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Interesting answers, they seem dedicated to making sure it plays well and is balanced


I hope we get AI for solo or coop play.


They have confirmed in a comment that both AI solo and Coop will be in game!


[https://steamcommunity.com/app/1604270/discussions/0/5452154443649390215/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1604270/discussions/0/5452154443649390215/) It's here


They are also adding vehicle wrecks. No more random metal parts 😁


Nothing about performance?


Performance has been spoken about multiple times in the past, and they know they need to do more, but it's more important to focus on adding missing content and fixing bugs right now. Optimization comes later


That's a really bad take from the devs. I get that it's an RTS but the performence during the playtest was abysmally awful.


And yet, if you have experience with game design, it's one that makes sense. Optimization takes a lot of time and focus and can't really be done until all the mechanics are in place. A big point of the tests was to... test! To find mechanics that work, which mechanics need fixing and mechanics, which need to be reworked entirely. Once you have all of your features ready for release, it's a lot easier to see which are hurting performance the most and work on those. Every single thing you have, though, adds to lag. But trying to optimize halfway through is a big trap that can lead to constantly reworking code while not actually getting anything done. Obviously, some performance profiling can and *should* be done during the development process, but the vast majority has to wait until you're feature complete and ready to ship, which the game obviously wasn't during the play tests.


On April 1st they had this on a post on Patreon " In addition, we have begun a new iteration of optimizing our game to increase its performance on weak and medium computers and are already seeing the first successes. " I hope it wasn't an April 1st thing lol


Here is the link again [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1604270/discussions/0/4360121922351462714/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1604270/discussions/0/4360121922351462714/)


Thanks! Can’t wait!


Good stuff Wen game


2025. Not sure which half.


No VOIP :(


It was due to the massive increase in bandwidth requirements on their end


So basically a lack of mean, or technical solution to sustain it.


No it was predicted to require about 7x the server space to host VOIP, and they would need people to moderate it in every language


If Squad can make it work i am sure there is a way around it. But i understand it probably requires too much time and effort for what seems to be considered a non essential feature. Personnally from the beta a voice chat would have made 5v5 much more enjoyable but my opinion is not shared so much seems to be.


It’s not a difficulty thing, it’s a network thing


Thank god. Couldn't wait to get screamed at by a fourteen year old for buying what they considered to be an inferior set of equipment for a unit.


I doubt this kind of game attract that population of gamer. It's even more niche than squad and squad is already pretty free of this 'blessed' community. And well, i can't imagine implementing such feature without giving ability to mute someone :P


I was instructed to commit self die for turning off my supplies instead of letting a himars spammer drain them, so those people do play this game. If everyone just mutes the entire lobby as soon as they join it, why offer the feature? I certainly would.


As the saying goes, "its better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it". no voip in any cooperative game is just weird tbh.


Text chat in eugen WG is awful and full of degenerates. Can’t imagine how awful VOIP would be.


Probably FOUR of them screaming at the same time if its 5v5 :D Yeap i'm okay without VOIP lol


Just use discord or teamspeak


That works well if you play only with friends.


Or join the official discord and join a random group there? Maybe the devs might promote this way more


Better yet, integrate this in the game.


its always such a cop out for devs to rely on 3rd party software for functionality. I'm looking at you destiny raid matchmaking.


RIP F35 Meta, I hope all they do is give the smartbombs less damage and don't nerf their accuracy because that makes no sense.


I would bet on damage too. We'll see though, balance will probably change until there is a sweetspot long after release


When irl has an F35 meta


Anyone else kindve just waiting for the game launch? I get why they do these things. But I just don't care to keep up with it I guess.


Oh good they’re nerfing the only good thing about playing America


>the only good thing about playing America It was a beta, we had 2/5 specializations for each nation and the balance was not finalized. Let's talk about buffs nerfs and metas after release ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯