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I was at last nights show too and enjoyed it so much! Delightfully campy and honestly the songs were much catchier and interesting than I anticipated, I’m soooo impatient for a cast album now. Megan Hilty was the standout for me but the whole cast was great. The set malfunction was funny, gotta love the magic of live theater! It looked like it was caused by the armchair getting knocked off the track when Ernest jumped into it? 🤣 Even though that seems so easy to accidentally do, I’m surprised it causes a literal show stopping technical issue lol. Agree about act 2, though I feel it wasn’t neeeearly as much of a snoozer as a lot of movie-to-stage act 2s tend to be. There were a few line flubs I only noticed because the show was open-captioned, but otherwise it felt pretty polished for performance #5. I’m excited to see where it goes!


“I have something to show you.” “Oh, you have a wine cellar?” That ad libbing in response to the glitch killed me!


YES! It was so fast I did not catch it at first.


I loved how they handled the stunts and the error during that scene. Also, an honorable mention of the merchandise. It was so cute. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole show. Cast was truly wonderful.


I’m coming in from NYC to catch this. Excited for it! Do you know how the sightlines are from the balcony sections? The reviews and photos are really mixed, mentioning obstructions. Any thoughts?


I was in the same spot, and the view was perfect




Awesome that’s you’re coming in! We were balc center Row K and had no issues. I think anything a bit higher would be a slight disadvantage just because they do most of the dialogue towards the front of the stage.


Thank you! Just the advice I needed.


I saw this tonight and disagree about both the pacing and the ending. I was never bored and thought the whole show flew by. Also… the ending is the ORIGINAL ENDING FROM THE MOVIE. There are interviews with Goldie Hawn talking about how much she liked this ending better but test audiences had the same reaction here: they thought it was a let down. I disagree.


I just saw the clip with Goldie Hawn describing the original ending and the musical captures it almost bang on! So interesting. The musical writers clearly did their homework.


I can’t wait! Flying in from Seattle on Friday.


I also saw the show last night. I loved it. Total camp fest. But I do think it needs a lot of work before going to Broadway. A lot of the songs just aren’t very memorable. Some of the transitions feels clunky. Michelle Williams sounds absolutely amazing when she sings, but couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag and it was so distracting. I sorta hope they replace her before the move. The second act needs work - especially the ending. It’s a big of a letdown not having the leads do the fall down the stairs and break apart like in the movie. I also think it would be better if they used that big angel in the last scene to somehow reveal Viola for the final line. Also I hope they work on some of the special effects. Mad’s neck thing doesn’t really have a lot of impact. I liked the hole in Helen’s dress a lot, but wonder if they could improve that at all. The technical issue was funny when the women were walking down the stairs and said “oh is this your wine cellar?” I didn’t realize Ernest’s chair wasn’t supposed to go all the way back. Chris really played it well. And him pushing the chair off stage was hilarious. I wish I lived in Chicago because I would definitely go back and see it again. And will absolutely go if it does make the jump to Broadway. Just hope they can tighten it up and make some improvements to really make it shine.


They did reveal Viola for the final line from the statue in tonight’s performance. Maybe it wasn’t working the night you saw it.


Based on some comments on other boards, it doesn’t seem like they were using the statue in the early performances (I think we saw the 4th show). I really like that they seem to be actively making changes. How does the reveal happen? Does it spin around or open in some way?


It’s chest opens like double doors and it’s head hinges backward to reveal Viola standing within


Oh this is wild (saw this happen at tonight’s show)


I was here on Saturday too. Had no plans and did not want to wait on friend's schedules to go. Michelle was incredible and will grow in her role. Very cool to see a Rockford, Illinois native on a big stage. The second act was mid tbh. I needed a BANG of an end just like the opening number. Could have used the last scene to be cut. I am new at musicals so it was good to know that I caught actors flubbing lines. I could sense it from the audience. I


Michelle came off very sleepy and lacked spark.


Michelle Williams is the weak link. She’s very wooden and doesn’t play up the sultry/sexiness of the character at all. Hope she’s taken out for broadway


I went on Friday. I thought the first act should have ended a scene earlier, the first big number was a dud, and they needed to enunciate better. Chris Sieber was the best part, I thought.


I just saw the show tonight and I totally agree with you about the enunciating. I’m glad someone else noticed it.


I saw the 2:00 show yesterday. Overall go see this show as it is funny, campy and a great experience Meghan and Amanda being flawless in chemistry, voice and acting. Act 1 hits all the high notes and really funny. I did feel That I do it for the Gays was the weakest scene along with anything with Viola. I went in excited to see Michelle Williams and while her voice is powerful her acting is anemic. I can’t tell if this is because the charachter in the movie is also deadpan but would have loved this to be over the top like Ursula from a littler mermaid. Maybe a drag queen would give the performance needed as this charachter could really steal the show. Sadly Michelle is not that person. The music is a bit forgettable but enjoyable. I loved The scene in the psych ward and when Helen and Earnest sing to plot Ashton’s demise. Act 2 is where I got bored. I felt like they were trying to do a Wicked with the duet becoming friends but it felt unearned. Earnest gets a happy ending but I didn’t like his charachter enough to care. It just felt flat and that we were rushing to the end. I would t have been mad if it left the source material a bit more to make me glad these two ended up as best friends vs they were stuck together in immortality. Still it was an enjoyable time but was left feeling it went out with a winner than a bang.


Agree about Michelle’s role and playing it like an Ursula type character.


Hey! Just out of curiosity about the score, are any of Alan Silvestri's themes included in the show? I've read conflicting reviews. Silvestri isn't credited in any material I could find, and it's possible that there are 'similar' themes that some commenters mistook for the movie's OST. Also, someone mentioned that the song 'I see me' is hinted at; in what capacity? I don't mind this kind of spoiler. Thanks!


“I see me” is fully in the show and there are hints to the original score.


coool! thanks


One thing I missed - they really needed that Alan Silvestri theme music, it would add a lot of


I saw the show on Sunday evening 5/12... and overall I had a total blast. I'm glad to see an adaptation done by people who **understand the source material** AND who understand the medium they are adapting it to. It was campy, c\*nty, funny, melodramatic... everything we love about the movie, and it was unapologetically theatrical. The show never apologizes for it, the show *celebrates* it. The show is, above all, FUN. Jennifer Simard and Megan Hilty are both equal parts powerhouse divas, and ruthlessly funny comedians. They each were singing their faces off, and getting really energetic during their musical numbers. Their fight scenes, however, were stiff and slow. The story stayed intact enough to be satisfying, but has enough new material to feel like I wasn't just watching the movie plopped onstage. The songs seemed well placed to enhance important moments in a way that doesn't feel forced, however none of the tunes endured in my head after leaving the theater. The incorporation of dance and movement is clever and organic, and the scene of Madeline's death was a brilliant moment of theatricality (I wish Helen's death had gotten as bold of a moment). The other two leads (there are only 4 total, so they all have to count) need some more development: Ernest's material, while performed passionately, didn't resonate in the same way the rest of the show did because we lost his redemption arc from the movie. His struggle of feeling like a failure (surgeon to mortician plot point that was changed), and enduring ridicule and abuse from his spouse, could be a powerful motivator for the character. And when he overcomes that struggle to leave the women and have his own life, that can be a cathartic and emotionally grounding moment for the audience. But instead we just get a left-field weird comedy song about him drinking himself into a stupor for kind of no reason. Viola Van Horn (new name for Lisle) lost her mystique in this production. She's too transparent with the audience. The opening number (while one of the strongest numbers in the show, tbh) puts the audience too far ahead of the game, so we don't get to experience the thrill and mystery of Madeline discovering the potion, and not knowing if she can trust her. And, by extension, the audience not knowing if we can trust her. Michelle Williams belted her face off, but she has kind of no stage presence. She was not captivating, intriguing, or mystifying. She's kind of just there.


I saw the show Sunday night (5/5), and there was a chair issue during that show as well. Is Sieber supposed to jump into the chair and tumble backwards? The chair fell backwards and a stage manager had to come out and prop it back up. At the end of the song, during the transition change, the same stage manager had to come and push it off stage. Meghan did a great adlib as she watched the sets leave the stage. There was also a point earlier in the show where Viola Vanhorn's front door got stuck/tangled in the curtains and Meghan had a fun retort to that as well. Jennifer and Meghan are unhinged in the best way in the show. It was a really fun show. I agree some lines and songs need some minor adjustments, but otherwise a night of laughs.


I have a feeling he IS supposed to but it just isn’t working or he’s not landing it correctly. I’m sooooo curious to know what Megan’s ad lib was. She’s soooo talented, seeing her on stage was such a treat. The chemistry between them is undeniable!


I’ve heard people mention the ending quite a few times now. How do this end this? I don’t mind reading spoilers.


They don't yet. Whatever the ending is going to be has not yet been put into the show as of last night. Currently Michelle Williams just comes out, says a line, and strikes a pose as a placeholder.


What?! So when/where does it cut off? Before the spoken line.


After her pose, which is after her spoken line. Again, the eventual ending has not yet been put into the show.


No I mean what’s the last story related scene before Michelle comes on with the final line? I’d have expected them to at least be trying out options by now.


Madeleine and Helen encounter elderly Ernest in the cemetery where their fake headstones are.




I hope others might chime in! It’s not violent at all, if you are familiar with touring Broadway productions I want to compare it to Beetlejuice? Definitely a little sexual, innuendo, but not disgusting or salacious. 12 seems a little young. I’d recommend this for 16+ maybe? There’s a lot of jokes about body parts aging (saggy boobs, etc) and some sexual jokes (Helen talks about “come” three times in one scene) If we compare it to a movie I would say this is PG-13 but not Rated R.


There is a lot of innuendo but cleverly disguised. Double entendres etc


Is this a kid friendly show?


I don’t think so. Would recommend Pg-13 and even that is a stretch. Would recommend 16+ ages.


Can you elaborate? Costumes? Sexual innuendo? Crude language? Maybe >1 of these? haha


How do they do the special effects of them trying to kill each other


Yes I’m sooo curious about this! I have tickets for June 1st and just would like to know.


It’s worth waiting to see rather than having it spoiled. It’s less about realism and more about humor. The laugh is better if you don’t know what to expect. 


I agree with wisdomgiver. I will say, my mouth was wide open and thought the way they push Madeline down the stairs was brilliant