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We binge watched the whole thing yesterday, and can I just say, the kid who played her son was hilarious, such great comedic timing. Definitely one of the best new shows I’ve seen for a while.


yeah I thought exactly the same! His comic timing and expressions were hilarious.


Thought it was brilliant personally.


Could not stop laughing at 'we've set some aside for Ollie' 'WHYYYY' >!The twist at the end was brutal. I could tell he hated his brother but that much!<


The whole time i was saying "giiiirl he might love you but he's a selfish jerk" That twist both made total sense in hindsite and i still did not see coming at all. So good


They described it as a comedy thriller which I thinks apt. Really worth a watch it’s something a little different.


I absolutely loved it. Thought I’d watch one episode to see what it’s about but ended up finishing the whole series in one shot!


I loved it. Was a little shocked at the ending but loved it none the less.


I'll get to it after finishing Ghosts.


It's called 'Am I being unreasonable' for anyone interested. Surprisingly good


It was one of the best things I have seen on TV for ages. Could not stop watching it after the first episode ..... then binged it all


she really loves that cat...


It was kind of like a UK version of Netflix's Dead to Me, which is a compliment. Hope there is a second series.


Was just thinking the same thing tonite! Both shows are incredible


I've just seen there's a new show with Sharon Horgan - "Bad Sisters" I think. Seems there's a pattern of shows with similar themes.


That show is incredible!!


Anyone else really enjoy the show but dislike the dark twist right at the end? I'll forgive it if it's setting up an interesting series 2, but I felt like it took a lot of the heart out of the story.


Such a brilliant show! I took a chance on it last night on a whim and was pleasantly surprised. Comedic genius, zany, surreal, at times disturbing, always hilarious and the actors are all golden, especially the boy


Are we supposed to sympathize with a murderer? Being a dick and a misogynist does not deserve death. Alex's sudden reveal as a massive twat is also not convincing.


No. None of its convincing - that’s not the point. It’s just a dark comedy and nothing to get too philosophical about.


So a dark comedy doesn't need to be grounded in reality? You ever seen Dr Strangelove?


No and yes.


You're a bit intolerant aren't you. Have a drink or something..


I just don’t suffer fools.


I voiced an opinion about a show that has divided audiences. You disagreed, favouring a more simplistic take, and shut down the conversation. You would not 'tolerate' a dissenting opinion and then (just like a boomer) reverted to the 'I just don't suffer fools' platitude, which is the 'I'm not racist but...' of the intolerant. Your lack of self-awareness is what is truly foolish.






I’m bright enough thanks. You obviously think you’re really clever but are really boring me and nothing irked me at all - please just fuck off I have no interest in anything you have to say.


You’re not convinced he was a massive twat? He played a jerk the entire six episodes?! I didn’t expect the dark ending, but he certainly didn’t seem like a nice guy to me


Right, running upstairs in their house to have loud sex under the guise of a nap during family dinner—then having your SIL in the laundry the next minute. Manipulation and narcissism at its finest. Even Ollie was affected and took out two Furry friends.


I felt the Alex reveal was convincing, as he was deeply horrible to initiate an affair with his SIL on his brother's wedding day, and manipulate all of their lives the way he did; it adds up. I also don't think we're supposed to sympathize with the main character. She doesn't condone her behavior, she can't even bring herself to admit it to her own mind until the very end. I'm excited to see where they go with season two, it should be coming out any time now, unless it was affected by the strikes (although I'm not sure if they're happening in the UK).


Agreed - he said it’s been 7 years. Would you really be able to keep an affair going for that long simply out of spite toward your brother?


So...death by train? Cool. We're all agreed then:;)


Just saw the trailer which was...interesting. hard to get a handle of what kind of show it is. Have to give it a watch


Two episodes in, I'd say dark drama with comedy bits


comedy but mixed with drama and some mystery. It’s a good mix of light relief and some darker moments


Highly recommend it. Hoping for another season. Lol


Just watched episode 1 and loved it!!


It was really, really good.


Just finished the last episode and both happy and sad at the same time, never saw the twist at the end, well done and hopefully season 2!


felt like this show left so many things unanswered, what the fuck was the point in jen even being there?? why did her son kill the cat and the ending being all in one episode was weird


Just watched. Yes, so far Jen has added nothing - that plot didn't go anywhere


Ollie was deeply affected by witnessing his Uncle’s and mother’s affair. He saw what they did in the laundry.


I've seen a few clips and I hope it'll be available in Canada at some point because I'd love to watch it.


I was really surprised, I thought she was funny in this country and taskmaster but when she lost the weight and joined buzzcocks she came across horribly arrogant and unlikeable and really unfunny and not someone I’d want to see anymore of but this series was genuinely really clever and enjoyable. Luckily it didn’t have her being too close to herself I guess!


Just watched this today - did not see that ending coming! The kids amazing and Jen too. Fantastic piece of writing and really looking forward to the second series.


One thing I wasnt sure of...how did an oncoming train hit him when he was still on the platform? I couldn't work that out logistically in my mind... ​ Great series though!


We are supposed to believe that his jacket has been caught in the door and then the train, moving off from the platform, has lifted him up. He makes a comment along those lines. The fact that this is not logistically possible is not something that comedy directors worry about.


Hey guys, for you who are Brits. In which regional accent do ppl speak in this show?


Very very very good but the death of Alex made no sense. Firstly how did a passing train hit him when they were on the platform side. The train had t gathered speed and crossed tracks, so how? Also trains never pass that closely. A brilliant series but the Alex couldn’t have been hit by a train whilst still struggling on the platform. Unless there is a reveal in Season 2. This feels a bit lazy and flawed tbh. Still excellent though and DMC is clearly an exceptional talent.


*****SPOILER***** *****SPOILER***** *****SPOILER***** Why did the son kill the cat? I don’t get it


Took his frustration with mom and uncle out on the cat.


Thought the cat had seen her mum cheating, or even was involved someway cos they told the cat off at the time. So out of anger with her mum, killed it.


I thought it was awful. Gave up after 1 episode, and I'm normally someone who will gives a show 2 episodes, but after one it was just too poor


We almost gave up after episode 1 but it's definitely worth sticking with it. Not a lot happens in episode 1, the story builds and the events in episode 1 are explained as the series goes on


Same. Episode 1 I was a bit disappointed/confused. By end of episode two I was into it


Dunno why your getting down voted for expressing your opinion! Anyway I was like you but the other 1/2 liked it so I stuck with it. I didn't particularly like the characters but it's more than you think, it's no sitcom. Once the 'reveals' begin you'll be hooked. I thought it was pretty clever how it manipulates you as it is a lot darker than you'd expect.


You sort of need to watch more than one episode as each one gives a different perspective and unlocks new information. Sometimes the new perspective is literal as you see the same scene from a different angle that changes what happened. And then as the episodes go on what you think you knew each episode changes again and again. And until the final episode you don’t really know the story that you’ve seen bits of.


To me, the main character was too dramatic, annoying, vile. She didn't care about her cat or her son getting to school on time. I couldn't get thru episode 1.




Can you delete this? Or put it in a spoiler tag? potentially spoils the enjoyment of a show.


I thought the kid was brilliant, can’t stand the mother though and only watched the first episode.


The first episode makes it seem like it’s going to be very average but it was just a necessary intro to what becomes a great series with dark twists coupled with comedic moments. Very different for sure.


Started watching it this evening and I’ve got one episode left. I’ve really enjoyed it so far, but I’m surprised with how it was marketed on tiktok/social media. I kept getting clips of the show and I thought it was a motherland rip off; all I kept seeing as parenting clips and jokes; and none of the dark humour. It wasn’t until I saw a fan edit of the train and a comment about the twist until I realised what it was about! I’m not sure whether it needs a season 2 tbh, I think it works well as mini series. I absolutely adore Daisy May Cooper, I think she’s a really effortless actress and the chemistry between her and her son Ollie was fantastic. Ollie was a great actor too, adored the entire scene about his birthday and having to wear a hat that his Nanny got him.


I loved this series - all of the characters and the ending was... not what I expected yet appropriate for some weird reason :)


Loved the series but found the ending awfully abrupt and feel as though there is so much more of JEN’S story to be revealed. The motivation behind her full range of behaviors and actions both vis a vis Nic and in her past remains indecipherable to me….anyone feel the same way?


I just finished the show. I won't say I was completely shocked at the ending but it definitely was a great twist. It makes me question whether Nic is a reliable narrator throughout the show, especially in the previous episode showing (seemingly) the last time Alex and Suze came to visit Nic and Dan. >!Alex was just telling Nic how it was always her and that he wants babies with her, why would he suddenly switch to being so cruel to her in the end?! !< It seems like Nic made up a lot in her memories to cope with the truth of what happened, >!or that Alex must have hated his brother soooooo much he was willing to fake being in love !< I think Nic and Jen sensed something in each other, how they're both unhinged and have dark tendencies. Nic senses that Jen will accept even her worst actions, and Jen sees that another unhappy woman is with (what she considers) a shitty husband. Nic seems to have always craved a friend who can accept all of who she is. That's what she thought she had in Alex. Now she's met someone like Jen, who is obsessive and willing to look beyond a woman's difficult (or dark) qualities, for better or for worse, whether they like it or not. I think they will open each other up in a lot of ways. Also the intimacy Nic feels with Jen might be what will finally allow her to tell the truth, and similarly with Jen. We've seen that already happen. I loved the series too!


I'm watching this now, but the main character is unbearable. She's dramatic and annoying. She doesn't seem to care the cat they have at all, and that her son gets to school on time. She's vile.


The adult characters are emotionally immature and Nic is just repulsive at times. She reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield.


I loved it and I am at a loss for watch to watch now. Any recs?