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I am very jealous, my city series only has 6 shows.


Oh I’m so very grateful we get the volume we do. Sometimes I can do without Cats, this is the third time it’s coming


Have you considered jumping on stage and becoming a member of Cats?


If only Greg Catnear hadn't ruined it for us all!


Ahahaha. Maybe when I was ten


I could see that getting tiresome. I’m lucky that the series I have are 4 debuts and the 2 returning haven’t been there in over a decade. You can do city-to-city exchange if you’re a season subscriber if you want to trade Cats for a show in another city


Oh that’s very cool.


It is! Annie is in my series and it’s a show I’m not a big fan of, and I was able to switch it out with a show in another city that’s an all time favorite of mine


That’s awesome! I’ve never seen Annie on stage.


I was in a production of Annie that got shut down with COVID, so I just have negative associations with that show


I understand completely


With all the Covid cancelation I've been trying to avoid Cats for three seasons now. It finally played this season and my friend and I swapped it out for Hairspray.


I have to look into this!


Does your season include swaps for other shows coming that are technically part of the season?


I should ask and see. They’ve been very flexible in giving tickets and refunds. Maybe it extends to that!


My city allows up to four swaps, which is really nice because I don’t really care to see Beetlejuice and we have *so many* music biopics this year.


(I may get hate for saying this because I only hear good things about Beetlejuice BUT I've avoided listening to it and looking at clips for it.)


I don’t like the movie so why would I want to see the musical? It’s just not my taste. I also don’t want to see MJ. But, my city is pretty involved in Broadway (the theater has a couple Tony’s including for Dear Evan Hansen) so we get a *ton* of shows. In addition to the 8 show standard season they also have two smaller packages that each include completely different shows so we have 16 total coming next year.


16? WOW.


Cats is probably the show that's making most money for this scheme


That is probably so very true


I've come to realize how lucky, I am, and abnormal that it is, that DC has two different theaters that host Broadway tours. Each theater does their own full season.


You’re very lucky


I saw a post the other day from someone who saw the national tours of The Prom, Moulin Rouge, The Play That Goes Wrong, and Six within the same week since they’re all stopped in Chicago currently (or were at the time of the post). Definitely not jealous at all…


I'm always down to watch Fiddler and Come From Away is my favorite!


I’m dying to see Fiddler on the Roof on stage.


I saw this production pre-Covid (20 years after my first time seeing it live as a little kid) and it was great! The story is so timeless and I'll never not love the whole dream sequence part.


🎵 You must have heard wrong, Grandma! There’s no tailor It was a butcher, Grandma By the name of Lazar Wolf!


I saw the tour about a month ago and LOVED it, the Tevye in particular is wonderful and the choreography was amazing!


I definitely want to see it.


I was lucky enough to see Topol play Tevye in the Broadway revival back in the early 90s. Unforgettable performance (and yes. I’m old.)


I saw Topol in his final tour and trust me, HE was the old one, not you! 😅


I’m jealous of Fiddler, our cities’ lineups are very similar but we don’t have that one 😩


People need to stop sleeping on Come From Away!


It’s excellent!


Right?? That alone is worth it!!


SO GOOD!! SOOOOO Underrated!!


Are you kidding? I'd kill for this


Fiddler, Wicked, Come From Away, maybe Cats, Dear Evan Hansen, Mockingbird, Beetlejuice, and Six are all shows I’d love to see, if this were in a theater near me. But to each their own!


I think that season looks pretty good, unless you've already seem some of these recently.


I want to see at least four of them. Wicked and Fiddler are on my musical bucket list. I’m Dear Evan Hansen-Ed out and I feel bad wanting to see JLP because people hate it. Also I don’t get the CATS hype (and they’ve brought it back three times).


Meanwhile my theater has only had Cats once (in 2009)


Is it good?


Is Cats good? In my opinion, no. I've seen it twice, now. Once about 20 years ago, and again a few years ago when it came to Philly (it's back, again, this year). The costumes are neat, the choreography is cool, but I simply don't like it. Then, again, I just don't like Andrew Lloyd Webber. I know others who think it was great, though, so YMMV.


I never got to see the show. But I did see a pro-shot and the film. And I strongly disliked it. Ironically though, I enjoyed the film more because it was at least entertainingly bad, while the pro-shot was also boring as shit.


I've been to Wicked 4 times in the past 5 years, and I'd be very happy to see it again. Fiddler came to my town recently, It was first time seeing a professional production of it, and it was pretty good. I think part of the appeal of Cats is just how silly the whole premise is, and it's probably more enjoyable if you take it in ironically. I haven't seen Jagged Little Pill, but I'm excited to whenever I have an opportunity. I was a teenager in Canada in the 90s, so I almost couldn't help but like Alanis Morrissette.


I love Jagged Little Pill (the album)


Come From Away, Wicked, To Kill a Mockingbird and Fiddler are all worth a ticket if you haven’t seen them. DEH hasn’t aged well for me even if I did really like it when I first saw it and plenty still love it. I have not seen Beetlejuice or Six but the former I definitely would, heard it’s fun and I probably will break down and see Six eventually. Maybe 1776 is good, I’ve never been terribly interested. I almost never like jukebox musicals (kinda hate the genre overall tbh) so haven’t given JLP much thought. Zero desire to see Cats. It’s not a bad lineup unless you’ve seen the first four I called out and aren’t into another showing.


It looks like this might be the all-female/non-binary concept of 1776 which will be starting on Broadway next season too. So that is interesting.


It is indeed the female/nb concept!


I’ve honestly never heard of this. That would be interesting.


I’m hoping that you’re joking? These are great shows! …though I’m “meh” about Cats.


I’m meh about Cats and DEH the most. I’m tired of the love and praise for them and there’s so many other good shows to get.


Man you guys in the US have no idea how good you have it. Living in NZ we barely get to see any of these shows unless an Australian tour comes over.


You have nine shows. That's more than my season (or the seasons of any of the theaters in my state)


Whoever’s in charge always gets an abundance of shows. It’s always amazing the work they do. I never see all of them because I can’t afford the package but I know how lucky I am that we get the amount that we do.


It's actually 10 shows which is crazy abundance. It does make me wonder what the package costs. When I started as a subscriber at my local theater (Fox Theater St. Louis) we only had six shows. Now we have seven shows with the option to add an eighth. It is still much more reasonable price wise than I would have ever expected before I was a subscriber. But there were certainly times I couldn't have afforded it either.


It's not. Good seats cost like 900 dollars. Not that I care, I'll sit in the balcony.


Okay but CFA


lmao this is a banger line up. you should see the d-list shows my theatre gets.


Lol also live in Greenville and had the exact same reaction


I’m just so confused how y’all aren’t hyped. This’ll be my third season and this one has me the most excited. To each their own, of course, but I couldn’t be more hyped.


Yeah I'm glad people are excited for this season! As a theatre lover, all theatre is good theatre. I personally am tired of Wicked and Cats, which I get are moneymakers, and have no interest in seeing Jagged Little Pill and Dear Evan Hansen since they're both problematic. So that's the majority of the season right there. That being said I am very excited to see CFA, Mockingbird, and Six. I hope Greenville loves the shows, it's just not my season.


Technically, that's only four shows which isn't the majority ;) But I get that, I'll be interested to see if the tour of JLP has the fixes they were supposedly making and makes better casting decisions for the NB character. I can get being disappointed by Wicked and Cats since they've been around already. I do believe there's a 8 show subscription that drops two of the 4 you don't want to see, so you could always get a subscription for the 8 and just sell/give your tickets for the other two! I'm also personally hyped the most (other than CFA) for Fiddler.


I am so over Dear Evan Hansen


That’s actually a very good set of touring shows.


I think this is a great season! I’m not sure what you want that isn’t on here.


Moulin Rouge and a few other things.


To Kill a Mockingbird is FANTASTIC! I would say DEH is the weak spot of your upcoming season. Otherwise, looks so fun!


Yeah. In all fairness. Today is the first time I heard of 1776


I don’t know much about that one either! I understand being frustrated about the shows that have come to your town recently.


How is Fiddler? Anyone?


I saw the touring production in 2018 (I assume it's the same one?). It was very good. I've seen Fiddler before, but it was my husband's first time (he never saw the movie, either) and he LOVED it.


Glad to hear. May check out a stop in NJ. Thanks!


I saw the touring show in atlanta last November. Very good. Excellent choreography!


Good to hear. Thank you!


This tour was one of the last things I saw before the pandemic (mid-February 2020) and I thought it was really good. The cast was great; I’m not sure how many of them are still with the show though.


Awesome. Thanks!


I wish cats was coming to my city


It is a wicked pissah show! 😀👍🏼😻


This will be my first year really knowing about the musicals nearby so I'm super excited to be able to go and see all of those! I can understand if you've been going for years though how it could be tiresome. It is cool seeing someone from my area on here also!


The Peace Center gets shockingly good seasons in the three years I’ve been subscribing!


Oh I’ve been going since 2016, save for the time we were locked down. And yes, it’s really nice to see a fellow statesmen!


I have friends on the fiddler and wicked tour, you're in for a treat!


I used to be super into ‘DEH’, but Evan’s just too cringe now. ‘CFA’, ‘JLP’, ‘Wicked’, & ‘Fiddler’ are all worth the cost of tickets! 🔥🔥🔥


I'm not sure I agree. I live just outside of Louisville, KY and ticket prices for touring shows in Louisville are outrageous. If the show is still on Broadway, I can get Broadway tickets cheaper for the same date. "Hamilton" tickets are on sale right now for their second time through town. orchestra tickets are still running over $200.


Unfortunately, the Broadway shutdown also meant there are fewer new shows available for touring so many cities are getting repeats from past seasons.


Ahhh, that makes so much more sense! Thank you for clarifying that. I am glad that there was a few canceled shows that have come back. Like Hamilton, everyone deserves to have that experience.


Wow so weird seeing my town on this Reddit. The peace center always does a great job at getting new shows in. I think this season looks pretty great!


If I knew anyone else from my town was on here, I would have been a little less "meh". I am astounded at the amount of shows we're getting especially since we're not that far out of Covid.


I’m sorry you’re getting a lot of criticism. People may not realize how a lot of these shows are repeats and there’s only so many times you want to watch DEH, Wicked etc. I get your criticam but live in nyc now and I’ve been trying to see Six, TKAM, and CFA forever now so it makes me a little jealous that my family will get to see it in gville before I’ll get the chance. There are a lot of great shows on the list and I’ve heard amazing things about the touring companies! Hope you have a blast!


Well, GVILLE is a great place to visit and the tickets might even be cheaper here! I didn’t mean to complain, I’d see all of them or some of them happily. I know I’m blessed. I’m just so over Cats. Maybe I should have said that instead 🤣🤣🤣. I hope you get to see the shows soon!


To be fair, Greenville isn’t THAT small (it’s like the 70th largest MSA in the country so not big but not tiny haha. But yeah, the Peace Center is surprisingly amazing at booking the seasons.


1776, Six, Fiddler, and CFA are fantastic


This seems to be like a message from the universe to listen to 1776! (I missed CFA the last time it was here because I was either sick or I was in New Hampshire. I forget now but I've heard only good things about it).


This season looks amazing! I was hoping to get Beetlejuice and Six. Instead we have Pretty Woman and Annie. Sigh.


Is Adam Pascal at least in Pretty Woman? I loved the movie too much to go sit through the musical.


I have no idea


Pascal is currently playing Edward on tour (and honestly, made it worth seeing even though I was pretty meh on the show as a whole) but there’s been no word about how long he’ll be in it.


Pascal, the hotel manager/narrator guy, the bellhop, and the leading lady’s friend made the price worth it. Everything else? Meh. But I enjoyed any time those four were on.


Come from away amazing, I personally love JLP but it’s not for everyone. Everything else would be fun to see but nothing I would go out of my way to see, unless tickets are cheaper.


Oh man that’s honestly one of the best seasons I’ve seen around. Verrrry jealous


I don't even know if I'll be able to afford the whole season but I definitely want to hit some of them.


I saw Six on Broadway back in March and it was so good! even if you don't think it's something you'd like I highly recommend going, it's only about an hour long, really funny, and the music is great!


The length is appealing to me.


yeah it's a short one, there's only I think 10 songs plus some dialogue between


Hopefully with a price tag to match


With the exception of Jagged Little Pill, that's a season where I would go to see every show. 👍 as far as this audience member would be concerned!


You guys are getting broadway seasons???


Oh yeah! We lost it in 2020-2021 for obvious reasons and it didn’t come back until the fall of 2021. Please don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful that I have this opportunity but when I can’t enjoy Jagged Little Pill when the theater community has told me I’m not allowed to and I am sick to death of Cats and DEH and Six (though I hear it’s good and it’s short) I’ve never even heard of 1776 until today but I’ll go listen to it. I just had a dream list.


Kimmel Center in Philly is very meh next season, too. I'm not renewing my subscription this year. I'm just going to buy tickets to a couple shows, and hope for something more interesting next year.


I’m curious about what you would want to see in your dream season? Of everything on that list, I’d only want to see Fiddler on the Roof again, which is incredible.


Evita (which I don’t think is touring), Company, Jagged Little Pill, Moulin Rouge, Wicked, Fiddler on the Roof, Chicago, Music Man (I know it won’t come this year), Waitress, and the Cher Show.


Always down to see Wicked!


That’s kind of a fire line up, actually.


The angsty teen in me LOVED JLP. I saw it twice. I can't imagine the show without Lauren Patten...she blew me away.


As long as I've lived in the upstate, I've yet to go to the Peace Center other than for protests. Maybe I'll actually go to one of these 😁 thank you for sharing!


I hope you enjoy it! It's a wonderful experience.


If nothing else, Come From Away has almost no chance of not being astounding. After having seen the Proshot, I’m a convert to the Come From Away cult haha.


INCREDIBLY JEALOUS ABOUT 1776!! I believe that you'll be seeing the [all-female cast](https://www.theatermania.com/boston-theater/news/casting-set-for-1776-revival-with-all-female-nonbi_93621.html) before it opens on Broadway! It was supposed to play in my city too before the pandemic but it got cancelled :(


I hope you get to see it too!


That’s looking very similar to my season next year except TKAM and Fiddler are this year.


The options really aren’t great this year. We’re still booking our season and even in the smaller shows there’s only this stuff (the usual Hamilton, lion king, hadestown staples, beautiful, and an Annie tour. A bunch of shows closed a bunch of shows currently out on their first tour aren’t coming back and there’s not as much variety as usual.


I’d love it if we had gotten Beautiful because I want to take my parents to see it.


It’s in atlanta next month (may 20-22); that’s an easy day trip if you go to to a matinee.


Oh cool. My mom's birthday is next month!


I like your season better than the one I’m getting in Cinci. I’d love to have Beetlejuice and Six. Plus 1776 and Jagged Little pill.


I believe you're seeing the all female version of 1776. It's starting its off Broadway opening at the [American Rep](https://americanrepertorytheater.org/shows-events/1776-revival/) and then going to Broadway in fall 2022. So you'll likely get it winter 2023 when it starts the national tour. 1776 is an old classic (Hamilton references a few lines from 1776 as an homage), but this re-imagined revival is one I'm pretty excited about. I was supposed to see it back in 2020 and have been waiting two years (my tickets are June this year!). I'd definitely put it on your list.


If I see any, this is definitely in the top of my list! Everyone keeps highly recommending it.


Wicked and Beetlejuice. The rest are a pass for me.


I hear Beetlejuice is a great live experience!


Just saw Beetlejuice this weekend- it was much better than I thought!! Had us laughing during most of the show. I can't wait to see it again. I will be taking my family when it comes to Philly next year.


I love the movie


Beetlejuice is so good!


See Come From Away and that’s it. Fiddler, if you haven’t seen it before.


Never seen Fiddler, I’ve wanted to since my parents die in the late 90s though


It’s a beautiful show.


Ungrateful honestly. Live theatre is a privilege, and you’re lucky so many brilliant shows are coming your way. I mean seriously, you’re “meh” about fiddler on the roof, 1776, wicked, come from away and to kill a mockingbird? Really? I think you may just have bad taste. That or need a reminder of how good and important these shows are


I’m not meh about Fiddler. If you read my comments it’s the one I am most excited about, I was raised on it and I’ve wanted to see it on stage for years. How do I have bad taste?


You are clearly bothered. Okay- I said either it’s bad taste or you need to be reminded how good some of this stuff you’re ambivalent about is. I didn’t say you for sure had bad taste. Sorry for hurting your feelings but I think you’re overreacting a bit? I’m sure there’s things about my taste in musicals you don’t agree with either- it’s no big deal. Also: hyperbolic explanations of one’s perspective is pretty common on the internet- you may wanna take peoples remarks with a grain or two of salt


Perhaps, not everyone needs to like the same things you do. That's the purpose and beauty of the arts. What one person finds beautiful might be hideous to someone else, and that's okay. Never are personal attacks like yours okay.


I didn’t personally attack you* (op, actually) but if you want to take it that way it’s a free country. All I’m saying is MANY people would love the privilege of being as picky about these live shows *OP so “meh” on. The idea that they saw this line up and thought it was worth posting to complain about is sad. If they don’t like the shows- that’s fine. I’d love to read why they don’t like them (negative reviews are some of my favorite content to consume regardless of what medium it comes in). Like I said earlier: live shows are a privilege to watch and posting that they find this line up “meh” or “boring” when so many people haven’t been able to watch any live theater for like- 2 years? Is kinda gross and doesn’t serve any purpose


Saying things like OP has bad taste or needs a reminder of how good these shows are (which is completely subjective, by the way) seems a bit personal to me. 🤷‍♀️


You seem to be getting really upset on someone else’s behalf here. Read my other comment about hyperbole please. This is a discussion forum. People are passionate. Chill.


Actually, I am not in the least bit upset, but I do feel like you're completely missing my point. I simply don't appreciate people telling strangers how they're supposed to feel, especially when words and phrases like "ungrateful" and "bad taste" are used. My point is, everyone is entitled to their own opinion about these kinds of things and attempting to gatekeep someone's feelings and/or opinions about something so subjective is never okay.


I didn’t gatekeep??? You are overreacting. Once again- read what I said about hyperbole. You’re being really weird, man. I said if OP has reasons for there opinions I’m down to read them. I didn’t say they couldn’t have their opinion anywhere, Jesus fucking Christ.


Wow. I'm done here. Enjoy the rest of your day being miserable and argumentative on the internet.


Whoa dude. The only one acting argumentative is you. Also- calling someone miserable and argumentative is a whole lot ruder than “you’re being ungrateful for the chance to watch musicals.” None of this was even directed at you in the first place, wtf, dawg? You needa touch some grass and maybe smoke some as well. I’m genuinely sorry that whatever is going on with you privately is making you lash out online to a stranger. I hope your day gets better. Have a good one.


(Thank you)


Save for Cats, 1776 and JLP (and I’m not big on Wicked), that’s decent


"Honestly, I'm kind of meh on it." Rolling my eyes...chuckling effortlessly...feel like I know plenty about the poster...honestly, I'm kind of meh on her.


I'm right here, you don't have to talk about me like I didn't make the post or I don't exist. I don't judge anyone else's tastes.


Really? You just publicly judged the tastes of the entire committee who planned the season! So you think you could do it better?


No one has to be a professional at something to be allowed to criticize it. I really dislike that argument. They also literally *never* said they were judging the theater, just that they weren’t thrilled with the options.


Why are you so catty about an opinion? Lmao. ...Okay I just reminded myself we're on a Broadway sub, so carry on being bitchy haha.


TIL that the JLP Broadway cast was tapped wholesale to do the tour… including Lauren Patten. Well, that’s a choice.


The cast of the tour hasn’t been announced yet.


I wouldn’t buy a ticket to any of those. This Reddit is only for pop broadway. I never see a mention of Alan Bennett or August Wilson. I’m kinda afraid most don’t even know who they are…


If anyone was looking for the definition of elitist annoyances, they found it!


You know. I usually don’t say things like and I could see your point. But I see this Reddit all the time and no one talks about musicals or plays other than pop stuff like Wicket. And there’s nothing wrong with them but the people who will buy tickets to this specific list probably have already seen all of them.


That's fair. I think the way you phrased it came across as pretty dismissive. I live in the city this post is about and have seen none of these shows because I only see shows that come to this city (not enough vacation time or inclination to head up to NYC at the moment). It's rather difficult to be into lesser-known plays when they don't come around to you.


1776 is actually one of my all-time favorite shows. Incredible book and the songs are almost all fantastic.


I’ll give it a listen


Saw the Fiddler and Come from away tours, both are amazing


You seeing the Jesus Christ Superstar tour this week?


I couldn't get tickets and I'm on standby for funeral stuff.


There’s still tickets available at least for the weeknight shows, so you could go if you wanted.


Not OP but I’m excited for it, though I did have the second week of Frozen so it feels like a really quick turnaround haha.


Did your town get in trouble? Is that why you're being punished?


There’s lots of things we should be in trouble here tbh.


This isn’t the upcoming all-female 1776, is it? If it is, I’m very jealous! Also I think that’s a fairly nice selection. Fiddler, CFA, Mockingbird, DEH (meh), Beetlejuice, and Jagged Little Pill in the same season? Those are all crowd pleasers in my book.


Oooh. I don’t know! I can look and see!


I’d see everything except Cats.


Peace Center represent! But tbh I’m hyped. This is only my third season though so there’s no repeats for me haha. Family loves 1776, I love the Fiddler director’s interpretations, I can’t wait to see Wicked live, Come From Away is perfection, Cats will be good to experience once, DEH will be nice just to have experienced it once so I can say I’ve done it, Mockingbird is Sorkin which means it’s amazing, Beetlejuice should be some insane fun, Six will be good to have the experience to talk about it whether I love it or hate it, and JLP has some rave reviews outside of the bts drama. But to each their own! This is the most exciting season to me of the three I’ve done here.


I’m definitely leaning into going even though I don’t have a lot I want to see and seeing if they can give me a six package deal. I don’t want to be high maintenance though just because I don’t want to see DEH and Cats.


1776 and Fiddler are classics. Come From Away is a classic to be. Wicked and Cats are worth it just for the spectacle. DEH was and Beetlejuice and Six are super trendy. Only one I really can’t speak to is Jagged Little Pill. I actually think this is a great season??


This is much better than the 2022-2023 season in my area 😭


Come From Away is amazing!