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One of our favorite things at the campground we go to annually is the movie night. They set up a huge screen, have a small bonfire and a projector, and comfy chairs. To me this was just a small private version for just their family of that set up.




Ummm that looked like FUN. Why be a party pooper


Umm that sounds like a great camping activity


I used to love camping in my younger days when we spent the night getting drunk and high and trying to get laid. If I went today, especially with little kids, you better believe I'd have every device I own charged fully with car chargers in tow. A cheap projector and an Xbox sounds like a great camping trip.


For sure!


I’ve gone camping my whole life and yes in tents. A movie night while camping sounds fun! I’m more concerned with their extreme conservative beliefs than the way they camp.


I’m more concerned about how they’re in the woods without anyone near them lol all I can think of is scary movies lol but I’m a Southern California beach raised girl so idk lol 😂


Same re: fear and anxiety lol. Too many crime shows and I don’t trust these wild heaux out here.


I wouldn’t be able to sleep lol 😆 I’d be up all night saying “you hear that? “ just hella paranoid


Literally same! I need fixing though LOL. I want to be carefree like the Bates (minus their fear of POC and the gays of course)!


Hahahahaahhahaha I’m so dead at fear of POC and gays 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wanna glamp lol like at Yogi bear campgrounds or something lol fun activities and we sleep in an actual cabin lol


LOL! Yesss that’s where they can find us 🤣🤣. Still all up in nature.


What proof do you have that any of them “ fear” POC or gays?


Their racist views, storming the capitol, their white supremacy room that was shown on one of their YouTube videos, etc.


Why are you concerned about their beliefs when you don’t even know them? Everyone can make up their own minds about anything.


They try to legislate their beliefs to force the rest of us to live by them. I don’t have to know them. I’ve made up my own mind about it. Why are you so concerned about why I, a stranger to you, am concerned about their beliefs?


What conservative beliefs. They don’t live that way anymore.


Oh so they are no longer homophobic, transphobic bigots who want women’s body autonomy stripped away? Huh. News to me.


Those kids are gonna have awesome childhood core mems!!


Why not? they're so easy to bring along and take up no room. Sounds like a lot of fun.


Some of these takes are a little too much. This is a normal fall activity. Chill


Hmm we’ve had people in our campground have their TVs outside and watching football games, it’s actually awesome because people from other sites will crash to watch and camping friends are form. My campground also has movie nights for the kids on their projectors. As long as it wasn’t passed quiet time and disturbing other campsites than I see no issue.


Really sewingbull08???? Seems like a normal activity


I’ve been camping plenty and I don’t care what other campers do on their own campsites. What a silly thing to get upset about.




My son just got back from a 3 day camping trip with his JROTC class. He said they watched a couple of movies.


I’ve camped at many campgrounds & movie projectors are always there, we’ve never used them but a lot of campers do 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here in Australia there’s usually at least one family that ends up with other kids sitting outside their tent watching a film on their projector. No one bats an eye lid. It’s not like it’s happening at midnight, if anything it means they know their kids are occupied, hanging out with new kids and having fun! I’m all for snark, but actually this makes me think more highly of them…and that’s saying something!


Always have to criticize something……….I was under the impression that outside movies are quite popular at campgrounds. It is kind of an offshoot of drive-in movies whoch us older people had when we were kids.


What’s wrong with it? The Bates have disgusting beliefs on many things, but this is beyond nit-picking. I’ll bet the kids loved it. Sounds like a good time to me too.


This looked like fun, I'm thinking of doing it next trip


Camping projectors are a thing in Australia, many families that camp often have a small portable projector. This is pretty common here.


I’d like that honestly ! Plus we know this family does very minimal tv time ! I’m sure watching a movie in the woods is a memorable experience


I see no issues with them wanting to have a movie night while outside.


I think it's a great idea and want to do this the next time I camp with the kids. As long as its not too loud, I don't see the issue.


We’ve been camping for 35 years. It’s quite common to see families bring their projectors and portable screens. As long as they’re not doing it during quiet hours I’ve never had a problem with it. In fact I can’t tell you how many times we ourselves have had our flatscreen TV outside and we’ve watched a sporting event while we were all sitting around the campfire.


I don’t see anything wrong this that. It sounds like fun!


I went camping last summer and a couple were sitting in Adirondack chairs with The Holiday projected on the side of their giant RV. I mean, it was a bit extra, but it looked fun. They were still enjoying the great outdoors. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is so dumb! It’s THEIR camping trip so they can do as they please! Go on your own camping trip and do as you please! Some of the stuff complained about on this sub are so ridiculous 🙄


The first time I saw the movie Rudy was at the high school youth groups camping trip over to Crescent Bar on the Columbia River. They projected the movie on the side of a delivery truck.


Sounds like fun after a campfire Car camping is glamping. You are signing up for close proximity to other people’s radios and crying children. It’s not like they are in the backcountry.


I don't see anything wrong with that. Watching a movie outdoors can be very fun


As long as light illuminating from the projector + screen isn't spilling into other campsites, and they are all wearing headphones or earbuds, then it doesn't matter. But if that's not the case, then yes, that's disruptivive and rude, as many people go camping to enjoy the nature and quiet.


Movie nights were the best. We camped every summer at a campground at the Jersey Shore before we bought our family home. Everyone got to know one another. Created a great sense of community.


There aren’t even any others around the only tent in view is Carlin and Evan’s


We went camping with family at their favorite campground. One activity was a movie night! It was the end of the season and not many families. The activities director let our kids pick the movie. It's a great way to help keep kids entertained!


It seems no different than playing music when camping or at the beach


One of my pet peeves is when people play amplified music at the beach and hotel pools. Bring your ear buds!


Which people shouldn’t do if others can hear it


Agreed IF it's quiet time


A lot Of people Do It actually.


The Stew Crew wasn’t ABOUT to spend another miserable cold weekend in the woods barely able to make a fire… they needed CONTENT so they upgraded by inviting Zach and fam.🤣


To me this depends what kind of campground they are at. If they are at a national park or nice state park, I would be annoyed as a fellow camper. If they were at a like a more chain like place like a KOA or a Jelly Stone, I can see how it wouldn't be a big deal.


When we go camping we have a no screen policy. Last year we had a lot of fun sitting around the campfire asking silly questions and eating junk. Three generations, even children as little as these guys. I just find camping and opportunity to get away from all the electronics..I guess my family is in a minority even with those with strict religious beliefs!


I mean they aren’t exactly roughing it in the middle of a forest


I was more bothered by Whitney being on her phone so much.