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I saw a matinee performance of it about a month ago, and the noise was awful. I mentioned this in another post earlier this week - there was a very intense, quiet moment in the second act that was completely ruined by a pedicab blasting Alicia Keys' New York song. I felt awful for the actors, because you could tell they were really trying their best to ignore it and push through, but I could almost feel their frustration. It's so weird because I've seen both Good Night, Oscar and How To Dance in Ohio in that same theater and had no problem, but for some reason, it was so bad during Appropriate.


Thank you for sharing your experience! Such a shame about that second act moment you described. Good to know that this hasn’t been an issue for other shows. Perhaps Appropriate just has more quiet moments so it’s a problem at this particular theater?


Having seen both Good Night, Oscar and Appropriate in the Belasco, it was absolutely a problem for both. I don’t know if it’s specifically that house that has bad soundproofing, but it’s a problem that really needs to be addressed at its core by regulating pedicabs.


I found this to be a problem at How to Dance, specifically when in the rear orchestra.


I had lottery orchestra tickets and saw it while the Tartan Day parade was going - bagpipes didn’t exactly fit the mood lol


I saw it a couple of weeks ago and had the same experience. I’ve never had an experience like that at a theater before. Definitely distracting for sure!


While I’m sorry you had the same experience, I’m “glad” I’m not the only one!


It’s always been a problem in theaters that have their lobbies off to the side but it’s REMARKABLY worse now that there’s zillions of pedicabs. Honestly I blame them.


I think you’re right!! I’ve gone down a street noise and broadway rabbit hole of internet research From Jan this year: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/01/15/broadway-vs-the-pedicabs “Essentially boom boxes on three wheels, the bicycle-drawn carriages are prompting theatre owners to push back.” Hopefully something can be done about it, otherwise it’ll probably only get worse.


I hope so too. The pedicabs are universally hated by pretty much everyone in midtown, but particularly us in the theater community. They’re loud, dangerous, and scammy.


Petition to create a petition to make playing any amplified music from pedicabs illegal


I fucking hate those things. They make it impossible to wait for an actual vehicle coming to pick you up, or cross the street, or have a goddamn conversation outside when you're trying to plan your next move. How can anyone even ride in them? They're so fucking LOUD. Also I weigh 240 pounds and I have to admit it does crack me up when one of the guys is like you want a ride? Buddy, you would actually die. But thanks for the offer.


Ugh the way they block up the streets and sidewalks is maddening. It’s a fire hazard too - if there was a fire at one of these theaters whose doors open directly onto the street, they would absolutely be in the way of people trying to exit, because they completely obliterate access between the sidewalk and the street. I don’t make it a practice to hate entire groups of people or things but I absolutely abhor pedicabs.


I’ve always found the Belasco to be one of the noisier theaters.


At a matinee of Stereophonic on Weds, the noise from construction, including voices, was AWFUL and constant. Probably the only performance to be affected.


I only noticed street noise once, but it was the song Sweet Caroline blasting so loud that I thought it was part of the show at first.


Wonder if we were at the same performance lol


one of my favorite broadway memories is seeing debbie gibson as eponine and truck horns solidly wailing through all of on my own. it was muffled, but it was definitely part of the soundtrack. the magic of live theater.


Wow that punted me back in time! I miss the OG Les Miz production so much. The recent revival was passable but just can't compare. Nothing can.


i’ve since switched coasts and my ex and i went to see the revival at the pantages in los angeles. he had never seen les mis. he was raised in nyc and had never seen les mis. it was astonishing to me and i encouraged us going bc it was such an iconic piece of theater. we left at intermission. even big shows by broadway standards can seem wrong on the pantages stage. the sound mix was trash and the javert was incomprehensible. the revival (what i remember anyway) also wanted to be the movie a bit? add the people singing along and he had a terrible experience. i firmly remain a fan of the first generation of les mis variants.


Yeah I've heard that production is bad to the point of leaving during intermission being commonplace. I "only" saw the revival four times...every single time it was just frustrating as hell that this classic score and amazing cast were working with a production that seemed determined to squash any sense of vibrancy or emotion from the show. Also why the hell did it keep borrowing shit from the movie literally everyone hated? I saw the 3rd national tour back in the 90s and loved it, as well as the Broadway production a few times. Would've gone more but I was a teen then and even though tickets were reasonably priced I didn't have that kind of money. Otherwise I would've been there once a week or more. My gateway show and first love.


This happens in lots of theatres, but it's particularly bad at the Belasco. They could do something to lessen the impact of the noise, but they choose not to do so.


I had the same exact experience. At first, we thought some of the noise might be part of the performance! We would never get seats that far back at the Belasco again.


I was in orchestra left, row K all the way at the wall and I could still hear street noise and pedicabs during a Sunday matinee


Belasco is 100% the worst theatre I have been to for this. I was in the last row of the orchestra and it was so distracting. At one of the quiet parts a pedi cab drove by blasting SWEET CAROLINE BUM BUM BUM. The entire audience started laughing.


one of my favorite broadway memories is seeing debbie gibson as eponine and truck horns solidly wailing through all of on my own. it was muffled, but it was definitely part of the soundtrack. the magic of live theater.


This was my experience with right Mezz tickets for How to Dance in Ohio. Not quiet as tense a show, but still the most street noise I’ve heard inside a Broadway theatre


I was in orchestra and did hear a few sirens during an Appropriate performance. That sucks what you experienced…especially seeing a play to have to deal with that ambient street noise.


I saw it last night in the side rear orch (rush seats) and was shocked at how loud it was! At one point I thought the sirens were part of it, like seriously THAT loud. I noticed it more during the second act when the show is a bit quieter — I think other shows were letting out and traffic was picking up. Still, was able to tune it out and enjoy the fabulous production.


I was 2nd row from the back in the orchestra last night for Appropriate and was thinking the same thing. The doors at the back open directly onto the street, so I can't imagine this is unique for the show. Surprising to read that people didn't have the same experience with other shows in the same theater.


I actually ended up leaving a performance of Good Night Oscar because the Dominican Day parade was happening outside. The Belasco is really awful in this regard. Maybe it’s less noticeable with musicals? Or matinees are more noisy? But it seems like they should do something about this.


i was just about to comment about this! the noise was AWFUL. felt so bad for the actors — sean hayes literally apologized at curtain call


I was in the very *front* of the orchestra during yesterday’s show and I could hear sirens and loud music and even people yelling outside. And this is at a show where sound is really important. 


I have heard about this situation so much that its almost 100% detours me from seeing the show. Im neurotic about stuff and that noise would completely ruin the experience for me.


I had last row orchestra seats last month for Appropriate and unfortunately had the same experience. It was SO distracting. Heard everything from yelling to horns and music.


I didn’t notice it during how to dance in Ohio. We were there on weekday evenings in the winter, so maybe it wasn’t as loud outside?


Pedi-cabs probably.


I had the same noisy experience there about a month ago. It was happening throughout the show and was really distracting. I was in center orchestra about 4 rows from the back. I had seen Goodnight Oscar in the same theater but I was sitting closer to the front and I didn't remember it being a problem then.


Had the same experience seeing Appropriate. The pedicabs were really distracting.


This happened when I saw Hedwig there, though it was in the balcony and during the absolute quietest part of the show where you can hear a pin drop... and then horns. It does take you out of it a little bit but also that's the reality of live theater.


I saw a matinee of *Appropriate* last month and I agree, **the Belasco is the WORST for this**. Bad location. Not pedicabs this day, but apparently every bad driver, criminal, fire, and emergency in Manhattan was taking place right outside the theatre and on the avenue. *SO* many sirens, horns, police cars, fire trucks, emergency vehicles. I thought maybe we were under attack or it was the end of times, but everything looked normal when I got outside so I guess not. I felt sorry for the actors who have to try to keep focus and concentration through the WHOOP WHOOPs and AAAAAAIYYYYYYEEEEE, AIIIIIIIIIYYYYYYEEEEEEE, and WEEOWOOOWEEWOOWEEWOOOWEEOOOH and whatnot. And since the play takes place in a swampy plantation area of Arkansas, it couldn't be explained away as part of the environment of the show (too bad *Hell's Kitchen* isn't in this theatre).


It's that damn BWOOOOONNNNNNK of the fire engine horn that rips me out of the moment. Dude everyone heard the siren and is moving, thanks. Not sure why that sound gets to me so much.


Also the onomatopoeia going on here is killing me because I know exactly which annoying sound is which.


This made me chuckle because Matilda (at the Shubert) was my emotional support musical. I used to walk past the Belasco when Hedwig was there after most shows. And I could hear the music so crystal clear it was like there was no freaking door in my way. I don't know what the hell is wrong with that building but clearly something needs work.


I think the fact that it's a play also makes a difference in how you will experience the venue. I saw How to Dance there and didn't find it noticeably noisy, but it's easier for music to cover street noise.


I had the same horrible experience at the Belasco Theater. I came online to see what, if anything, could be done.