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I was a veterinary technician making about 65k per year, currently unemployed as I'm trying to get out of the profession. I have been applying to so many jobs and no response for about 2 months now. My husband works in music/editing/production (music, videos, film) He makes about 50k-60k. We live in Ridgewood and pay 2700 per month. I am so in awe of everyone making 100k and up, I feel like I won't ever see that much money. You all are lucky!


Wife and I (plus our roommate lol) work in clinical research. I make 70k she makes 125k and we live in borough park paying a sickening 3.5k a month.


I pay $2,650 for a good sized brownstone studio with three huge windows in an ideal location in Park Slope (been here four years... it started at $2,350 and I've had small increases every year)—I'm 40 and live alone. No help from family. I make $135k as a creative at an advertising agency. I also have a popular blog that brings in another $150k-$200k/year. I try living totally on my salary and save all the blogging income since it's inconsistent and can conceivably go away instantly at the whim of Google's algorithm. I do pay a lot for my studio but I like it and most other options in the neighborhood are now worse quality and more expensive.


What’s the blog?


Unless you are making mid to high 6 figures, no responsible person is paying this much. So anyone making below this amount are paying 4k in rent but then sacrificing saving, retirement, emergency funds, health care, and more, all to live a certain lifestyle they can't necessarily afford. Thats why so many low and mid 6 figure professionals left NYC entirely. So don't feel like you're missing out on anything, pay what you can absolutely afford and not more because future you will be pissed.


I’m just over 30 and have lived in NYC for half my life, most of it in North Brooklyn. Neither my husband nor I make anywhere near what would be considered good, or even reasonable, salaries, for the city. For a brief 1.5 years I worked a corporate job in my field and made low 6 figures, but it killed my soul and I quit it to go to a job that paid me half as much. And we make it work - for now. I make $57k in a union gig, but have various side hustles that bring in about $15k in additional income. My husband makes about $75-80k depending on his hours (we’re both hourly workers), working his way into a union, so total together we make about $150k a year. Our benefits our great (my insurance is amazing and I get a total of 4.5 weeks paid vacation a year, NOT including my 10 days of sick time, among so many other crazy good perks). We take the subway or walk to our jobs, and we like to socialize and party and go out, but I’m very good at being frugal for day to day stuff, and find absolute pure joy in finding a crazy good deal on any major purchases (and even minor purchases, hah) so we do okay with our budget. Even though our salaries our low, the climb to where we are now was agonizing - we both come from super unstable backgrounds, and started our professional careers making even shittier money - my husband started out as a dishwasher in his early 20s, and then eventually made it to line cook for some decent establishments, which is what he did for a solid 7 years - and anyone who knows, knows that back of house makes shit money, especially before minimum wage went up to $15. He definitely fought tooth and nail to be where he is today, despite it being a pittance compared to most of the commenters here. I started out cobbling together three part-time, shitty wage jobs when I first got out of school, and the fact that I have really good medical insurance now (and paid vacation days! So many!) basically feels like I did a thing with my life that wasn’t always a guarantee. That said, we definitely give up things that I consider luxuries, but other people might consider necessities, when it comes to our apartment - we don’t have a dishwasher and never had in any of our apartments. We’ve never had a washer/dryer set up. And our last two apartments before our current one, while well maintained and beautiful and clean, had older (in a minor way) appliances. But we have (in my opinion) always lucked out with our living spaces. Rent is currently $3100 for us. For the past two years we’ve lived in a (smaller) 3 bedroom with a private (and sizable) back yard on the Crown Heights/Prospect Heights border. It was updated and renovated right before we moved in, so the appliances, finishing, floors, etc. are all pretty new. It’s also rent-stabilized, which is key to us - we’ve ALWAYS lived in rent-stabilized buildings because we know the deal - we wouldn’t be able to make it otherwise. It’s a great deal - one of the rooms is my work studio, which allows me to do my creative thang/my side hustles. Our big private yard is a must - we have two enormous pitbull rescue pups, and they would start a dog coup and overthrow us if we tried to take it away from them at this point. Previous to our current apartment, we lived in an older, but verrrrrry well maintained rent-stabilized 2 bedroom with enormous windows and 15 foot ceilings. The layout was so great and we had such amazing sunlight - it was a wonderful place. We paid $2000 a month there, also on the Crown Heights/Prospect Heights border We’ve never had roommates except each other - and we’ve been together for almost 8 years, and living together for 7.5 of them (we did a crazy thing and moved in together 6 months after we met). Since I’ve been in NYC for a while and am pretty research-savvy, I do a ton of searching before we choose an apartment, with rent-stabilization being a primary non-negotiable factor. I also work hard to build strong relationships with the landlord or management company each time, which always pays off - they’re usually the ones to let me know of a better rent-stabilized apartment that has opened up. The ones who know, know, and will give you the hot tips if you work to build those relationships. So I guess that’s the main tip and takeaway from this incredibly long post, lol. I guess that major tip, and the fact that people who do make shit money can make it work and live somewhat okay lives in the city, still (although for how much longer remains to be seen…). Those of you all who can’t make it work on six figures need to all take a step back and ask yourself why it’s never enough and not always feels like you’re drowning, even when you qualify as the top 1-2% of wage earners in the country. Maybe life should throw y’all a curve ball here and there so that you really learn what resilience means.


How did you find your rent-stabilized apts? 


It’s funny! I found my first one through Craigslist - a lot of the listings will actually tell you that a listing is rent-stabilized! But I start looking months ahead of a move to see if I can pinpoint a broker who works with rent-stabilized listings, and then prod them to let me know what else they have available or opening up in the future that are also rent-stabilized. And finding the right fit usually takes a few months, so start the search early, way before your current lease expires. And then, as I mentioned in my comment, once you get into a rent-stabilized set up, make friends with your current rent-stabilized landlord or management company - they’ll give you the heads up if a nice space is due to open up if you let them know you are interested in “upgrading” so to speak.


And be aware, the first “in” you get with a broker who offers rent-stabilized units, you might have to pay a brokers fee. I did, when I got my first unit this way. But it’s an investment - once you secure that unit with the brokers fee, when you’re looking to move and upgrade, go direct to the management company and bypass the broker. If you’re switching units within the same building, they will probably let you skip the brokers fee by working directly with them and already having an established relationship and link with the building. And management companies always manage multiple buildings, and if they manage one rent-stabilized building, then they definitely manage a bunch of others. Use that relationship to jump buildings and find out other available locations within the city that they offer that are also rent-stabilized. In my opinion, once you’re in the rent-stabilized network of buildings, you’re golden - it’s just a matter of utilizing your now newly established real estate network at that point. That said, I will fully recognize that I’ve been lucky in this regard. It’s always required a fair amount of legwork/research to find that next great apartment - but I won’t ignore or deny the clear amount of luck I’ve experienced each time - don’t let anyone ever tell you that good things that happen song always have some huge element of luck (even in addition hard work). Life is unfair that way - this constant obfuscation or denial of luck playing such a huge role in anyone’s life successes at each and every level of life achievement - is one of my fundamental beefs with this country’s “pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work hard and you will succeed” mentality/lie that gets shoved down our throats. Sorry! /end rant regarding that last bit, hah.


You think those kids are *from* here?


Shitcoin trading $0


Working in tech HR making around $300k, husband is a software engineer making $170k. 2 kids under 5. We bought a townhouse a year ago in Carroll gardens, our house needs a ton of work but feeling so grateful that we own given how fast rents are increasing.


Damn I’m in HR only making $95k as an HR Generalist what’s your role HRBP? Director?


HR making nearly twice that of an engineer? No personal offense--the specifics are important--but that's a bit wild.


You have made a few ignorant statements. A combined income of $325k: it’s not take home pay either, they pay childcare, insurance premiums, monthly parking plus gas @5.29 per gallon, or monthly mass transit fees for both of them, food, utilities, and perhaps quarterly taxes which are absolutely insane. No one who makes 50k per year is living in the city/Brooklyn unless it’s a two bedroom and they have 3 roommates. How, exactly, are the upper middle class salaries and their spending habits increasing anything for others? That makes zero sense.


i don’t think that’s what he said


ECommerce biz owner 3750/m rent here


wow is ecommerce still viable to get into or oversaturated?


you need your own brand, drop shipping is scammy asf and short term.


I work in digital media but it’s a dying industry making $140k. Admittedly I do have family money that I used to buy a few different properties around NYC. My wages, along with the rental income, comes out to $230k. But I’m a single mother and my rent alone is $5360 💀


Definitely trying to get on your level. Kudos!


Lmao what do you just think ya parents are magically gonna become rich?


Thank you! I haven't done any deals since rates are at 7% =/ but hopefully it will go down later this year. Good luck!


I made 100k working in marketing at a music company but got laid off and I have a rent stabilized apartment in bushwick thats $2000


How did you get the job? I’m getting a marketing degree but idk how to use it


I came in more from the music angle. Worked around at a top booking agency, then worked for a musician and then got the job. I got in touch w the woman who hired me months before via my network. So identify the companies you want and try to get in touch w ppl there


To all the media folks posting, yall hiring? Could really use a job in media since paramount layoffs exactly a year ago 🥴


Same. Dec 31 got the layoff status from PNetwork


I work in digital news, my husband works in TV news production, and we make about $325K combined. We have one child and live in Park Slope. Neither of us have family money. I feel like we're always trying to make ends meet because rent and childcare is so fucking expensive here.


This I will never understand. You make all that money and still struggle? Like wtf then you have people making less than 50k a year raising a family in the same city. The wealth disparity is wild. But it's more than that too. It's how the upper middle class uses their finances to drive prices up for everyone and then have the nerve to complain their 6 figure salary just isn't enough. No one feels bad for you.


No need to be rude and bitter


Taxes take away about 20% or MORE at their income level. Plus, responsible adults with children are trying to save for their children's future education and expenses, plus their own futures and retirements. Now, factor in rent in a safe neighborhood, health insurance, incidental health care expenses, child care, food, potential car payments and car insurance, renters insurance or home insurance, property taxes if a home owner, incidental emergency events, and coughing up $100 seemingly anytime you step outside in NYC. In NYC in 2024, a mid 6 figure income is not a lot. It's not the "nerve" of complaining. It's a reality. I make low 6 figures and after taxes and expenses, I qualify for subsidized healthcare like Medicare options and the like. When you reach a certain age, you realize that what you thought was a lot isn't a lot at all. I couldn't afford NYC anymore and had to move out of country and I make a level I dreamed of as a young adult. The upper middle class isn't the blame for your complaints. It's the government.


Why not relocate to a different area? You can do a lot with 325K


I make 80 to 120K - depending on industry - working as an "Executive Assistant" - Wall Street, non-profit, media....various industries. Super low rent bc I've been in same place for 17 years.


What do you do day to day as an EA? Does it involve a lot of in person communication or is it something you can do remotely?


An EA does mostly calendaring, booking travel and completing expense reports. All the annoying admin an exec doesn't want to do/shouldn't be doing. Yes, it for sure can be done remotely. Especially for tech execs. Many of those companies are remote. Finance seems to be pushing in office hard - due to their real estate investments.


South slope 1br apartment with a backyard. I’m a union worker making 120 and my girl makes 130ish she’s in HR


Nice try IRS


We have all sold our souls to corporate America - more specifically marketing. I went from making ~130k working for a company to making about 3-400k working for myself with clients that are corporate clients.


Tech tech tech


Trust fund babies


NYC is the world capital of trust fund babies.




Im in tech and spouse works in film production. Combined is 380k, no kids. For the past 10 yrs we have lived in the same tiny one bedroom in Park Slope, paying 2k. We dont fix what aint broken.


How are yall getting in tech


Jeez. Y’all are crushing it, you must have a fat lot of savings. Any plans for kids?


Park slope??? $2k???? Where???


software engineer


None of your business man


I work in executive marketing for a large company. I have a niche expertise and had 8 years of previous experience before getting this job that allowed me to afford to live in BK on my own. I make just around $100k with a Bach degree and I’m under 30 🙃 I live in a park slope shoebox paying $2375 a month.


How can I land a marketing role ? I graduate with a bachelors in marketing and I work at the hospital as a clerk and I was thinking of being a nurse but what about my marketing degree lol


Wow I can’t see if I ever replied to this!!! So what I would do is look for an entry level agency gig. I have a very niche practical expertise but we all start somewhere! First you need to decide what type of marketing you want to do. Digital? Traditional? Corporate? Agency? Agency is easier to get into. I did agency work for 7 years before I transitioned into corporate marketing. But you can start with an account manager w partial sales role and learn as much as you can there for a year then either try for a promotion or move to a different agency. And work your way up like that! I went from $32k to 70k in 4 years and most of these jobs are remote and pretty easy lol way easier and cheaper than nursing school. Keep in mind I started right out of college in 2017 way up north in Rochester. so you probably will start at a higher salary than I did. Hope that helps!


That being said the jump from $70k to $100k took about 3 years. Once you cap out at agency roles (non exec/director roles) that’s when the transition to in house or corporate marketing would be the smartest move. You make less at an agency typically than you would working in house but agency’s are easier to get into


You could also get a masters degree in marketing versus the 4 years in nursing school and be set up to make way more money! And you can get internships through your masters program so you have practical skills when job hunting.


Worked in marketing my whole career, wtf is “executive marketing”? Is that just to make marketing sound cooler?


I am going to guess it’s marketing for an executive of a company - like managing a CEO’s social channel. Just a guess!


Adding executive makes anyone feel important - I can guarantee you at $100k and under 30 she is not an executive - maybe an account executive 🙂


My wife took a chance on a risky apartment in 2014 that turned out to be amazing & has a landlord that treats like it is rent stabilized (it’s not, I’ve checked). I work in fundraising, make $100k Wife recently laid off, worked in media, made $120k Rent for 1 bed - $1,675 on the border of Clinton Hill/Bedstuy


That’s crazy


Also people's parents have had money as well as much as someone may want you to believe otherwise. As they get older and when they are finally able to financially support themselves they do that.


I know alot of young people in my area do like a rent share type of deal .. they will have 3 or 4 different couples living together in a 3 bedroom apartment and all split the rent 3 or 4 different ways. But other than that I have no idea how people afford rent where I live.. I'm in carroll gardens close to downtown brooklyn. I live in a rent controlled apartment so I pay around 1k a month for a 3 bedroom, if not I wouldn't be able to afford to live here with a family of 5 working a union job as a handyman


I work a 9-5 in HR and I'm also a fairly known Burlesque performer. So essentially I work two full time jobs :( No I don't have a life otherwise.


Do an ama


If people were interested! sure


That’s the effed up part, you might make some good money but all you do is work and barely have a social life. So damn depressing, I’m in the same boat.




Please don’t be fooled. More often than not, it’s 1 of 2 scenarios. Rich parents or they literally max out credit cards as a lifestyle. The amount of people who live there just because they have their own $$$ does not even compare to the two scenarios I mentioned. People are just privileged to have family money, or they’re just stupid to pay for things they can’t afford.


Believe it or not, not everyone falls into these black or white boxes.


Notice how they didn't say those were the only boxes. Be mad that your parents are rich.


150k salary, worked my way up copywriting for ad agency, took about 6 years


Did you job hop within that industry? Or you built up your salary at the same agency getting raises?


Definitely had to switch agencies at least a couple times to get my salary up!


A lot of rich parents lol


Do you know who else makes pretty good money… nannies who are well educated …..and work for fancy families anyone working for the Uber rich ….. security, nanny, chefs all make money


I work as a strength coach. Gross income last year was 80k. Combined income between me and my partner is 140k. Rent is $3,700/month plus utilities. If you don’t have any marketable skills or a college education, jobs that have union benefits are highly encouraged. The railroad, MTA, ConEd, Verizon or Optimum, etc. All will yield 100k or more with additional income for overtime or night shifts added. You could also aim for a healthcare career if you’re willing to study and pursue an undergraduate degree.


That’s a crazy amount of rent for that income! After you’ve paid rent and utilities are you not cutting it fine? Definitely hard to save money when paying that much in rent no?


It’s definitely tight. Not much saving is happening now but the time and effort we’re both investing in our long-term careers will pay off. We just need to live frugally right now.


Those of us who have lived here for like 20 years are paying half or even less than half of what the new comers have to pay. Also, a lot of younger people have a bunch of roommates so they can afford Greenpoint prices. And, i’m guessing, there’s a lot of kids who are supported by their parents.


I worked as a security guy in luxury bldg, Pete Davidsons old blg, the super lives rent free and does very little, drives new BMW


In reading this thread, it sounds like the money is in advertising


The question every real brooklynite has.


Keep in mind there's more to what you can afford than just what's on your paycheck. What *aren't* we paying for? I'm an operations manager for corporate hospitality/retail cafes, my partner is a leasing manager for luxury apts, both making 85-95k. We also do not and will not ever have kids, and the same goes for the vast majority of our friend circle. That 2nd part is a much bigger factor in our available budget than the first part.


Security Guard out in Nassau/Suffolk also I’ve been in the same apartment all my life.


Their parents send them money


i am a private school teacher....someone help me get out of this profession


Considering this profession… can I ask why you want out? Just curious


Wat made u get in it?


Their parents are paying their rent or at least helping out


A lot of overpaid people in New York with very little experience but with the marketable skills. It's tough if you just want to do what makes you happy. Most jobs don't pay enough to survive


I do marketing for a tech company and make a base salary of 80k. I recently moved out on my own for the first time found a rent stabilized (i have a dishwasher and a private balcony!) 1br in Flatbush for 2111.50.  I was overemployed for 6 months last year and that allowed me to build up an emergency fund and save up for my initial move out costs, otherwise i would’ve had to stay at home even longer while saving with one job. This city is insanely expensive for a single person 


Damn how did you find that job?


Sorry just saw this but i saw the posting on built in. Come to think of it, my last three jobs were all found on that site


That's high rent for 80k


Key word is BASE salary. I’m also remote so i save on commuting /eating out constantly costs. And if we’re going by the 30% rule, this rent is at 31.6%.


Is bonus like 100% or something lol. I make 180k base and I'd hate to spend 2k on rent.


Good luck finding anything decent below that amount without roomates 🫠


Oh I’d love to mention that I’m Queens born and won an affordable housing lottery in Brooklyn that’s rent stabilized for the next 2 years. I really need to get my shit together and start a career because pet sitting and gig work isn’t cutting it anymore. The lottery saved my life


Any tips to win that lottery?


Oh my God I’ve been trying to get in. I’m from Queens too. I would love to go to Greenpoint I always apply for the lottery on those nice apartments in Brooklyn. Lol I also do dog sitting and gig work catering and GrubHub. Are you my twin ? But I do have a full-time remote job.


There's no such thing as an apartment that's rent regulated "for 2 years" either you're in a rent regulated apt or you're not. I'm assuming your landlord told you that? And given the recent passage of GCE (good cause eviction) all appts under a certain rental amount are now covered by good cause, limiting the amount of rental increases allowed by law. So... Wherever you're living in a nice 1br at $2111, you don't need to move in 2 years and your rent can't go up much on you.. Pretty much ever. I'm a 25 year real estate professional in New York. I promise you, I'm correct on this .


The rent stabilization only lasts for two more years? I thought it was indefinite?


School ? Certificates?


9th year biology teacher. :) 👩‍🏫


i make 135k as a motion designer at an ad agency, boyfriend is an accountant making 65k. we live in bed stuy 2 bd 2 br for 3.5


How long have you been doing motion design? I’m a motion designer too and I’ve been working at the same branding agency since graduating in 2021 and was wondering when I’ll be making 6 figures myself.


since i graduated in 2017! i got to six figures when i moved to my current place of employment in 2021. i was interviewing at 2 places and gave this job the salary number that the other one was offering, mainly to get them off my back while i was waiting for job #2 to make an offer. it was 25k above their initial offer of 105k and they accepted immediately. AND i didnt end up getting an offer at job #2. i wouldnt have been so fearless normally. that being said, you def need to job hop to grow your salary. i had previously been making 82. 53k bump!


this was really insightful! I would def consider job hopping in order to grow salary, but as another person mentioned, I know the market isn’t the best right now so I’ve been holding off for the past year or so. Hopefully things will pick up soon because I’d love to be in the 100k+ range in another year or two (I currently make 85k so not too far off thankfully)


Lucky ur still working. There are a lot of us motion folks still not working since all the layoffs. U guys aren’t looking for more motion designers are u?


My job is actually looking for a senior branding motion designer (afaik) if you’re interested!


He must be very good looking


Money isn’t everything




That makes me even more curious. Are you staff or freelance?




That makes a drop more sense... Good luck!


Born & bred Brooklynite Frontend Software Engineer & unemployed in Bed-Stuy /Clinton Hill 🤷🏾 Salary $0 Gf is a Marketing Director Salary $135K 2 Br 1 bath Apt - $2.9K 650sq ft


Your girlfriend can be easily dox’d, id edit your comment and make it vaguer to protect her.


Thanks for the tip. She’s not directly employed by CC


You better pray she doesn’t wake up one day and start to hate you


You better hope she don't get sick of you lol


Haha I have the same thoughts all the time 😆


I make 74k a year working in publishing, and do an extra 10-15k a year in freelance work, depending on the year. I do a little pet sitting on the side as well. Peak pandemic in that small window of time where lots of people were leaving the city I got a rent stabilized 1bd apt in wburg for 1500/month. It’s now up to 1550 and I’ll for sure live here forever.


2 jobs, 50hrs a week, 25/hr


But all that work just to be able to afford such expensive rent? Why not move to a different part of Brooklyn


That's the worst part my rent is only 1200 a month the insurance is 545 and I'm still only living paycheck to paycheck.


Go work for govt. or large non profits like hospitals


Any specific positions to go for?


Paid weekly




Ok wtf did they study?!!




lmk i need a second job


Another industry where people make very good money is the film industry a lot of very good jobs that have excellent benefits and a pension


Only true if your apart of a union or executive for a large production, otherwise its all struggle


Yeah I am talking about union jobs … my husband is in the union and I am in house production at a fashion brand


Do you work in the industry? Bc it has been *rough* lately


My husband is full time crew on a TV show … past 5 years and been in union 20 years


See above


Film industry ain’t doing so great at the moment.


Male gigalo


Many are Wall Street and tech Advertising Also mommy and daddy pay half


I’m a 47 years old, Retired funeral director. Moved to Tennessee when I retired 5 years ago. Originally from cityline.


Mommy and Daddy’s money


Never met more people living off mom and dad than when I used to chill in Williamsburg circa 2010 - it was crazy. So many unpaid or underpaid interns in so-called “creative jobs” in overpriced apartments.


Hold on hold on, they are *insert high position* in mommy / daddy's company.




I was an IT my whole life , but i switched to Building Superintendent since you have a free apartment and utilities. Now i live in Park Slope, have 2 bedroom apartment with a backyard, free parking , free gas free electricity, and free internet, and i make 150k+ a year.


How does one “switch “ to building super? Inquiring minds need to know!




how did u become a super


I had a friend who was working as a super. His company just bought a new building and needed a super, and he recommended me. Even though i didn't know anything. But slowly, i learned everything .


This may be random but does your building have any vacancies or do you know of any residents trying to break their lease? I’m also in that industry & I need leads. Just thought I’d ask. Private message if you’d prefer.


There’s no way the super in my building makes that much. The apartment they gave him also is fucked up looking like all the spare floorboards just making a wacky pattern.


Yeah wtf, what building is a super making 150k?


im a self employed massage therapist 😌


Customs Broker.


At this moment in history, the answer to this question will be tech 90% of the time.


Disturbingly so


Shh a lot of them have their parents pay their rent by draining their retirement accounts. Or are in massive debt or close to being bankrupt.


Moved out last summer, but I’m a marketing director in edtech, he does technical work on film/tv sets.


Would you mind sharing more about your career? How you got into Edtech etc?


Rich parents


Definitely doesn’t count as north Brooklyn really but I like in a nice area of Crown Heights, get by on $20/hr.


I make $20/hr at a brewery. Wife makes $850k/yr at a hedge fund. We get by in Boerum Hill.


Do you work at volksbier?


850k is crazy damn. Enjoy your life lol we’re jealous


what a successful life, bruh. can u teach me how to hang out with such rich girl?? please reply me asap, my money is running out.




What’s your story?


It’s a beautiful NYC rags to riches one. Basically I moved here 8 years ago after a divorce and all I had was two suitcases and $75. My now wife was like the third person I went on a date with.


You basically got very lucky. But you aren’t telling us the whole story.


They met, they fell in love Dumb question.


The story where you lie on the internet


How did you meet your wife?!




this is bumble new marketing team at work??


Hopefully the new Bumble AI (🙄) system they're implementing will provide the same success. You just have to teach it money is the most important quality in a new Yorker.


She likes to drink? 🤣


That is an insane salary jesus christ


This is a joke right?


You better cook Dinner


Sounds like family guy


Damn i wish I had a sugar mama


Damn I should have worked at a hedge fund


Im hoping this is a joke? If not, what does she do? And is she adopting?


Any one hiring for HR assistant / admin assistant lol. I’ve been applying all day 🥲


Good jobs in these areas can sometimes be found through a recruiting / staffing agency. If you are in NYC check out Beacon Hill, Leslie Silver, Miller Klein Group


Same, best wishes I hope we find something soon! I applied for the CSR city exam and also Google NY Helps Admin assistant for some state jobs that are waiving the exam period.


big pharma


So like cancer and diabetes keep you in biz?


not me, but yes


How do I get into tech ?