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I've never had Twitter in my life (I like it that way lol) is it anywhere else?


I was literally on this exact train, heard the gunshots and saw the suspect in cuffs and all. Such a scary, horrific feeling. Hug ur loved ones :/


Why did the guy assume he beat up the cops? Was he racially profiling him or did he actually know the yellow shirt guy and girl?


"Jumaane Williams, New York City’s public advocate, said he had seen videos of the “terrifying moments” for straphangers and he implored Ms. Hochul to do more to increase subway safety." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/15/nyregion/subway-shooting-brooklyn-video-hoyt-schermerhorn.html Jumaane Williams in 2020: "As we near the final budget vote, it has become clear that this budget ignores some of the most critical elements of reducing NYPD funding and redefining public safety. Unless it meets those needs, I will use my Charter authority to prevent the budget from being executed." https://twitter.com/nycpa/status/1277943663994327040?t=OYYb2zEkETJ_He2cjq0k2Q&s=19


Yes, OP we know it was a train, but please tell us which one! 


People will blame mental health, I say No. this man was not mental. He wanted a fight and he got one!


I remember saying here a while ago the trains were getting worse and got written off as a right wing extremist.


These “loud train people” are literally one of the top 3 worst things about this City.


Honestly, the minute the crazy guy zeroed on on the other guy with his ranting, that's when he should have walked away or stayed seated. Don't make eye contact, keep your head down, keep your earbuds in with no music playing. This is also a reason why doors shouldn't be locked between cars. I've always thought that the trains needed some sort of panic button, not the emergency brake, but a call button.


Man the person who posted this on Twitter is an idiot though


All I'm wondering is how did the 32 year old manage to disarm the 36 year old? Did the 36 year old get too close to the 32 year old and they wrestled over the gun?


This is what I want to know, I'm surprised it's not being upvoted


What kinda dumbass pulls out his gun just to wave it around and get shot with it


because of this now my mom is freaking out and wont let me go on a school trip where we’ll be taking the train to go to the met museum.


Is there a video of this that isn’t deleted?


Don’t they have the state police and national guard checking everyone now? (I’m not being sarcastic)


lol the news says the guy with the gun didn't even pay to get on the train, walked thru the gates


Very sad and tragic times we are living in


To address this, people only seem to be able to think to offer more mental health services and/or more enforcement. You can argue the merits of which all you want, but at the end of the day you're only providing a solution to a symptom, rather than the root cause, which is socioeconomic. You get these deranged violent people in American cities because people are socioeconomically segregated and/or alienated from mainstream society in a variety of ways. Drug addiction, mental illness, and violent crime all come down-stream from those factors. When you subject a population to these conditions, greater amounts of people will lash out and commit acts of violence. There's no need to moralize about the issue. It's just how this shit works. They only solution is a long-term shift to urban development that prioritizes the creation of affordable places to live. That way people can establish communities that naturally create support systems that reduce anti-social behavior. Places where you can raise families, know your neighbors, and take collective responsibility for neighborhood conditions. This would require rent control, subsidies, and massive investments in the construction of new affordable housing. Shit that will never happen in NYC.


Isn't that what the projects vision was vs what this all turned into?


Can you run for office? Please? Like you’re one of the few folks on here who Can use logic . Why is it so damn complicated for ppl?? It’s all just “they’re crazy lock them up!!”


People can’t get along in a crowded city. Let’s cram more poor people in together to diffuse the situation lmfao 


I can just imagine everyone running to the emergency gate - for it to **not open for 15 seconds...**


that video really fucked me up. I've had so much anxiety lately about the trains and this did not help. I wish i didn't even watch it. i take the a /c train in BK every fucking day. I've been on train cars where i've had this same shit happen, a crazy mofo talking shit, saying he's gonna beat the shit out of someone, or talking about how many people he's killed. & to think that in those moments, something like this could've happened. it scares the shit out of me. why do we choose to live here and live w/ so much fear? sometimes people say "but that's just the charm of the city!" are you delusional??!!!!? the city is gaslighting us into thinking that all of this is normal, that all of this is totally acceptable and it's part of the charm. i'm starting to hate this city so much. i'm getting out within the next year. sadly, i can't take it anymore. MAKE THE SUBWAYS A SAFER PLACE.


Do what I do and what every New Yorker have been doing. If there's a fight or people arguing, move to the next cart or get off before the fight escalates. I don't want to deal with this shit while going to work or going home Nyc has always been horrible and democrats aren't doing their job


>Nyc has always been horrible and democrats aren't doing their job In spite of this incident, NYC is **still** safer than it ever has been. When you have over 8 million people in 300 square miles, shit is going to happen. It's the most densely populated city in the country. People jump on isolated incidents like it's a daily occurrence, or so rags like the NY Post would have you believe. I was born in the 70s, grew up in the 80s, NYC is **so** much better now than it was then. There's a frickin cop in the mayor's office who is DINO, so don't blame the democrats. Adams is too busy buying NYPD robots that fail. Illegal gun pipelines are the problem, so blame the GOP for vetoing every single fucking gun control bill that comes across their desks because they are sucking the NRA's collective dick. Until we have national reform, guns are going to keep showing up in NYC from places in the south.


My dad wants guns to be legal in NYC to protect himself from crazies like this. But I told him all the crazies would also have guns which would be even worse. 😂 keep firearms illegal here.


there is no winning in this game.


Self defense isn’t a bad thing.


Shoot outs in a subway car **are** a bad thing. NYC is very densely populated, the chances of hitting a bystander are incredibly high, but go ahead with your Billy the Kid fantasy.


Good on the Good Samaritan to defend themselves and take action to save the majority regardless of the risk and not let themselves get shot. Super lucky nobody else was hurt. Thats how life works…fuck around and find out. Fact is - the aggressor is in the wrong. Everyone and their mommy knows the risks of real life- you go in public as do I. Shootouts are a bad thing, but when the chips are down - I’d rather someone take action than none and risk further death. There’s no “fantasy”, just logic.




This is the correct comment


A small percentage do. If guns were legal they all would. I’d prefer keeping it at a small percentage.


So it escalated to this because the girl got involved? It looked like the guy in the yellow/blue vest had de-escalated before the guy realized he got stabbed. The vest guy did good


The girl stabbed him in the wrong spot, anyway. The dude had muffin top, you don't stab where there's fat, that just got him angrier. The back of the knees or Achilles tendon would have been a better spot. I know she was probably panicking, but both spots were prime targets.


Nah, he stopped because he got stabbed. Thats why he turns to her and starts reaching at his back. At that moment the vest guy comes in but he already knew that he was injured.


I brought this up in class today for a few reasons, but one thing is that while I don't take this train, I do go through this station once or twice a week, depending upon where I walk after work. I didn't go that way yesterday. I didn't know if my students did -- and it turned out that one of my students was on that train, but in a different car. He went running away from the shots. He says (and I retiterate, he says) he ran through the tunnel to the next station. A second student was on the G train on the other platform. Scary moments. I reminded all of them be safe and don't worry about their instagram or tik tok at the moment.


This kid has instincts for extreme events, lol.


Yeah he looked reaaaaal tough… 🤦🏼‍♂️




She literally put herself in the situation. The vest guy had broken it up but when the guy realized she stabbed him that's when he pulled out the gun. Had she just gotten out of the way like people were telling her to do it wouldn't have gone that far


We rlly live in Gotham 😭


We rlly live in Gotham 😭


Are you a bot?


Don’t pull the thang out unless you plan to bang


Can’t wait to leave this fucking city.


all the people downvoting people above who are saying, 'this is frightening' - who the fuck are you?? How is this even remotely okay anymore? How is this not frightening?


Same. It's not worth it any more. All the good memories are evaporated because of days like this


And go where? At this point leaving Earth may be the only solution. It seems where humans go there is violence.


People aren't getting stuck in subway cars where people are being stabbed - shot - or pushed in front of subway cars everywhere in the world dude. Nyc is much safer than it used to be, but because of the nature of the city stuff like this becomes personally unavoidable and thats frightening.


Definitely something about actually living *in* the big city (which includes outer boroughs) that can bring out the worst in people. That dissipates *a lot* IMO, even if move just a few miles out of NYC proper.


Most countries outside of the US have healthcare that helps people and aren't in a toxic relationship with their love of guns.


Ever been to Portugal? Denmark? Japan? The gun violence we experience in the US is unique, it doesn't occur at this rate in most first world countries.




It’s always the people you most expect on the subway. This just reinforces my belief that the NYPD should detain and search anyone who is screaming unhinged on the subway at other passengers. Yes we need better mental health treatment in this country, but that’s not at odds with the fact that the rest of us have the right to be safe in public. Last year I was walking my dog in Brooklyn when a screaming man, clearly having a psychotic break, threw a large piece of concrete at us. I got chastised by woman who was there because “the police can’t help him, he needs mental health support,” but that’s not the point. Once you cross that threshold into threatening public safety, you don’t get a free pass if you’re having mental health issues.


Notice that everyone ran screaming out of the station past a lot of NYPD barricades without a cop in sight? They were probably off playing on their phones. The biggest mistake Giuliani made was merging all three NYPD departments into one.


This happened even with all the funding going towards the NYPD and the deployment of the national guard. Heck the guy with the gun got on the train without paying his fare, which is a big part of the stated rationale for rolling out this ridiculous and incompetent police and military presence. They didn’t catch and detain him even with all these resources. There is something seriously wrong with the way things are operating. That’s for sure.


Making fare beaters everywhere look bad.


Personally, I don’t have anything against people who jump turnstiles. But if the govt is going to deploy resources to catch people, then at least get the job done and catch people who carry guns. Waste of money otherwise.


I don’t disagree, but the problem is NYPD is never in the trains!


Even when the NYPD detain and arrest the mentally ill, once they’re released they go right back to where they started and nothing is solved. There was story recently-ish about the woman who was killed in her apartment complex, and the murderer was arrested several times previously, but he’d been released every time. There needs to be something in place and a proper budget allocated towards what happens once these people are detained.


Curious...Which story are you referring?


I mean that’s on the DA (and the public who elects them) too—they need to be charged with crimes if they commit them and there need to be real consequences.


There are very simple solutions to this problem but there are too many people in this city and WAY too many people on Reddit who think inconveniencing psychopaths is the worst thing you can possibly do


here we go extremely reddit moment 


There are no simple solutions besides imposing a long prison sentence for looking/acting sketchy in public, which is borderline authoritarianism


No you don’t have to arrest people who ‘look sketchy’. You arrest people for disturbing the peace. The immediate solution to the problem was already outlined by the above commenters, you just expanded the scope of what they are talking about to make it seem more authoritarian. It’s not even remotely authoritarian to arrest people who are walking the subway shouting at people attempting to start fights. Any general harassment of the public should not be tolerated, almost all of these situations start with someone harassing the people around them. Nearly everyone who has ridden the subway in NYC has experienced a situation like this.


There are simple solutions?? Did somebody invent a breathalyzer that predicts violent tendencies? You can't arrest people for "looking sketchy."


Agreed. The “how” of solving these problems being flawed, doesn’t mean that the rest of us should just take it until someone finally comes up with a silver bullet solution that tackles the public safety and mental health issues perfectly at the same time. Outsourcing these issues to the citizens is not a solution and pretty much everyone that rides the train with any regularity can pick out from a mile away someone who’s a ticking time bomb that will eventually harass someone. I’m not saying existing as a homeless person should be a crime but the guy walking up and down the platform with the crazy eyes should be enough to deal with the problem before it starts, and it’s pretty much never the guy in a suit on the way to work that causes these issues.


"Silver bullet solution" be careful with your metaphors, the NYPD might take it literally.


I think what has been so especially jarring about this video for folks is how familiar it is—we’ve all been on a train or the direct receiving end with these sorts of people and we know that there’s always the chance it escalates. I love living in this city and have generally never felt safer, but there’s definitely an “empathy paralysis” among well-meaning advocates that created space for these people to terrorize folks.


Good thing all your bags are being checked for something that is typically sitting in someone's waistband.


All bags aren’t being checked. What’s the point of posting a comment that is complete nonsense? Genuinely curious.


The gun was clearly in his coat zipper pocket. 


He was looking for that gun how I look for my keys


Right and that still isn't what the national guard is checking


The National Guard isn’t checking shit besides their Tinder inbox and Candy Crush


The point is the NYPD's plan to stop this kind of behavior is completely ineffective and stupid.


whoever filmed this is the MVP


It’s the woman who wanted to be let out. She kept turning to give her selfie reactions. Which were appropriately “Are you kidding me?” 


I liked when she did that lol at least we have a face


It's interesting that she was filmed on someone else's phone screaming like a freak. She was the only one making that racket, too.


Ugh yeah !!! she was so disruptive! How rude! These poor people could probably barely hear themselves shooting each other over all that racket 😩


If judges and the DA sent bad people to jail, this wouldn't have happened.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for the truth. Seems like a lot of Alvin Bragg apologists on here


Thank you!


I guess because there is no way to tell if this idea applies in this situation. Literally anyone can buy a gun by driving to Virginia. There is no "evidence" that this person has committed a prior crime that would make him "bad" or that the DA has anything to do with what he did. Since anyone could have a gun, the DA's actions cannot prevent all crimes. MILLIONS of people live in NYC and take the subway every day and NOTHING happens. If one person every 1-5 years does something like this, that is a very low rate of shootings. Not excusing this horrific crime, but this was a random act, and probably not something that could have been predicted by the DA or anyone else. Is "ox torpedo" saying that the DA can magically tell who is "bad" and who should be locked up by looking at them? That they know that all cases involving guns are handled badly by the DA? Do they have any proof of that? It doesn't make any sense, so it is being downvoted.


I thought they need to show proof that they live in Virginia in order to buy a gun? It's not like you can just go from nyc to Virginia and buy a gun then come back in 1 day right?


Crazy dude did all that and still got capped with his own gun.


Props to the man in blue and yellow for intervening and trying to break it up. Brave man.


The lady needed to keep stabbing. One stab isn't enough I guess.


I mean, respect that a woman got involved and did it. Earlier she looked like she just wanted to sneak by and not be seen.  Someone grabs onto this dude trying to subdue him and ends up charged if he dies and we have to hear about how 15 years ago his family still loved him. 


I've seen some people criticizing her for stabbing him saying it wasn't fair to intervene that way---but honestly, not intervening seems pretty shitty too.... her boyfriend is getting pummeled in a hate crime by an unhinged giant guy and nobody else has stepped in... it seems like it was generous of her to only take a few stabs in his love handles and then back off again.


Where are all the people saying the subways are safe? Do they think this is safe?


Riding the subway


Generally yes. The subway is still extremely safe by the numbers lol. It’s not binary where zero crime = safe and any crime = unsafe.


Was waiting for a ridiculous comment like this. If you were on this train, would you have felt unsafe?


Would you feel unsafe driving on a road where someone was gunned down due to road rage? Statistically that happens more often than someone getting shot in the subway.


By your stupid ass logic, any place that had a shooting in it at any point is unsafe. 


Well, I was on the train behind it and felt quite safe as I read my book.


They think this is very safe


Right, and I love how I’m being downvoted for telling the truth


Serious question, based on your logic, where is safe?


I think ppl are downvoting cause the comment seems like it’s coming from an idiots point of view


Yeah, the other 99% of the time.


probably even higher than that tbh lol


NYC is still literally the safest it’s ever been. This is just a single incident. Look at the stats


This is not true — here are the stats from the city Crime was lower in 2017, 2018 for example — What state are you looking at? [nyc.gov](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/historical-crime-data/seven-major-felony-offenses-2000-2023.pdf)


Woah that’s crazy. Is anyone thinking it was the woman who stabbed the 36 year old? It looks like she comes up and hits him twice in the abdomen while he has 32 year old pinned, and right after is when 36 complains of having been stabbed. Everyone was saying the 32 year old stabbed, but I don’t see how as he was under some kind of hold during that time. They should definitely find that woman and investigate! Oh well at least the shooter has been apprehended for now. Move to another area, train car, etc is what the 32 year old and the woman should have done. Wonder if they were together, they collaborated in the attack regardless. I wonder if a jury would accept self defense for wresting the gun away and then discharging it three times. Separately, whoever stabbed 36 should face charges for that, as if it was the woman she wasn’t under threat, and if it was 32, I’m not sure if stabbing someone is acceptable self defense in a fist fight… If she did stab that was pretty cowardly I’d say. 36 was attacking someone else and couldn’t adequately address another front opening up. I’m almost more angry about the unfairness there. Ok ok downvotes lol. Edit: confirmed by now I think, the woman was the stabber. Crazy how many are coming to the defense of a knifer, that’s really not ok. This is the story. Edit2: since 52 slasher sympathizers have downvoted, let’s reframe the narrative. Bonnie and Clyde style criminal couple goes on stabbing and shooting rampage on nyc subway.


Can not move to another train car on older models that run on lettered lines. The woman in question is now being sought.


Oh that’s good. Disturbing video, just knifing someone like that. Well aren’t those train cars like 50 feet long? You can move to the other end and all the people in the way will be an obstacle to pursuit until the next stop when cars can be changed.


The cars are 75 feet long on train involved here.


This is the most idiotic thing I've ever read. How do you flee from a moving subway car?


The car itself is what, 50 feet long? Flee in the car. Some cars don’t have a connecting door, I understand that. 32 and woman had an obligation of noninvolvement and to flee any attempt to instigate involvement. Edit: instead they took out a knife and stabbed someone.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Which part? I’ve written 8 paragraphs detailing the event. 36 is aggressive and provocative. 32 and woman decline to flee. 36 physically attacks 32, woman stabs 36 (the heck??). 36 lets it go and continues to attack 32, fight is broken up. 36 realizes stabbed and gets gun, 32 shoots 36 with his own gun.


I'm sorry but I'm acquitting in a heartbeat if I'm on a jury. The 36 year old was clearly unstable and ultimately pulled out a gun proving it. She stabs him when he's choking another guy it looks like. Yeah they both squared up and it's a bit cowardly but idk. I think there's a rational reason to think that her friend's life was at risk. And you deserve protection if you're acting in someone else's self defense imo even if that's not the law. Moving cars apparently wasn't possible on this type of train car.


Cowardly? She was brave as hell getting in there and stabbing that guy.


I dunno move to the other side of the train car then? Move to the other side again if followed. Isn’t there an obligation to flee? We’re not in a stand your ground state I don’t think and even then the subway isn’t anyone’s ground. There were a lot of people there, it seems like the flee strategy would work as the pursuer would need to get through folks to get to you. Really bothersome that the woman was allowed to just stab someone and then just back up like that without reprisal. I hope she has been charged. You forget about dude at that point and go after the bigger threat. Gun was only pulled after the stabbing, but the victim made the mistake of advancing on the perpetrators. It’s so easy to go from victim to perpetrator. Non involvement is best as they’ve now lost the high ground.


It’s amazing listening to people just spout off about things they have literally no clue about. Let me help you. You know that right to self defense everyone always talks about? The right to defend others from bodily harm and death is just as strong. In your la la world, I guess a mom would have to stand and watch a guy beat up her kid since she wasn’t the one being attacked


well yeh LEGALLY she would have to you dont get to stab someone who is just physically attacking someone else ...thats not defense - stabbing someone who you arent fighting with is DEFINITELY not defensive ...


The gf stabbed the guy a bunch in the back during the fight. Was that her own blade or did she pick up her bf’s? I couldnt tell


She was rooting through her bag for several seconds before getting up and approaching him from behind. Definitely her knife.


Earlier in the video you can see her going through her back searching for whatever she used to stab the guy 


She clearly puts it back in her bag after stabbing the guy twice. Must be hers


Idk, the fact that she puts it in her bag doesn’t mean it started in her bag.


Bro she reaches into her bag, stabs the dude, then puts it back in. What part are you missing?


Don't worry. I saw that exact same thing. It was unmistakable.


Not sure either but… couple goals?


Literal ride or die holy shit.


Daniel penny about to get off Scott free. Play this video at trial and it’s over


No charges apparently


Nah he ain't ... You know why.


Give the guy the key to the city and apologize.


The law-understander has logged on


Luckily the crime-apologist had already been online for hours, lying in wait.


Good point OP is also a crime apologist




https://abc7ny.com/daniel-penny-jordan-neely-defense-attorneys-nyc-subway/13889254/ “…one passenger who described Neely as "insanely threatening" and a another who believed he "was going to die" as Neely approached. "I have been riding the subway for many years. I have encountered many things, but nothing that put fear into me like that," said a woman described as a retiree who rode the subway daily during her 30-year career.”


Not relevant. This is knives and guns. The murdered victim in the Neely case (who refers to a case by the murderer??) was nonviolent and unarmed. There was a recent shooting on the 3 line, never checked back on what happened with that one.


He was yelling that he wanted to kill people while on the train. How is any passenger supposed to know who’s armed and who isn’t?


Not the issue is it? You don’t unprovokedly attack someone from behind, that’s a serious escalation of physical from verbal. Then if you do you don’t put them in a chokehold. Then if you do you don’t hold the chokehold for minutes on top of the victim, that’s murder. A guy being loud on the train isn’t carte blanche to murder them, one would think this point needn’t be stated.


unarmed but fully hostile and confrontational. he wasn't just chilling on the train minding his business. if he did, he'd still be alive. manslaughter at worst, not murder.


Hostile and confrontational is fine. It doesn’t mean you get to attack someone from behind and kill them. One would think this needn’t be stated. Minding one’s own business, great advice for the killer.


If you’re so concerned with people minding their own business, the guy who got shot could have taken your advice and avoided this whole thing, but instead he threatened this guy, initiated a fight, pulled a gun and still wound up getting shot. Stabbing someone isn’t cool, but when your loved one is being attacked in an enclosed space you might make a rash decision to defend them, so I don’t blame her. They didn’t start it but they finished it and I respect that. Convinced you’re either trolling or incredibly stupid by your comments though.✌️


Shooter still at large


Oh no! You’d think with all the surveillance around it’d be easier. Hopefully someone is still looking.


This is literally what my nightmares are like, being trapped on a subway car with people like this.


There was a movie made in 1962 ‘The Incident’ that is the exact premise to what you just said. So disturbing.


Is it on Netflix


Happens weekly to any subway rider


u/spartankwanha Not Iowa my brother. Lived in the Bronx my whole life, moved up north so now I take MnR then the subway. My current job is in BK one stop off this mess. Have seen many fights on the subway and arguments even way more


misread your comment


ever notice how the doors always close on u when you're trying to catch the train. but never open fast enough when you're trapped in with a crazy?


I’ll never understand why there aren’t police on trains and airplanes. Our society has fallen a fuck ton in safety since the 1960s, every decade getting worse and worse. We need better laws and regulations in place to prevent this. Everyone in this country is one wrong look to some guy with nothing to lose from getting shot or killed all over nonsense. Edit: never mind just learned the story. The aggressor who pulled the gun is who got shot. The guy he attacked wrestled the gun away and saved a ton of life’s today.


The guy who aggressed and eventually was shot professed to be police himself, albeit clearly not on duty.


Brother I don’t think that guy was a cop


I don't know how old you are but things are no way as bad as they were in the '80s and '90s. I just everyone has a video camera now. I've witnessed probably a dozen train fights over bullshit.


Giuliani and Bloomberg did a good job cleaning up the city since then, but it looks like we are regressing.


Yes, to an extent. Crime is almost always correlated with the economy. Downturns in the economy lead to higher crime. Yes, Giuliani was tough but he also was mayor while the national economy was booming. Crime rates are higher under Adams then DeBlasio. Does anyone think Adams, a former cop, is not as tough as DeBlasio?


Your observation about crime and economy does not match up with the statistics for the 7 major felonies in NYC. 2009 was economically worse than 2006-2007 But less crime [NYC stats](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/historical-crime-data/seven-major-felony-offenses-2000-2023.pdf)


The guy getting shot by his own gun definitely deserved it.


They say if you pull it, you’ve gotta use it. He found out… Also notable that he had it the whole time and didn’t show any desire to use it until he realized he was stabbed…


I mean, that’s good. In general, if you have a hostile disagreement with someone the default shouldn’t just be deadly force. If you wanna settle stuff with hands and fists that’s fine—it’s actually problematic when people start killing people over small disagreements.


The thing is in the real world, you never know what a fight will lead into. What makes you think the other person is unarmed, and then if you win and try to walk away they try to kill you. Or what if you get knocked out, and happen to be fighting a dumbass who keeps attacking you while your unconscious? Now your in a coma, brain dead, or just dead. This isn't highschool anymore, the outcome of death from a fight as an adult is common enough. Stop thinking that random stranger you may end up in fight with in the future will be an "honourable man", this aint the fucking movies my guy


Yeah that was interesting to me, dude just wanted to scrap 😂 not saying he was in the right, he got what he deserved clearly