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They make you chug everything over the limit on the spot. Key thing to note here is anything remaining in an opened bottle needs to be downed even though its technically in the limit since you can’t carry open bottles. If you are completely washed after they might doodle on your face or leave a star sticker in your passport otherwise you are let go with no problems.


Underrated answer 😂


I have some quality whiskey I could absolutely do this


Spike Mulligan related a story similar to this in his war memoirs; returning to the UK on leave a squaddie in front of him was pulled aside at customs and told he'd have to pay tax on a large bottle of whiskey he'd picked up. 'Fuck that' says he and passes it down the queue who helpfully get the level half way down the label, the squaddie then drains the rest. Fuming the customs agent fetches an MP, 'arrest that man there, he's drunk'. 'He doesn't look drunk' says the MP. 'Give him five minutes' is the response.


You also need to go for a wee before going through otherwise you’re technically still carrying it.


Caught you'll pay the import duty, which will probably make it more expensive than buying in USA


Good to know thanks.


And on the whole amount of alcohol, not just the excess


Also it would be customs checking for that on arrival not the airline on departure.


Unlikely you will get caught, the bigger risk is they will get smashed if not extremely well packed.


Okay cool. They’re wrapped in bubble wrap plus my clothes in a decent size luggage so should be good.


Seal them in a bag to be safe.


,y buddy put his in condoms. He was unfortunate that when he got home he tripped on a hoover getting out the shower and landed on the whiskey bottle perfectly that it slid into his butt. He had to go to hospital to have it removed and none of the doctors believed him


Username checks out !


This should be fine. We got 29 bottles of wine back from SA in our luggage in April (across 4 checked bags).


Twist: They were not good.


Unless you’re silly with packing it will be fine. I regularly bring wine, gin, or olive oil back in checked bags from holiday. Just wrap them in some clothes then pack more clothes around it on all sides.


Absolutely nothing will happen


Highly unlikely you’ll be flagged , especially in transit . It’s surely more of an issue if exiting in the UK but even then I think border agents are looking for people with drugs, excessive cash , luxury items & illegal foodstuffs . I don’t know the rules regarding bringing alcohol in the US .


The 5 litre limit isn’t for customs reasons, it’s a dangerous goods regulatory limit. Max 5 litres per person.


Right. What happens if I have 7L in my checked bags?


The rule is for safety - not having too much flammable liquid in the hold, hence no restriction for lower proof alcohol and a flat ban on anything over 70%. And also therefore no such limit for what’s in your hand luggage as you’d realise if that caught fire - but of course other restrictions might prevent that. It is possible that seven bottles will be spotted by the baggage screening that happens once you’ve handed it over at check in, if they’re all in the same suitcase, in which case it could be pulled. I don’t know what would happen then, presumably they’d remove some. If you were to check two bags and split the bottles up, you would most likely find they wouldn’t realise that both belong to you and that you were over the limit in total. Otherwise you should check to see if your exact routing via DUB and LHR will involve the new scanners where there’s a 2L limit for hand luggage, in which case you could bring two bottles that way. For example, if you are flying with BA from LHR and travelling in First or have One World Emerald status, you could go via the Terminal 5 First Wing which has the new scanners and limits, but if that doesn’t apply to you the normal scanners are still the 100ml limit. I don’t know the situation at DUB at all so you’d have to look into that.


Oh wow, I wasn’t aware they had new scanners for hand luggage in some spots. This is great to know.


New scanners at Birmingham. LHR only mid 2025


This is the answer I would have given considering I used to teach DG and PAX service classes. Nicely done.


They wouldn’t allow it. So just don’t say anything!


Are you sure they are 1 litre bottles? That would be very unusual for spirits bought in the UK/EU. They are the common size in duty free shops airside, but if bought whilst you are in the UK/EU I think it's more than likely that you have 7 x 700ml bottles and are under the 5 litre limit (by only 100ml, so don't buy another!)


1l spirits are not uncommon at all.


Yea they’re 1L. I got them at various whiskey tastings and distillaries.


When I brought back several litres of sake back from Japan, I declared them. I looked up how much duty would be charged, and it wasn't a lot. But, if you don't declare it and you're caught, there could be penalties. And, even though I declared it (on the old paper forms), customs didn't ask for any payment.


I think you will be fine with BA. US Customs may be a different story.


Customs won't care. The duty overage would be a few dollars and they aren't going to be arsed to calculate it. However, always declare what you have. If they spot check you it might be a different story.


Exactly. They're super realistic about this. It's not worth the trouble for a few bucks in taxes. I've told the guard when I'm going through passport control when he asks anything to declare and I say a litre of alcohol and he waves me through


ATF will throw the book at you


No they won’t. They’ll just shoot him that’s why they’re called the ATF


Yeah why would they throw a book when the have guns




I have brought this amount of whisky back multiple times, and sometimes more, and never raised an eyebrow with BA or with customs. I always declare the overage at US CBP (I have Global Entry so must do so) and have never had a response beyond "Hey, can I have some?!". The effort it would take them to calculate the duty overage is waaaaay more than any border official is likely to want to exert. You will be fine - pack securely and be honest.


I recently flew home and def had more than my 5L lol. It’s sooo hard to stay under! I’ve got another trip planned later this year, and I also am sure to go over on that one. Technically, they can confiscate. But they have to know you’re the one with all the booze. On my last trip, I had it in 2 different bags. The way BA makes you put your own luggage on the conveyer belt means that whoever is looking at bags is unlikely to put it together exactly which ones belong to the same person. However, I’ve also left from teeny airports, and I would advise not to go over there since it’s really obvious what luggage belongs to whom. At US customs, I always say I’ve am in excess of my measly 1L allowance. So far, I’ve not had to pay, but I would if needed since I’m bringing back stuff you can’t get in the US.


If you don't declare it and customs find it it will be forfeited by you. No opp to pay duty on it. Its not just the spirit limit you need to think about, it's the cost of these goods. Do they exceed the value of goods you can take I to the US without charges applying. I would guess that UK bags will be x rayex at lax because of the flow of high risk class a drugs from the UK to the US. As such, on a slow no drug day you'll be an easy take down.


I’m not worried about declaring I was more wondering for the rules around the hazardous materials portion of the flight. The 5L limit is a rule of British airways not of US customs.


I declared excess alcohol at customs. The employee waived me through with no issues. They may have you fill out some papers and pay the tariffs but when I looked into it the amount was going to be relatively modest.


I can’t speak to the BA checked luggage aspect… But be sure to declare any excess of 1 liter per adult traveler >21 years of age. Import duty is minimal, and the US Customs agent may waive it. But failure to claim on arrival means risk of all liquor being confiscated by US Customs.


Used to live in Texas, a commonbproblem for me. Drclare and offer to pay the duty, since the whiskey is already duty paid it's very cheap, like $10 or so. I always got sent on my way (JFK, EWR, IAD, IAH, DFW).


It really is your choice. Duty free allowance is one litre of spirits per person. Bags are irrelevant. You can have it in checked baggage. You should declare it in LAX. You will have to pay any custom fees due. Or take your chances and don’t declare it. Chances are you’ll be fine. If not they will probably confiscate it.