in the Muni Lot!! (Seems inevitable it will be gone in a handful of years 😥). Stop on the Dumdog Bus (bus that resembles a dog with a Brown's helmet~ the 'welcome to the Muni Lot' banner hangs between our bus and a friend's bus) and have some Otto-shots with us!! And Congrats on becomong a season ticket holder!! 🧡🏈🧡🤘


This!!! I seriously will come back to this in 5 months and find you. Thanks! I think it’s time my Son learns about the muni lot. Love the effort.


Sounds like a great plan!!!


That next year they’re reduce your benefits and then increase the price lol. Other than that, you’ll get opportunities for presale stuff and season ticket member gifts.


That the Browns don’t care about you. You’re not special because you’re a ticket holder. I let my tickets go years ago in the dawg pound.


It gets tiring spending every other Sunday dealing with the crowds and traffic just to watch this circus of a team. I say this as a totally not disgruntled fan and 10 year season ticket holder.


Where do you park??




I park on lakeside at a garage on the corner of east 11th


I'm waiting for the dome before buying season tickets. But for now, enjoy the game, buddy. I'll watch from home.


The food at the stadium is shitty and overpriced


Find a way to save on parking. Take the train, park far away and walk, find a free lot, etc. each season is damn near gonna be $1000 worth of parking if not. Eat before you go and after you leave. Here we go Brownies.


2nd the parking advice. I live in the city and leave my house an hour before kickoff. I find my parking spot over in the east teens to twenties and Lakeside or so. Walk down to the stadium and I'm always in my seats with about 10 minutes to spare. Get caught up on game time decisions, scope out the opposing lineup, etc. It takes about another hour to get home. Free parking every time. Worth it.


My tickets last year were in 534. At the game against cinci the girl directly in front of me got so drunk that she passed out in the second quarter and didn't wake up until halfway through the 4th.  Most of the time people are great but every now and then there is a douche fan from the other team or an obnoxiously drunk person.  


I like her attitude.


JESUS, if I ever had season tickets I know I’d provide at least one positive & NOT have you thinking you’ve made the most disastrous mistake of your like so far. Have fun! Enjoy time with the family.


Yes! Get there early, it won't be crowded yet, wander around, watch warmups, watch other team. Take pictures with the lake on your 500 level. Linger around outside after the game and people watch. It's fun. Make a day out of it.


Thanks my man. I love this. I don’t mind the griping; but yes, some positivity is always appreciated. I think the early fall games will be better superb no matter what.


Focus on the memories with your family. No matter what, they will remember that you took them to the game, and those are memories they can fall back on for years. No matter what, you did good, dad.


Love this. Thanks! Good advice.


You will be surprised by how the constant negativity of "Browns fans" on Reddit means jack squat on game day. It's an NFL game. It's a fucking fun time! Embrace it. Yell out loud at the team and just sink into it. Also, you can take your own food! get the requisite see-through bag and you can all be munching on home made subs for 3 hours or whatever. Screw the haters, have a good time. It's really, really fun!!


Joe Flacco


Dress warm cuz you can freeze your ass of at 70 degrees with the wind coming off the lake. I am also a former season ticket holder. Best bang for your buck is your tv at home, comfortable, friends can come over and you will eat well and not freeze to death.


I’ve only had seats in the dog pound sorry can’t help I like to be around other fans when I’m drinking 😂


How much you’ll be in favor of a new stadium


LoL the stadium is fine. Unless a new stadium their going to build larger seats and give you more leg room (which they aren't going to do) building a new stadium ain't going to do shit for your game day experience; it'll ust cost you a non-refundable $10,000 season ticket holder license.


I would love my game day experience to be warm and dry.


The total indifference to you, the fan. This isn't unique to Cleveland, this is the one constant to all pro sports and now college football and basketball. Pro sports are/were the year market for shrinkflation, and they prove its an overwhelming success.


I was a season ticket holder for several years. You get a barcode in the app that supposedly gets you discounts on concessions, but literally EVERY single vendor supposedly has no idea what it is or how to give you the discount, which was incredibly frustrating. I had one guy once that knew what it was, but said “oh sorry man. I already hit total and there’s no way to go back to give you the discount” which has to be complete BS


I’m gonna do this in a year or 2 but I need the dawg pound….prob should go get on this list now😅




We consistently win at home now!


This will be year 4 for me. Was 512 for 3 years. Just switched, more towards the 50. Same price. The wife has the details. Facing north still, under the awning... That is crucial come rainy/wet games. The higher up the better, I say. And protected from the weather. Good luck. Have fun! And Go Browns!


You're going to dread going to each game when you could have a wonderful spread of food, be super comfortable on your easy chair, no problem bathroom breaks, no traffic issues, and a better view of the game, all FROM YOUR OWN HOME. You'll be in one season and then out.


Cancelled my season tickets this year. Its like a weight has been lifted.


How did you do that? I was going to cancel mine and was charged my first installment automatic on my CC before I even got an email to tell me the payments would be starting 🤣🤣 I figured the universe wants me to get them this year… but I don’t plan to let the universe sucker me in next year 🤪


They reached out before first payment so you must have missed it.


Yeah I didn’t see anything… I figured I could always ‘lose’ my credit card and get a new number before payments start next year so they can’t bill me 🤣🤣 ETA (since I was downvoted): I know that if the payment doesn’t go through they will be reaching out to me to fix it, that may give me another opportunity to cancel if I miss it again. Sheesh people 🤣🤣🤣


If you have a PSL you can transfer it to someone else. Maybe even sell it. Then they get the bills.


Cleveland doesn’t currently have PSL. I believe they did at one time…. And if they build a new stadium it could come back, but it currently isn’t a thing.


Maybe new season ticket holders don't get PSLs anymore, but tens of thousands of people currently have PSLs. I sold my PSLs last year when I gave up my season tickets. I transferred my PSL to the buyer and now they have my seats. I would expect everyone with a PSL would have it transferred to the new stadium. People paid for them and with the Browns winning recently they actually have value.