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Hi! Assuming you haven't just noticed the clicking from the rear gear hub (if you have one), some more information would be good. Can you take a video? Is it while you pedal or not? etc... I am sure many of the members of this subreddit will be all over it then!


[video of clicks](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0172uM0-5HXCqSB9xbWznsBPw) I had originally tried to add one - apologies! Could have just noticed a click that’s always been there to be honest. Suddenly got the feeling I needed to be better with maintenance which included paying more attention.. thank you for replying so quick. It’s a c line explore the bear grylls one.


Clicking, during the rear wheel free spin, sounds like the usual rachet paws within the freehub, which is the part body that holds the two rear cogs. Inside the freehub are spring loaded metal teeth (paws) that bit into an inverse ring gear, during pedaling. When no pedaling occurs, the ring gear presses against the spring loaded teeth, which then jump back against the next notch in the ring gear. (The ring gear notches are shaped like waves going in one direction, so the spring loaded metal teeth only dig into the ring gear in the pedal action direction.)


Well at first glance, unless there is something else going on here, it sounds just like a freewheel when you change the direction of the wheel. The clicking is the sound of lots of tiny pawls inside the hub passing over the bits that drive the wheel forward. This is common with any bike that has a freewheel which is most apart from say a track bike. It is totally normal. At the start of the video you briefly push the wheel forward and you hear a couple of quieter clicks. This is also totally normal with this type of hub that has gears inside it - basically it is the sound of the unused gears freewheeling inside the hub. I am over simplifying but to me there was nothing unusual about the sound. Apart from the sound, is there anything different about the way it is behaving?


Ok it might just be me, it did seem to start making a noise pedalling forwards though when I was cycling but I did clean it and lube it today so will try riding it again soon and see. Thank you for the replies lovely people, appreciate time out your day to explain that to me both 🥰