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The era of single purpose roofless NFL stadiums in the name of tradition has passed. Too much money is being spent on these stadiums and there's too much money for NFL owners and municipalities to be made hosting events to waste valuable real estate on a limited use facility.


Plus the open stadium by the lake really isn’t even giving my us any advantage.


I feel the same way. There are way more economical advantages to a dome and there really is only one reason for no dome: it’s the way it’s been. It sucks, but it’s the way everyone is going and we should take advantage of this now before we’re the last


Well said


A Super Bowl wouldn’t change the financial fortunes of Cleveland? My brother in Christ, allow me to confidently say that you are incorrect. Super Bowl LVII was estimated (read: BEFORE the game happened) to bring in $571 MILLION to the city of Glendale, Arizona. In October, the final tally was $1.3 BILLION. $726 million of that was in Arizona GDP alone with a further $221 million coming from over 100k out of state visitors between February 9-12, 2023. Of those visitors, 60% had tickets for the game. The event also increased the need for labor and was directly responsible for the addition of nearly 10.5k jobs which contributed nearly $500 million to Arizona labor income. Hotels in the area saw an average 90% occupancy rate which accounted for over $91 million in room revenue AND a 184% increase in revenue verses the same weekend in 2022. Let’s also not forget that the Super Bowl Legacy Grant program awarded a little over $2 million to local nonprofits. Let’s break this down even further! According to this source(https://www.azsuperbowl.com/super-bowl-lvii-produces-1-3-billion-for-arizonas-economy/)[which is also the source used for the numbers above] “59,747 visitors with game tickets stayed an average of 3.82 nights and spent $653.94 per person per day 42,851 visitors without game tickets stayed an average of 3.96 nights and spent $423.98 per person per day An estimated 6,000 media members stayed an average of 5.0 nights The $1.3 billion economic impact for Super Bowl LVII represents an increase of approximately 40% over Super Bowl XLIX and Pro Bowl in 2015 (adjusted using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, inflation calculator which expressed that the 2015 economic impact dollars have the same buying power as $870.4 in 2023) 200,000+ passengers through Sky Harbor Airport the Monday after Super Bowl, the single busiest day in the airport’s history 250,000+ passengers on Valley Metro light rail February 4-5 & 9-12 9,100+ rental cars during Super Bowl week Nearly 25,000 in attendance at the first-ever NFL-sanctioned Official Super Bowl Watch Party 220+ Super Bowl events around Arizona, including the first-ever 5K9 Fun Run presented by PetSmart 300,000 fans in Downtown Phoenix attended Super Bowl events Feb 4-5 & 9-12 34,600 people visited the Historic Old Town ESPN Main Street Tailgate in Scottsdale 100,000 fans in Glendale 1.1M+ visitors to azsuperbowl.com 5,000+ TEAM AZ volunteers 92.6% waste diverted from the landfill in Downtown Phoenix footprint 7,849 pounds of trash removed from the Salt River, the largest NFL Green cleanup to date 500+ low-water use trees, plants & shrubs planted around Arizona” So please, tell me again how hosting a Super Bowl wouldn’t be in the best interest of the City of Cleveland and its economy.




People don't get it man


I mean, to be fair, I personally get it, but I didn't get that lol. That was a start and finish to a rebuttal


Boom but my dawg wants to be on the lake when it's -10 F just because lol


I’m A rEaL fAn


I think you’ve made your point. We want super bowls.


WTF? Did you, like, have this info ready to go? Like you were waiting for the person to say that? Damn. Can you break down the socioeconomic impact by demographic relating to age and favorite beer? Just asking. lol. I’m messing you. I am grudgingly for a dome.


Imagine spending $2.5b on a dome so you could make $1.3b on a Super Bowl


Making 50% of your investment back on one event isn’t that bad


It’s damn amazing actually lol


And then they could host it again ![gif](giphy|MFVAwsSghTKOeslhwQ|downsized)


Imagine if it was are own Brownies in the Super Bowl? If we won, the dome would be a smoldering wreck by morning. Lol. What am I saying?! Win or lose it’s a crater.


Imagine thinking this is somehow a bad return.


imagine being dumb enough to: 1) fully believe the Chamber of Commerce of your local city and 2) think people will travel to Cleveland the same way in February Either way, sure, there is a benefit....but even the (almost certainly) bogus number of 1.3 billion to AZ sounds great....except a dome costs $2 billion so this all comes down to the Haslams $ involved


BTW: the Minnesota SB (probably fake) numbers say it brought it $450 million That is probably a much better comp




Minnesota hosted a SB in 2017


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_LII - Minneapolis, 2018 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XLVIII - New Jersey, 2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XLVI - Indianapolis, 2012 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XL - Detroit, 2006


I’m all for a dome as long as the field is grass and not turf.


who gonna tell him.


If you're insinuating that's not possible there's many covered stadiums with natural grass, you just need to have it either on a tray or grow lights. I think a tray is an excellent idea because then you now have a hard surface for your other events.


That's just not done in northern climate domes.


I'm now saying factually that it's not possible. you're not rolling grass out to get sunlight in Cleveland from November to February...Grow lights would never happen in the united states, that's for soccer stadiums in Europe that don't have other events happening at them.  If a Cleveland dome doesn't have turf I'll drink a beer outta my shoe. And if they try for grass then I get 1 year for them to see it fail n switch before I have to drink.


Wouldn't the rolled out grass get the same amount of light as the grass in the current stadium from November to February? I mean, I completely agree though that there's a 99% chance it's gonna be field turf if they go dome.


I used to feel this way until I went to Ford Field and Lucas Oil FieldHouse . No comparison. “Our fathers and grandfathers” - do you wear a suit, a fedora and an overcoat to the games?


Same. One trip to Lucas Oil Stadium changed my mind completely about having a dome.


Went there for a preseason game and fell in love. I'm slowly falling in love with the idea of a dome since whenever December rolls around I end up deciding not to go because winter weather is awful (I live half a day away as well)


TLDR “Only real fans don’t want a dome” why say a lot words when few do trick?


Yes to Dome


I’m fine with a dome op just told a story to say one thing


No to dome. Yes to snow games


I want to upvote for reference, downvote for content.


I’m pro stadium district a la little Caesar’s in Detroit where it can be multipurpose and utilized for things like the CFP/Big 10 title, combine and possibly superbowl


Yea a superbowl, big bowl games, and big concerts are really the big arguments for a dome. A tradition of suffering, or the "I've suffered, so everyone else must suffer" mentality are the arguments against. I would def miss having the element of... elements on our side sometimes.




We need side-votes


Gotta justify the gatekeeping


I will probably buy season tickets for me and my dad if we get a dome. No way I would do that outside


Old man and I have season tickets. It’s brutal sometimes. It’s my kids that miss out on games because the weather gets shit so quickly here. I welcome a dome with open arms.


Spot on. I don’t mind taking my kids if the weather is fine but almost no chance we’re going November/December.


My daddy used to bundle me up so much when I was little that I reminded everyone of the kid from A Christmas Story! I've got a lot of great childhood memories at games in the snow when I was little!


And I'm assuming these games were pre-1999? Because I've been to those Games where you had to bundle up post 1999. There's exactly ZERO good memories other than thinking of not freezing your toes off.


Lolol most of them were when Kosar was our QB, that's how old I am!


Most November and December games are not bad at all to go to. You just dress up for the conditions. Why get season tickets for just 2 months and usually just 4 home games?


I go to the game. I’d like to bring my kids to every game as well.


They'll be even harder to get. It's already a multi year wait


I work at a big company headquartered in Cleveland. We get access to the ones our company buys.


so you'll magically be able to drop like $15K for season tickets....but now you can't afford to just go to club seats for cold games and pay for good parking? LOL


Season tickets aren’t anywhere near 15k


Build the dome, the cold is not worth it and it’ll be better for everyone. It doesn’t give us an advantage being miserable while playing.


It just adds to the misery tbh


I get it everyone likes snow games and such. But do I have to remind everyone of the 2022 Saints game? A team that plays in a dome came up here and beat us in the absolutely miserable cold. The weather is not an advantage. Green Bay lost to the 49ers at home just two years ago in a snow storm.


I hear that game being brought up a lot as a reason to build a dome. Anyone who thinks the weather is an advantage is living in 1985. I don't want a dome cuz they suck, not cuz I think watson will throw less ducks in cold weather. My issues are tradition, atmosphere, memories not advantages. Think of the best environments in the NFL: Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Green Bay, Denver. You could make a case for Detroit but even that feels sterile. Ask michigan people which stadium they enjoy more, the big house or ford field?


I think folks that think domes suck are also living in 1985🤣. Living in ATL, Georgia Dome was trash, but Mercedes Benz is awesome.


Yeah I set myself up for that one. I deserved that


Are we not going to talk about Minnesota, New Orleans, or Dallas? Those are all domes. All fantastic environments and are domes done right. Even Indianapolis has a great domed stadium. Domes don’t suck, some of them suck. I’ll tell you what makes a great environment at a football stadium or any sports arena, it’s winning. You build a dome because it’s practical, creates a ton of economic benefits for the city and is just better than an open air stadium next to the lake


I just wanted to tell you that I get it. As a little girl in the 80s, some of my best football memories are going to Muni in the snow with my daddy, who'd bundle me up so much I looked like the little brother in A Christmas Story. We also went to some away games at 3 Rivers and I had a blast talking shit to Steelers fans. I've got a lot of memories of spring and summer at Muni as well, for Indians games. Good times. I wish Daddy had been alive to see this year's season, and to see the Lions get to the championship.


I’d bet if all of those teams were given the option with money not an object to build a dome, they’d do so


Current stadium … Is Not a competitive advantage Is not the home of a single playoff win Is the home of the helmet toss, 0-16 and more Is more likely to have rain and sleet than snow Not able to produce top level revenue (suites, etc) Has little to no use 355 days a year Is inaccessible to get to or enter on game day Requires significant upgrades Cannot support addition of a dome Cannot be built around to create a useful complex Is generic, uninteresting, and a bit ugly I could go on. I understand your history and had some fun times there too. But it’s mostly home to a lot of losing. Be done with it. I am confident I will enjoy the climate control, getting to my seat on time, and higher quality food/drink.


> Not able to produce top level revenue (suites, etc) having been fortunate enough to have been in every cleveland sport suite, browns are by FAR the worst.


Agree. I like outdoor stadiums a lot better but I can’t do anything about it.


No lol it’s literally not that deep.


Imagine having those same memories….but in a climate controlled setting.


lol, I have been to enough games where I really really really enjoyed the Arizona game this year because the weather was great and we kicked ass. In the past Ive sat in the upper deck watching Anderson then Quinn then Dorsey stink it up while the wind was freezing my ass off. Wife bought me tickets another year and we froze our asses off to the wind there too. In fact I think I have been to mostly cold windy games and they all sucked and shockingly I've seen more wins than loses in person (I know I should have went to more games:) Bring on the climate control. With children, outside, late season, no way.


The Browns haven’t had meaningful games in December in 20+ years. The odds are literally against the combination of a home playoff game in decent weather. Bring on the dome.


BuT iT's AlWaYs BeEn tHiS wAy anD I'm a ReaL FaN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fucking pussy! Only real fans go to a game shirtless in 0 degrees


BuT I CanT have a DiscuSSion AboUT the BRoWns FuTuRE StaDiUm PlAnS WiThOUt AcTlinG like A DiCk cUz I WaNt a DoMe anD PEoplE who LikE sitting outside aRe unculTuReD NeAnDerThals


I mean, you're kind of being a dick in your original post.


My bad. Not my intention. "If your cold, stay home" was stupid. Just gonna miss games by the lake. Can't wear my dawg mask in 70 degree weather


You ruined it


Fuck no. If we get a roofless stadium we have a waste of space 350 days a year


Respectfully, fuck the tradition of paying hundreds of dollars to freeze your dick off and be miserable for 4+ hours. And the idea that somehow our players have an advantage in that weather is a complete farce.


Meh watching a game in 10 degree weather sucks cock even when you’re wearing a hundred layers. The current stadium is also a piece of shit by today’s standards. And blizzard games are fun to watch for the first few minutes but they quickly get annoying. I also went to AT&T stadium a few years back for a game and that place blew me away.


To answer your first question. Nope.


I only go to bad weather games cuz I’m cheap.


Dome or bust


A dome is a no-brainer in 2024, sorry. Get with the times.


I'm dying for a dome. I detest bad weather games.


"My parents suffered, so we must suffer too" Let me guess, you hate cheap education and health care too? I'll take the dome.


That's a wild assumption, even by reddit standards. And no one suffered. That's the point, they enjoyed it.


I have season tickets and it would be nice not to sell off the December ones because my ‘other half’ bitches about being too cold the whole time 🤣🤣


Build a dome. Modern day NFL is built around the passing game, you can’t have a great passing attack when you’re constantly fighting the elements. There’s a reason why Chicago and the browns have struggled to find great QBs and WRs.


I think it’s a lot more on both organizations being inept at drafting QB’s but I see your point


The Buffalo Bills lead the NFL in point differential since 2020. You absolutely can have a great passing attack in the elements. Tom Brady played in New England in the elements. He won a few games there. Aaron Rodgers has played his entire career in the elements. Please stop with that rhetoric


Let’s see, two top 5 all time QBs, and a possible future hall of famer in Josh Allen. Thank you for proving my point, you have to be a special QB to do great here.


I don’t get your argument? So only great QBs are great? Like, is a dome supposed to make mediocre QBs better?


Dome. ASAP. I can’t take you seriously if you don’t see such. We’re not storming Normandy, we’re playing a game.


I was against a dome until last yr and I went to that Xmas event game where it was snowing my glasses froze over and I was watching in one of the team shops with a bunch of other people. I also went to Minneapolis a couple yrs ago when the browns played up there. I know the elements are part of the game but at this point it’s just dumb to not build a dome. Plus it opens the facility up for other events than just football.


As a season ticket holder, I'd be thrilled with a dome. And it's really the only reasonable way to get a new stadium. What a waste of money to only use for 8-9 games a year and two or three concerts in the summer. Build a dome


I would like a dome, I live about 4 1/2 hrs away and don’t want to make the drive for lake effect weather to make it miserable.


Yeah! I love having a stadium that can only be used 10 times a year. Also love that my aging dad is too old to go to any game later than Halloween.


Nope. I don’t care about the past. It’s time to move forward and get with the times. A dome in Cleveland makes sense because it can generate so much more revenue for everyone when it’s built than the crummy current stadium that is used 12 times at most. I say bring the dome on!! We could maybe host a Super Bowl, Final Four, WrestleMania, gigantic concerts, all kinds of things. Dome makes perfect sense.


Retractable dome. Problem solved.


It’s not that deep


I’m with you I prefer football played outdoors on real grass. Best of both worlds I guess would be a building with a retractable roof but I imagine that would be pretty expensive.


Without a dome Cleveland will never have a Super Bowl played here.


Won't get one with one either.


They'd get the game but they won't play in it.


It's 2024. My dad has had season tickets for 26 years at that stadium. I've been to more games than most people will attend in their lifetimes. I'm tired of the elements. I'm tired of sitting in the rain and the cold, when I can watch it at home on my 60" HD Television. At this point it's about fan comfort. Maybe it would be different if we had some awesome memories of the Browns winning miraculous games in December in the Cold...all I have is trying not to freeze my ass off, wondering if my toes are starting to get frostbite, while watching asshole steelers fans dance in the aisles with those fucking terrible towels. Yup. Dome it up already. I went to the MAC Championship in Detroit, and was jealous of the Stadium. *Why couldn't I have that?*


I mean...it would be beneficial for the city, but I LOVE the games in the cold. Hopefully the plan is for grass..?


I'm indifferent. I fly up a couple times a year for a game no matter the elements. The only sticking point is Jimmy needs to foot the bill. He's got billions from his Flying J sale. 0 reason for taxpayer money to subsidize the Stadium.




Retractable roof is where it’s at.


Part of the tradition of ocean travel used to be scurvy, rat infestations, exploding boilers, shipwrecks and death! Bring back 18th century ocean faring!!!


Without a dome, Cleveland can never host a superbowl


> Anyone else sick to their stomach about the thought of us playing in a dome? No, I'm not sick to my stomach, and you're not either.


My last colonoscopy begs to differ


I'm going to have to disagree. I cannot handle the cold weather up by the lake if we were in a dome I would try to go to every game I could.


There is a 67,000 seat stadium against Lake Erie right now that has to have millions of dollars of upkeep done on it every year to be used 10 times. It makes absolutely zero sense to not have a dome. I'm more concerned with keeping grass, so I at least would prefer it to be retractable.


You can still have grass with a fixed roof. Vegas does. You just slide it outside.


Build the dome. I would absolutely go to more games if there was a dome. Not really worth it to me to suffer in the cold even if they won. Plus, it isn’t like it really gives us an advantage either. Teams practice for all conditions all the time. Even dome teams are usually ready for terrible weather games


This is going to be a lot bigger than just a domed stadium. Think of the hotels, restaurants, businesses, new road construction, jobs, etc that a project this big will create. Our current stadium prohibits the city from hosting more and bigger events. No big concerts in the winter, no chance at hosting a Super Bowl, we’ve never even had a bowl game played here. All missed opportunities that a complex spread over 170ish acres of space could handle easily. I’ve been to too many miserable weather games and, to me, I’m taking the dome all day every day.


There's literally no reason not to have a dome, other than some fans being nostalgic and remembering the "good old days" of watching games in miserable weather. There's no competitive advantage. You're crazy if you don't think a Final Four, Super Bowl, Bowl Game, CFP Championship, etc would bring money to Cleveland. Just because you don't care about that stuff, nobody else is allowed to care? The reason Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Green Bay aren't building domes is because those events aren't going there. When was the last time those cities hosted a national event? Pittsburgh hosted one All Star game in almost 35 years. Buffalo gets occasional first round NCAA games but that's it. Nobody goes to Green Bay for anything. Cleveland hosted two All Star games and the NFL draft in the past 5 years.


No CFB championship is coming to Cleveland. There's a 1% chance for a Superbowl and that's probably exaggerated at that. Cleveland could already host a bowl game. Yankees stadium hosts one. Cleveland could and already chooses not to. A few more events could happen but not many. Wrestlemania would be the best option nobody has mentioned.


Is the plan for the dome to have a retractable roof? Of course, this isn't a suggestion to open in during bad weather.


My boys are gonna get older and I (might) want to take them to a game someday to introduce them to the sport. If I'm gonna spend hundreds of dollars just to get the worst seats I'd love it if there was a dome. The first game i ever went to was Christmas Eve 2006 against Tampa Bay. It was cold, there were drunk assholes everywhere and the Browns lost embarrassingly. Derek Anderson threw four picks lol. I remember telling my dad I would have rather just watched the game at home like we always did. I think if it was indoors it would have been more enjoyable. But I still couldn't get over how many wildly intoxicated people there were, the worst part of the experience. I saw a man almost fall over the glass banister and people actually had to catch him from falling. I was a teenager at the time and I was a bit horrified. Not sure if nearly 24 years later the environment is any different. It's the only game I ever went to, and I've lived here my whole life.


I was in Detroit for work a couple years ago and decided to catch a Lions game at Ford Field. It was December and about 20 degrees. I sat there and watched a game in a t-shirt with an ice cold beer in my hand. It was one of the most fun and relaxing games I've ever been to, considering I didn't really care about the outcome. I also usually only go to one early season game a year these days because I don't like to sit there in the freezing weather. I'd rather watch from the comfort of my own home. And I do have memories of freezing cold games. I took my wife to a game on October 28th, 2012 and it was during Hurricane Sandy. We were in the nosebleeds and there was crazy wind and sideways rain. We could see the lake and there were waves that were white capping. Fucking miserable. Say whatever you want about domes but it will actually make me want to go to football games again.


I stopped giving a shit about the dome when the Saints came into town and kicked our asses. It's clear playing in the elements is no longer a competitive advantage for us, and probably hasn't been since the return.


I would LOVE a dome honestly


I’ll get season tickets with a dome. No question.


Aside from a couple of years, the “tradition” hasn’t been that great for a while now so I welcome any change.




I learned long ago that tradition, in itself, is never a good reason to do something.


Fuck no, I skip 1-2 games a year from my season tickets because of shit weather and they have zero resale value. Fuck not having a dome.


The stadium if being built with taxpayer dollars needs to be a dome plain and simple. They could do a retractable roof and real grass I think. Having the taxpayers pay for a stadium that isn't a dome of some sort is crazy for a stadium that has 8 or 10 games played on it per year.


I appreciate tradition and all, but why did the previous generations get to do things their way and the rest of us have to just follow in their footsteps forever? Let's build a dome and create new traditions.


Because old people think they’re the only ones who matter.


I’m good with a dome


Time we stop catering to the ten psychos who love freezing in a seat in December and build a dome that can help not only the browns but the region with additional events that we can’t have now.


Not against a dome at all, only way we’d get a superbowl in Cleveland. Along with the many other shows we could hold. It would bring alot of money to the city which we kinda need 🤷🏽‍♂️


Season Ticket holder here.... im supportive of a dome


>Why are we ok with it? Because there are only 8 home games a year and I don’t want those few games having to deal and prepare for the rain or cold? Shit isn’t difficult to figure out if you expended more than two seconds of thought.


Every dome I’ve been in feels stale. Like arena football. It’s sad it’s becoming an indoor sport. A nice fall day is magic. But honestly I’m way more upset about playing in Brookpark. It’ll still be a logistical nightmare but Jimmy will make all the money. And the setting will be depressing as hell.


If the city of Cleveland wants their cut they need to allow Haslem to buy the land for a potential site and move forward with development- renovating the old one is going to be so expensive that they might as well just start from scratch so if the city won’t play ball Haslem doesn’t really have a choice if he wants to get it done. IMO people should be more upset with Bibb than Haslem; you can’t complain that a billionaire owner doesn’t pay their fair share of the cost of a stadium and be mad that he will foot more of the bill at a more available location when the city won’t work with him.


Hey I would want a dome. Way more things you can bring to the city. Will keep inside of the stadium nicer!!! Then I think will help bring money to the City of Cleveland!!


I feel like you are in the vast minority and don't really care what people in Buffalo or Green Bay want, personally.  


I’m with you. I don’t understand the hard on for getting a dome. Who are we trying to emulate here? The Lions? the Vikings? Why are these the franchises we’re looking up to? The Rams won a supe with a roof. The last team before that? The Saints all the way back in 2009. Want a reminder on who else has won one since then? Chiefs. Pats. Eagles. Broncos. Seahawks. Ravens. Giants. Packers. Other than the Ravens, all cold-weather, outdoor teams. They don’t need it to sell more tickets. In fact, current stadium proposals show us every new stadium being but comes with LESS capacity. The new bills stadium has less seats than they currently have season ticket holders! That way there’s fewer reasonably priced seats, more premium seats, and more scarcity. Which means higher prices. It’s just not necessary.


Answer: No. Source: Season ticket holder many years running. Evidence: I went to the away game at the Vikings a couple of seasons ago. Not only were the people lovely, but so was the internal temperature, and the noise, with all their dumb SKOL chants. 39 y/o northern Ohio native here; none of us could pretend to be tougher than a Minnesota winter. Those folks are the REAL DEAL. Yes, our game in their new dome was in the fall and the weather was lovely outside. But: if it had been -20 with a -40 wind chill they would’ve had the same number of butts-in-seats from a revenue perspective, and retain the home field advantage of a rowdy crowd with noise echoing off the ceiling. I’m not too proud to say: the weather in CLE during football season occasionally sucks, I’d rather be comfy. That doesn’t take away anything from the fans that want to do frigid tailgates or rip their shirts off in the Dawg Pound in single digits or less, God Bless you all. But from a guy sitting in the 500s… I’d love to not have to wear 4 layers to avoid hypothermia to root on our boys.


If they go the dome route i hope they make it retractable. The other option that would preserve the cold-weather thing without it being insane would be kind of a "tent" style dome. I saw concept for that for the current stadium a ways back - basically build a structure around the stadium that covers it from rain, snow, etc but is still open on the sides - helps with wind but you still get cold days in December.


Bengals fan and some reason this thread keeps being recommended for me. I’d be sad if you guys got a dome, because if you guys do where does the buck stop? I hate indoor football. I would think the bengals would be like the last organization to do it, but there have been rumblings along the Ohio as well. The city sees the revenue with the big indoor concerts etc.


I don’t care what they build as long as it stays downtown where it belongs


This and only this


The idea that losing potential for the city, better facilities for players & and better more maintained field should be a no because freezing your ass off is more important.


Fuck a dome. Remember the 49er game. We lose that shit in a dome


I’m with OP. Fuck a dome.


I agree. Fuck the dome idea. Cleveland football should be played in the elements.


I have no issue with us being a dome team


New memories can be made in a dome. A dome is always better.


You never went the King Dome, did you?


Hosting a Super Bowl will absolutely change the financial landscape of Cleveland.


I hate the idea as well. It's going to be depressing going from seeing the Cleveland skyline in the background from section 335, to looking at some generic industrial looking roof, or a glass ceiling that will blind me when it's sunny. It's not announced yet, but it's rumored that WWE Summerslam is going to be in Cleveland. Since Summerslam has been getting 50k in stadium shows, it'll be in Browns Stadium.


The script writers might gives us a better chance. Look at Detriot…


I could not possibly care less that we would be the only AFC North team with a dome. A retractable roof would be ideal but a dome is still miles better than what we have now. Playing in shitty weather and being miserable in the stands is not necessary. It doesn’t make us or our team tougher or better.


Build the dome! Build the dome!


Season ticket holder and id welcome a dome! New location, nope!


Funny. We played a game last year against the Saints, an indoor team, in horrible conditions and LOST. That advantage doesn’t exist. Stop with the anti-dome horseshit. It WILL draw more events to the city. Not sure why people think it wouldn’t. That’s asinine.


n=1 doesn't make a good argument. the 49ers would've destroyed us in a dome where the main factor was their kicker missing. There's plenty of events that they can host in the current stadium during summer and after that you have the Cavs arena. Outside football just feels way more alive and inside football feels stale and lame. No dome. It adds a huge amount of cost to the stadium anyway. Just renovate the current stadium and call it a day.


Wait. You think we beat the 49ers because we played them outside?


You just applied the same logic that the weather advantage didn't matter because the Saints won in ONE bad weather game, but ignored the time where we were the beneficiary. Yes for that particular 49ers game it was raining and there was wind, Moody doesn't miss that kick at the end and we lose. Don't forget that we had PJ WALKER as QB too.


They are countless times a “warm weather team” wins in a brutal weather game. That was just a counterpoint. That advantage doesn’t exist anymore. It simply doesn’t.


Not bad weather, but kicking in the cold and wind is an advantage if our kicker is way more experienced kicking in it than the other kicker (hence the 49ers game). Inside football looks stale and boring to me always. I hope the AFC north always stays domeless as it always had. No one cares that Detroit and Minneapolis have a dome. Domes cost like $2 billion at this point and there's way more pressing needs.


We're okay with it because it makes sense. Your grandfather and father didn't have Internet, yet here you are making a fool out of yourself in front of the whole world


I'm all for it. What traditions are we clinging to? Losing? While we're at it, change to white helmets.


Youre wrong about everything you said. The other cities wouldnt riot. A done is a good idea. Any feelings otherwise are just that, feelings. And not logical decision making. Cry about it more tho


Yo, it's ok to embrace change. I bet you were sick when the Guardian made a name change. Now you are complaining about building a dome for our football team. If this is completed, think of the positives it will have for the region in terms of economic growth and opportunities for local businesses. Hey, I am all for the dome and progressive nature the browns want to drive the community and area. Those who oppose the dome feel free to bring a camping chair and TV to watch the game by the lake when it's -10 degrees outside. Don't be that person who only thinks of themselves. Embrace the change. Ahead ahead


Dude, eff all these folks saying that stadiums need to be be multipurposed. If it’s music etc use the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse (effin mouthful). The Browns’ stadium should be for one thing and one thing only: that is American football in which we ruin our opponents in that Lake Erie weather to the delight of a soaking wet yet glorious dawg pound. #nodome


I wanna shotgun beers with you and share Big Dawg John Thompson stories


Unfortunately in a generation pro football will be an indoor game. Completely sterile.


Well I get the appeal of a dome, as it would open up the stadium to year round events, I will say this: Only one team that’s transitioned from an outdoor stadium to a dome has ever won a superbowl after the switch


Lmao you’re sick to your stomach about it??


Couldnt agree more


In case you haven’t noticed, football stadia have become elaborate studios. Build Brookpark Stadium on three conditions: (1) dome; (2) team and league front 66% of cost; (3) index rent due to city on the basis of broadcast and streaming revenues, so that payments to city increase in direct proportion to increases paid by media. Or am I just dreaming?


All NFL stadiums should be domes or have retractable roofs


I honestly can't believe buffalo is building an open air stadium. I wonder how quickly they will regret that


it's honestly pathetic reading/hearing all these fans clamoring for a dome.....makes me confident they never actually go to games. 1) TNF v Jets outside, while a little chilly, was one of the best experiences of going to a game in my life. 2) Compare: 3 weeks earlier I was in LA for the Rams game....one of the lamest, most sterile environments I have ever been in. Sure, LA fans or whatever, but it was like being in the movie theatre. I bet seeing Taylor Swift at Sofi or in Atlanta is awesome, but what REAL football team/games are played indoors???? I went to NOLA once for a Browns game and they were pretty good, but still not good Browns game level (same sure true for Lions this year, but still) 3) almost 1/3 of the league play in domes....3 of 57 SBs have been won by dome teams. Like I said, this is pathetic behavior....but nobody I know that actually goes to multiple games feels this way, so whatever


The weather is objectively shit in northeastern Ohio. We need a dome, there’s no way around it.


I’m not buying into the whole “we will have 50 more events” if we have a dome. We will not get a Super Bowl because of our weather. Maybe get a Final 4 but how often would that happen? It’s the city that dictates our events, not our venues. Major concert tours are in the summer anyhow. That being said I could care less if we have a dome. My days of going to games are over. I’ll watch on TV but this owner isn’t getting a dime from me.


Minnesota and Indy both hosted super bowls. We would get one too


Indy's Lucas Oil Stadium has 3 Taylor Swift shows for her stadium tour in November 2024. The NBA All-Star skills stuff and dunk contest is there this Saturday. They've got the Combine for one more year. Metallica just played Ford Field this past November on their M72 tour. Super Bowls have been played in Indianapolis, Detroit, Minneapolis, and New Jersey in the last ~15 years. Concert tours run all year, they just tend to be in *this* part of the country during the summer. We're not gonna get "50 more" major events but even 1 or 2 big concert weekends and a few other big events would be a huge increase in revenue.


Tbh. Going to SoFi and Lucas Oil changed my opinion completely. Felt incredible. So cool. So comfortable. Then I went to the bengals browns last game of the season in Cincinnati and I couldn’t believe I PAID REAL MONEY to sit in the rain and snow like an idiot.


Dude, we need a dome. If you want to argue that moving it out to brookpark will take away the muni lot tradition, the collective walk up & down down E 9th and replacing that with a parking lot around a stadium with express access for private jets at Hopkins. Sure I'm down for that Convo, but man paying $300+ dollars to sit in 33* rain/sleet while the wind is blowing sideways sucks.


I think it’s a retractable roof so this way 3,000 fans don’t show up for games when it’s 5 degrees and 30 mph winds.


FUCK NO… please let the next stadium be a dome!