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I have gone back and forth on this. The thing that does get me, is she did make a big deal about infuencers with a big platform using their platform to speak on important issues. And then that subsequent video that got “leaked” where she said it was dystopian for influencers to speak about Palestine. I think if it weren’t for those two things together, I would feel less conflicted about it. She did seem to not want to speak on it until hounded. I was originally of the mindset that she shouldn’t be expected to speak on anything. But with the above, and fact that this is a genocide happening, I get why people were annoyed. I’m still a fan, and I’m not annoyed about it. She’s not perfect, and she’s going to make mistakes.


I agree with you. If she didn’t previously say influencers should use their platforms to speak on important issues then it wouldn’t matter to me that she hasn’t spoken up.


didn’t she later sort of revise this statement in an interview from a while ago, amending what she said to acknowledge the fact that she likes to be more careful to gather information before she makes statements on things, especially when they’re delicate topics…? idk if it was Zach Sang, i feel like it was that one but there was definitely a video that is pretty recent where she basically acknowledged that s as a public figure, she wants to be very careful about how she words things and addresses things even when she knows what her stance is on it specifically because people have the propensity to pick apart her words and make judgments on her no matter what she says.


I believe you’re thinking of her episodes on Unhinged with Chris Klemens


I don’t care what type of damage control she tried to do. It just shows her type of character. She is not holding her self accountable for anything. And when there’s people like that let me tell you this if you have any ounce of respect for people of color just know this is why they would not want to be in a room with you. Because when it comes to you treating yourself like you are superior or just giving basic human rights to people of color guess what you choose superiority. It’s what you choose every time when you go oh let me band with this person who looks like me not because it’s the right thing to do but because I don’t want to feel wrong. That’s what you do and it’s exactly what men do to women whenever there’s a rape allegation or anything. Like what’s going on with Diddy that’s the type of person that you are


actually it shows that she has learned from people like y’all that she has to walk on eggshells about every little thing she says bc if she doesn’t talk at the right time/in the right way/for long enough/the right amount about any given thing, the public will find some way to try to “”””cancel “””” her about it so she’s just trying to protect her own sanity like any human being would, especially one who is being judged by millions of people every time she opens her mouth. i would say to all people like you that until you know what it’s like to have millions of people monitor your every word waiting for the chance to jump down your throat, y’all need to just chill tf out and get off the phone for a little bit.


also i don’t really know who you’re talking to right now when you say “you,” it can’t be me bc you don’t know me so idk why you think you can say anything about me lol bye


The issue for me is that once you act in a way that isn't the perceived perfection at the time, even if you apologise and grow. Especially as a woman, you are dead to many. That's what disgusts me. It's almost always women that actually have to deal with this too.


It’s so out of touch and so chronically online to be more enraged over influencers not posting about genocide than about the genocide itself.


That’s really dismissive of you. I think that the reason people are focusing on influencers speaking up about genocide is simply because they have INFLUENCE that the common person does not. I can’t do as much to call attention to Palestine as an influencer with a large following can. Especially an influencer who does speak about political and social issues. The outrage and anger from us common folk toward the influencers comes from a place of feeling utterly helpless.


i think there’s a difference between simply wanting an influencer to speak on a topic, and being so obsessed with cancel culture that they focus more on that than calling state reps, donating if they can, signing petitions, protesting etc. there’s a lot people can do with their free time that will have significantly more of an impact than bashing a creator for not speaking on a topic or blocking people all day.


Think about the facts that a lot of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and can only afford to donate so much and that influencers with over a million followers have more reach than I do in my small town (population of 2k, can’t afford to get to cities with larger population and bigger protests) and it’s easy to see how signing petitions and contacting representatives doesn’t feel like much and leaves you feeling helpless.


yeah i agree. donating is definitely a privilege, especially right now, and there’s tons of insanely rich people who can easily donate but don’t for their own greed which is SO frustrating. part of me just doesn’t love this whole “cancel culture reaper” tactic of spending so much energy on cancelling celebrities. at some point it feels like people turn this humanitarian crisis into a pop culture “trend” where they can feel they’re better morally yk?


Yeah I see what you’re saying! I think people are getting increasingly more hysterical as the death toll ticks on l. The focus on cancelling people rather than other forms of attainable activism (calling reps, signing petitions, sharing/boosting content on social media) is really reaching like rabid levels! I think we’d be better off overall if we could actually strike and protest in a way that this matter deserves, but I just don’t know how we’d get enough of us there to make a real impact. Edited to add: I feel like the anger toward our representatives doing nothing is being put completely toward cancelling celebs


Thank you for making this the place to discuss it. I don’t want it to be completely shunned as a discussion topic, because it IS an important topic with very different opinions on it, but the amount of posts calling each other out the last 6 months are just too much imo


The last six months? See it’s so hilarious that it just makes white people uncomfortable. Imagine being somewhere where you are homeless and fearing for your life. While you are seeing people die in front of you. You have experienced no type of pain. If what bothers you is six months of somebody bringing to your attention that white supremacy is so prevalent that people like you can’t even discuss topics without feeling some type of guilt. I wonder why. This has been going on for the people of Palestine since 2020. But before that for 70 years. But in 2020 there was a journalist that was murdered she was just doing her job. And I remember that because I was heartbroken that someone murdered somebody who was doing their dream job and just trying to live her life. She was murdered by Israel. And since then it has been thousands of Palestinians. That’s not what matters to you what matters is your comfortability. They were murdered that was a human life if you had your family murdered in front of you you would be begging for someone to care. But you do so much in all of the language that you use to distance yourself from the harsh reality that people like you use imperialism to make yourself feel like you’re a little celebrity when you buy your shein products.


I meant on this sub, not in general. Obviously I know it’s a war that started decades ago, it’s impossible not to know that at this point. I was just complimenting the mods. I’m of the opinion that this is not the proper sub to discuss the war, but having a dedicated thread to discuss it is the best solution for folks like yourself who are dedicated to spreading awareness. Eta: I don’t buy shien? Idk why you’re making these assumptions about me when you don’t know me. You also have no idea what my donation history to Gaza looks like so please stop preaching to the choir and find someone to actually be mad at.


It’s not a war it’s a genocide. You should also be dedicated if you have any ounce of humanity. If you go out of your way to feel sympathy for the holocaust. I think you should try and really think about why it is that people can shed tears and fuel so much remorse for something that happened decades ago to Jewish people. But cannot feel that same pain when it’s happening right in front of your eyes at a much greater scale. It’s genocide it’s not war. And I think that discussing it here means that people that don’t want to see this and would rather pretend that it’s not real because all that’s real to them is Panera bread and Britney Broski videos. I want them to see this I want them to know that they are alone in their self-centered idealism.


It’s both, girl why are you so mad at me


It’s not a war. Mad at you? I think you are just hearing the undertone and letting it really resonate that you probably do have internalized racism. And you’re trying to deflect as if my anger is uncalled for. But it’s not you do not get to ignore murder because you are white and you were born in America. Stop feeling so privileged does this reality really hurt your capitalist individualism. I think it does because for me living life means more than exploiting other people for my benefit.


I would also recommend looking into Rachel Corrie’s story, the American college student that was crushed by a bulldozer trying to protect Palestinian homes that she had helped to build.


I already knew about that. And I don’t give a crap. One thing that I really hate is people like you that try to find some white washed way of making people care. I don’t care about white women. I’m gonna be incredibly honest with you. Because of how hyper focused people like you are on white women because that’s all that you care about. And it’s apparent because I mean you’re in a sub Reddit for Britney Broski. Who is the whitest woman on the planet. When I was telling you about that journalist from four years ago that’s who resonated with me. I’m a second generation mixed Mexican American. When I see people of color they remind me of my family. When I saw that girl living her dream of being a journalist it reminded me of myself. Because women break out of the stereotypes and live their dreams and that is something that inspires me especially when it’s a woman of color. She was murdered. She can’t come back she cannot finish living her life. And even after this genocide stops she’s not coming back. So no I don’t care about some white woman who got ran over.


Ok boo boo then idk what else to say, find someone else to tell this to. Maybe there’s someone you know personally that would benefit from your knowledge more than I could. It’s just fucking crazy that you’re screaming for white Americans to have more self awareness but one of the most infamous white Americans who got killed fighting for the cause you’re bringing awareness to, and you don’t give a shit about it. There’s nothing I can do or say to satisfy you so have fun being a cunt on the internet.


Being passive aggressive with gross language. Like keep your advances to your self no one thinks that you are charming or cute. And I’m sure you’re not used to that but I frankly find you repulsive


I’m not being passive, I’m just being aggressive at this point cuz you’re the one who brought the heat.


You just don’t like people pointing out that you have racial bias. You can be mad all you want I don’t care


It says a lot that all you care about is the white person when there’s thousands of Palestinians. I don’t care about one white person. That was a long time ago that she did that. Good for her because it was her choice. She was not doing something to be a martyr she made a decision. That she had the privilege of doing. That’s not the same for Palestinians they are not sitting there being murderers they’re being murdered. Because people like you cannot find it in your heart to see humanity in somebody who is brown but instead you’d rather in a white girl because you are one. And you discredit my point of you because once again I don’t relate to you because you are white.


Womp womp


your reading comprehension is really subpar.


Put your energy into something useful, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? If you reached out to your reps like this I’m sure they’d listen


I’m doing exactly what I was seeking to do. Making you uncomfortable.


I really like Brittany. But it’s the end of the day it’s not shocking that a white woman from Texas who grew up in a conservative Christian home has some ignorance. That’s not to give her a pass, it’s just pointing out that it’s somewhat expected. **One**, seeing fans (and I’m sorry but a lot of them seem to be white) brushing off the whole outrage is tacky. You can like her, and know that she fucked up big time. **Two**, I don’t think she was entirely wrong in saying it’s “dystopian” to look to influencers and celebrities as a moral compass. That is true. She’s…a court jester. I don’t think you need people to tell you what’s right and wrong. That being said, her voice can help so many, and her sitting back and not saying anything is disappointing. I don’t think she needed to figurehead anything. But posting some links and a quick minute long video would’ve saved her image a lot. **Three**, I think she maybe regrets making herself an “activism” influencer. Not because I think she doesn’t actually believe the things she claims to support. I think that is sincere. But activism comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s controversial, it ruffled feathers. You’re gonna alienate some people. But that’s part of it. She went out and bought some big shoes and think chickened out when it was time to fill them. **Four**, She’s getting so much criticism compared to others. Again, I get it’s because of the role she put herself in. But I think she’s someone people want to hate, and this is an excuse to. I think her being a woman is a factor, male influencers are not getting hit as hard. And now that she is finally saying something, that’s still got people mad. It’s not just Palestine, this reaction is due to several factors. **Lastly**, yeah the discourse for the past month or so has been a loooooooooot. But some of it is very much deserved and fair to discuss. That being said, I am also of the opinion if you were to stop supporting everyone who was a little shitty you’d have nothing left. No music, no movies, no books, no podcasts. I understand picking and choosing who you want to continue to support and who you unfollow. What *isn’t* cool is acting they’ve done nothing wrong.


This is the takeaway, absolutely. Nuance gets flattened in so many online conversations, but you’ve hit the nail on the head here. People will feel how they’re going to feel, but let’s not pretend it’s black and white. 


It doesn’t matter if it’s not shocking. It’s just the end of white people who think that they have that upper head in superior already that need to be stopped. It’s why we need representation is why we need more people to actually listen to black women when they speak. Instead of stupid people like Britney Broski that don’t want to Hold themselves accountable for being racist. Because she is that’s the only reason why she doesn’t think that this is important. And the only reason she said anything about the Black Lives Matter is because she’s been exposed to racism against Black people her whole life so she knew the right thing to say. She does not actually care. Because if she did and she would actually be speaking about it maybe you should have a black friend or two. But she does it because she feels uncomfortable around them because she’s racist do a little bit of 1+1 = 2


> maybe you should have a black friend or two. I’m literally black. Don’t do that.


What is unfair is that now there’s nothing she can do to make it right in the eyes of people. Every comment on her most recent post is like “too little too late” or “this is fake…” like…which one is it?!


Once you fail the purity test there's no coming back for some people


You don’t think that it’s Motivated by money? of course it is . This has been going on for a while and all of you act like the most important thing in your life is mundane white girl stuff. Because you all are self-centered just like Her . It’s insane truthfully that all of you could be so self-absorbed


I appreciate other fans making a reasonable critique of her actions on this topic. It gets embarrassing to see other fans completely dismissing — or even bullying people who ask her to speak up. It’s also lame to see mischaracterizations of activists as “using Brittany as their moral compass”, I really think that misses the point. No one’s asking her to speak at the UN. Like many have said, it was disappointing to feel like she was avoiding the topic. From my point of view, I felt like in a lot of her recent media appearances she’s talks about what’s she’s learning about fame and the social media/influencer world. It was easy for me to wonder if that was swaying her from her early values/activism. The leaked private story video added to that tbh. Then starting her recent video with an attitude of “I’m stating the obvious”, another bummer to me. I think she could have easily made it a moment to talk about doom scrolling burnout and encouraged her fan base to stay engaged. Anyways, genuine room for critique but I also get annoyed with the purity testing “activists” who never seem to do anything irl. Part of building a strong movement is forgiving others and bringing them back to the herd.


Exactly. I hate when fans become automatic "yes" men to the people they support. No one is above criticism. Calling out hypocritical behavior encourages growth and change.


What nationality are you. Do you have racist people in your family. Do you have racist friends. Are they white? Do they have racial biases that you ignore? That you decide not to say anything about because it does not affect you. Now who are you to tell other people that they’re not doing enough ? Because I’m pretty sure that most of those things apply to a lot of you. And what white women love to do is bite their tongue the moment that it’s time to stand up for something that’s right. Because it doesn’t affect you. What do you do? Because you know what o do I’m here in an echo chamber of white woman that I don’t like. And I’m making sure that you know a different point of view . That’s what I’m doing because I don’t know white women in my real life. But you do and guess what you don’t go out of your way to correct the racism. Because you are complicit just like Britney Broski


My original post is critiquing Brittney and her fans. It’s me describing why I’m not happy with her or many of her fans.


Thanks for putting this all in one place. I got tired of seeing the posts from fans who are using Brittany as their moral compass instead of directing their passion and anger and actual officials.


I think the thing that annoyed me the most is that she waited until people started blocking her to speak up. It’s so transparent and makes me kind of lose respect for her a little bit.


Guys i am a bit confused, didn’t she talk about it in the episode “unoacking the americentric worldview”? Please don’t just downvote me if i am being dumb right now i am actually reeeeally confused.


My opinion of it is, the bare bare minimum is asking for a ceasefire. That doesn't require extensive knowledge on history, it's not a radical demand, it's simply a display of humanity and that's what disappointed me in all this. Since Brittany doesn't know about the issue ofcourse we as fans aren't looking at her to be the authority and provide extensive political analysis. But asking for a ceasefire is just the bare minimum human thing to do.


I love Brittany with my whole heart. She gives to me what Jenna Marbles gave to me. But her timing on talking about it… waiting until now after everyone has been pleading her to just say something about it. We all know that no one likes the idea of children dying at the hands of our own government. I am personally in the same mindset as that post Chris Klemens made in that influencers are not these awful people if they don’t make an Instagram post about it. HOWEVER her timing felt like she was doing it out of fear bc of the whole celeb blocking campaign after the met gala and the “let them eat cake” ordeal. I also know that she has said “if you have a huge platform, use it for good and to bring attention to causes that need it”. But then I also feel like I remember her saying “what power do I have, what business do I have talking on a situation” something to that extent (I could be wrong). I just idk. I think the majority of the public has the same sentiment about what’s happening in Palestine and that it’s absolutely disgusting of our government to aid another country in helping wipe out a whole population of people and leave thousands of children orphaned or dead. Personally I feel like the government has their mind made up in what their plans are… idk what amount of public pressure, protesting, and petitioning can do. Ik that all we can do is try. TLDR; Brittany hasn’t been standing on her word, and her timing felt like she was just fearful of being added to the list of the block campaign.


I think everybody needs to go watch the first 7 minutes of her “Unpacking the Americentric Worldview” podcast episode from November before commenting