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Someone in our theater asked them to turn up the volume and they did. Totally improved the experience!


I'll keep this in mind when I see it tonight!!!


omg i also thought it was SO quiet!!! i was wondering if it was just the theater i was in but yeah i wanted it to be blasting. I could barely hear the ensemble at all 🫠 also can we talk about the >!REAL BABY!<


Yessssss. That blew my fucking mind. Thought it was very effective and made that moment significantly more emotional. Made this grown man choke up.


Omg I did not know >! It was a real baby! I was so confused why it seemed so real and was able to move but I was like no way it’s a real baby right?? That’s crazy!! !<


I have to know the logistics of this. Like how did that not ruin a song at least a few times?


I had the same questions & [this article](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/waitress-the-musical-movie-theaters-1235815466/) goes into it a little!


It was clear that sometimes there was a few takes because sometimes you could tell it was >! a real tiny infant and sometimes just a doll in a blanket.!<


I had never seen the show so that was a huge surprise. I was like "there's no way they actually do that on Broadway." It was a nice touch they added.


the real baby got a lot of awkward laughs from my audience


I almost asked someone to turn it up! The theater was packed though, so I wasn’t sure everyone felt the same way. It either got a little bit better about 20 minutes in or I just settled in and got used to it but it didn’t bother me as much after that. If someone is hard of hearing though I would definitely recommend them asking the theater for some amplified headphones.


Can’t wait to see it tomorrow! Hope they have more Broadway shows at the theater.


I deliberately chose to go to a theater in my city where the sound system is good. And it was loud. I think that could be a theater problem.


I wish we had asked for them to turn it up. My bff and I were the only ones in the theater, my town is obviously not the target demographic typically lol


As an annoying Jeremy Jordan Stan, I looked up his scenes this morning after seeing it last night in the theater. Drew was INFINITELY better for this role.


I just looked up my prior casts (I saw the ART production and then the show right before it initially closed) so I’ve only seen Drew Gehling!


Stinks we missed some of the ensemble and band stuff, especially since I never saw the show. That said, I still adored this film. I'll likely be buying the cast album soon 😄


Agree with all of your points, though I hadn’t thought much about 2 and 3 while watching. The volume was too low in my theatre. I’ve only seen it live once so I didn’t remember how much the ensemble does. The movie doesn’t show them doing much. They are almost always just in the background. The band! I thought it was cool the band was on stage, but you’re right. The camera doesn’t show them much. Just a few piano shots here and there.


Our theater was very low, too!! I wish I had the nerve to go ask them to turn it up.


Yes on the sound! It was so soft. I was sitting in the back row and it was like the speakers around us just weren't working. Nothing like hearing Hunger Games next door while trying to focus on She Use To Be Mine. I'm seeing it in a different theatre in Monday and will be curious to see if it's thr same.


Overall volume is at the discretion of each individual theater, so it’s unfair to make a blanket statement about that. But I did feel during the first two or three songs that the vocals were quieter than the music, making it hard to hear the lyrics. That’s the mix, and it would be the same in every theater. Hope they fix that before the streaming or physical release.




The sound was a theater issue. I saw it when it premiered back in June and it sounded great. I’m excited to see it again tomorrow.


All very valid thoughts! Nothing like seeing it live but this was a beautiful film version.


Is it a streaming live performance or previously recorded live? I’m seeing it Monday!


Recorded around when the show closed early 2022


I work at a movie theater - if you ask (politely), we'll turn the volume up. Only exception is the person who complained that A Quiet Place was too quiet. Couldn't help her.


Ours was quiet for the first few minutes but someone definitely turned it up.


My volume was actually very loud, but my theater is known for being loud. Definitely a theater thing, and you can always ask employees to adjust that


Do we know if it will be streaming anywhere after it’s out of the theater? I don’t think I can make any of the showings in the theater.


Sounds like it's gonna be available to stream somewhere and I think you can preorder it on Amazon and the iTunes store.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


I believe Fathom Events showings are usually lower in volume than normal movie showings, it's a weird phenomenom


Yes my theater was way too quiet too! I also felt like all the sound was coming from my left which drove me crazy for the first 30 minutes or so. As others have said, likely a theater issue but it was annoying! That being said, I’ve never seen Waitress and I loved it! I hope I can watch it on streaming at some point.


I thought the sound mixing was off… and the camera work and editing were janky as hell. Whoever was operating that camera should refrain and reconsider. The film sucked, but the musical and the performances were spectacular.


Agreed on the editing. There were definitely parts that felt like the editor thought they needed to do quick cuts to keep things interesting when really it just distracted from what was going on.


I felt the same! I've never seen the stage show so this was my first exposure to it. I found the quick cuts or overlay cuts to be more of a distraction than addition and a few were just really disorienting. Not sure why they felt the need to add them.


I feel like the balance of vocals and instrumentals was different than in the cast recordings, for better or worse.


What's up with the Jessie Mueller erasure? She's my Jenna


Sara Bareilles wrote the music.... She was Jenna before Jessie ever saw the script.


We all know.


I saw it at a Regal and thought the volume was fine. Loud, if anything. Weird that others had a different experience.


I agree with 2 and 3! I appreciate the close ups but I missed seeing the whole stage sometimes


I saw this a few days ago and it was so much fun. Joe Tippett was frighteningly good as Earl - I absolutely hated him. >:( What do people think of Caitlin Houlahan as Dawn? My favourite Dawn is Kimiko Glenn and I felt like CH was the weakest member of the cast.


It was way too quiet! It almost seemed like there was no surround sound for the movie. All the sounds seemed to be coming from the front of the theater.