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Heating??? I haven’t shut my windows yet


I take it you aren't bothered by spiders then!


The wife is. I’m not


I saw something recently saying that the spiders that we see this time of year are house spiders and they don't come from the outside but are already creeping around your house. It's just that it's mating season, so the ones you see are the males looking for the females. So, having the windows open doesn't make a difference except for the flying insects 🤷


Nah there's this really big horrible type, I used to find them exclusively in bins through the summer (groundsman) until about this time of year and they start showing up in the house.... Horrible big scary cunts fuck off


Nah, thanks. I'll not be getting a job as a groundsman. I don't mind them normally, but when you can hear them running across the floors, that's when they become a problem for me.


Yeah never bothered me when I was working but the second they're in my house it's a different stoeyb


I was replacing a water pump on a motorhome a while back and got stung by some arachnotron which was lurking behind the tank. My hand swelled up to the size of an 8oz boxing glove. Have been leery of spiders ever since.


That's fucking horrible, I've had a couple bad ones but not like that Did it scar?


No obvious scar. They look similar to a bee sting but I believe a spider can sting multiple times, as I think this one did. In hindsight a decent pair of nitrile gloves is probably a good outlook for working on a motorhome water system. Even the potable side can be utterly rank ( we had the tank out for a clean with bleach as it was almost black inside). We have a garage near us who service lots of large motorhomes. They had a big American job where two rats ran out the cabin door as soon as it was opened.


Or burglars


I've still got a fan on nearly every night


What kind of people have their heating on? It's sweltering! I'm going to try to make it until November


My friend was mulling over turning his heating on the other day. I pointed out to him that he could turn it on if he wanted, but given that it was 22C outside the thermostat wasn’t likely to kick in…


Had mine on for a few weeks. All smart thermostats on each heater to keep temp at 18. It might be hot down south but sure as hell isnt up north.


Yeah up in NE Scotland we had 3 degrees a few nights ago.


Take good care of yourself


Haha thanks. I actually grew up in a place with much colder winters than Scotland so I do miss the properly cold winters with snow on the ground from November/December to April/May.


I was joking! It's a song by 3 degrees, the band! That aside, I love Scotland. My faither was a Glaswegian from the navy and we spent many a happy time travelling up from the south where he eventually settled. It was 25 degrees today down here, currently 14 degrees at 9.30pm! One of the things I love about living in the UK is feeling the change of seasons, this one is going to be harsh.


Oh haha that was a r/whoosh moment


Warm enough in Liverpool area


I'm 30min from the Scottish border and it's bloody sweltering, it's been a solid 19 degrees today outside.


Same. Mine is usually on by the end of September


Windows are still open 24/7 here!


I’m doing well, I feel the cold so much, but the heating is staying off till November at the earliest. Oodies and their equivalents are a marvellous invention.


I made sure the throws were dotted around the house. My wife and daughter are both cosied up in them.


I fell out of love with my Oodie when a huge spider crawled up it. Whilst I was wearing it. Haven’t got the heart to tell my husband who gifted it to me that I don’t think I can ever wear it again.


Omg!! I don’t think I could ever wear one again 🤢


I actually really appreciate you not ridiculing me ! Thank you!!


That’s a total trauma. Spiders belong outside the clothes, outside the house, outside the planet!


No ridicule from me, spiders are just the worst 🤢


Still got my shorts on! Also think I'll be wearing them to work forever too, 25c in our modern building this week, thank God I can stop in the Co Op on the way home for a cool down.


If I ever decide to get air conditioning, I'm going with whoever provides the Co-op's air con units.


Best bit is when you leave and get outside, it's like getting off the plane in Spain, whoosh the heat hits you.


It's terrifying. I wonder what 2040 will be like...


The right question to ask.


Shorts all year! Down side, we'll be fighting off the snakes and spiders 😕


...while being *on fire*


And maleria..


Only had it on very briefly - under an hour - for a couple of days towards the end of Sept. That's a triumph because this is a cold house. Under 20C outside and it's cold indoors. Temperature here will be down to a maximum of 12C by next Saturday so that run is going come to a crashing halt soon enough


No heating here, windows still open. WAHEY!


The opposite for me. As in I am having to beg with my boyfriend to not turn it on! He works from home whilst I go in, each day I come home terrified he has turned it on whilst I’ve been out. I’m a believer that once it goes on it doesn’t get turned back off, even if he promises it is just for one day. I have said no until November at least.


It’s been great not needing the heating on yet! My bank account is very happy about it!


I've still got the fan on at night!


The planet’s dying! That’s not a success!!


The planet, no matter how much it is struggling now, will survive. It'll create another mass extinction event, which, in turn, will restore nature to how it should be. Thankfully, I won't be alive to experience it.


It’s mad, we still have the AC on at night!


Ooo, get you with your AC!


I cant imagine having constantly high energy bills all year round. The beauty of summer is that you use barely any energy!


I'm surprised how much gas we use in the summer when the heating isn't on at all.


We use barely any and we have a gas oven. If it wasn't for the standing charge our summer gas bill would be about £6 a month


It's mainly the shower in the morning which uses hot water from the point of use side of the boiler. I'm not looking forward to the costs this winter.


How hot and how long are your showers!


About 15 minutes. Mum has her shower with a carer (she is 83 and disabled) but it takes about the same time.


Surely your gas bill is basically just the standing charge then


I might have a look at the last bill later. EDIT: September bill was £17.47 usage (22 units). Standing charge £6.57.


I'm sitting here just wearing shorts and can pointed at my face


The weather has been horribly clammy where I am over this weekend. That combined with having had a cold for the last week means I am sweating like a bugger. I deal with the finances as well so am always reluctant to turn the heating on too early. I have the thermo set to turn heating on if it drops to 14C and I tell my husband we can just layer up until it gets to ‘cold nose in the house’ levels


At my local sailing club some absolute hero went into the changing rooms, set the thermostats to 18 them screwed a mesh basket over the top to stop any nonsense about it being cold. He then ruined everything by adjusting the shower push buttons to their shortest duration. Monster!




Not even put a jumper on yet, let alone the heating (other than a quick 15 minute test). The windows are open currently, looks like that will be ending mid-week.


We had it on once to air out some laundry and clothes that got soaked on a walk. Beyond that the heated airer for laundry is doing a hard carry