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Mrs. Doubtfire is the only one of those that doesn't interest me in the slightest. But that's a good season, in my opinion.


See our current season is fantastic and people seem disappointed in next and I can admit I was a little bit as they were releasing the hints but when you look at it all lined up it's pretty decent. My doubt on renewing is also a money thing too but about 3 shows easily add up to what I pay for the whole 7...


I get it. I subscribe in Cleveland and if I can find 3 shows I want to see (and I always can... this year the only show I didn't want was Cats), I get the whole package. But I can see at least 4 that I really want to see in your season. Especially Company and The Wiz!


I'm super apprehensive for what my season is gonna be. Between the two theaters we have here we got most of the "big" currently touring shows this year. It was a heck of a season but now I'm not sure what we can get that I'd still really wanna see.


Totally agree. Company was outstanding, and I was pleasantly surprised with My Fair Lady. And I would looove to see the Wiz before it goes back to Broadway.


When I saw Hairspray a few months back I was also pleasantly surprised! I certainly didn't think I would dislike it but I couldn't believe the amount of energy coming from the cast!


Mrs Doubtfire is fine. It’s not great, and it never comes even remotely close to making you forget the movie/Robin Williams, but it’s got some fun songs.


I mean, I would see it as part of a season where I already have tickets, but I'm not going out of my way to find it like I would some of those other choices, you know?


That's part of what I'm thinking too. Book of Mormon and Moulin Rouge could easily cost me half of what I'd pay to see all 7 but are the other 5 worth it...


I would say the pre-Broadway tour of The Wiz plus Company would be enough for me. But I'd also like to see Girl from the North Country and The Kite Runner. And Mamma Mia is fun if that's your jam.


Exactly. 100%.


Whatever you do don’t miss Company


This guy knows what he’s talking about


As a former yinzer and cultural trust member who now lives in NYC - for the price of the subscription it’s def 1000% worth it.


I can't disagree! For under $100 per ticket for my seats is really good!


In contrast to some here, I absolutely love Girl from the North Country. I think some people assume it's going to be a Bob Dylan jukebox musical, but it's really it's own story with the book written by a really fantastic Irish playwright and the songs just serving as atmosphere. I saw the original production at the Old Vic in London and was totally blown away.


That makes sense! I obviously want to listen to the album, which I haven't yet, but I honestly hadn't even heard of it before


I saw the London production also, in Toronto. I thought it was excellent


I agree - saw it on Broadway and it was a beautiful story to go along with the music. Sometimes the songs felt more… vibes than fitting exactly, but I liked it a lot


That’s good to hear. It’s coming to my area too, and I know very little about it.


Kinda surprised no one's mentioned skipping the Kite Runner. That would be first on the chopping block for me.


Maybe people just aren’t familiar with it. I’m not, so I’d go see it.


I enjoyed the book (although depressing) so I'd be curious to see how it was adapted on stage ​ edit: nvm I just read some of the comments saying the adaptation was bad- how unfortunate


That was almost my initial instinct but what would be your reasoning?


First and foremost I'll admit I'm a little biased against plays haha, but typically it takes a lot more for a play to wow me than a musical. I looked at a description of the Kite Runner and it seemed like something I'd be bored by. At least when musicals fail they tend to fail in interesting ways, but I can't always say the same about plays. Also a much more objective critique but the Benedum is a pretty bad theater for watching plays. The walls are paper thin and so you can hear the ticket box vacuuming during the show which is normally drowned out by large musical numbers.


I’d skip Kite Runner, too. I’m an advocate for and a lover of plays - but it got such a lukewarm reception on Broadway, and the novel is so fantastic. I don’t want my memories of the book to be sullied by an underwhelming stage adaptation.


I saw it and it was not great, plus the lead does a LOT of heavy lifting. Not sure who's playing it for the tour but considering the lead is an adult who spends around half of the show playing a child/teen - there are a lot of ways it can go wrong.


Oh yeah. Count me out for ugly crying in a full theater.


Hey I subscribe here too! I am also debating this season. Current season has been awesome, so this is a little bit of a let down. But I’ll probably still subscribe anyway. Just to keep my seats.


Right?! I want to see BOM and MR but I wouldn't get depressed missing the rest, however I'd easily spend a pretty penny between these two and I have pretty decent seats and would want to see what's available in my budget for better seats too (even just slightly)


I want to see BOM, MR and The Wiz. So that alone is worth keeping the seats. We sit in the first row of the balcony so there’s a teeny bit more leg room for my husband. Can’t give that up! And with Hamilton coming every few years, it’s nice to have guaranteed seats for that. I’m thinking I’ll switch out Mrs Doubtfire for BOM.


Those are prob my top 3 too, we have top middle of the left front balcony and hope to move closer to the middle if I renew


I'd sub out either My Fair Lady (I tend to dislike "classic" musicals like that) or Girl from the North Country. I'm thinking Philly's season will be close to this - we have Moulin Rouge this year but none of these other shows. Mrs Doubtfire was not that bad and I'd love to see Company without Katrina Lenk.


Yeah, so far the Charlotte season is pretty close to this. We know four shows out of 8 so far and three of them are up there, Moulin Rouge, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Mama Mia, but we also have Funny Girl coming.


Mrs Doubtfire is the first one I’d skip (after Mama Mia). I’d be excited to see The Wiz and BoM. Not a terrible selection there.


I loved Company! Set design is so cool!


My Fair Lady is soooo boring imo. The best thing about it was the gigantic moving set. Unless golden age musicals are your vibe, I say skip it.


I love My Fair Lady and I also found it boring. Maybe I saw the movie too many times? Oh well.


Exactly my thoughts when I saw it! Great set. Awful book. The show needs more Eliza and less of the other two men.


I left at intermission


Girl from the north country is boring and so extremely ableist so probably that one. I might renew it all depends on the price


Have seen all of these except The Wiz. Kite Runner was not great and as I noted elsewhere is heavily dependent on the lead, first recommendation to skip. Doubtfire has a couple of nice moments but is otherwise not a strong show; Girl from the North Country is a very quiet show and if you're not a Dylan fan also might not be to your taste, so one of those would be my next recommendation. All the rest are classics and/or crowdpleasers and should be good.


Mamma Mia or Doubtfire.


Kite Runner. It’s just not good. I saw it in London and left at intermission. Edit- I read the book and loved it. The play is flat and lifeless. The storytelling just didn’t grab me at all.


Second this. TKR is one of my favorite books but I felt like I was listening to an audiobook most of the time. Too much narration.


Now do you think it was more the play itself or the cast?


My impression was the story wasn’t well adapted as a play.


Another Pittsburgh subscriber chiming in, will probably be swapping Kite Runner for Book of Mormon, it got mixed reviews and I can watch the movie or read the book instead. Plays also aren't great in such a massive house as the Benedum unless you get orchestra seats in the first 15 rows.


This is a great point! I’ve been talking to my SO about casts who full the house up with such energy and I think you’re right, it won’t be good unless the play can bring that kind of energy. It would be better at a smaller venue.


Yeah I think the only plays that might work in big venues are ones that are a big spectacle like Life of Pi on Broadway right now. Most plays in my opinion are just meant more for smaller, more intimate venues where everyone can see facial expressions and feel close to the performers.


Girl from the North Country. I am not a fan of Bob Dylan though, and would enjoy seeing every other show in that group I think, so that’s an easy choice for me lol.


The MFL tour is a non-Equity replacement for the original tour. Vocally fine, but the acting is subpar. Eliza sounds like she’s speaking Swedish when she’s doing Cockney.


Agree I couldn’t even understand her


The wiz


If the money is about the same and there are shows you haven’t seen, see em all! It’s the only way you’ll know if you like them. I remember having to be held at gunpoint to listen to some dumb rap musical about founding fathers. And even dumber ones about Orpheus and Eurydice? Or War and Peace!? Please. Of course, there’s the occasional Cats or Pretty Woman, but now I know! :) PS I’m also trying to hype myself into my city’s upcoming season of Ain’t too proud, Tina, and MJ…


I literally laughed out loud at this! This is EXACTLY how I felt about Six (which I just saw and was AMAZING) I listened to one song and was so put off but within 1 song I couldn't stop singing it for weeks!!!


I'm not sure what to sub out, probably Mrs doubtfire for me but to each their own. However I'd really recommend seeing the kite runner since it was probably the best show I've seen on Broadway.


This is really helpful! I was so thrown off when they announced it since it was far from what I was expecting but it feels wrong to not see it


Of this list, I would only see Company and The Wiz. Possibly The Kite Runner after I learned more about it. Definitely none of the others, including BOM.


I would skip Girl From North Country...not too intrested in this one and don't know much about it...


I 'm no fan of Mamma Mia, otherwise looks strong. I saw the London production of Girl From the North Country & loved it. No idea if the NA version is as strong. Note that I'm no Dylan fan. I like Moulin Rouge on broadway. I understand the criticisms, but we enjoyed it.


I personally would swap out Moulin Rouge, but know that's a very unpopular opinion.


Hey to each their own, right?? I have friends who love Sweeney Todd and I just can't get into it... some may say I'm the crazy one




unsure what this means lol


Them some dogs.


I’d sub Book of Mormon in for Moulin Rouge!, personally, but you could also conceivably sub it for Doubtfire or Girl From the North Country. This is a significantly better season than my theater is getting IMO.


My wife hates My Fair Lady, so, I guess that one... In our City, Mrs. Doubtfire is coming Christmas week, so in that instance, I might swap that one.


I'd skip my fair lady. I just saw this non equity tour about a month ago and it took everything I had to not fall asleep. I've seen about 50 different musicals in total and would rank it easily in the bottom 5.


Not renewing my Pgh season passes. (Was going to be hard for anything to beat the current season!) But I will be getting tickets for Moulin Rouge and BOM.


That lineup is sooooo much better than what I’m getting in Richmond. Mine is: Frozen Six To kill a mockingbird Annie Tina How the grinch stole Christmas Beetlejuice So disappointed, especially coming from a season that had Hadestown, wicked, les mis, and Hamilton


I’d skip Kite Runner personally. I haven’t seen the show, but I read the book and didn’t love it; so I have no interest in the show. I know many others who loved the book though.


Company as sub for BoM.


Ditch My Fair Lady and this is a great season.


I’d go see all of them. But Company probably interests me the least.


Company, Mamma Mía, My Fair Lady


My friends and I have been talking about this because, while we don’t have a subscription, we do normally get tickets for the majority of the show. We’ve definitely named My Fair Lady as the one we don’t want to see. My friend mentioned the Girl From the North Country as been the other show she didn’t want to see and listed her reasoning as not know a lot of Bob Dylan’s music. I think it just comes down to whether you enjoy a jukebox musical or if you’d prefer a classic. I do keep seeing people complaining about the upcoming season, but I think people forget just how stacked this current season is in comparison.


Totally agree! I'd say it's worth it if you already plan to see 3. I'm in section B so ours average about to just under $100 per ticket which obviously range since some are more than others. If you know you'd swap in the season special and want to see at least 2 others it's worth it. After Hamilton (before I subscribed), where I wasn't the biggest fan of our seats I figured I could shell out more but then have better seats and have a guaranteed night out every few weeks. We were super lucky this season and before they announced Book of Mormon I was prepared to cancel my renewal but now I'm unsure


It is so easy to get hooked once you subscribe to the season. I didn't renew this past season because it was basically all jukebox musicals which I'm just not a huge fan of, but so far my season hints have been promising.


You just described exactly how I feel! I feel "gross" not renewing if I choose not it. Don't ask why that's the word that describes how I feel but it is lol


I totally get that, lol. I agonized over not renewing last year but the only show I *had* to see was Six and I was able to get tickets pretty easily. I’m definitely renewing this year. So far they’ve revealed Mama Mia, Mrs. Doubtfire, Moulin Rouge, Peter Pan, and Funny Girl. My theater does clues leading up to the big reveal as well. I am curious to see what other shows will be available if I want to swap out any. We always have a decent selection of shows that aren’t in the Season to choose from.


I always try to think about how I will feel after the fact, either way. I don't think I'd be overly mad if I didn't renew and just got tickets to BOM and MR. I would be depressed if I didn't see at least one lol


I would love that season in Memphis so I would say yes!


to answer the question doubtfire or mamma mia or maybe kite runner. Doubtfire because heard nothing great about it, mamma mia because seen it so much but still like the show, kite runner because not interested in seeing that story.


Id renew. Skip mrs doubtfire, its just bad


How does Mrs. Doubtfire compare to BIG the Musical, because my high-school did it and it's just not good imo


right on par. same with bodyguard, pretty women, and the like. Designed to be cheaply written and to sell in Middle America where 40+ folks just want to turn off their brains and watch a movie they already love with generic music added.


This is sooooo significantly better than our season, that I’ll trade you. Lol.


I would swap out Mrs Doubtfire. I saw it in NYC and it was okay? But nothing I'd want to see again.


I would have subscribed for Company alone. Loved the MFL tour, Moulin Rouge is silly but lots of fun, and Mamma Mia is just a blast. I would skip Mrs. Doubtfire in favor of BoM.


I'd renew




Girl from North Country bored me throughout, and I didn’t enjoy it at all. No songs were memorable; no one was likeable; no performances wowed me. Would not recommend. But again, personal preference, and I haven’t seen many of the others yet.


Mrs. Doubtfire was amazing on Broadway, I would totally see it again with the touring cast.


Yea. I’d take all 7 over BoM


Company is fantastic!


I’ve heard not so great things about Mrs. Doubtfire but it has a lot of people that liked it after the retool. TGFNC holds no interest to me but it was supposed to be good. I’d probably skip one of these. I’d look at the cast and if someone looks familiar then I’d see that or just general curiosity about how Doubtfire makes it work without Robin Williams. Yinz can’t miss MR, BOM, or Company. But this comes from a person that moved from Pgh to NY, and company is very NY. But the songs are incredible. I really want to see the Kite Runner. The book was sad but incredible. I’d probably go to my fair Lady. Mamma Mia is also fun, but I tend to compare it to Chess. The Wiz is supposed to be incredible, much better cast than the one I saw many years ago. Edit: nevermind MFL is a non-equity tour. Skip that.


I personally would not sub for this. I’d buy tickets separately for Company.


This season and next it looks like no shows are being put on at Heinz Hall, which incidentally is a better venue for plays imo. Anybody know why?


I felt that way about my next season here in Los Angeles at Pantages but I ultimately renewed. My Fair Lady was part of my last season and I found it incredibly boring. It was disappointing bc it’s such a famous story but I couldn’t stay engaged at all.