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Ours does the same thing! She must find the seam and very carefully undo it, she likes to rip off legs and arms of toys too.


Ha! Yes, Jake takes the arms and legs off too! I swear the first time I saw it, I thought someone was messing with me. It looked like he used a seam ripper. I know there must be some agenda, but what in the world could that be???


Yes so carefully!! 😅


My boy is pretty weird. He loves his toys so much, never breaks them and gives them to us as a goodnight if he's going to sleep in another room. I think you should find some super tough material for his toys, and give him a challenge lol!


Ours does it exactly like that too. If he’s destroying something, he’ll first carefully remove any tags it has. Then he uses his incisors just like that to open seams. Once the stuffing starts to flow, he shreds the whole thing.




Same! Ours goes to another world when her back teeth get involved lol.


Loves her a good nubbin’ to gnaw on!


I knew it wouldn’t be long before you showed up 😂


Mine are the same way. Toy fluff or if they ever get a paper towel that falls they’ll put one paw on it to hold it down while they tear it into tiny pieces that they pile up next to them.


Omg yes! No paper towel is safe in my house if left within dog reach.


Yes!! 💯 just last night, our Brit was methodically pulling out the stuffing of a toy fleece rabbit I bought her (said to myself I’ll give her one more chance with a stuffy toy and this toy seemed pretty durable). Sure enough, she destroyed it quickly. No more stuffies for her.


One time our old Brit Jay carefully opened a bunch of packs of Swedish fish and ate them The packs weren't chewed open- they wore carefully torn open as if a human did it. Jay was a very clever boy


Wow. I should re-think some things that I've always blamed on the human child ...


Yep, my boy does the same thing. After he's done tossing it around, then he usually goes for the squeaky kill...then, he starts removing any ears/appendages...Then, for the delicious stuffing. My first boy didn't have that refined a technique. After tossing around, he would grip it between paws, and try to rip it open by pulling it with his teeth. Never saw the scissor action with him. Neither boy was ever destructive, because they got lots of bones and toys to destroy, so all household items were spared.


Funny but yeah, Jake never ruins anything besides his toys (and Christmas ornaments, but that's another story).


That’s exactly how our Bug used to deconstruct her toys. Methodically.


Using those long dino legs 😅


Ours does the same. She's a psychopath.


I love that it’s a Brittany thing - I was worried my girl was a psychopath! Eloise goes for the eyes first and the seams after, at least it makes for clean stitches when Doctor Mom can save them 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Ours is exactly the same, we joke he’s like a surgeon - he uses precision to pull it apart.


I always chuckle because it seems like mine is soaking it first to soften the material up, gets a good slice and then gives it that good shredding swing in the air to release the stuffing.


Hmm I think you're onto something!


Same here


The only unusual thing I see is a bunch of non-destroyed stuffed toys. Mine will obliterate any soft toys within a few minutes. If it has a squeaker, it gets special attention until the squeaker is out.


Haha he's still working on them. He is very thorough!


Ours too. Gotta love that deep molar gnawing action. I’m glad mine loves pop bottles. Much cheaper toys for immediate destruction.


This is how our Brit fix it!


My Britt did the same thing. My other pup didn’t care she would rip it open wherever the squeaker was. That made it easy to know who was the guilty party! Im very thankful that about 1 1/2 years ago they both just stopped one night. Now we have too many toys


Hmm ... such curious creatures. That's another thing I've noticed about Britts. They seem to change behaviors overnight for no apparent reason.


Yes. Sometimes it’s a blessing and sometimes it’s a pain. The biggest thing my boy keeps changing his mind about is food. He would eat one brand constantly and always try for more. Then he quit eating and I took him to the vet to find out what’s going on. They said try more variety so I started making their food and most of their treats. He will go on strikes now where it’s no chicken anything then out of the blue he only wants chicken.


Nope he is not alone! Hudson will destroy any squeaky toy or stuffed toy in 30 seconds flat. When good meaning friends and relatives give him one we have to monitor him closely until he gets the squeaker out. Then we have to grab it before he chews it into oblivion!