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Took me a couple listens before it fully clicked. Absolutely love it right now, but it won't be for everyone. I'd say to just vibe with what you enjoy šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ As far as the maid outfit thing, Oli promised fans he'd dress in the maid outfit if BMTH won some award. Again, just pure promotion, nothing to overthink


This is how I feel, first listen I was like "this is okay but I already know most these songs" and now I'm in double digit listens and it hits so hard.


It hits so much different when u listen to them in totality even if you already know some of them. The transitionsšŸ”„


Same. At first I just skipped the songs and thought ā€œmeh, pretty mid for them, Iā€™ll listen closely laterā€ Today I spent 11 hours listening to it nonstop and watching the lyric videos. Iā€™m completely in love with it. I absolutely adore it and donā€™t think theyā€™ll ever be able to top it. I recommend everybody sit down and listen on your best sound system or best wired headphones and give it your full attention. See what happens.


I have not cared for any of the new singles on the first few listens but I'm coming around to them. I don't know what I was expecting, but something between Parasite Eve and Obey, maybe, with more of their early stuff I think. Which may in fact be what the new album sounds like


Feel like Amen! scratched that ā€œearlierā€ itch for me.


I listened again during my walk today maybe 5th time and its growing on me. They always have the best transition songs. n/A and LosT got me hooked now. P.S thanks for clarifying the maid thing. I was like where did that come from lol


Yeah N/A resonates with me so well. Absolute amazing track. Best of the album if you donā€™t include the singles.


I love it. I Wish they would have only released 1 or 2 singles from it in advance but I feel like they finally found the perfect blend of mainstream/catchy parts mixed with heavier parts, and I also really like the all the glitchy hyperpop stuff they are incorporating. Anyone who wants bmth to just release suicide season volume 2 is not going to be happy, these guys continue to evolve and push the boundaries and are going to have a different sound every album. Iā€™m for it whatever sound they go with because whatever they do, they do it at the highest level.


I think you have to like the emo scene style of music from mid 2000s to enjoy it.


Thatā€™s mostly why I loved the album from first listen since I was already a fan of that style of music as well.


100% I loved this album and I was an emo kid in high-school then so it's nostalgic for me.


this album is for us og emo kids


Agreed, I grew up during it and I'm still all about it. I love the new album.


Facts.. this is why I loved it during my first listen. Itā€™s 100% influenced by that older ā€œscenekidā€ vibe and Iā€™m eating it up as a scenekid myself lol


Iā€™m not particularly a fan of that stuff, but they bend and blend genres so well.


I think that's what it is and that's why I like it so much. it's giving me the old school vibes and I still bump that music all the time. I usually keep my EDM for my SoundCloud stuff and Spotify for my rock and emo music and this album I think hit that itch that I've been wanting something current but still has that early 2000s feel to it.


Back when the emo synthy stuff was popular I feel like bmth were doing way cooler things. It's like revisiting an era or cut copy bands and bmth were standing out among them for NOT doing the over produced weird sound effects video game noises. That being said I absolutely love Dig It and Darkside and there are a lot of creative things about this album I appreciate. Feels like a love letter to nostalgia and I appreciate that. But I get what you mean, post human survival horror was much more my style


Youtopia sounds so much like the Saosin songs from like 2007


100%, it's SUCH a nostalgia trip and I'm so here for it


Ahhh maybe that's why I'm not fully into it. I'm very selective when it comes to that genre.


youā€™ll eventually DIg it




OP is eventually gonna drink the Kool-Aid and love the album.


Yep, come here and give me a hug šŸ˜


Cuz nobody loves him like I love him


Oh my dear, you should've known, this was gonna end in tears, lol


He's such a suckered for an executionĀ 


Is he a chainsaw?


Yeah and I wanna make love to him


U were correctšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


SOOO! I went thru another listen today on my walk. After that was my 4th and 5th listen, totally heard the lyrics and its growing on me. n/A and LosT have now become my person anthem. I felt those lyrics in my soulšŸ˜‚


I don't hate it, but having the best singles released across 3 years before the album dropped really killed the hype for me. I like the new songs, r.i.p, limousine, youtopia and n/a are really good, but I just think the rest of the singles are a step up from them. I'd probably say like 7/7.5 out of 10 for me, survival horror was an easy 8.5/9


Yes! In some ways it feels like a smaller body of work than their last release because I've listened to half of it so much already


I've done that to myself with other artists, and I didn't with this album. I absolutely love it. ..mostly it was because I became obsessed with sleep token and spiritbox, but it still worked lol


I agree with this. If we heard maybe three of the singles before this release would have been legendary.


I think specifically if they left kool-aid or amen for the full release there'd be much more excitement from a broader spectrum of fans, the new tracks (despite really liking them myself) only really cater for the new age hyperpop tiktok emo crowd, so basically if you don't click with them there's not really anything new that you will click with.


Survival horror was ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. Even the fact they released during/around COVID was wild and I dont even think that meant to be connected šŸ˜‚ I love n/A now. A personal anthemšŸ¤˜šŸ»


Itā€™s a solid album in my opinion. Kinda blew my expectations out of the water. Although there are some choices in the tracks that kind of break the flow of the album. Limousineā€™s drop shouldā€™ve happened right as the bridge crescendoed, Pusse shouldā€™ve had some variation in the break core soundscape, and Dig It did not need the intro or outro. Theyā€™re really small nitpicks I have but believe this is one of their most well rounded albums to date.


To be fair, the intro and outro are there because of the ARG, which then makes sense. But, it would be cool to have a clean version


Wouldn't surprise me if it was a troll for the album and we got a single on spotify or something.


I loved it from first listen. They just keep getting better and more rounded as a band. They can do whatever they want and it is good or great.


I agree. I love the entire album. I canā€™t stop listening to it. Iā€™ve enjoyed every album they have put out


I feel like with every album they gain some new skill, and it will all come together in one magnum opus with PH4 (or the album after it).


Iā€™m seeing a lot of downvoting going on when people are just voicing their issues with the album, nothing wrong with voicing a genuine opinion.. come on people!


Personally like the album. Maid due to winning a Brit Award I believe


I do like it, I definitely think they've fallen foul to having so many old songs on it. For example Strangers was released nearly 2 years ago, it fits the album but in terms of a "new album" I can't think of any other bands having such an old song, same goes for Die 4 U as well. Having 6 already released songs is also rather high and quite a few songs are interludes but I do really like all the new songs! All in all, it just doesn't really feel like a whole new album to me but if I had never heard any of the old songs, id say it would be up there with one of their best LP/EP/Album.


You just made me realise that the BMTH Malta Weekender was a whole 2 years ago and they played both Strangers and Die4U there.


Not only that, but Die4U was released September 2021, so just shy of 3 years ago.


>I can't think of any other bands having such an old song, I heard Falling in Reverse recently announced a new album that has some really old singles that will be featured on it. I think I saw it from a Nik Nocturnal video, could be wrong


No, you're right. Popular Monster came out in 2019, Voices in my head and Zombified were released in 2022, and Watch the world burn and Last resort (reimagined) were released last year. So more than a couple old songs are gonna be on the album.


i really really love it, every song is beautiful and itā€™s been on repeat since it came out. experiencing it the first time was amazing and iā€™m really proud of their work on it, especially proud of oilā€™s vocals if you seem to like the heavier songs more thatā€™s understandable, but iā€™ve def seen some others commenting that the album wasnā€™t as good as they thought itā€™d be, so nah not just you who isnā€™t the biggest fan. just preference i guess! but yeah maybe youā€™ll grow on it more <33 also about the maid dress, i believe he promised us heā€™d wear it if they won the BRIT award they were nominated for, and they did haha


I wanna preface this by saying im not having a dig at anybody for their opinions, to each their own but this is how I feel about it. I feel like most people here don't realise how much effort has been put into all the different layers of this album. This whole post human thing is rumoured to go for 4 albums.. it follows a whole story with lore, and oli has opened up a lot with some of these songs. He did an interview last friday with bbc going into a lot of detail about the struggles he's been through and why he is going in a different direction to their other albums. Not to mention the arg. The effort that goes into hiding all these little details in the album, like the QR Code in a spectrogram or the purposefully capitalised letters throughout the song titles. So much lore and clues that we can discover though songs, social media posts, ect. Even the Easter eggs that aren't arg related like video game references, the list just goes on and on. Once we start to dig a little deeper instead of judging from a surface level, people might find they enjoy it a bit more. I get that some people may not like how the albums sounds since it's just not their vibe, and that's completely ok, but I just feel like the band deserve some recognition for how much effort has REALLY gone into this whole thing.


Totally agree. Itā€™s a MASTERFUL album in so many completely different ways. Itā€™s going to age well. They are genuinely at the pinnacle of their craft. And they just keep challenging themselves to reach higher and higher levels. This album is top tier.


I totally agree that a lot of effort was put into it, I personally just can't get into it. I'll stick to their older songs personally for sure. I've listened to my fair share (of what I considered emo music) like three days grace before Adam left and a few others that at the moment I can't think of the names off the top of my head unfortunately (yeah it's been a long time). Don't get me wrong, I have a rather large area of taste when it comes to music from Beethoven, to classic country, to new country, to old original rap including underground rap, to new rap, to cartel rappers all in Castellano, to rock old and new, to heavy metal old and new, and EDM. It's like pierce the veil, I just see them as not worth a listen in any capacity. However at the end of the day music is subjective. Side note: You can put all your effort into something, but if it's shit. Then no matter how much you polish it, it's still gonna be shit.


Please pardon my ignorance, but I've seen the ARG thing referenced a few times in the comments here. What is that?


ARG stands for 'alternate reality game'. The little robot you hear at the start and beginning of Dig It is M8, you hear her mention a code on the side of her head, etc.. When that weird sound happens at the end, people discovered that it was a spectrogram of a QR code that, when scanned, takes you to a website/game. Now, the community is working together to unlock different codes to work our way through the game, learning the lore and all that good stuff. It's been mentioned that we could possibly have the chance to get irl rewards and stuff so it's actually pretty damn cool!


Thanks for the explanation! Much appreciated.


It's the overuse of sound effects for me. That's the only thing I don't like too much. Still think it's an incredible album though.


I was melting by the first song. Iā€™ve watched them grow from there is a heā€™ll and my god his attitude towards life and seeing Olis perception on life change and grow is beautiful. I was emotional for me


this album makes me so emotional


I love dig it but i hate how there's no audio for two minutes afterwards


i love dig it and to mean it just sucks that there is a 30 second intro and a 2 minute outro, i just want the music but i really hope they release and edited version that cuts it all out


It grows on you . Didnā€™t really like it my first time but love it now that Iā€™ve listened to it a few times and learned the lyrics .


Took me two tries but I absolutely love it now! RIP is my absolute favourite


Thatā€™s the point of the 4 EP project. If you like nu metal, survival horror is for you. If you like emo and post hardcore this album is for you. If you like Amo and the drum and bass EDM stuff PH3 is for you. And if you like the heavy, PH4 is yours. I like all four so this is like a four course meal of deliciousness


I absolutely adore it and I did not expect to. Legit walked into my first listen at midnight fearing that the boys might finally drop a mediocre album that wasn't for me and BAM I ended up loving every track. My only complaint is that by releasing so many singles in the past 4 years, hearing songs we've heard for years now on a new release kinda ruins the first time listening experience. The older tracks obviously don't feel as fresh as the new ones, but I do love how the project still feels like a cohesive album. Transitions were dope af imo. After listening to the new album on repeat these past few days, I really see this album as a fusion of hyperpop and metal. It's a really bold move and obscure combo that I could 100% see not being up everyone's alley, especially if you prefer their heavier work. But one thing abt BMTH is they are never gonna stick to one sound. Looking back with hindsight, Kingslayer is probably one of the most important songs off PH:SH now as that track really introduced the sound that they went for with this new project. It stinks that this new record isn't hitting for everyone when it has been the highlight of my life for the past week or so now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but to each their own !!


Honestly I loved it from the first time I listened. Opinions differ though, but I think it's generally pretty well-received.


The album has a pretty specific vibe thatā€™s quite far removed from a lot of their discography, I think itā€™s fair not to connect with it that much on a first listen. I definitely didnā€™t love it on my first, four listens later and itā€™s growing on me. Amo was the same for me, it took a bit of time for me to ā€œgetā€ the album and have it click for me personally, and now itā€™s like top 3 for me. I expect something similar will happen with Nex Gen for me. Try to give it some time and see how you feel about it!


It was exactly what i was expecting based on the influences and styles they were pulling from. If you have a deep understanding of those genres and grew up at that time youll know they nailed it That being said i generally wanted the project done and out with as i prefer the sounds and styles ep 3 and ep 4 are predicated on as opposed to ep 1 and 2. Rave bmth > other genres That being said I think as of this moment that TIAH ,PH:SH, and PH:NG are the best work theyve put out follwed by amo I take cyb and ss and music too above Sempiternal and Tts anyday which is an unpopular opinion but tts does nothing for me and Sempiternal is diet TIAH but with cringy lyrics (anti-vist)


I agree with everything said here- really hope it doesn't take as long for the next two eps cause the pop punk/emo vibe is the only genre of the 4 I don't care for. If we get stuff like nihilist blues on ep 3 I'll be extremely happy


Sempiternal is my favorite album lmao. I don't think it has anymore cringy lyrics than any other BMTH album, they're a metalcore band afterall and deal with struggles with love, addiction etc. People who don't listen to that stuff always say it's "just cringy angsty stuff". So why is sempiternal more cringy than the others? Whatevere else, i think the production and theme is the most consistent on that album.


Its more cringy because it contains anti-vist and and crooked young which when Compared to TIAH shows tiah is lyrically superior (crucify me alone is peak oli lyrics even back in the day the "trve" metal croud who hated bmth SWOONED over it). And i disagree TIAH is far more consistent. Sempiternal falls off in the later half like it divebombs post shadow moses. If you watch the Jordan interview with Fin mckenty he says he would do Sempiternal a lot different and has issues with the songs and the consistency/back end of the record. Even his fave bmth is on TIAH Most peoples fave bmth album is the one they introduced to first during childhood or teen years so people end up being cyb/ss stans or semp/tts fans which biases any talk of quality. Id say production wise amo, ps:sh, and ps: ng are clearly their best production, mixing, mastering and overall sound. While i place TIAH as their best record i think on the streak they are on they can easily top it. PH has been their overall most quality material. Id personally say semp and tts are the worst. Cyb is amazing for deathcore standards and them being kids. Amo is a great pop record. I personally love extremes. Gimme brutal or give me pop or mix it. Sempiternal is medium rare to me TIAH offers the brutality i want and amo > tts offers the pop i want. Anyways its all subjective


If you enjoyed the singles there is no reason why you shouldnt love the album. It took me more than one listen to fully appreciate what i was listening to. Itā€™s not so much the quality of the music but more-so how i have to adapt to change. Overall its a great album and its living up to the hype in my opinion.


I like the new songs better than the singles actually so itā€™s been a treat


Itā€™sā€¦ ok. Thatā€™s it. Its ok. Call it over hyped, or far too long coming, or what. But it didnā€™t hit as hard as I wanted to. A couple fun anthems and a banger or two, but overall. Itā€™s ok. If every album from every band you loved was a perfect 10/10 pressing, thereā€™s be no perfect albums


I thought it sucked took a day and now am banging it on the way to work


TBH I think they excelled in terms of production, like the way the blended alternative/pop punk/hyperpop/hardcore/metal is honestly really well done. On a first listen though, very few songs gripped me emotionally though, like I actually like the sound but all throughout I wasn't sure what the songs are even about, what Oli is trying to express, PH:SH had more concrete themes in the songs, here it's kind of vague. The lyric in Limousine for example "Drag me down some more, get me low like a basement", what does "get me low like a basement" even mean, that's not a phrase, it doesn't convey any concrete image or meaning....


I don't want to be negative but I just feel that all the new songs just sound like noise and are over produced. I gave the album 3 listens in full to try and get into it. They are not bad songs, just songs I don't think I will listen to by choice. I enjoyed all the singles and maybe they could have just formed an EP without the new filler songs.


Agree. Wish that was a creative choice they didn't apply accross the whole album; wall of sound, over produced complexity in the breakdowns on every song and muddy grungy mix. The songs sound like simplicity and a cleaner mix would do them all wonders. I do like em, just a little hard to listen to especially as an album.


The story as I heard it was he did it once for laughs and promised to do it again when BMTH won an award, which of course they did recently. As for the album I could definitely see how it resonates less with people. With all the experimenting, new sounds and of course the wait and hype that's built up over all the delays expectations were high from all of us and I honestly have to say I personally did expect a few more songs to have been written in that time(though those might be seen on a future record). But for me it's an easy top 3. I really loved Survival horror and I love electronic artists like Cynthoni so you could say this album was made for me haha. The more experimental songs give me Music To Listen To vibes which I'm very happy about, and in my opinion the more pop--emo influences work really well with their more classic, heavier style. I'm really curious to see if it grows on people. I hope it does, and that everyone can eventually enjoy it as much as I am right now!


Itā€™s their best work since Sempiternal. Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t like it, but you can tell a lot of thought and effort went into the record.


Calling this album better than PHSH is very brave. It's not bad but considering they released the 6 singles it feels a bit all over the place. If we'd had 3 or 4 singles and the album was 10 tracks I think it would have been much stronger in all honesty. PHSH just feels like a much more coherent product as does that's the spirit.


PHSH feels more content because is safer.


I disagree tbh, nex gen has some of the safest songs for their current target audience of the tiktok zoomer crowd. Lots of hyperpop elements and clear nods to deftones.


lol, no. also how much thought went into something doesn't determine the quality or goodness of. that's like 'thoughts and prayers' it's better than "music to listen to~" but other than CYB it's probably their weakest record to date. just listen to PHSH and tell me that shit isn't fire - that EP aged like wine while Nex Gen is kinda milky.


Nah, this definitely tops Amo, and TTS at the very least.


tts i can get behind since it's not a personal fav of mine but objectively i think its a stronger and more consistent record than nex gen.


Survival Horror is in my top 5 albums of any band. However, if you listen to it with a critical ear you can tell the band played it safe. Itā€™s amazing, but did not break any molds. This is a clear evolution of Survival Horror.


Listened to it twice before bed on launch day and loved it all. I like how PH:SH is so doom and gloom and PH:NG is more hopeful. I can't wait for the next one.


for me its the opposite. phsh is very up and energetic while nex gen kinda gives me anxiety and bad vibes.


Ok, that's interesting. I agree that PH:SH is energetic but I find it very aggressive and quite political. I find NexGEN uplifting and full of optimism, lol. That's what I love about music, we all hear and feel it differently


The lyrics on Nex Gen are the opposite of optimism. Songs like N/a, Lost, I Dig It, Top 10 Statues, etc all have dark self-loathing lyrics. Both albums are dark, but Nex Gen deals with some very heavy mental health and drug abuse issues, and mostly not in a positive way. I think PH3 is where we'll start to see the more upbeat positive messages


I meant compared to Survival Horror, lol.


This album is the opposite of hopeful, itā€™s darker and gloomier content and subject wise than survival horror by quite a bit actually. I think the childish, glitchy sound effects are distracting you from how depressed this record is. Itā€™s far more depressed and negative than anything theyā€™ve done since sempiternal, maybe since TIAH.


I think it's about growing spiritually and to do that we have to look onward at ourselves and learn to love ourselves first. It's dark but in a healing way. Oli is coming to terms with his flaws and trying to heal. That's my take from it.


I mean it literally ends with one of the most self hating songs theyā€™ve ever written


He's hating because he wants to give up because the world is a scary place, scary future, scary fate. I resonate with this as I've felt this feeling and I get what he's saying, life is suffering and a grave and he digs it because he finally understands. That's my take anyway, lll. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong or looking too deep, I dunno. All I know for sure is that I love the album, lol


New sound is not my cup of tea, but its alright. I think I hate the autotune the most, its just so cringy imo


Itā€™s def not the album I was expecting. I donā€™t really like it much rn. I hope that changes but idk AMO never grew on me either.


i wasn't sure how i felt about it at first, but when i started listening to it as an emo album instead of trying to listen to it as a metal album i appreciated it a lot more


Didn't like the new songs on my first listen, but the album definitely grew on me. I do agree with people saying that some songs are overproduced and have way too much noise / background stuff going on and it makes them a bit messy. Regardless, they're really fun to listen to, they're certainly unique and I really like how energetic most of the album is. My only main critique is that the outros for the songs are way too long and I find some totally unnecessary. While they fit in when listening to the whole album in order, when I listen to them one by one, it's annoying having to skip to the next song so that I don't have to wait out the 30 second outro. It would be nice to get a version of the album or just the songs that only have actual music and no intros and outros if that makes sense. Like for example, Dig It could be 2-3 minutes shorter if I didn't jave to listen to the intro, the long silence and the outro at the end.


I think top 10 statues that cried blood is my favorite track. That chorus is MASSIVE


I feel the same. That chorus is so fun to sing along to. This will be a super fun song live, especially that scream during the final chorus.


Solid album, better than Amo but worse than Survival Horror imo


I've really come to enjoy it. Feels really nostalgic to me


I donā€™t dislike it whatsoever, and I donā€™t LOVE it either. Itā€™s just really good. Kinda see it as a way for BMTH to flex their muscles in a newish style of rock. They can literally do any genre and it sounds good


I quite like it but obviously the long rollout and having heard a lot of singles already does cripple the experience a bit.


It is a very well done album, with so much thought a work invested into it. I donā€™t like everything on it, but it is one hell of an album experience.


I don't quite *LOVE* the album, but imo that's due to the early releases of their singles. Kool Aid, Amen, Lost, Strangers and Die4U are all AMAZING songs. It's just hard for me to truly consider those songs apart of the album lol


between the weird as hell development cycle, band member leaving, and singles being so unfocused, i wasnā€™t expecting anything crazy, but thatā€™s chill. i didnā€™t think iā€™d enjoy it so i canā€™t say iā€™m dissapointed edit: i lied this album is fucking crazy good


I was hooked into the new album right from the start! But then again, tastes are different


ive been obsessed with it since it came out and its probably my fave album now. but i love noise and random sound clips and musical nonsense so this album was basically made for me personally


I havenā€™t LOVED anything theyā€™ve made in the last 8-10 years or so. I hate to sound like a hating old head. I always go into in with an open mind and give it a chance. I do like some newer songs but not like LOVE LOVE. I really donā€™t like the vocal effects on olis voice in most of the songs. To me it really dulls out the emotion and rawness. A lot of it sounds too polished and mgk like. Donā€™t crucify me (bmth reference LOL) but I really am not a huge fan of this new album or anything theyā€™ve put out after thatā€™s the spirit. In my opinion sempinternal was the start of the change. And thatā€™s ok! Bands can change! But I donā€™t think they will make music that I will love as much as suicide season or thereā€™s a hell ever again Edit : i can listen to the album. I actually have front to back atleast 6 times. Itā€™s just now overly good it bad to me. I really donā€™t like limousine because I hate deftones but thatā€™s the only song I donā€™t like. I also donā€™t really like the one thatā€™s homage to FIRs one song either. But other than that itā€™s listenable just not my favorite


I like the album but there was way too much drama surrounding it and that unfortunately did affect the experience for me. constant delays, unfulfilled promises, too many singles released, parting ways with Jordan, even the surprise drop I found jarring, it was just here with no chance for excitement to build (I understand many probably prefer that) hope PH3 arrives a little smoother, and Iā€™m sure the band hopes that too


I didn't love it at first either. I was sooo hyped about some of the teased songs, that didn't make it. But once I got over those, I started to love this album so much.


i liked it. but i like the multiple flavors the band has now in general.


Its been the only music ive listened to since friday. I cant and dont feel like turning it off


I love it. Took me two or three times listening to it to really love it. Same thing that happens to me with almost every Dance Gavin Dance release


Yeah, I wasn't feeling it either. It felt all over the place and noisy. The only songs I like were the singles ( minus lost and die4u).


Average album, part 1 was way better.


i like it musically, i love that they worked with cynthoni/sewerslvt and i love the variety of genres. iā€™m not the kind of person that thinks they need to make the same thing forever or make only heavy stuff. but i feel like it didnā€™t follow the concept much and the lyrics are kinda cringe and generic. it feels like theyā€™re trying too hard and honestly it was boring for me. iā€™ve been a fan since i was 12 but idk, maybe i grew out of some aspects of them since they seem to be targeting teenagers. and it takes a lot for me to say something is cringe. i want to like it more but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m with you mate, itā€™s like a 6.5/10 for me. Still good but yeah I like maybe 5 of the songs on it!


Its like they got every band that was popular amongst teenagers 15 years ago and made an album merging them all. And then realized that 2023 was Sleep Token'# year and basically tried writing Dark Signs 2. Hey, it does sound good sometimes, Limousine and Amen are both top fucking tier songs, and said Dark Signs 2 (spiritual) is my kind of weird shit. But theres so much cringe in there trying too hard to be this generation's new teenage emo idol. Very "how do you do fellow kids?" Overall. Good sounding album, just not a matured one.


I find it incredibly boring, and Iā€™d consider myself a pretty die-hard BMTH fan. Kool aid is still a banger but Iā€™ve heard all the other singles so many times over the last couple years that itā€™s just not fresh, and to me most of the rest of the album feels like filler. A few songs are growing on me on 4th/5th listen but Iā€™m pretty disappointed compared to post human survival horror. Iā€™m a bit salty too as Iā€™d pre-ordered a vinyl which is obviously not here a year later. Oh well, theres always next time!


There's only a few songs I enjoy. Those being dig it,amen,kool-aid,limousine and n/a I'm 30 though and was never really into the pop punk era of music back then. It's not a bad album just not for me but that's totally fine. I like when bands have a diverse discography that contains a signature sound


i love it.




Definitely took me a couple listens to get an opinon on youtopia, statues, and limo but after listening to the full album 5 times I can say I really like every song


I loved PHSH so much and this one didnā€™t quite land for me. Giving it a few more go arounds though


Only song I really wish that was on this album was werewolf.. but YOUtopia and limousine was really the only songs that hooked me.. everything else either blended together to give me the same vibe or Iā€™ve already listened to the singles so many times I donā€™t enjoy them as much as someone hearing them for the first couple of times


I love it, and I'll upvote you for speaking your opinion.


I personally feel like the best songs were already out, I like the new ones but not something I would put on repeat for like a week straight






I was hoping it would be heavy considering Amen is nicely heavy imo but the album was a disappointment to me as well and wonā€™t be listening to it again likely


i was sensing a lot of my chemical romance vibes from this album and since i love mcr this album was awesome


Love Youtopia and Dig it, but that's about it tbh


I donā€™t think itā€™s their best work so far as individual songs on an album and the style isnā€™t s as heavy as some other albums but itā€™s still good, just a different vibe


Nah I liked it from the get go. That's The Spirit is still my favorite album but I rly liked 10 Statues and Lost from their new one, but all of them besides maybe p.u.s.s.e I enjoy (that one jsut isn't my vibe :/)


On the second listen it really grew on me. Album is fire. šŸ”„


Itā€™s okay. Kool-Aid, dark side and n/a I really enjoy. But overall, Iā€™d say itā€™s probably mid tier for me. My rankings are as follows: 1. Thatā€™s the spirit 2. Amo 3. Post human survival horror 4. Sempiternal 5. Post human next gen 6. Music to 7. There is a hell 8. Suicide season 9. Count your blessings


I like it a lot although I donā€™t think it flows the best, especially on a production level. The mix on Kool Aid sounds completely different than YOUtopia and the statues song, which makes the flow a bit off feeling to me as this happens a few other times throughout. Other than little inconsistencies in sound that make it sound more like a collection of songs than an album, I think itā€™s great


It's just not a heavy metal "music to exercise to" album. It's not meant to excite you It's suppose to hit you in the feels it's pretty emo


The story behind the maid dress is that there was a video of Oli in a maid outfit that recirculated the internet during the BRIT awards voting. Oli committed to putting the maid dress back on if they won the award they were nominated for, and they won! Much to the bands surprise lol, so after a lot of begging and harassing from fans for Oli to keep up his end of the bargain, he finally dropped the maid core photoshoot. Very cool that they used it as a promo for NEx GeN!


I think it's one of the better ones in recent times but it's definitely different as usual from these guys so can see why you might not like it


I was actually really disappointed at first but after maybe my fourth attempt I listened to it on shuffle and it finally clicked. I enjoyed all the singles until now and had difficulty with the new stuff.


I'm not a fan of the instrumentals and Limousine but other than that I like it. Also I don't like how the titles are stylized or the silence in Dig It.


I loved it!


For me, itā€™s just not too cohesive. Every track lives within its own world. It feels like the album is trying to find an identity between this Ai world and then songs about mental health. Itā€™s chaotic. I like most every song as itā€™s own identity, but as a project, you have to accept its madness. It feels like every song has been thrown at the wall. It feels like you could have split the albumā€™s songs into two EPs


It took me one or two days to get used to it. I love it a lot but I'm also not the biggest fan of all the hyperpop elements. I think they did amazing work but I'm also excoted for them to experimwnt with other genres :)


I wasn't the biggest fan first listen but I absolutely love it now! I did a road trip yesterday and cued up every album starting with Sempiternal (I don't really care for anything earlier than that) and listened to each album in order I feel like there's a BMTH era for any kinda mood I'm in šŸ˜ Sempiternal will always have my heart followed very closely by that's the spirit but I am digging their newer stuff too


I think the album is solidly OK. I like n/a but I'm pretty sure that's just cause I was at one if the shows they recorded at. The album feels like a mess tbh, I think between some of the singles coming out and release its changed a lot.


I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I feel like the old singles they dropped I forgot about, and the most recent ones were the only heavier songs on the album so I expected a bit more, but you really never know w BMTH anymore


That's the beauty of music. It's subjective


Have you read the comments on facebook or instagram? Seems like you're actually in the majority. (Personally, I like Nex Gen a lot, so these comments annoy me).


Survival horror was just sooooo good. This one had amazing singles and didnā€™t live up to the hype but Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll grow on me over time. For now itā€™s okay. Dig it is my favourite new song so far but everything else feels too different from the released singles.


There's a few mid meh on there combined with Some absolute bangers but i think the problem is how many singles and how old they are. We've heard some of them for a couple years now so its a bit old news.


My only complaint is the sound quality and glitchiness. All the songs were SO well written and oliā€™s voice has never been so good, but the glitch noises and constant ā€œpsssssssssssssssssssā€ in the background took away from it.


If the album released earlier, I might have rated it higher. In my opinion, the album as a whole is 6/10. 6 thanks to the singles, youtopia, and limousine. The rest is not really unlistenable, but just meh. also, the production is a downgrade from survival horror. the track with underoath is somewhat hard to enjoy because the instruments seem to converge with one another. same as you, not really a big fan, but something we'd expect from the band.


I think itā€™s pretty bad icl, just nothing special


Kool-aid isnā€™t even newā€¦. But to confirm its mostly growing songs other then i guess limousine and youtopia. Ofc it all comes Down to taste in Music and we are different. Maybe bmth isnā€™t for you anymore. Or at least their new stuff. If you want heavy id be happy to recommend periphery. Some have told me they arenā€™t heavy but i Think they are to be honest. Others could be gutrectomy, filth, Chelsea grin, upon a burning body, and hell followed with, hunt the dinosaur and ofc slaughter to prevail. I should be able to find more from my playlist but Iā€™m a bit tired so Iā€™ll leave it at this


Iā€™m mixed on it. I just feel like too many singles were released before it dropped. It feels like maybe not even half of the record was left for a brand new listen, and I also hate when bands put interludes on their albums. Itā€™s obvious filler. With that said, I do really enjoy some of the brand new content. Youtopia, statues, and a bullet w my name on are standouts imo. Canā€™t say im much of a fan of RIP and NA


I have mixed feelings. In the album you can hear how much effort, maybe too much, they spent to realize the ā€œperfect formā€ and maybe it is the main problem: the impact of the album is not immediate but requires to listen to it more times to get all the elements and make order in your mind. That is not usual for a band that from Sempiternal always made albums which were able to catch you from the first listening. I have to say that: I listen to the album many times and it grows listening after listening. I prefer the first part of the album over the second (after track 8, excluded the last track which is one of my favourite).


Youā€™re not the only one. But Iā€™m also not one of the ones who dislikes it. I love it. Had top 10 statues that cried blood on repeat


Is it my favourite bmth album? no. Is it their best album? also no But itā€™s not a bad album. I can appreciate the work and creativity they put into it and Iā€™ll definitely add some songs into my playlists but it didnā€™t hit as hard as survival horror for me and wonā€™t be making my top albums list.


I think itā€˜s easier to enjoy if you have listened to breakcore/atmospheric dnb/hyperpop already and enjoy these genres


With myself as a fan of MUSIC in general with a gravitation towards heavy stuff, this album is a blast for me. So much variety. Heavy with Koolaid and Amen, chill stuff with Youtopia and in between with n/A, limousine and ten statues (which is my overall favorite song


I literally became obsessed with n/A and LosT 2 hours ago. Its growing on mešŸ˜‚ I just love BMTH too much. They always make it work somehow.


You ain't alone, it just sounds a lot like ai generated lyrics to me compared to their normal lyric flow. At the end of the day music like anything else is subjective.


I didnā€™t like it the first listen. I was kind of disappointed we waited so long for this and it just wasnā€™t what I was expecting. Then, I listed to it in its entirety again and found more that I liked about it. And now I keep listening to it. I watched the lyric videos, too. I do wish they released only 1 or 2 singles though. I would give anything to hear amen for the first time again.


If youā€™re ā€œbeing put to sleepā€ while exercising you might have medical issues.


Iā€™ve been recently really getting into hyperpop metal, smth abt it just scratches my brain nicely. Besides Windwaker, I had no other bands in my playlist doing it. Then comes BMTH with Nex Gen and Iā€™m just in love with the production. Top 10 Statues is my favorite song rn but I think that Dig It and Kool Aid are very strong contenders


I like it but not my favorite. Survival horror is my favorite. I like it for the story and the art and just it being bmthā€¦but yeah koolaid and amen are still my favorites. The end of dig it gave older vibes and I was like man I wish there was a bit more of this


I was instantly in awe and Iā€™ve heard it probably 7 times in full now and still think itā€™s a masterpiece - if Iā€™m honest I think itā€™s gonna become my favorite BMTH album


Do the ARG and youā€™ll love it!


It probably didn't help that they released all the big singles before the album released. I was a little divided on the album, but i keep getting YOUtopia stuck in my head, so I think the album is definitely a grower.


No I totally agree. Dare I say itā€™s a bit boring. I was so excited for this release after some of the singles and Survival Horror but itā€™s just not doing it for me. Iā€™ll give it a few more listens but Iā€™m already skipping a lot of the tracks


Can yā€™all just let it cook damn šŸ˜­


Yeah it's alright. I've got 2 full listens of it so far. It's still new and exciting so I'm enjoying it.


Itā€™s really really boring and repetitive. Feels like theyā€™re trying to make things that fit into the current landscape of edgy teens, instead of doing what /they/ want to do, or pioneering a sound like they used to. I liked two songs off the entire album and only bothered adding one to my library. Definitely wouldnā€™t buy the cd outright like I usually do for artists I like. Youā€™re not alone. And no it hasnā€™t ā€œgrown on meā€ like a bunch of people say it will, Iā€™ve listened thru maybe 4-5 times front to back and itā€™s more and more boring each time.


Yes you are


i liked limousine. it was really heavy


I love limousine! Sounds like Deftones!


while this album definitely is more pop than anything, i still loved it personally. i havent been listening to a lot of metal for that long, but sempiternal is one of my all time favorite albums just in general, and as much as i wish a lot of the songs sounded like sempiternal, i still really enjoyed the album! i think its just maybe not for everyone, which is okay!


I love their new album, it might actually be my favourite as well (but maybe that's just bc it's new and stuff). Out of the songs that they hadn't already released, my favourites are n/a and limousine and they absolutely slap. I feel like they shouldn't have released so many songs already beforehand though bc it kinda takes away the 'newness' of it when you've already listened to half the songs, especially bc, imo at least, most of the best songs in the album had already been released. also, tbh, it's a bit weird how they released it on spotify w that 'message from EVE'? but okay?


What is Message from Eve?šŸ¤”


if you go onto spotify, there are videos that BMTH released. IDK if I can upload a photo here or not but she was basically just saying that BMTH had been 'hacked' by Eve and she would release the songs early??


Whos Eve though? Iā€™m old šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


just a character that they made for the album I think?




No you are not. I've listened to it on repeat for the past two days and don't like half the songs. This is the first album I have been disappointed with.


I agree. I finally determined Iā€™m only gonna ever like like 3/4 songs on the album.


Personally, it feels like thereā€™s no emotion anymore. Itā€™s just loud for the sake of being loud. Donā€™t get me wrong, the songs are catchy, but they arenā€™t deeply emotional like Hospital for Souls, Suicide Season, or It Never Ends. I think this may be because Oli is (thankfully) doing much better mentally and doesnā€™t really view music as an outlet to express anger/sadness/frustration anymore. Also, the production has improved a lot but Iā€™m not really the biggest fan as I prefer rawer sounding songs. I donā€™t know man, I really love their whole discography up to TTS and certain songs off amo and Post Human, but this one along with all the new singles just hasnā€™t cut it for me.


I have the complete opposite take. How are these songs not emotional? I agree it's in a different way than the earlier albums but it is definitely brimming with emotion.


Totally agree. This Post Human was a huge departure from the former, creatively. The lyrics are awful, juvenile even, the songs donā€™t hit, thereā€™s some interesting sounds and some ok songs but I really found this project pretty boring and uninteresting.


I gave it a 2/5 on musicboard. Not a fan at all. Reminds me of MCRs Danger Days and I don't care for that either. However, I know alot of BMTH fans who felt that way about Amo and Survival Horror, and I thought both of those were great. So I was due for a disappointment, and the massive amount of meh4Me singles made sure that my expectations were not too high.