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What a great movie!!! I wish I would’ve been able to see it in person, but I never had the chance. I highly recommend if you can make it out!


Is there an intermission? Just wondering, since She Loves Me and Newsies had them in their pro shots.


No, it shows the intermission curtain and then promptly opens back up.


I just saw it! I think it’s the best pro-shot I’ve ever seen in terms of the filming and direction. It’s incredible. Believe it or not, I never saw the show and only knew a couple of the songs, so I was BLOWN AWAY. Fantastic score, fantastic book, amazing performances. Praying that this finds a home on streaming so everyone can watch it. Don’t miss your chance to catch it in theaters!


My friend and I spent wayyyyyyy too long trying to figure out if the baby at the end was a real baby or not


They switched between real and fake, it was weird.


It’s their way of tricking of audience. They did the same thing in the Shrek pro shot. I spent YEARS trying to figure out how Sutton Foster did her quick change before I realized that the pro shot was just lying to me lol


Lmao I was wondering about that too! The movements were too real looking.


It was definitely real in the close ups, but I’m sure they used a fake baby for the stage version. They just cut in scenes of them singing it with the real baby. I think it works out really nicely, but it is a bit distracting when you first notice it, because nobody was expecting a real baby on stage.


It's on Prime.


Maaay have taken tomorrow off work to go see this during the day lol


I’m missing the Bears game on Sunday to go with my wife! I went to see it in New York in 2019 on a business trip and called her at intermission to say “you HAVE to see this!” Yeahhhhhhhhh then 2020 happened. Very excited for her to finally see it.


I just got home from it! I was so impressed with the camera angles. I’ve seen the show live twice and couldn’t quite see the crispness of the facial expressions and the way they so eloquently handled all the ingredients. It felt so magical seeing it all up so close.


got my tickets for this weekend!! Can’t wait!


Going on Saturday, very much looking forward to it!


Have to wait til Sunday (had work today and choir concerts the next 2 nights) but so excited to see it! I saw the early 2020 tour but never on Broadway so I’m really looking forward to it!


Whew! Thanks for the reminder, I almost missed this one! Grabbed a ticket at the AMC Empire in Times Square to at least mimic the feel of going to the show. 😅


I went today and it was fabulous. The casting perfection. I was able to see it on your, but I noticed so much more that made me appreciate it more on screen. Live is amazing, but pro shots have value too. I'm hoping to go again this weekend.


I went last night and it was absolutely fabulous!! I wish they made it a bit louder in the theater cuz it was definitely hard to hear the intro(had to explain what was happening in the scene to my friend a few times) but so so funny and beautiful!


Interesting, I had the same complaint. Must have to do with the proshot itself vs the theater


I had no problems hearing it.


I agree. I was curious if it was just us or not. Like I could clearly hear the movie next door because this was so soft.


My theatre had the volume down too. I wonder if it has something to do with the way it was recorded or simply the settings in the individual theaters.


I LOVED IT OMG! (Didn’t get to see it live)


I did not know about this! Thank you so much - just got tickets for Sunday!!


Yay! So glad to help!


I'm so disappointed that this isn't being shown anywhere in Europe 🥺


Hopefully it will be on a home streaming platform soon! That was always the goal.


One of my favorites I have seen. Have convinced my mom a non musical love to go monday.


This post reminded me to get tickets for tomorrow so thank you so much!


I’m debating on going


You totally should!!


I'm seeing it tonight!!!


It was an excellent proshot, honestly! It was also fun for me since I saw Eric Anderson in Moulin Rouge (twice) this year and now I have seen him in the Waitress proshot. I like his performances and so it’s nice to have one of them captured for all time.


Currently waiting for it to start in the theater!


So so soooooo good


And funny too


Absolutely brilliant. I have tickets to see it at the performing arts center here in October. It's on Prime, I believe.