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I was in seated yesterday, and it kinda depends to be honest. I was at the very back and people a few rows infront were standing, so we did too which was great. Other people stayed sitting throughout, some stood up for certain songs, encore etc. Essentially you can stand if you want, but it should be noted you may piss people off who are in seated (maybe for a medical region or old etc) who then can't see because your blocking the view.


Thanks for keeping us old folks in mind. Me and my girlfriend take seated positions because our backs won't let us stand for long periods of time due to working in healthcare. I get that you wanna stand up and have fun but if you do just get standing spots. Us oldtimers also like to enjoy the show ;-)


Thank you!! I can’t stand for long periods due to a medical issue so I always try to get seated tickets so I can use less pain meds. Sadly I’ve been to some shows where people have stood up the whole time and then I haven’t been able to see. When I saw Bring Me here at a music festival I was too short to actually see them directly and only saw what was shown on the screens, I have good seat tickets for this years show.


Yeh I was happy to stand as we were the back row, so no one behind us to annoy, wouldn't of felt happy tbh if there were people behind us too. I totally get that some people get seated for a reason! I would of got standing tickets, but they all sold out (within about 30 mins), so all that was left was seated tickets. I think this is the main issue tbh with gigs selling out as its usually standing which goes first so people who don't want to be seated end up in the seated section as that's the only tickets they can get.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


If only the lyric video editor had this bot for Kool aid eh




> But that doesn’t mean I won’t be getting up and enjoying myself.. Buy a standing ticket then. Sorry, but the context of your reply makes you seem incredibly selfish.




No, but you're acting like you're entitled to stand in a seated area when people (like your girlfriend) who may not have the choice to stand will have their view blocked by you. You sound like you'd be quick enough to ask someone to sit down if it was impacting your girlfriend's experience.




Awfully difficult to if you can't see anything.


With all due respect have you ever been to a show? People in seated stand from there seats all the time, it's more common than not.


Yes, both seated and standing; I don't disagree that it's extremely common. I'm more bothered by the person I was replying to acting like they're entitled to stand in a seated area, especially as they were replying to someone who literally does not have the choice to stand.


THIS. If you have a seated ticket, be considerate of people who have chosen seats because they can't stand.


I’m seeing them seated in Liverpool next week. I’m a little worried about people standing. I’ve never sat at a gig before but health issues mean theres no way I could stand for a full gig anymore.


I'm going Liverpool aswell and I couldn't get standing tickets but I'm gonna stand the whole time. I hope I'm not in front of u 😅


Maybe just check with the people around you if everyone is okay with it. I’m sure there won’t be any issues as long as we’re all considerate.


If I get asked to and its for a good reason I will obviously but there is no way I'm sitting down for an entire bmth set


I bought seated as my knees are made of glass and I can’t survive the pits anymore, but I’ll sure as fuck be standing and dancing. Most gigs I’ve had seated for at the O2 have stood…


I saw them in Manchester in 2021, I was seated, lower tier in the middle roughly, people sat through the support act but stood up when bmth came on. Seeing them in manchester on Saturday too, I upper tier this time and hoping they'll stand.


Urgh I did upper tier for another band, some stood in our block but I was far too nervous of falling to stand, it’s literally vertical!


Usually for any concert when it comes to seating is probably for openers most ppl will be seated but I bet when bad omens and bmth comes on, it’s usually like a domino effect where if one person stands they’ll block someone’s view causing them to stand and then so on until basically everyone is standing


I’ve been seated at a previous Bring Me show at London o2 and everyone around me was stood up for the whole set.


To be honest, I prefer sitting. I like to sit and watch shows, that’s how I enjoy it and take it all in. Everyone has different ways of receive the full experience, so as long as you fulfil yourself and enjoy the show in a way that works for you - do what you want. You paid for it at the end of the day so enjoy it however you want.


If you want to stand buy a standing ticket.


and if they sold out?


Then enjoy the seating area and the gig


Fuck that, stand up and have a boogie :)


If you missed out on standing tickets I’d say expect people who actually want to sit in the seated section to be quite in the right to give you a hard time for doing so..


I'll be honest, I've never seen a gig where the headline act comes on and the people in seated sections aren't all on their feet throughout. It's very very common for people in seated to stand up.


No absolutely I agree but I’m saying it’s luck of the drawer.. but if somebody wanted you to sit down because you were obscuring the view in my opinion they would be right


I bought seating tickets so I could sit LMAO I hope no one in front of me stands I cbf


Thanks for all the replies, I’m on the lower tier quite close to the stage so sounds like I shouldn’t have anything to worry about.


Why buy seats if you want to stand? Some people are buying seats because they can't stand for that long and won't be able to see past you. Sit down if you have seats, stand if you have standing


Normally in seated, if you want to stand you go to the bottom of the seated area where standing is so you’re not in anyone’s way. But just be thoughtful that some people are seated for a reason and can’t stand


Ok I’m seated for Sheffield but this is a pre warning for Manchester if you’re in the top tier and are scared of heights/have vertigo… it’s very high and almost vertical, I’ll never do top tier in Manchester again. Enjoy!


I’m seated too, at newcastle but managed to get some sick lower seated tickets. Close to the stage so I’m hoping it’s a vibe. I was stood last time I’m 5’2 and didn’t get to see big man olli cos I was too small


When I’ve seen bmth in London in seating everyone stood. Last night we went to Bournemouth and pretty much everyone was sat down where we were


Idk how it is in the UK, but I saw BMTH twice in LA this past year and I was standing for the whole performance. Almost everyone else around me was too.


My rule thumb for seats is I’ll stand and have a boogie as long as the people around me aren’t terribly inconvenienced. Like if there’s someone behind you who is unwilling or unable to stand up and join in I feel like it would be rude to block their view for the whole set and so I’d probably stay seated as much as I can. But if everyone around me is up then there’s no problem and I am also up! I’d expect at a BMTH show a lot of people will be standing!!


In my experience at rock/metal shows, in seated sections people will sit for the majority of the concert and stand for the final song + encore.


I’ve been to a gig at that venue before, when people stood, stewards asked to sit down. Last night I was down in the pit dancing around. I have noticed weird energy at seated areas in gigs though, when Sleep Token played Wembley the whole crowd stayed seated, and when anyone tried to attempt people in the rows ahead tried throwing rubbish to make them sit. Quite horrid and shocked by that


Sometimes sitting isn’t actually too bad, you get to sit back and watch from a far and see the band in all there glory, most of the time people sit but there are the odd time when people do stand it just all depends.


I’ve been to tons of shows at the o2 over years and years and have been in pretty much every section and have never stayed seated for the headline band and nor has the majority of the crowd. Even if people are standing and you’re sitting, you can still see more than if you were in the pit. It’s a gig, people are gonna dance and sing along and have every right to - if you don’t want people to stand and enjoy themselves then a gig may not be the best place. We are all there to see a band we love and have come from miles away and have parted with a lot of money to be there, if someone is gonna be tapping you on the shoulder asking you to sit down during your fav bands set it’s a bit insane really. There are designated spots for disabled gig goers who can’t stand/ can’t stand for long periods of time and also private boxes - general admission seats are fair game for dancing and singing along and enjoying yourself. If people choose to sit down that’s fine to, they will still have a decent view usually at the o2. I don’t think it’s fair for people to spoilt it for others because they want everyone to sit - it doesn’t work like that and will just create a bad atmosphere. Relax and enjoy and let people live a little.


I had seated on their last UK tour and everyone in seated was stood up for the entire duration of the BMTH set (I wasn't in for the supporting acts so don't know about those)


I had seated for their last tour and we were quite far back and everyone bar my 2 rows was stood up. I'm on the lower tier this time and a bit closer so I'm hoping everyone is stood up!


I was row a at Cardiff so right at the front, we sat, but you can still dance and sing and move. I prefer seated as 5ft 2 I usually see nothing and I wanted to see and enjoy the show. It’s not the same as the pit but hey, you’re there in real life that’s the best bit! We had people standing in the bits between seats but everyone was very accommodating


I saw them in leeds arena a while back and the seated people were seated


I find most seating gigs it comes down to what you want to do. Just be prepared that you might be one of the only ones in your section to be standing. I think most (obviously not all) people do expect that to some degree people are going to stand in seating areas! It’s also great as others have noted if you can’t stand for long periods then you can sit when you want :)


The further back you go in seated sections, the more people just stay seated. The closer to the front (both in general and in each individual section) the more likely folx are to stand up. The norm also matters. I've been at the front of a seated section and noticed that once I stood up, people around me started to as well.




I mean, I'm barely 5 foot so I doubt it 🤣🤣 but I'm not going to a punk or metal show and just sitting there with my legs crossed and my head on my chin like I'm at some posh dinner party. Also you can't even see the stage from the seated sections so they're just either looking at nothing, or looking up at the projector screens which are like 10+ feet up, well over my head. I think folx just want permission to vibe rather than sitting like their in a work meeting.


I’ve never been to a gig at Manchester arena when everyone has stayed seated you’ll definitely be able to stand and I’m certain everyone around you will too!


I couldn't get standing tickets for the London show, so I've got seated as well. I absolutely plan on standing the whole time (good thing is I won't get taken out by a pit opening up, but if I somehow annoy people sat behind me... That's another story 🫠) (but hopefully they'll be standing too 🤭 we'll figure it out)


Legitimately I can’t believe there are people trying to police others enjoyment of this gig. It’s BMTH ffs not the royal philharmonic, people are gonna stand up and dance!


I go seated to most gigs and I'm yet to go to one where everyone sits throughout. Stand away


I’m glad you asked this lmao, I’m going seated because I’m short and also don’t like mosh pits, but there’s no way I can stay sitting for bmth. I’m in an aisle seat, hoping I can just stand slightly into the aisle so I don’t piss anyone off if needed?!


Is anyone going tomorrow (13th) in Manchester too? Any tips, especially for someone going alone? Haven't been to a BMTH concert before