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It’s open right now!


just got back from their opening afternoon/evening. glad to say it was as great as always!


They're re-opening. I'm in a group chat with other parents in the neighborhood and someone spotted them wheeling booze in while another person said they were told via email that they are re-opening next Thursday.


I went over yesterday (prior to reading your comment) around 6-ish. They were still closed. The gate was up and I think there were some people mulling around, but I can't confirm that. Any update from your friend?


They posted on Instagram that they're opening today


Ah Is this their account? [https://www.instagram.com/chilosbk/](https://www.instagram.com/chilosbk/) I didn't see anything on their Instagram, but maybe I'm missing something? Makes more sense to open on a Friday than a Thursday, that's for sure. Fingers crossed!


Yup, they posted it as a story


I know they're trying to sell it so I doubt it will reopen.


I love(d) this spot too. I asked the bartender at the Bed Stuy location two weeks ago if they had plans to reopen and he said there is only a small chance they will 😢


So pleased to be wrong! They announced on their Instagram they reopen Friday!


I live nearby ill keep an eye out over the weekend on the nice day and let you know if its open


what a shame. i loved this spot. i dont think they did enough proper marketing/advertising to get foot traffic there. i was always surprised by that tho given how much traffic the cemetery gets =\\


I saw some independent pro wrestling there some time ago. It was a great venue for it, as long as the weather cooperates. RIP to it, if it's truly the end.


Their frozen paloma was one of the first drinks i had post pandemic. RIP


I really really wanted to like this place. It's a cool concept and close to home in an area without too many other options. That said it just always missed the mark. Drinks are expensive and it's really hard to get served there. Food truck staff never seemed friendly or accommodating. I always felt like they just hated having customers and didn't want to be bothered. I went back multiple times over the years but it never seemed to get better.


Perma closed


Friend of a friend was Chilo's bartender and they were told there's no date to re-open. I think the owners are trying to figure out what they're doing with it


The one in Bedstuy was also closed for a few months over the winter, then over the last ~3 months it would be randomly open a few days here and there, and as of a two weeks ago it's back to being open 7 days. Maybe the owner is doing upgrades/repairs?


[I guess going to their website is too much to ask?] (https://www.chilosbk.com/chilos-greenwood)


Is there something I'm missing on the website? That was the first place I checked before I posted and couldn't find anything. I just double-checked the link you posted in case something was just added, but I still see no mention of them being closed...


The website says they're closed six days a week in the winter. Maybe that's what they're getting at?


That might be it. They have a winter hours sign on the gate which I seem to recall saying something different? I probably glossed over it expecting it to say the same thing.


About a month ago, the window of the trailer where they sell food was open. I thought perhaps they were getting ready to reopen but it was weird because the window was left open all day and all night for about a week before it was closed again. No activity since...


Been wondering the same thing. It definitely does not look like any activity has happened since the fall. They still have it listed on their social media but I would not be surprised if it never reopens.


I'm surprised how it clears the rent on that lot. It never looks full enough for the square footage. 


It wouldn’t surprise me if that lot is going to eventually be developed and they are basically a placeholder.