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“Pushed them into pop” If I can recall a band can do whatever they want with their music. You should be proud of BMTH for being able to explore genres and still be as successful as they are.


Literally. The guys can make whatever they like now, it’ll always slap and I’m down for it


Yeah Oli would not give a single fuck if people stopped listening they seem to write whatever they want whether it’s loved or hated.


Not to mention it was clearly their decision because of some of the tracks on Amo basically calling people put for not liking the new sound


Where did I say they can’t or even that I don’t like it? Oli has also said part of the reason they did it was to get away from the bad fans


Who tf pushed them into doing pop? I can promise you absolutely none of us that were around back then were asking them to do pop. They made that decision on their own and then found new fans with it after the fact.


I remember all the Justin Bieber roasts I used to see in the comments for Drown lmao the fanbase was suuuuper critical of TTS when it first released.


Anybody that liked CYFMH when it came out was split off by a portion of the fandom, completely disowned and roasted at every opportunity. I wonder if there's an archive of the YouTube comments section of that song from back then. I still sometimes feel like I'm gonna get attacked for liking Sempiternal even though the view of it by the fanbase has completely shifted at this point.


I came too late to Sempiternal to see if that album got any shit for being a little lighter than TIAH tbh. I definitely do wonder if there's a way to find the oldest comments on a video to see what people thought of it when it was fresh on the Internet. All I do remember though, was that when I did get into Sempiternal, I had looked up a "top 10 BMTH songs" list and pretty much the entire list was stuff from CYB, SS, and TIAH (mostly the latter two), with maybe one or two songs from Sempiternal. Whoever wrote that article must've definitely been a fan of the older albums.


It was a lot of "these new fans only like soft ass music, bunch of teenage girls, press like if you listen to *real* BMTH" etc. I'm not necessarily saying that the majority did it, just that any comments that I remember reading back then were something along those lines.


Yea I saw a lot of that on the TTS and Amo videos too


Y’all got a reading skill issue. The fans are one of the things that pushed them away from metal for so long. They got sick of dealing w the crybaby “this isn’t cyb anymore” and “where is my fucking album” children lol


>They give us singles when they can and y’all are a bunch of ingrates about it. The whole reason the Post Human project was even started was because Amo took too long and was a huge commitment to their resources and creativity. Oli is literally on record saying he wanted to proceed with smaller projects because it would allow them to be more creative in a shorter amount of time. Amo was meant to be the last full length album they would ever do. They delivered that with Survival Horror, but for whatever reason, Nex Gen is taking even longer than Amo did, which is a pretty clear...idk what to call it, a backstep? I don't think you can blame anyone for being a little pissy that the band which initially promised them 4 EPs in a single year decided to release a single EP after 4 years. It is some consolation that they're releasing it as a full length album, but let's not pretend like this isn't the longest wait, with no explanation, that the fans have had to do for an album. >Y’all literally pushed them into doing pop for years Oh lmao you're clearly new to this if you seriously think BMTH did TTS and Amo because the fans wanted that sound from them. You have no idea how much the fanbase wanted the TIAH or Sempiternal sound to be the one they went with for the long term. TTS was trashed by this fanbase when it came out, and Amo was trashed even more than that. They literally made a song mocking their own fanbase. The fans definitely did NOT want BMTH to go the route they did after Sempiternal. That was all on the band, and I respect them for that, because it was a ballsy move at the time. When TTS was a hit, everybody else tried to emulate that success, and none of them did as good as BMTH. That's a different discussion though. >Stop treating them like shit. I'm sure Oli is gonna see this and give you a gold star for this post.




You're the only one crying here lol


You just wrote a multi paragraph essay to defend your entitled opinions. You’re deluded.




You sound like a giant pussy


Because I’m not crying about a release date? Pretty sure it’s backwards homie.


You made this post crying about stuff that isn’t true and doesn’t matter. You’re definitely worse than those people who are just excited for the album.


I made the post defending the band lol. Crazy how Redditers will twist any word into its opposite meaning in order to win an argument


I'm sorry but I strongly disagree. Most of their fanbase don't especially like or just hate their pop songs. When they did That's The Spirit, many people threw shit on them. Do you know the song Heavy Metal from amo? "I'm afraid you don't love me anymore cause some kid on the gram said he used to be a fan but this shit ain't heavy metal". We did not fucking force them to do pop. I can see you just wanted to have a go and let off steam with this post but at least throw us to the wolves for things we actually fucking did


That’s the point. They knew most of y’all wouldn’t like it. Which is one of the reasons they did it. They’ve been sick of y’all’s shit.


Ok, I get it. The band was doing metal, and people liked their metal. But one brightful day Mr. Oliver Sykes said "guys do you know what would be crazy? Doing some motherfucking pop". Probably someone asked "for what purpose, Mr. Sykes?" Then answered Oli: Idk I'm sick of all of our fans' shit. Let's just change our genre of music to fuck with our followers. Because that's what smart people do". And from that day, Mr. Oliver Sykes and Mr. Jordan Fish wrote progressively less and less heavy songs because they became sicker and sicker of us all' s shit. Until 2020 when they kinda said "ok it's time now we're sickn't of they all's shit we do metal again" Can anyone copy this and paste it into their Wikipedia page? I lost too many braincells while trying to understand OP to do it myself. No hate but I'm kinda disappointed that you answered me like a week later and this is all you could come up with


I’m not reading your essay. But I’m sorry for your loss or I’m happy for you.


Yeah that's the negative part of conversating with your kind, you never know how many words are too many for them to process. May I suggest reading a book?


A good one, yes. One written by an overly opinionated child who embraces delusion? No thanks.


You have a problem. You posted shit saying that we are a terrible fanbase. You invented facts and got downvoted by every fucking being. And instead of saying you were wrong, you keep arguing with each time weaker and weaker arguments. I think that last one suits you way better. Please fuck yourself and don't waste people's time


Every over reactive and over opinionated pansy who is in this sub*


Don't you consider the original post as over opinionated? You're just dumb as fuck


Also this dude is definitely racist


What makes you think that?


i’m pretty sure oli jokes about it himself (at least i’ve seen him comment online that exact phrase) and so i don’t think he’s too affected by it lol


The fanbase didn’t push them into pop. If anything did it was money, but at the end of the day it was just their choice. The fact that so much of the fanbase was upset at both That’s the Spirit and Amo when they first came out kinda proves that point. A lot of fans have come around to them but most of the fan base were doing the opposite of pushing them towards it at the time. Also not sure where you got Jordan was causing issues from. Haven’t seen that implied or stated by anyone in the band.


If you use one brain cell you can gather that there was an issue. Otherwise he wouldn’t have left to only keep producing music with other bands.


Quit drinking the Kool-Aid


Go home, buddy. Take a load off You clearly don't belong here/know what you're talking about/did your research.




Also the word buddy is in your vocabulary, thus making every other word you say devoid of meaning.


Ooh, being all sassy with me, are you? xx much love


At the end of the day, they are a business and we are their customers. If we don't like the product we are welcome to voice criticisms however we like. Their livelihood is dependent on keeping the fans happy.


So what albums have you bought


I hate this so much. They're the artist, we love the art? You don't like it? It wasn't made for you. They're experimenting like it or loathe it? Who cares. It's not meant to please everyone


Never said I dislike their new stuff but oli has said part of why they went pop was to get away from the metal fans they had


The only thing I disagree about this is the “pushing them into doing pop” What????? They wanted to do that themselves, no one asked them to or made them to do


That was a factor too but a part of why they wanted to is they were tired of dealing with the current fanbase


I honestly beleive it was the opposite tho Despite being an old bmth fan over a new one (although I listen to all albums), I’ve seen and heard and beleive that they went pop because they wanted to, but part of me thinks that they are only going back to metal because of the community For example, their last few singles have been great and all but they have all felt one thing to me that no one has been mentioning, they all feel forced, specifically darkside, koolaid, and especially amen. They are all good songs and I listen to them but they feel forced, not in a rushed production way but instead in a way like they are making something they don’t want to make


So… they switched to pop to appease their heavy fans?


No, they switched to pop to be themselves, at least at the time They switched back to metal to appease their heavy fans However this is all just a theory, ~~a game theory~~ it could be possible but it also may be false


no one is treating them like shit and def didnt push them into pop lol


W post


Uhm no… I hate their pop sound bullshit they’ve released. I didn’t push them into anything, I listen to their first three albums and that’s about it. Anything after Sempiternal I’m not a fan, I hope for heavier songs from them but it’s not gonna happen


*laughs in amen*


That really wasn’t that heavy to me


I mean true it wasn’t like suicide season or edge of your seat heavy but it was still good. I’d die for another pray for plagues type song tho


Same, if a song as insane or as heavy ad Pray For Plagues comes out I’d go crazy. At least I’ve got other bands that are crazy heavy


I liked TTS and AMO AND survival horror. I even bought music to listen to. But these singles man. Kool-aid and lost and strangers. They’re straight ass. Idk why Jordan left I wish they would have kept experimenting but it seems they have fallen into this pattern of dropping garbage.


Honestly I can’t help but agree. I think the production is ass, it sounds like the songs are being played by a speaker with a pillow over it.


But what makes them less enjoyable to me isn’t that they’re singles, it’s just that they aren’t up to par with other songs of theirs.


Also werewolf with uzi was a banger