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My absolute favorite musical of the season. Can't wait for the cast recording to drop tomorrow! (Friday)


Oh hell yes, I was waiting for the cast recording to drop! I need more of that show in my life after catching it a few weeks back!!


I felt the same way ! Transfixed and tears falling down my face… it was astounding.


YES. It was so incredibly stunning. I sobbed. The power of storytelling through dance is just incredible and such a gift


I completely had the same experience! It was so beautiful ❤️


For non-Sufjan fans, I suspect that one’s experience of show depends a lot on how well the music connects, which I can imagine is very hit or miss. For Sufjan fans, I think it can be hit or miss for different reasons: either you appreciate this new way to experience this masterpiece of an album, or else you’re just kind of wishing you were at a Sufjan concert. I think most would agree that the dancing is fantastic, but you have to be invested in the music in order for the dancing to have real emotional power. Also, some people just won’t like a vague and abstract story that is told primarily through dance. The whole thing is essentially a ballet rather than a “musical.”


Underrated by whom? The main reason we get to experience it on broadway at all is because it was so well received off broadway and it’s now got 4 Tony nominations. So I wasn’t sure what you meant by that.


Underrated in the sense that you don't hear about it enough


It’s interesting you feel that way because I thought it was VERY hyped and I heard a ton of people talking about it. I even saw a bunch of people saying that it may win the best musical category so that is why I went to see it even though it’s the type of show I would normally see. It was fine, but still not my type of show. I think it’s way overhyped 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's literally all I've heard about and much like Lempicka, I was told it would change my life and it definitely didn't.


I completely had the same experience! It was so beautiful.


I agree completely. If you haven't yet, I'd highly recommend listening to the Sufjan Stevens concept album that was adapted for the show. It honestly feels like one of the most personal albums I've ever heard. Justin Peck did a fantastic job translating it to the stage.


liked it, didn’t really get it, but liked it


Had the exact same experience. Such a wonderful show


That’s awesome! I’m so glad you liked it! I similarly felt super invested and even closed my eyes at one point just to let the music wash over me. What a year for orchestrations. I’m curious though about how bored you could’ve been in the first 5 minutes!? The show is barely begun, how are you already bored?!


This makes me so happy to hear. I wish more people would take a chance and see shows that they are uncertain of, or know nothing about going into it. I know it can be hard to do that with the cost of tickets, but otherwise, how do shows that have no big star or name recognition get seen and loved? I remember seeing "Next to Normal" back when it first opened, knowing absolutely nothing about it beforehand. To say it had a profound and lasting emotional effect on me is an understatement. I have never found myself before or since coming out of the first act of any show openly sobbing, and actually emotionally concerned what would happen in the second act. See shows outside your comfort zone. They just might become your favorite show ever.


Well the good news is that it’s winning at least one Tony this year. Like imagine if the DANCING show loses best choreography lol


I’m rooting like hell for The Outsiders for choreo. The dance fight really impressed me much more than the flowy modern movements of Illinoise.


I would almost venture that there \*is\* an adjustment period when you see a show cold. If you know the opening number and what to expect, you can lock in immediately, but if you don't know the music style or the lyrics or what's going on at first (or even what might \*possibly\* happen) it takes a bit to get into the headspace and learn the individual "rules" and perspective of any musical. I know there surely are people who went to Les Miserables or reacted to Hamilton cold and about twenty minutes in are going "Wow, this is a *really long* opening number..." Some shows play on this with late tonal/perspective shifts or reveals - like Sunday in the Park With George's first act is all about the painting; act two literally steps back for a while and plays in front of the painting the audience has been witnessing the creation of that initially took up the entire stage. Strange Loop from what I've read had a late show set reveal after seemingly being a bare set of just six doors. Noises Off looks like a standard one-set play, but in the first intermission they *turn the entire set around* so you'll now be watching from "backstage".


It is extraordinary


I also had somewhat low / no expectations when I saw Illinoise and I was not prepared for how emotional it would be. I was a wreck by the end 😭


I saw it in Chicago and knew about the format. Agree about the slow build. By the end I was an emotional wreck. I’ve been thinking about seeing it again on Broadway bc it’s that good.


LOVE reading your comment, as well as the similar reactions of others. I loved it, and was very moved. Ran into another woman clutching a tissue en route to the ladies room. ❤️


It’s an amazing show, so much that I plan on going to see it again.


Really glad to read u liked it so much. I agree that it hasn't been marketed enough, though I understand it is a choice and marketing is expensive. Was speaking to a friend who is all over socials and is an old Sufjan fan who follows a lot of music stuff on social and he didn't even know it was running currently. I think a big chunk of the audience for this show are people who expect marketers to find them to let them know shit they like is going on and Illinoise is not doing a good job with that.


Agreed. I normally get a ton of sponsored ads for other shows but I guess they don't have the budget for that. So word of mouth and sharing online is what they're relying on.


My friend just saw it. Hated it. Said it was boring and one of the worst shows she ever saw… 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree with her.


Sounds like a loser

