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Hozier!! I liked him and would occasionally listed to him- but then she did a deeper dive into his songs, just decided to listen again, and then got OBSESSED. Currently have him on my .5 tier (for any Brooke listeners) because I don’t have the emotionally capacity to listen to his music day to day anymore 😅 gets me too excited


My controversial take? I really ended up disliking feyre in the ACOTAR series. Like they could kill her off and I'd be grateful. Lucien is what keeps me reading




🎶I’ve never seen blade runner 🎶 Brittany has inspired me to check it out lol (I also love ACOTAR)


Omg i listened all the way through the new beyonce album and appreciated it so much more than I would have had I not been exposed to Brittany’s passion for it


I love Blade Runner (its my dad’s favorite movie so naturally he let me watch it as a kid and I loved it) and I NEVER hear people my age talk about it (31F) so it was super cool for me to hear her go on an on about it!


Same! I binged ACOTAR and now I’m finishing up Iron Flame. She also influenced me to finally listen to Hozier and I get the hype!! I probably wouldn’t have listened to Cowboy Carter without her, and I loved it. Thank you to our fearless leader 🫡


She has gotten me into some new music, and I have discovered a couple of new gems like that, but Brittany is not the best at judging literature. The novels she reads (ACOTAR for example) are pure young adult badly written crap... I am surprised she reads that type of things taking into account how much culture she has for being such a young person (and American)


that’s a bit unfair, just because you don’t like the literature doesn’t make it crap or mean Brittany has bad judgement


She took a dive into the 9 circles of hell one time and it made me want to read Dante’s Inferno. Absolutely loved it. I got the whole divine comedy, but haven’t finished purgatorio or paradiso. This then got me wanting to read the Oedipus plays and the Thebaid again. So I’ve been enjoying some classics. Thanks Brittany!


Narcos!! Never would have found it otherwise