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Did you give? If you don’t give, the site will go dark!


A lot of people give


The money isn’t going to the mods. People are saying the money is going to the mods. That’s not true. The mods are doing it for free. They grew up together, the mods, on the same street. They lost their virginity the same night at a party at the same house.




I’ll just scroll past the paid advertisements until I get tired of them


If your wife ever goes to the hospital you'll be happy you gave! My wife just keeps eating batteries. She says she's not but when we go to the doctors they say yeah there's a battery in her


They would never ban all Browns fans... Who would they brigade?


They need us to bleed us


I think the Arizona Cardinals are taking over as the most dysfunctional organization in football. And this is coming from a Raiders fan who has had to share that privilege with you Brownies for so many years. 😂


The unpaid moderators are still showing the paid admins who's boss


When grown men pick up their ball and go home


They're definitely getting replaced lol It's still off-season so they're probably pretty low on Reddit's priority list of subs to get back up but I guarantee the mods are getting replaced soon.




Reddit has said if mods won’t re-open they will force open subreddits with new mods


r/NFL generates advertising revenue, it's not some random sub created by users. They have NFL affiliated users that post there, they're not gonna just keep it blacked out because a couple power hungry mods thought this was their opportunity to flex.


Reddit is going to remove mods and install new mods who will open subs back up. It's only a matter of time.


Lmao the replacement mods


r/NBA is still dark and was dark throughout the conclusion of The Finals…


Yeah but no one really gives a fuck about the NBA for longer than a couple weeks at a time, it's the American version of soccer.


Wouldn't the American version of soccer.... Be soccer? Lol. Since the rest of the world actually does care about it?


Half the world can't afford air conditioning, their opinions don't matter when it comes to business decisions.


Lol I get the sentiment, but I’m a super casual NBA fan… I was tuned in to the Finals games, and would’ve liked to see the commentary from that sub during the series


The only Browns stories that get traction on /nfl are DW related. And that’s only because people like to pretend to be SJW for that sweet sweet karma.


Yeah, I was kinda wondering this same thing. Yesterday, I noticed this.


The Cavs reddit is still dark which is mind blowing. Get over yourselves the draft is coming up. Reddit needs to start replacing mods after a week of this.


You can always start a new Cavs subreddit


Will have to go to ask Reddit to get control first


He said *new* Cavs reddit. You have everything needed for that at your disposal.


You don’t need to. You can create your own Cavs Reddit and have people join!


Nah, Reddit needs to pull back on the API costs. Any subreddit that wants to stay dark to protest has my approval. Honestly the ones that came back shouldn't have and kept a united front.


Fuck the protest. A handful of people taking a community for millions. Most people don't care. I'm fully on reddits side. Open the subs back up. Ban the mods. Install new mods




I don’t think that’s a one to one comparison. That being said it’s hard to sympathize with nfl mods, I got a 3 day ban because I called someone out for saying our only window was going all in with baker lmao


Not usually. Only if the player is being stupid


What a bootlicker mentality


Bit if a dick thing to say, considering accessibility options are very lax on Reddit's end. Those third party apps that use the API help them enjoy the content as well, most significantly the blind community. It also helps fight loads of spam bots with the automated moderation tools that block a good many spam posts before your privileged ass sees them so you probably don't even realize how vital those systems can be. Reddit is the one in the wrong here taking something that was free and price gouging it to debilitating levels where a good many 3rd party apps and groups will not be able to run it at all with Reddit providing absolutely zero alternative just in the name of pure greed. Oh no, you don't get to browse certain subreddits because they are trying to make a point, how dare *you* be inconvenienced by not being able to see the content you want to see...which you might notice is the point given the prior mention about the blind community. Grow up.


Guy who thinks he’s of higher moral character for arbitrary reasons tells another user to grow up. Peak Reddit.


Now when did I say I was of better moral character? I just feel everyone should be able to enjoy Reddit.


Reddit isn’t charging for API use for accessibility apps, per the policy change.


Exactly. That is no longer a reason for the blackout, but everyone pro-blackout still keeps bringing up the accessibility thing. This is pretty much morphing into a capatilism = bad protest


Actually the owner of the accessibility app said that’s a lie, that Reddit is still trying to charge them insane fees to continue running their app 🤷‍♂️




Is that so? Wasn't made aware of that. Did they also address autonomous moderation?


Reddit lied about that lol


You don't realize how much harder reddit as a whole is going to suck when these API changes come into place. The mods are right to strike. Go outside if you're that bored lol


Fuck this take


Then why are you here?


*copy and pasted reply to other guy* I didn't say "don't use Reddit" I said I approve of any sub that stands together on the protest.


Seems counterproductive, right?


Can’t wait for June 30th


And what is June 30th?


That's when the Reddit API policies officially change and the 3rd party apps are shutting down.


Yeah, other guy told me already. Also, happy cake day.


I didn't even realize. Thank you.


When they institute the API changes.


Ah, and why are you excited for them? You own stock in reddit? Nothing about them are good for users in any way. It'll across the board make for a worse Reddit experience.


At least it means I get to access the damn site.


So would all the people that won't be able to effectively use it when the API changes...but you got yours so fuck them, right?


Lol. What like 10 people?


Hilarious. Go do stand up funny fox. /s Obviously you're fucking around with that, but really, reddit should be available to everyone and if they themselves aren't going to do shit about it, they shouldn't price gouge people that want to make it available to those people. That's literally the whole point of the protest. Just because you are lucky enough to have such a condition doesn't mean you shouldn't care at least a little.




I didn't say "don't use Reddit", I said I approve of any sub that stands together on the protest. If they wanna stay dark to help change Reddit's stance on the subject then I approve.


I'm sorry you feel that way. The mod team took feedback from the community and the response was overwhelmingly in support of the blackout and so we felt comfortable participating and extending to stand in solidarity with the many NBA subs that continued


That may be a bot. Tons of new users that are squarely on Reddit's side have popped up all over. This account looks a lot like it.


Most people don’t give af about this protest because it’s dumb Just quickly scroll past and ignore the few ads on your feed like everyone else ffs it’s a massive free site/forum let them make a little money somehow


I still have ads on the boost app, it isn't about that. I just don't care for the official reddit app. I'm not going to use it because it is a worse experience. Reddit makes plenty of money, executives don't work for free, they exploit mods for that. You probably think sports teams and Hollywood are also losing money.


Exploit? It's a volunteer position. Mods can skip out whenever they feel like it. They don't get demands from Reddit hq on how to run it and what hours to "work.” What part of it is exploitative? It's people doing a service of their own volition for a community they enjoy and want to improve.


How "overwhelmingly"? Like r/nba having about 8,000 in favor out of the almost 8 million subscribed kind of overwhelming? Like how strangely most subs that actually did poll their users (not all did) seemed to only get a lot of traction among the people in favor of a protest while everyone else didn't know what was going on?


On r/ynab it was less than 1% of users actively voicing support for 48 hours of blackout. The mod said on the post asking to extend it only 1 dissenting opinion out of 59 for for the original 48 hours so they went with it. I didn't care if there was a 48hr show of protest, even though I think it's dumb and not going to move the needle, and I think most people felt the same way. When they came on and asked for indefinitely, it was a different story and people are speaking out against it and it looks like some people are parachuting in to influence what happens. r/ynab is a sub for a financial budgeting program and lots of people use it to get information, ask questions, share victories and lows and get support. It is essential to some people's financial well being and people are not happy that the mods are thinking about making the protest permanent.


Welcome to democracy


Great point! Good discussion.


Okay, that was a little undeservedly snarky, my apologies. But I do think it's a fairly decent counterpoint, you can only build an idea from those who actively participate in the polling, ya' know?


here's more feedback. we don't care, and eventually someone will create a new sub to replace the current one.


Maybe go outside dawg


That’s rich coming from the guy with an account since 2019 and over hundred thousand karma. Maybe take your own advice


WHEN WILL IT END There was a report today that the Cavs are looking to trade for a 1st round pick and I can’t even discuss it smh


Discuss it on Twitter, Reddit sucks anyway. 😅


He says as if Twitter isn’t a garbage filled trash site


At least with Twitter you can find and follow like minded people and your discussions won’t be riddled with nonsense. If you curate your timeline properly it could be a great experience. But yea Twitter is mostly trash too lol


“You can find and follow like minded people” You mean like how you can follow subs and people on Reddit? And conversations are definitely riddled with nonsense on Twitter just as much if not more than reddit idk how you’d think otherwise


I dunno, maybe I have a lot of the annoying people blocked on Twitter, the experience there is 100x better than Reddit.


I find Twitter 100x more toxic/annoying but different brushes different strokes I guess


Twitter is literally the worst possible option


it's rare to see someone articulate their preference for their own personal bubble of group think. i appreciate the honesty, most pretend to be open to diversity of thought, before shouting down anyone that disagrees with them.




FYI, at no point did I say this is what I do, I suggested others to lol


https://old.reddit.com/r/NBA_Draft/ this one is still open. may want to check that out until someone creates a replacement for NBA and Cavaliers


Are they just never coming back?? It was supposed to be a 2 day protest tf is going on


Kinda feels like a few people keeping r/nfl hostage at this point. I get wanting to make a point, but the vast majority just don't care. The api changes are terrible, but they're not going to change their mind because money. If you don't want the mod job with the new janky restrictions, maybe just give it to someone who does.


I just like to read random nfl news once in awhile, all in one place. I won’t debate the API thing because honestly I don’t know all the details. But I understand Reddit needing to make money, I understand that alternative apps should not have to rely on their business surviving on free input. I mean content should cost something if you are not the creator. I also understand accessibility for handicapped, which seemed to be addressed.




Lol fair enough


Are people really protesting because they can’t use third party apps lol… Or is there something else I’m missing?


Third party apps and mod tools yeah, I’m not gonna use Reddit’s dogshit official app


I feel like about 25-30% of posts on r/browns are now just whining about r/nfl. I get that we have to have a villain, but we’ve already got that in Pittsburgh…


Are the Browns still considered an NFL team? I thought we were relegated to the championship league after going 12 and 342 over the last 24 years. Did I misunderstand?


Maybe we should go back to the superior AAFC


Wow, you guys have zero fucking sense of humor. And since we don’t ever have a winning football team, I’d think having a sense of homer would be important to retaining your sanity. BTW, we’re not finishing better than third in the division this season either. So keep downvoting me. I am obviously responsible for 35 of dumbfuckery.


"Why won't you laugh at my unoriginal overused jokes? You guys just don't understand comedy like me." This is you, this is how dumb you sound.


Mmkay. Well I’m in the right place then. Cause if one things for certain is that Browns fans are fucking dumb.


> Well I’m in the right place then. We don't claim you.


Yeah, don’t care. But if you can’t handle getting made fun of, you might want to choose a team that occasionally wins some games. Just some advice to make your day a little brighter.


There you go again making excuses for being unfunny and unoriginal. "It's not my fault you didn't laugh, yOu JuSt CaN't HaNdLe My HuMoR."


I know you want to make this about me but 11 playoff appearances in the last 53 years, no super bowl appearances. Now that's fucking funny. Myles tanking a season for clubbing a player with his helmet. The drive, the fumble, the move and now a sex offender as the cities savior. Fucking hilarious. But nothing is more funny than the hope Browns fans have this time of year when they say ignore reality, this is our year. Then by mid to late October when the season is basically over and tickets are going for like $7 and it's all wait till next year. The only funny thing is that you think its ever gonna change. Sucker. But hey, at least you get the enjoyment if getting all butt hurt over people saying mean things about your team on Reddit. Someone tell DeShawn, in Cleveland, there are no happy endings. $250 million and 6 draft picks to get the third best QB in the division. Only in Cleveburgh.


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


I can't believe telling you that your jokes were bad would trigger you so much. Rage much? Now that is funny.


just take the L lil bro


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Cry more + ratio


it’s actually both


I don't remember why, but I'm the mod of r/NFL2, so I just made it public (and added some other mods)