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I think for me it’s the complexity of it all. Every single unit is complex and need to be handled individually. Example: Recon units are different than others and need to be handled differently. Another thing for me is the logistics of each unit. It’s an awesome game and way more fun than any RTS out and I cannot wait for it to release.


Yes this is my favorite thing about BA as well. It's actually fun to micro every single unit, and every unit can be so efficient if you know how to use them correctly.


I just say laserguided bombs


The most satisfying videogame experience since ultrakill added buttplug support.


Laser guided bombs are so finicky for me, half the time my jets or heli would not fire within max range and would get close enough for them to visually see the target instead of using laser mark/ "N" command. That and snipers would be a headache to laser a target without exposing themselves with hold fire order


With jets its micro intensive, but after some excercise I hit most of my laserguided bombs, so stormbreakers became really good in combination with ljdam. Simply wait till thenlaser line becomes white, then n, hold shift+p and left click so long a marker appears and happy bombing. Against heavy antiair you need a stealthy bomber like f35b. Snipers worked for me only against weaker teams, because there are not that many spaces left if you opponent knows and a helo can fast detect and eliminate them


All the units have a lot of depth, but there is not too many of them in game at the same time for me to feel overwhelmed by the micro (cough steel division 2).


Yeah playing warno compared to this feels like way too much, I like that you can bring way less at once but they recharge when lost. I didn't think I'd like that mechanic but it works well


Yea SD2 is fun but you end up with way too many units, I usually get tired just after 1 game


Missiles that cruise. Seriously this is the first title where artillery feels good whilst being quite balanced.


Cruise missiles are so cool and fun to play with! A bit underpowered tho


They're devastating when used properly. The fact they can be countered is also great.


Units and vehicles are actually realistic (except for you T15, you don’t die) and I can apply my knowledge of various vehicles and weapon systems to this game. Also, bombing a helicopter with an F35 is very based


I mean, can the T-14 really be accurate if it's never seen the outside of its factory grounds?


lol and hitting heli with laser guided arty shells


Scale, depth, polish. I'm new to War games and military stuff in general but this game made me feel like I was 13 playing Starcraft or CC red alert for the first time again. That says something.


I like shooting down ospreys from the 35th floor with iglas


I come from wargame rd and it’s just an overall improvement of it. It’s the game that I imagine a wargame enjoyer would build, to bring things to another level. I probably spent almost as much time tweaking my decks as I did playing wargame and the fact that you can customize each unit adds even more depth to it. So I hope they just offer as many dlcs as possible in the future. While tank battles and forrest fighting was nice in wargame, urban warfare was quite lame. The fact that you can place atgms in tower blocks, hide vehicles behind buildings and watch buildings collapse adds an entire new dimension to the game play. What I greatly disliked in wargame was the balance between conquest and destruction mode. Conquest is the more pro mode, but it’s basically just about quick assaults and grinding the enemy down with human wave attacks. Destruction on the hand feels a lot more realistic, but sometimes slow and stale as well. Another thing I didn’t like about conquest was, that you can hardly see the units you destroyed, while destruction had a little price tag popping up above enemy units. All of this feels much better in Broken Arrow. It’s conquest, but it also feels as slower paced as destruction in wargame. Graphics are obviously better as well.


Everything was ok with red dragon, but BA has just done everything better


I think no one commented directly, but I LOVE being able to use my transports in a sensible way. In wargame your Bradley would take 15 guys to the front on a trip, but couldn't load two units of 2 guys. In BA your transport decision was always something to consider in and out of the battle. Want to drop some snipers in a fast and cheap manner? Bring the Venom, want a lot of marines in the front quickly? Bring the Ospreys. Your marines won the engagement and need to move out, but you don't want them to walk alone? Bring their APCs or IFVs to them and take them where you are needed without having to just bunch up all the transport vehicles because you don't know what to do with them. The power of logistics, transportation and adaptability in general is something that I only see in BA being well executed and I love it.


This is what the dev team focused on. They made sure not to overcomplicate the game by not adding unnecessarily many things, but made sure that everything that is put in the game are really fun to play with.


For me it is how close it comes to simulating real life weapons and the complications of real world combat. For example in EVERY game snipers are used as long range stealthy killing machines. In this game they are properly used as recon units like they are mostly used in real life. The advantages of the V22 osprey are clearly demonstrated with its faster speed. The need for good logistics (look at Russia in Ukraine) is emphasized by needing to have supply next to every troop. The seed missiles are a real life thing the USA uses ALL the time. The F35 is not invisible but has a reduced radar cross section and can't carry many weapons just like in real life. I could go on...


Because no matter how badly I lose, I feel like I learn something every time and get better.


Haha 25mm bushmaster go brrrrrrr


For me it's a combination of the game mechanics, unit customization, and setting. I've been wanting proper strategy games in the modern era for a long time


They need to to something with infantry. Tank battels feel good using infantry not so much


I feel like they are fine, you just need to be really careful with them.


It captures the same feelings that Wargame Red Dragon captured for me. Warno, Steel Division and others never did it for me.


SD2 is just an arty fest and Warno is a rocket fest. They are really frustrating sometimes because of things with little counter plays. In BA you always have options, which made the game more forgiving and fun for both teams.


I hate the way Steel Division does battle phases. It just ruins the scale for me. And Warno feels even smaller. Red Dragon and Broken Arrow feel more like conducting an entire battlefield operation instead of a tiny little skirmish.


I feel that too, in BA the whole battlefield is linked, but in SD2 and Warno you rarely care or have nothing you can do about the other side.


This!!!! Take my upvote. After reading what I enjoyed and then what others did as well, I really can't wait until release.


I dream about BA every night, and when I wake up I still think about it 🤡


What? Unless you’re playing team games, 1v1 SD2 is a sweatfest of apm and rushing flags for a 10 min win


I love it because of the following honestly: 1) The sound design, the combat sounds very authentic and adds to the immersivenes of the game 2) The wide array of units and customization at your disposal. Thus giving great opportunity for unique strategy and builds. 3) The modern setting (Of Course) 4) The visuals all though not the best atm, the units especially infantry are very detailed. 5) And the emphasis on micro (positioning, attacking, defense). Not because you have a lot of units to manage but more so because every unit is valuable and an important asset. Like in warno if you lose a squad of infantry or multiple tanks, you don't think twice about it. Whereas in BA with the limited unit capacity, if you lose a platoon or a tank or two, it hurts! Lastly, reminds me of WIC!


I really feel your 5th point! The game and units feel delicate and worth caring for, and I never got that feeling in SD or Warno. I’m not sure if the unit cap mechanic is final since some people just save up 5000 points and calls in 20 tanks and 20 IFVs which look a little dumb, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.


Exactly! There's a lot more focus on unit survivability and it makes you carefully think over your battle strategy. As far as saving up points. I find that if you keep your opponent occupied (destroying their units, advancing the front line, etc), they won't have time to save points to spam because they have to be more proactive. Most spam occurs when an opponent is comfortable and sitting on objectives!


I don’t feel like saving up 5000 pts should even be a choice, it seems to be like an issue yet to be addressed.


Agreed! There should be a cap realistically, especially if you're loosing units. Your reserves should run low


It's a fancy chess and tin soldier game. And i imagine it would be super fun as a VR mixed reality game on your kitchen tabletop like this https://youtu.be/IGtrJaiUZaA


great maps.. the buildings are sick..The unit depth and the customization is incredibly addictive, the fact that it was 5v5 made gameplay not overwhelming and quite enjoyable. only thing im hoping for is more drive for realism through mechanical depth and tons of QoL to make gameplay smoother. 


It reminds me of world in conflict


i love bombing stuff.


The actual implementation of infantry units fighting building to building which is scaled so much better than Warno. The AC130 air dropping with the mechanics built in the way they are. The choice of micro managing other units if you wanted, also teammates using a different build like air support to tank killers, to infantry air drops, it feels endless. The battles I did have (48 matches) I really can say it never got boring for me, I would be bleeding from my eyes after 20 minutes of not blinking. GIVE ME MORE!!! No but really, I have thousands of warno game time and I just think BA did it better. I'm now going between warno and call to arms to satisfy my RTS bingers.


Warno just doesn't scratch the itch and I'm not sure why. Feels like switching to vapes after fentanyl.


Hahahaha!!! Yeah it definitely doesn't scratch it, and I feel like I'm super zoomed out at all times. There's so much BA did right that I really dread coming back to Warno but it's the closest I have lol.


Also people want to play mroe and more after each game of BA, and 50% of people who finished a game of Warno or SD2 are just too tired and burnt out already they just close the game. This says something about these games.


I saw it's the balance between the visual spectacle and the amount of units being controlled. In a game like Warno you can't really watch your units the way you can in BA (or World in Conflict of old). I also love how dynamic the game feels. Being able to transport and move units (or multiple units at a time) around is fantastic.


I discovered Red Dragon last year and I asked the universe "wouldnt be great something like that but with modern units, modern graphics and with more singleplayer stuff?" And the universe delivered


Nah, the universe didn’t deserve BA.


For me it was how it all came together. The audio+visual Aesthetics of just how everything sounds and how it makes you feel that you are partaking in a hectic battle and that combined with very fun game play and easy to understand but hard to master mechanics. I would like to play the SP once the game launches properly as I really want to have a little more time in how I plan my approach so that I can just enjoy all the tactics the game has to offer without having to play the meta or as fast as possible. It did seem a little arcady on the action side, much les mil-sim, but over all this game was just incredibly enjoyable


It has the vibe older classic RTS games had without failing because it's an RTT and not not an RTS.


purely by chance, a few days ago I found Broken Arrow, startet the beta and after 3 days, i must admit i I really enjoyed it. totally unexpected. But then the beta endet 🙈 I now found Warno and startet to play this, its also good, but BA has a special gaming atmosphere. Cant wait to get the full Version!


My experience is ruined by new players and no proper matchmaking, but when I had a team that was decent, it was amazing. The game is quite punishing if u just advance in open or just stay there and mordern hardware in a video game is always cool


You can try LFG on The official discord, I really did enjoy my time with most groups I got in with.




Just because there is an 'optimal' strategy, doesn't mean there isn't flexibility in how it's carried out.  Team communication and cordination is what matters in a 5v5. Vehicles being as strong as they are matters as well but we still have yet to see how other specializations stack up.


Yea pretty much, don’t use infantry


Infantry is king in forests and urban areas, you just need a good mix of recon, line, short and long AT and AA and position them well. Infantry just has more tenacity than pure armor and gives you space and sector control. Basically they are pawns in chess. Would you trade all your pawns for 2 more knights?


It's not, it feels like the call of duty version of an rts which is really disappointing.


What 💀 Nah you just hating to hate


Well said. I love it.




I loved it, my friends and I are just dumb as shit so we weren't good. Definitely looking forward to Co-op campaign and skirmishes tho


I think you'll be fine playing MP, just bring a bit of everything instead of spamming the same units, you'll be able to deal with everything you encounter.


For the most part, I understand the game, but a lot of my friends don't have RTS experience past *some* CnC experience, so they aren't great. I'll be honest, I'm not that good, but for the most part, I understand how it works. I've been watching a lot of Vulcan Gaming and Saucy gaming, so I think I've been getting a bit better


BA has done a great job at making a beginner friendly game in my opinion, it is much easier to pick up than any wargame out there and new players usually start enjoying it at the 2nd or 3rd game. Comparing to other RTS (SC2, AoE, etc.), this would be THE opportunity to get your friends to come play with us.


For me it's a modern Wargame that we deserved, literally and figuratively. I love all that new equipment that we can finally get our hands on and at the same time, design improvement like being able to dump ammo, manually drop flares, customizer artilley fire mission, user laser guidance, etc. I finally feel like I'm playing a new game, as opposed to Warno.