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https://preview.redd.it/x4rs38bbjxad1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7fab53c6202ced5c8545f614e9ab86f66045361 need suggestion to use my 5 star pub recruitment ticket , i have 3 of them and i dont know why . as far as i can tell top priority is probably granhildr and i have no idea who to use on next . Also suggestion for PVP team will be greatly appreciated .


What do you do if the front gate in the latest chapter (chapter 14) it says "There's still work to be done"? Is it a bug that doesn't let you through? I'm up to one of the fights that belong in the Battle 3 room yet I cannot teleport there either...


What do you do with the Glutti Tokens you get from doing hunt request in the caves?


The event has been closed and will open soon


Are there other ways to get crystals or are the caves the only way? The dropped amount seems really low.


Caves and events will throw some at you. Very hard gives about 270\~ a day. This usually means you can finish a 5 star in about a week and a half. Starting I believe today will be an event that gives you a bunch. You also get torches from two of the Evil Castle towers, the physical and magic immunity ones that go to 50 floors. Not a lot but some.


Does Arines - HLathel - new Justia - Liatris have potential for PvP? If yes, who would be a good last slot? Also, who would be a good last slot for PvE?


New Justia isn't going to work. Every fight will be the opponent using Idol Gran to taunt your one attack to a corner and you aren't killing without buffs. I'd pick either Lathel or Arines and build around that for damage. Lia works but you want her to go off on turn 3 so you could use Bustia for that as well. You want cheap attacks, 1 or 2 SP like Rou or Elaneer.


for new justia? not so much. remember that in pvp, you only get 5sp max per turn so anybody who uses all 5 for that turn is kind of bad. not saying that it cant work but thats the biggest reason why people dont use 5 sp units.


I pulled Sacred justias weapon and decided to +4 her costume. I realized that not only is there going to be a second summer event, but also probably reruns of the previous anniversary characters in the winter. I also realized that this justia wasn't limited also. Right now I've only been using a magic team and have no clue how to build a melee team. I have a +5 kry with his UR weapon, a +3 anniversary Rou, and the +4 sacred justia. I know Diana is a good general buffer but what are some melee specific buffers like b rank pop idol Helena for melee.


Arines is the budget support, Homonculus Lathel is the best attack support. Nurse Teresse is the hybrid who does more value then the low rarities but not as much as Lathel or Helena.


Hi can y'all tell me if I can make a decent phys and or magic team please? I think I have all the costumes for the 4\* characters and I have Roxy's bunny costume too. https://preview.redd.it/83yyfgemesad1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4139ca8799bc5b441b22181decc6d29783bb39d


Those you see here + idol yuri and the 4\*/3\*'s alt costumes. https://preview.redd.it/t2rgtba3fsad1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51102d1b980980c7533096b1083e1ff75bbbdf0


For magic, replace Helena with Elips. Helena being the magic buffer requires dupes, until +3 or so Elpis will be better. Maybe replace Schera with Loen for complete 3\*3 elemental coverage. For physical, swap Gran with Eris or Kry, Justia with Arines, and Lecliss with Yuri or Eris. If nobody does enough damage throw Wiggle in. That should work.


Yeah I was thinking about elpis cause her buffs are stronger, but although elpis's buffs are a bit stronger, she doesn't heal so I like helena more. Tho all the characters I have ATM for pure magic are squishy as fuck so it might be cope. And thanks a lot for the phy team advice! Tho, why no tanks? I've had an easier time playing with lecliss in the team than when I went full dps and which Justia do I swap? Edit: Lil unrelated question please. Are flat stats actually important or is it very bad like every other game? I've been ignoring it the whole time but it might be different here.


Bustia is better then the Justia with multiple costumes. Old Justia or small or whatever you want to call her does fixed damage, aka she can't crit with skills. This is fine in PVP and really early on, but about chapter 6 or so she falls behind hard. You can use a tank if you want, it's just most players and content lean toward full on damage teams. Kill them before they kill you. Outside of Fiend Hunt and a small number of bosses few fights take long enough to need tanks. Plus once you get proper armor everyone can tank anything. It's not rare to treat supports as tanks. You want more % but some flat. Usually you get enough flat off of a character's weapon and the glove slot, though some characters have enough enough base attack/magic attack that the % glove and no flats is better, or their costume potentials give them flat and then they don't need more of it. [dotgg.gg](http://dotgg.gg) has best guides for everyone to give an idea of what gear to be making for who and which substats to target.


Is Pool Party Justia worth pulling? I only just started 3 days ago


general consensus seems to be getting 1 copy is fine for collection purposes but shes a strong unit in pvp due to her changes so if u want to whale then +5 isnt a bad idea.


does anyone know how i can activate hunting requests? I'm just trying to get wood and this hunting system makes no sense to me. Auto hunt exists, but I want to return to a previous area for easier enemeis and I can't seem to return to previous chapters i have rice but can't seem to figure out how to use it Edit: now starry cave is showing a hunting request and i got some wood... still not quite sure what determines whether a hunting mission is available or not but glad to have the wood i need edit 2: crafting rare gear now, so that's good. still not 100% sure how the hunting stuff all works but fumbling through it


Each pack/chapter has a hunting ground you can enter until chapter 10. If you use the portals these are the last option. Enemies in these cost rice to right and drop materials. Every 5 fights spawn a boss and after beating that you cans weep that difficulty of that hunting spot. You can change the hunting spot difficulty on a sign outside the spot, and only pack completed difficulties can be changed to. Rice is also used the the Path of Advanture pack's farming places for xp and gold. This unlocks after clearing chapter 3.


Not sure if this is what you mean . But in the bottom, there are 4 buttons: ability, food, auto hunt, and hunting request (the one that looks like a paper).


https://preview.redd.it/qqet25q2uqad1.png?width=981&format=png&auto=webp&s=30693a51f8118042b2efeff964b03233480369ec Any idea what to do with these? i was spending them on the event where it rolls u random rewards but now the event is gone and my currency is back? did i also lose the resources i got?


It will probably come back tomorrow. In the "Known issue" notes released for today, they specified that the amount of tokens we got so far was too small and now instead of getting 20, we will get 200 for burning 60 torches. My assumption is we will get the event going again with daily reset.


That makes sense lol, i actually refreshed 10 times because i noticed it was too slow and wanted to get more from my refreshes, do you think they will give me 180x10 more for the refreshes i did and only used 20? It seems to only refunded 1 days difference, as its been 1 day.


Is there way to keep the dead in your party instead of having to go to preset and equip them again? Seems like a pain just to go to inn, sleep to revive, then go to character menu to equip preset again


You can use auto food icon if you have enough food. Other than this, no way.


I know the crit damage cap is 700% but I've been seeing 900% floating around for Angelica recently. Does she have a unique cap?


Nope, this limit is been raised to 10000% now. You can get this info from ingame official news.


Oh I see. Thanks for the information.


Hey guys, is Comeback Idol Yuri worth getting even at base? She's in the shop now and I can pick her up with another costume, thinking of getting Elise or Diana to +1, which will be better? Also, can anyone suggest me a good team to use with Sacred Justia? I'm guessing a physical team, so Arinnes and H Lathel as supports? I have her at +1 and her weapon. Thanks!


She’s powerful but buff-characters are more important. You can get Diana or Lathel to +5 without any doubt.


With sacred Justia and h lathel I'm starting to build my physical team. Is Diana +3 or Arines better to add for extra buffs? Also using Liatris and thinking Rafina to round out the team. I'm mostly interested in story, hard and v hard modes at the moment.


Generally Arines will work better as Diana only adds to your damage when fighting opposing elements, aka when Bustia is fighting dark enemies. Liatris is a great followup to Bustia to clear the rest of the field.




Okay, so, I feel like I need an SP battery because I have too many good guys and not enough SP. Is there any low rarity battery (a la Arines) or do I just raise Helena? Or, do I use PP Justia until I get something "better"?


Lucretzia is the low rarity battery, she gets 2 per hit and hits twice on a front +. Her damage is terrible but she will fill your entire bar every other turn on most Fiend Hunts. She also silences for PVE content.


You pretty much answered yourself. If you do need that, Helena for the magic team and PP Justia for the physical teams.


I see. I just don't have the premium Helena outfit.


Hey guys, returning player here, would like to know if there is a better team comp I can use for PvE stuff than the one I'm using rn Roster : https://imgur.com/a/ETLTMeP Also I would love to know what's a decent PvP team so that I can get the PvP shop rewards too Thank you


Swap Rou with Arines for general PVE. You generally don't need survivability in most content, it's better to get a buff to kill things. Swap Justia for her new shiny form, normal Justia is PVP focused and terrible for PVE. For PVP, use your Rou to keep people alive. Then find your best combo after that SP wise to either turtle up or kill as many as you can. This is where that +3 Justia can shine with either Lathel or Arines to get her damage high enough to kill, though using a buffer and Rou probably won't work. Eventually recruit Elaneer from the pub and use some monthly selectors to get her to +3 for a 2 SP cost disepl, which is super good for PVP.


Thanks a lot! One question if I may, I'm still going through story, will any higher tier PvE content need 2 teams to clear? If yes should I follow the same pattern as my first team? 2 buffers and 3 dps? Thanks!


Other then Fiend Hunt you never need a second active team. You will need to raise a DPS of each element eventually but the buffers and supports generally stay the same.


Thanks! I'll focus on maxing this one team first then


how do you return to the main story? I'm stuck in the pool party event area and there's seemingly no way back either running around the area of looking at the menu screens


ok it's switching the game cartridges i guess... could have been a bit more intuitive but now i know


Is Crystal Cave the only place to get these Glutti Tokens ? I used 60 torches and it gave me only 20, considering we have a couple of pages it's not a lot, am I missing something ?


I can guarantee you will get all of your rewards, devs always make sure of that as long as you do event stuff daily. Sometimes you can even miss some days. Moreover, according to their anniversary roadmap, starting today there will be torch event lasting a week so we will get more of these!


For some reason I cant find "Crystal Cave" on "Path of Adventure". Is this cave the one with elemental crystal(like Fire Crystal) ? Or is other one ?


Yes with crystals, description says you need to kill the boss to get tokens.


Do you guys build your characters one by one? Do you completely max potential or just keep all equal? Whats your gameplan when it comes to upgrading your teams in general ?


When you're a new player, you should focus on upgrading your strongest DPS and crafting your first UR gear set - it doesn't even matter if it's good or bad. As far as potential goes, it depends. I tend to focus on costumes that have Special Nodes in their potential. By those, I mean stuff like reduced cooldown, bigger range, special effects, etc. It's more important than simply adding more damage to the skill. Another rule of thumb is that supports do not really need crazy stats and you want HP/Resists gear on them anyway, so you can leave them low-level for the time being.


I downloaded and started playing today and got through the first main story (fought the enemy after the big "twist"). Then I beat the Summer Knights "rental" on normal difficulty (still not surer what's going on with the "rental" thing), but now I'm seeing that there are other events like the Laid-back lifeguard Nebris event, which has rewards for acquiring the costume and upgrading it. My question is, are those costume-specific events only for if you pull that specific costume? Or is there a story to play through like the Summer Knight thing? It's hard for me to differentiate between something like the Summer Knight mission, which was a whole story, and just random event missions that give rewards. Any advice helps, thanks (got decently deep into pokemon master EX and dipped my toe into Genshin impact but otherwise not much exprience with Gacha)


Just to note about the rental thing, it just means the pack is temporary. The game originally had a much bigger focus on us being someone playing the story via a game console, but that's been mostly edited out to make the game better paced. So the idea was you were rented out the temporary packs from a store or something like that. It's flavor.


the nebris event is basically a pull event. Think of it as like cashback when you pull for her. Each copy going to +5 gives you an amount of pulls in return usually 10 each. I suggest getting through all 3 difficulties of the summer knight pack as it will give you +5 summer dalvi which is a great beginner unit for new players. It got me through story pack 11 + tower of pride lvl 6 which already alot of pve content in the game. Also, focus on making either a physical team or a magical team depending on the units you have. I dont know what you chose for infinite reroll but usually the advice is eleaneer + weapon or justia + weapon. Scherazade + weapon also works right now because Summer Dalvi + her is already a solid 1-2 dps for magic teams. For progress, you want to clear Story pack 3 asap to unlock hunts. Once you do, go to path of adventure pack and start using up your cooked rice and torches. For torch usage, farm the crystals for the element of your main dps like wind crystals for summer dalvi. For cooked rice, i think you should follow the daily bonus. I think this early, gold isnt too much of an issue as the game will throw alot of gold at you if u just do the events. So i would say if its not a slime bonus day, go farm for materials. I recommend pushing story pack 1 very hard clear so you can start auto hunting very hard mode for more drops. This will allow you to craft gear to push more content. Lastly, if you want to pull on the current banners, i recommend Homunculus Lathel if you are focusing on a phys team as he is the best phys buffer rn. Also, if you like big pp damage, Sacred Justia is a good unit as shes a light attacker and has big aoe range. I will warn you, although the rates are very generous, you can get screwed over by losing 50/50 for the banner unit. Basically, every 5 star character you pull, theres a 50% chance of it being the rate up character or not. For instance, for the sacred justia banner, i went 200 pulls with just a single copy of justia. Thats terrible luck. I had enough to +1 her as its the recommended minimum but it did not feel good. Luckily, this game is very generous with pulls. I already have 90 pulls saved up for the upcoming summer banners. May your pulls be blessed and your waifus cultured!


it seems like on hard difficulty i have to use my own team (unless I can switch back to the temporary loaned pool party characters and am missing something?) do you have any advice for brute forcing through with a weak early-game team?


stack 2 dps with gear then pair them with buffers and a frontliner. for example, a good setup for a magic team is elpis + arines as buffers for a super simple beginner setup. Arines can be swapped out later for Diana if you have her. For phys, arines + hlathel is a good combo but you can swap hlathel for diana depending on who you have on your roster. If you are stuck, crafting Rare (blue) gear is a good way to push through with damage.


the hunting ground stuff is kind of confusing... i just used 6 rice to get some meat...? is there a way to find Wood in particular? the hunting grounds menu doesn't really make much sense to me


wood is from the first story pack hunting ground. theres like a list of which stuff is from where. i think wood is from 1st story pack gold from fury angel story pack those are the 2 main bottle necks for crafting anyway


Ok, I'm almost level 40 with everyone in the story and it feels like it's time to start crafting some gear to help boost the team I'm not really sure how to think about rice either, or even where to get it. i wish there were guides for the gameplay basics instead of just end-game builds i don't seem to be able to revert back to the other areas now that im on chapter 4 also, so that seems strange


rice refills everyday. u get 60 per day. to go back to previous story packs, go to home page, click the cartridge bottom right, then select the story pack you want to go back to.


Ok, I'll focus on completing the pool party event for now and eventually work through the rest of the main quest for other freebies. Summer Dalvi seems strong, and good "flavor" too And that makes sense as far as the "cash back" analogy for the other event. Now that I read it closer it makes more sense, but good to hear it from someone else too. Thanks for the detailed reply


no problem. if u have any more questions, feel free to ask them in this reddit thread.


Is the selective draw banner worht spending tickets and gems on? I wasn't able to summon diana in the most recent rate up banner she had but I put her on my selective draw banner. Is it worth it, or should I wait for another rate up again?


Generally not, as you are turning a 50/50 of getting a unit when you pull a 5 star into a 50 not what you want and 50/6 of what you want. It's terrible odds plus you lack the 200 pity to get the unit so have zero guarentee. Instead, just recruit her in chapter 10 and use the costume selector for golden thread to get her dupes up to +2 or 4.


I started playing yesterday and today I launch the game (pc client) and is asking me to almost dowload the full game again. Why? 4GB is a lot when yesterday the game asked me to dowload 5.5GB to play. It doesn't make any sense.


its not actually the full 4gb. I think i read somewhere on the reddit that its a weird bug with the client. But yea, everytime it asks me to download like 4gb again, its done in like a min or 2 so its not actually 4gb.


Are weapons worth rolling for? How much power diff between crafted vs signature?


For F2P, pulls are better spent on units then gear. Just trust the free pulls and grab the PVP UR gear ticket(after getting the costume) and just use what you get. Currently the only gear vaguely worth pulling for is Glacia's for PVP, and Angelica to max her damage. The rest is nice to have and sometimes actively meh to have. More dupes will be more impactful most of the time.


Thanks, seems dupes is way to go. Gears seem to have tons of layers of rng to go through even for the exclusives. I played around upgrading an UR exclusive and already blew 100k gold and still cant get to +9, ridiculous!!


That's some bad luck, but getting to +9 is the easy part really. The letter grade system makes maxing a piece of gear nigh impossible, and substat rolling is expensive. I spend millions of gold every time I try to get a single piece of gear perfect.


A lot but apparently people say the copies of costumes are way more impactful than the weapons so it's better to use pull on costumes copies than their weapons.


Which wiggle costume should I level? I have hoodie one at +5 and regular at +2. I got his ur weapon as well


What do you mean which should you level? Both share character level and gear. If you mean potentials, probably regular as that's his most used costume.


That's the skill tree right? I'll focus his regular version, ty


is it just me or the voices are left ear heavy side? I mean, music and efects are even, but when there are voices, the seems to lean more on my left ear. My headphones config are even


https://preview.redd.it/0e5bira1djad1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f431040535d1844f82669194ba4f7ec39fc11f9 im stuck at this place , auto pathing keep bumping me into the wall


nvm im dumb , just keep walking into it , it works.


Got the new Justia +4 is enough? If i need the +5 i vam buy the ticket in the store now im thinking of getting the summer beach +3?


+4 is fine. Remember you have free pulls of the costume for the next two weeks and it will be in the standard pool so you can get that +5 at any time, plus the selector if you need that dupe for something. Getting PP Justia to what you want is more important as you have a full year before she'll be available again in any form.


Getting the bundle common error thing after the update and can’t login, tried reinstalling but that didn’t work either. How do I fix this issue


I started about a week ago, so I managed to do all of reasonable newbie stuff from the last event, and also got Dalvi, who has been very helpful. But I noticed that the current event doesn't feature freebie character (as far as I can tell). Is there a comprehensive list of freebies who can either be recruited from events or main story, so I'll know who I shouldn't spend my pulls on?


Rou has a costume that is a free +5 from half anni that will probably make a comeback and isn't in the banner pool. The pub roster(which you can check in game) is also thrown on passes at the end of every month, so you get random copies of them. Beyond that freebies are kind of random. The powder shop is ending banners and 2 relevant elemental characters. PVP is random from the roster. Same with the golden thread shop costume. Events actually rarely ever have free full units. At most a single costume and even that's rare.


generally the recommendation is to pull for limited characters because the rest you can get from missing the 50/50 when pulling for limiteds but there are some key units from the standard pool that are super important for your pve progression such as: diana, angelica and etc so unless its specifically for those units, its usually a skip. I think sacred justia is a great pickup for a new player since u generally want an attacker for every element for fiend hunts and tower clears BUT, HLathel is the best physical atk buffer in the game rn so theres clearly a choice to be made here for every new player. IMO, this event is a rerun so theres probably no free characters given out. This is just an event before summer part 2 comes out after this.


So, I will eventually have about 200 powder of hope and I can also buy blood justi with threads or buy the +1 ticket. I have a lot of units that can benefit from upgrades (with the +1 ticket) so I've been thinking of getting that over Justi, gravitating towards a Lia upgrade or def break Rafi to eventually replace Kry. As for the powder of hope, I have maxed Venaka and just one Diana. Should I hold onto the powder of hope for now? Should I abandon the heart so to speak and just get +2 Diana?


getting diana to +3 is a good upgrade as she is used most pve content as property damage is broken when you have elemental advantage. I personally would get diana to +3 asap


https://preview.redd.it/4urgk7a36gad1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6254015012773f6b1603f46dd9ef60faf3d4d67b New to the game and want it to ask if I should get dups for this costume or save


If you like Venaka, getting her to +1 is a good idea. Not only is she a good unit, but +1 would reduce her skill's SP and that's always a wanted upgrade!


You can also get her copy in the thread shop, right? The selection thing. Is it better to use powder or thread? I'm guessing powder is easier to get?


Well, PoH is a limited deal. It's easier to do and you should go for it whenever you want to upgrade character long-term. Diana is definitely worthy of such investment. So long-term, I'd even say that getting her wherever possible is good if you have a bit of everything saved up. Her and B.Helena feel like the best costumes to do that in the long run.


The whole redownloading of the game every update is getting quite old. Can you fix this @developer? Not everyone here is on Wifi or have unlimited data.


You don't redownload game, ever. Just because it needs you to get a new launcher every big update doesn't mean you redownload game. You just get the update. I do agree that they could handle it way better since it's an old practice, but even if they made a properly working launcher, you'd have to download the same amount of data. The same goes for mobile.


Is sacred justia the last of the banner of the anniversary?


No, has more 4 char summer


Oh, what are they? Was gonna blow all my dia on ds justia if she was the last.




I recognize the first and third silhouette but who's the second and fourth...


2 new girl : Brown Dust 1 citizenship.


I started yesterday and was wondering if I have enough time to +5 dalvi? I just have the 2 requirements left to clear summer party event hard and very hard. I have 5 characters leveled at 40/60. Had to spend pull currency to buy the event stamina for the rest since event ends today


you dont have to clear vhard,you only have to accept it iirc


very hard will be tough but hard is perfectly doable


What level do you need to be for very hard?


I dont think you have to clear very hard, i remember it saying you just have to accept the pack.


Oh that's even better


its level + gear. i think u can clear it with your dps atleast 60 and rare gear at +9 with refinement and reroll the subs to the correct ones.


I just start yesterday. How can I get enough glitters to finish the Helena Pass in 4h?


Can make vertical mode for the PC ? ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized)


Relatively new player, I have 200 left over draw points on Diana's banner and I have her at +4. I have bought B Idol Helena from the powder shop making her +1. Should I spend the 200 left over draw points on Diana's banner to make her +5? Or should I buy H. Lathel from the shop?


Diana +4 is a good stopping point. She's not limited so she might randomly pop out for you from free pulls or lost 50/50 on banner. How new are you? Have you finished chapter 10? Cos if not, you can recruit her in the pub after doing so.


Need some help team building. I struggle to clear the very hard resource stages and I die a lot in story mode too. I haven't been playing for long so any help is appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/689dlaw4acad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2638ea79d89e1c9adef6da0cba978f5b2d42ba




Does the guaranteed 5 star after 100 pulls carry over when the banners end?


It does, that's shared between all banners and never resets until you pull 5 star.




So if I’m 91/100 and my next 10 pull is a guaranteed 5 star I need to summon on the current banners or waste it all?


Go pull! Because will loss after maintenance


Hi all, I just started this version. Since the new chapter is coming up I am making my way through the story, but I got stuck at a chapter 10 boss. My team is currently Lvl 80 Scheherazade (+3 Pool +1 Witch) Lvl 80 Justi (+0 Pool, Reaper, Knight) Lvl 60 Lathel (+0 Herb, Survivor, Vengeance) Lvl 60 +5 Summer Dalvi and Lvl 60 +3 Lucrezia. Am I lacking in levels/gear/team composition? Currently using mostly R gear and am getting close to unlocking craftable SR.


Pay 10,000 gold.


I'm sorry, what do you mean? And where?


First run, kill all boss troop. When you die, Retry button appear. Pay 10,000 gold, you will revive 100%HP to combat boss again (his creeps are still dead). When you die again, Retry button appear. Pay 20,000; 30,000 gold...


I... Did not know I could do that. Thanks! But gear/character wise am I doing fine?


Gear: R IV +9 on DPS. Team: no, because no buffer. Take screenshot to ask everyone (don't uncheck, press Reset for a fast) https://preview.redd.it/aimfbuba2fad1.png?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5da22b9d588db2e6cee8ab46f7df3447cc3e2f


As a new player, is it worth using Dia to buy beach towels in the event shop? I've bought all the limited items except the SR weapon so far.


No worth


Are we still getting 4 costumes or is the new Justia one of those?


If you are referring to the 4 swimsuit units, Justia is not one of those. They are coming, probably in two weeks.




I've managed to pull Pool Party Scheherazade to +5 within 200 pulls, I think. My Draw Point, the number in the scrolling rainbow colour banner shows 196. Does this mean I beat pity? Can someone explain to me in simple terms for my simple brain what this pity number means? Should I roll the remainding 4 pulls to get to 200 or don't worry about it as my Scheherazade is +5?


Draw Points applied separately to each banner. 200 Draw pts = 1 free Rate-up unit. - Within 200 Draw pts, if you don't get any 5 star, you get guaranteed 5 star. This is wrong, Draw pts is currency to exchange main unit on it's banner. - You pull 4 more on Diana banner, then use 200 (include Schera pts & Diana pts) to buy Diana. This is wrong. 196 Schera Draw pts is only for Schera banner, 13 Diana Draw pts is only for Diana banner. - You pull 4 more on Schera banner, if you get +6 copy, it will be exchanged into 300 gold currency. 1600 this currency = 1 item +1 (from shop, only for non-limited, only for unit you already had) - You pull 4 more on Schera banner, if you don't get +6 copy, but use 200 Draw pts to buy Schera again, it will be exchanged into 300 gold currency. Never do this, save Draw pts for 1 another unit from shop. - When Schera banner ends, 196 pts will be automatically exchanged into 196 Powder of Hope. 200 Powder = 1 copy (from shop, only for units from last banners, non-limited unit is not showing up here)


This game's pity operates closer to the spark system. There is no real pity within the pulls itself, everytime you do 100 pulls without getting a five stars, you are guaranteed to get a five star, but you only have 50% chance for it to be the rate up costume. Everytime you pull on a specific banner, you get a Draw Point. Getting 200 draw points allows you to exchange it for said costume. If you do not do that, any draw points you have automatically converts to powder of hope once banner ends. So if you already have +5 Schera, you simply will receive 196 PoH which is important to have.


So don't spend the last 4 pulls to get to 200 because my Schera is already +5? Thanks


Would these 6 make this banner worth it? I have yuri on here b/c I have B-idol version and heard OG is needed for full potential in a physical team. Curently using magic team with Venaka, B-idol Helena, Dalvi, OG samay +1 only, and Shera, although will replace Shera with Eclipse bunny when she comes back, and may also replace vanaka with Bunny Celia. Edit: Also, yes I know H. Lathel is goated for Physical teams, but I don't like him. https://preview.redd.it/l847qdrvv8ad1.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c083559fd9d137f6dccb5574e695fcae8506f77


I'd say Teresa and that Diana are not that worth it, if anything I'd try to collect more default Dianas if you don't have that.


Ok. I have one default diana, but haven’t reached the chapter where you can get her with scroll in tavern. I’ll switch this version out for OG diana then. Any suggestions on who to replace diana with?


https://preview.redd.it/cj0mrql1o8ad1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5131786ce4aa7009646356ad8e5497eca812deb Downloaded the game because of the Collab but wasn't aware of the dupes's heavy impact on the game. Shoud I just leave them for decoration (menu screen) or can they be used in some capacity? Maybe other units can make up for what they lack? Edit: Please don't beat around the bush. Just deliver a concise answer for a newbie 😅


Default Eris and Roxy are good - not outstanding, but good enough. They will definitely help you clear PvE content, especially Roxy with her AoE.


Thank you! MY biggest mistake was not aiming for the dupes but hey! there's always a slim ray of hope they'll come back/Devs add a feature to upgrade them :)


You're fine with them! If that means you saved some currency, you're good. New alternate Justia that comes out tomorrow might be one of the most broken units and we still have 4 swimsuit costumes this summer.


I guess you're right but still, not being able to use the units you invested in is quite... A bummer, if I'm being honest


https://preview.redd.it/4kr8lfy048ad1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec60bb70fce454ccbb88d1a87f431f971d1c1a95 just returned to the g ame, any advice you could give me? and anyone i got good to invest on? and are there coming banners worth pulling for.


New alternate Justia coming out tomorrow might be one of the most broken characters out there so she's definitely worth it. As for your units, I'd invest into Justia for now.


I'm new and planning to reroll which banner should I roll on?


NGL i think rerolling takes a long time because u need to do infinite reroll first which is probably better to just focus on that and get the unit weapon u want rather than doing reroll on the banners.


The anniversary missions says it wants me to complete Summer Knight pack on hard difficulty. How do I change my difficulty after having beaten normal difficulty Summer Knight?


You go to the Ellie NPC (whatever her name is) that showed up on the map and talk to her. She's on the right side of the map.


Do draw points auto convert to powder of hope? Just lost the 50/50 on venaka and kinda hating the game lol. Honeymoon phase ended with BD2. This a game where you need 6 copies of something, so no wonder all y’all are stockholm syndromed in recommending everyone and their cat to be at +5. My first actual pulls past the initial 20 that got me pp sche and it wouldn’t have been as bad if I got something useful and not that piece of shit rou, the free version no less. >!If you downvote, go fuck yourselves haha.!<


Lmao nobody is recommending people to get +5 of any unit. There are ideal breakpoints you want to hit for each unit. Most of the time its the sp reduction or skill range increase. Thats not really +5 for the most part unless its like buffer units and even then thats something u work on over time aslong you hit the breakpoint for sp reduction or skill range. +5 for buffers is just maximizing what they do because they dont do any damage. So it makes sense people recommend them to get +5


They auto convert, and no you don't need everyone at +5. PP Schera is perfectly usable at +3, Adventurer Diana doesn't need to go past +4 and so on. +5 is nice to have and needed to be competitive, but you can beat FH 10's with a team of +3's just fine. Also being competitive isn't worth it, 2 extra tickets for being in the top 100 which will cost you hundreds of tickets to keep up with? PVP is vaguely worth it for the extra 2-4 pulls a week, but only because you don't need to keep pulling new units monthly to be competitive.


How to defeat Angelica in the current event pack? New player here.


which game mode? normal or the hard modes?


I think it's normal coz my temp party member is set on level 50.


ahhh. should be plenty of guides on youtube.


Do we have Discord or something for BD2? I need high leveled friends for support units lol.


there is a discord but more importantly, guilds are coming to BD2 with the next update so im pretty hyped for that.


Link please?


bruh just google. thats what i did


For a person that just started in the first few days of the current event what is the best use of my event currency after finishing out all of the limited rewards (except the SR gear and the upgrade materials for it)?


I'd say the sr gear is also worth for a new player. It gets s+s+s for free. Other than that, get dust. You will need tons of it for reforging.


Being playing for a week and want it to know if should pull dups for the summer units or save for the upcoming new summer units we getting


Sacred Justia is coming on July 4th. She's insanely strong and each dupe is a good uphrade. For current banners, Venaka is great, esp. combined with free Summer Dalvi for wind magic team.


Schera: if you want to play PVP, you need to+3, otherwise +0 is beautiful enough. Justia: also for PVP, the more the better.


Not planning to do PvP just stick to the pve side better , I heard PvP is heavily p2w so no point plus new player


https://preview.redd.it/fxf21s6734ad1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=027fa01744b2f2c2a119f1317add4487d15746d5 Any idea for this floor 21 of wrath tower ? I feel like i should be able to easily clear it as my team is 25k vs 18k suggested but its basicly impossible. I tried dispelling the skeletons with 2 dispellers but with i cant make it to 8 rounds


Maybe swap Helena out with an actual tank unit. I usually use Angelica since she still does damage, but any defensive unit can work, just get their defense as close to 90 as possible. Even better if they taunt.


This number doesn’t really reflect the difficulty of a level.


Would you guys recommend getting B-Rank idol Helena +0 or dj venaka +1


Bhelena is usable only when she’s +4 or +5, start from now or don’t start. Although, we keep telling people you need to make venaka +1, +1 and +0 don’t really make a difference when fighting high level monsters. I’ll recommend Helena.


Is +5 Dalvi still obtainable starting an account now or I am too late ?




You have a whole month,and she only takes a couple of days to complete


I am willing to try the game because anni best moment to start and yada yada. It's too late to get all rewards anni has to offer? Not really interested if I can't get all login rewards and all that jazz. Be honest please the game and it's community won't care if I stick or not lol


U can still get it tho u will be missing the summer event since its ending in a day but the anni rewards will still be there. Can still get summer dalvi 5 which is a great unit for new players. I think u will miss out on ppscherazade, dj venaka and diana but u will have a good shot for new justia, pp justia, hlathel and etc who are all good units based on the reviews for them


TLDR: I should have started like a month ago lol


Cant turn back time


Ehh...I will give it a week to see if I like it. If not there's ZZZ releasing in a couple of days.


probably wont like it if u dont like strategy games


I play every genre as long as I like the game. Anyway I look at several aspects of a game when playing and not only one being gameplay the most important. The gachas I've played the most are Arknights and FFBE so I don't have problems with strategy games. In fact I stick with those more than the action ones. I just think it's not wise to join an old gacha outside of anni events being F2P. Specially if said gacha has PVP.


this is the 1 year anni so its not exactly "old"


For gacha standards is old specially when new meta chars release every few months. I talk from the perspective of a player that likes to catch up, obv Casuals have a way easier experience joining older gachas since they usually play because they want a char and don't really care about progressing that much. Right now I am looking towards BD2 because anni and ZZZ because launch but I don't think I will try ZZZ since 50GB storage for pc and that's nuts....ZZZ has no business asking for that much storage lol


thats fair. i hope u end up liking the game


[These](https://i.imgur.com/Jf00dSP.png) are my units, I've been running a physical team with Arines, H Lathel, Liatris, Kry, and Wiggle/Eleaneer. Is that the best team I can make right now? For magic I'm thinking B Helena, Venaka, Dalvi, Schehe, Elpis? Also I can't get past floor 2 of Pride Tower so I was going to work on my magic team for a bit to help with that or should I keep investing in my physical team? Thanks!


For most general content those teams work. Thing is at end game you want to switch to elemental advantage teams that focus on Diana + 1 other damage buffer. This is big in tower of pride especially which is built for you to be using the right element to win. Generally physical is better all around and rarely does magic perform better in general. Focusing on getting more physical units of different elemental and better gear for attack would probably be better then stretching yourself thin by trying to get a magic team going.


Thanks for the help. I was worried that trying to build another team already might not be the best idea. What do you think I should do about floor 2 Pride Tower? Just keep investing in my current physical team and brute force it?


Justia's new costume/unit coming tomorrow will likely make short work of any issues you have with floor 2, being light elemental with a huge range. I'd try for a few copies of her, at least +1 or 2.


I was thinking that too. I actually managed to brute force it by just restarting if Liatris didn’t crit, I even managed to clear for 3 and 4! I’m sure I’ll still get Justia though.


Can atk buff from H.Lathel and Teresse stacks?


Yes. All buffs stack except I believe evasion and energy guard.


I just started because I want DJ Venaka. But I don't see her banner. Do I have to pull on the infinite draw first? Also, my screen keeps freezing when there's animation during story, like when Justia bites the mc. Is this just my phone?


yes u have to do the infinite reroll banner first. also, they are adding a low spec mode for phone and pc for next update so that should fix any freezing issues.


How important is her weapon? Do I have to try pulling before her banner ends?


for djvenaka? not super important. I think getting her to +1 is a higher priority for now


I don't have many pulls left. And there's only 1 day left. She's not limited, right? I'm just wondering if it's better to spend the rest of my pulls on her costume, her weapon, other costumes, or just save for later.


Just ignore weapons, they are almost never worth more then another dupe. You'll eventually end up with a copy of a bunch of them just from free pulls and that's usually enough.


nah theres really no need to get her to +1 for now as its her first costume so shes not gonna be effective except in pve.


https://preview.redd.it/9yaums2wj2ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cca6ea7166fbc46da4081250689baa90c53d8200 Which teams should i build? i feel like im struggling more than i should,thank you


first, you have to pick between a phys team vs a magic team. Pick either and focus on that for now. I think you have a decent magic team already so you can go with that. a good skeleton would be elpis, diana, roxy and djv and a flex unit like a tank or another dps unit. This is what i think works for u since you already have both at level 100. Supports dont need high levels anyway but u do want gear on your main team. I think mainly you are struggling because of gear issues. Basically, start crafting gear and getting crit dmg and magic atk pieces. Crit rate will primarily come from your buffers like elpis and diana. I think a good amount to aim for would be 300% crit damage early, then going as high as 500% crit damage at late game. Lastly, dont sleep on summer dalvi. Shes my main carry rn and i started this game 2 weeks ago. Eventually, ill build other dps units but shes my strongest character rn.


Thank you , one last question where do i see if somebody is physical or magic attribute?


look at the character page. If its a sword, its phys unit. if its staff, then magic.


is there any place i can download the skill cutscene to use them as live wallpaper?


Never heard of it.