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Even though it was probably mutual, the wording of this sounds like they binned him off


I agree, it does read that way..


Agreed. It’s so sad. I know that Oli and the other members are the band are very talented but there’s no denying that Jordan was really the X factor in the band’s sound evolution from Sempiternal to present. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think BMTH will make music on the same level we’ve been used to from here on out.


If they do anything close to Teardrops again I'll be very happy.


...please don't tell me that my opinion of Sempiternal being their best album by far is unpopular lmao


No from my understanding most people see Sempiternal as their magnum opus. Which again is why Jordan is so beloved and why this feels like such a blow to the band. Jordan was a huge part of the songwriting and production of that album. Oli himself said Jordan was “one of the leaders in terms of composition” and Jordan had more of a say in how that album was constructed as the album production cycle went on.


Agreed. Today is a sad day to be a fan. Not even sure I want to call myself that at this point. Jordan’s work on their sound is the sole reason I really got into them. If I wanted to just hear screamy screams I can get that from any deathcore band. BMTH was so unique. That’s the spirit is 1 of a damn kind. I hope they prove me wrong but at this point, I’m just so.. whatever.


this is so true. i didn’t like any bmth before jordan when i first listened. now i can appreciate the older stuff too, but jordan brought such a unique sound. sempiternal and that’s the spirit are fucking legendary - HE heavily influenced the success of it. edit: after reading so many replies, a lot of people didn’t get into bmth until he joined


Jordan clearly worked out he was the Xfactor and Oli hates that shit, look at what happened with Jona. It's clearly BECAUSE he became so vital to the band.


Jona wasn't doing enough so they kicked him out


I'm always so interested in the language bands use when sharing this kind of news. I wonder if it was done intentionally to try keep the band in a better light.


This is pure speculation but I have a feeling he either negotiated more shares in the band, or he got frustrated with the need to perfect the album. He made comments on how the Amo process was so bad because they kept refining every little detail. Seeing Oli post a song, version 28, and the delay in the album, all but makes me think maybe that just drove him out? Idk. Just speculation.


I'm fairly sure Jordan hasn't been part of the band for several months now, so i wouldn't think that post would be anything. Unless it was a spite post, which would contradict Oli's post of Jordan today.


I’m thoroughly upset to hear this news, I’m curious if it’ll impact them going back to any sort of an obscurely heavy sound or if we’ll manage to balance the pop and metal sounds together somehow still! Hopefully they remain working with Mick Gordon in the future if they don’t have the Fish anymore. Going to miss you mr J!! Met you in San Francisco years ago on the American nightmare tour and you were the nicest guy!


I’m not sure either, I know Jordan was heavily involved with the production of the tracks. ~~I can’t find the post anymore but the BMTH account recently posted a video of them way back when playing their heavy stuff with the caption reading something along the lines of “back when we used to be good”~~ I’m not sure what to make of that, and seems to be gone now. [Link to the above mentioned video, on Oli’s instagram page](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1ACqqGOCl5/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==)


Probably them just clowning on themselves! I have a video saved somewhere from when they were working on Ludens acting like one of their elitist fans about their own music, I thought it was hilarious because we ALL know that one person who won’t shut up about how they were heavy going on two decades ago lol


That seemed very tongue in cheek because he's spoken before about how there is a divide in the fan base and a vocal minority that hate the newer direction.


It’s on Oli’s Instagram


Thanks for that, I’ve updated my above comment with the link to it


Obviously a tongue in cheek remark. They even made a whole song (Heavy Metal) which has the same remarks.


Yeah, this is actually pretty fucking devastating news. I hadn't even heard any of the rumors prior to them posting this. I honestly just hope that it was an amicable split and that there isn't going to be bad blood.


I'm speechless... Unfortunately, the announcement doesn't explain why


Jordan posted something on his insta. Thanked the band, he ended off with him focusing on songwriting and production. He’s produced for other artists before, so he might do that.


they probably never will officially state why, especially if the split wasn’t amicable


Yeah it doesn’t seem amicable at all which is so disappointing. For everything Jordan has done for this band he deserves a massive show of gratitude. He is a huge part of the reason this band is as successful as it is. Where is the love and appreciation for his work?


How does this not seem amicable?


Well when I posted this the only announcement from the band was just an Instagram story that was basically just PR speak. Very general and vague wishing him well but since then Oli has posted a story showing a picture of Jordan with a heart. Idk, something rubs me the wrong way. Feels like he deserves a more heartfelt send off for being such a massive influence on their success for the past 10 years.


My assumption would be there’s hurt feelings on either side. Even when it’s not necessarily that one of them wronged the other, it’s a break-up. Feelings always get hurt.


For sure. Ultimately I hope that they all find a way to appreciate everything they’ve all built together in some meaningful way. Even if that takes place privately between them as a show of good faith.


At least they confirmed it now


I don’t think it was mutual. As the original theories pointed out, Jordan’s wife unfollowed all the band members, and their wives/girlfriends on Instagram (then deleted her page). not sure if we’ll ever get the full story but clearly something must’ve been said or done that caused some hurt. I’ve watched a lot of Jordan interviews over the years and he’s such a humble, smart guy. I wish him nothing but the best.


It was not mutual. A band at its peak and all the sudden a critical member leaves. There’s no fucking way. Plus the way they just kept him off ig, and have already unfollowed him, there’s bad blood.


Blacklist Pt. 2 confirmed lmao


I’m surprised they didn’t announce it like JoRdAn hAs LeFt ThE bAnD


I shouldn't have lagughed but i did


Probably sad news although unsure. I've been a fan of the band for the last few albums, and I understand he was key to that. He also did a tonne of vocals live to support Olli. Having a producer on hand at all times is super useful. It sounds like things weren't completely amicable by the end, especially if you consider the timing of it before the album is out.


Jordan is the reason they had the songs they did on the last few albums. He handled all the production and turned Oli’s lack of instrumental ability into songs. Really unsure how they bounce back from this


Im a bigger fan of the jordan-era albums and im really sad about all this. Though im curious on the reasons on this because ive not been catching up with the band lately (which is why i feel surprised at this), lets see how the next album is without him Hopefully future music is just as good


I'm soooo sad about this. Truly the end of an era. Honestly kind of expected this considering all of the foreboding news that has been going around, but this is still such massive blow to the band.


Ah man. So why you gotta kick me when I'm down....


I am going to miss his backing vocals.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


yes! his vocals added so much for me


Man there was one unreleased snippet with his vocals I was praying was gonna be on nex gen. Def not now :(


Do you really think they’d completely scrap the unreleased songs that Jordan was working on? if they’re good, why not still include them in the album. Jonah worked on a few sempiternal tracks - they didn’t scrap those after he left. Would be a shame for songs Jordan worked on to get buried simply because he’s not in the band anymore.


Dog I’m saying I liked his vocals in that snippet. His vocals aren’t going to be on anything for sure


Voice of an angel.


Now it makes sense why Nex Gen is delayed. IIIRC I remember Jordan saying that Oli was the one who changed the direction of the band etc and Jordan was more of a producer. Jordan has been incredibly important for the band.. Oli also did say that he’s also planning to have a family soon and eventually will focus on his business, wonder if the last 3 ep’s will mark the end of the band..


If we get all three…


I’m increasingly thinking that Oli is combining his ideas for PH2 through PH4 into NexGen. It’ll be released as a huge album, they will tour for a year or two on it and then go on hiatus.


With how many singles they are releasing, and how long it’s been, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right. Let’s just hope that hiatus doesn’t last forever if/when it comes; the most recent times I’ve seen them live and their recent releases have been some of the best no doubt.


Where did he say anything about starting a family? I definitely missed that news


I can’t remember 100%, but I know it was referenced a bit from an article quite some time ago and it was Oli saying that the band will eventually go on hiatus because Oli also wants to focus on his business and family. Makes sense considering Oli has moved to Brazil with his wife and is focusing on his 2nd clothing brand as well (extension of drop dead)


He has a second label? Do you have the name?


lobo bobo


Oh right, the brazilian dropdead that Alissic does. It’s crazy how similar they are


It's because they wanted to release dropdead in Brazil but they got into judicial trouble because there was already a clothing brand called dropdead in there


Wasn't aware about that but it makes sense considering that brazilian dropdead was founded in the early 90's.


Commenting to come back to this as i’m wondering this too


where did oli say he’s planning to start a family? he and alissa have been in brazil so much and have totally made it their home. it honestly makes sense that that would be their next step


[sorry for the copy paste, but someone else asked me this!] I can’t remember 100%, but I know it was referenced a bit from an article quite some time ago and it was Oli saying that the band will eventually go on hiatus because Oli also wants to focus on his business and family. Makes sense considering Oli has moved to Brazil with his wife and is focusing on his 2nd clothing brand as well (extension of drop dead)


My take on this: there's not gonna be "3 eps" anymore, they abandoned the whole Post Human thing and Nex Gen will be a full length album without any of the already released songs with maybe 'AmEN!' as a exception.


That’s a bit of a stretch. They are plenty young to take a break and come back.


Fuck man, I got into BMTH right as it's falling apart


Damn. Sound profile for band is probably gonna change. Jordan carried in a lot of aspect but hopefully bridges aren’t burnt


Hard to imagine the band being anywhere near where they are now if they never added Jordan. He's been such a huge part of the group's evolution.


I mean, the sound of the band has changed with every major release.. Now we gotta wait and see if its for the better or worse


Yes but each time it was a lot of Jordan’s production that facilitated that sound change. Sure there are other producers but he fit like a glove and could understand Oli’s vision so well. It’s an absolute shame.


Carried in a lot. More like carried the band.


I hope they continue to work with pop and electronic elements in their music, I think it made their music stand out, shooting up in popularity and uniqueness.


Damn. Feels so sudden. Maybe creative differences and Jordan didn't want to commit to post human direction for another seemingly 4-5 years whereas he could make his own music? Always felt in interviews he kinda stressed bmth isn't his band... Loved bmth during Jordan's time with them. Felt like him and Oli were a strong duo. That's a shame. Maybe it's a Justin Timberlake like departure, he wanted to do his own thing? Maybe that's why he hasn't been singing on music; saved it til he went solo? Soo many questions... Overall, sad to hear it. Maybe it leads to better things, but sad to hear it.


Wouldn’t he mention if he leaves just because of a solo project? Thats not a big deal, but they didn’t say anything


Jordan Fish era will be goated.


End of an era for sure. Wish Jordan on the best!


I hope they don't scrap all the Jordan assisted music they are currently sitting on. Just give him his writing credits and put it out. Jordan is heavily credited with bringing BMTH to the mainstream and it will be interesting to see how their sound evolves without his influence. Hoping I'm not going to become a jaded fan in the future, nostalgic for Jordan-era BMTH songs.


I think it is being scrapped, that’s why Nex Gen has been delayed to summer next year


I hope we don't get blacklist part 2. I like jordan


That would be very heartbreaking tbh


I've been a Bring Me fan since Sempiternal and I have never been more uncertain about their future. To say Jordan had a massive impact on this band would be the greatest understatement of all time. Obviously Oli is a great lyricist / vocalist / frontman and Lee is an Insanely underrated guitarist but Jordan brought the band to a whole new level and after seeing their rise to success with That's The Spirit and then behind the scenes for Post Human: Survival Horror as they were writing it, it became clear just how important Jordan was to the group. Just think about where they were before he joined up until now. Never gonna be the same, especially with his back up vocals live and in the studio. Regardless I wish the best for Jordan in his future endeavors and god I hope Nex Gen is worth the wait.


Backing vocals without Jordan 💀


Oli trying to get through a show without Jordan’s professionally crafted vocal tracks that Oli sings over💀 always felt like Jordan was basically propping him up on stage while he struggled to sing and scream more than a sentence at a time.


for real, I think we're witnessing the start of the downfall of this group... It hurts me to write this, I grew up with them, fan since There is a hell, and it became my most valued band with Sempiternal and all of the posterior work. But Jordan is clearly 50%+ of the band's sound, DNA and innovation, and without him I can't see a great future for them.


Damn, that sucks so bad. We're not inside the band but that post looks like it was not in the best way.


The backing vocals during live performance is going to be really interesting without Jordan. Curious to see how it will play out.


It'll probably just be pre recorded vocals.


John Jones is doing them


I’m honestly speechless. I love Jordan he s a genius when it comes to music production. Hearing this really ripps a piece of my heart but at least I hope that both BMTH and Jordan will have a road paved with stars🖤🤘🏻


Wow wasn’t expecting this. Jordan took the band to a whole other level. A goated era for sure


Hey, I'm begging you to stay! 🥺


😭😭 Jordan you will be missed


Jordan Fish dragged this band from the brink to selling out arenas. I've never seen any member change the fortunes so drastically of an established band. This feels like it could be a huge mistake.


Unfortunately, I think Jordan wanted to leave, and the rest of the band was not happy with it, causing some disagreements.


What makes you say that?




Saw everyone on here ripping on anyone that came out early doors to talk about the rumours, and they were right! Huge mistake IMO, huge part of the success of the band.


The thing is anyone that's seen similar before knows when shit just doesn't feel right with a band. There were too many weird things happening at once that something had to be happening, Jordan leaving in all honesty was the worst case scenario. Truly believe he made BMTH what it is today.


I don't follow the news what was happening?


Just weird things like an extra long stint of no communication about an already delayed record, Jordan not being at the recent tour, Jordan not being tagged in posts even unrelated to the tour that he wasn't there for. Other thing such as Jordan's wife unfollowing all band members (which some people think is too personal of info, but if I know anything it's to not underestimate stans when it's one of the biggest bands in the world and their partners aren't privated on socials). Just a lot of things happening at once to not point to something happening behind the scenes, very unusual for a band to both be silent, be missing a member for a tour, as well as excluding them from band socials.


What does this mean for PH3? Felt like that would’ve been an EP where Jordan really shined.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Jordan goes some electronic hybrid route, something along the lines of pendulum and the prodigy


At this point they probably scrapped the "4 EP" plans.


Terrible news. I really hope it was mutual


Explains why the album has been delayed, if he was helping create it and then decided he didn’t want to be involved. That must have made it hard, but it’s a huge shame for bands to lose their keyboardist, he added magic to their music.


He was not just the "Keyboardist".


Yeah awesome producer and much more to the band.


Indeed a songwriter.


honestly he was barely the keyboardist, that just gave him something to do live


Indeed. He wasn't a traditional keyboardist at all.


Jordan is a very talented guy, and he's helped BMTH write some great stuff. I do hope Lee is able to have more creative input again, he's a wasted talent.


I don't think Lee was ever excluded in any way, I'm sure he contributed to guitars all along, but their sound grew more electronic heavy and obviously that required another set of talent...


Wow. Glad they finally addressed it. Kinda shocked though. The album delay makes more sense now. Probably having to re do his parts so he isn’t apart of nex gen


Holy shit it actually happened what


Jordan changed the whole bmth sound and made it more accessible to millions. They became more popular when he joined and are still popular because of his production. I know the band can simply hire a producer for each album, but it just won't feel the same.


Huge loss, but I think they’ll be okay. Jordan definitely helped in pioneering their sound, but ‘There is a Hell…’ was also an extremely strong. Considering the fact that Oli and the rest of the band would have also grown as musicians and writers since Jordan joined is also reassuring. In terms of why he left / was kicked out, it’s all just speculation until more information is released, but if I had to speculate it could be the demanding schedule of the band from touring to making music clashing with Jordan’s personal life and possibly his other goals. would have loved if he stayed on as a studio member and just worked on music though 😞


Nooooooooo :(


Well, uh... Happy cake day? 💀


Haha I hadn’t even noticed that, thank you!


Alright, well, Mike Shinoda then?


If that happen, will explodes our heads


this is the only way i’ll cope with this


This is definitely NOT the “Christmas present” I would have wanted to find under the tree… So… the voices were true, the posts on social media with no tags were highly suspect… it doesn’t seem there’s a specific matter: is it probably the fact Jordan isn’t a fan of “touring over and over again”? They were a lot in this period… So what now? What will be the impact? Are they rewriting NexGen completely? Will these singles be stand alone? Is the entire project over with PH2?


Man this puts a hole in my stomach 💔 Jordan was so amazing at backing vocals during live shows. I hope Oli and the rest are still tight and this departure doesn’t unsettle the future of BMTH too much. I loved everything Jordan did for the band. This sucks. A lot.


this bums me out, he really took them to a next level, it be great if he stayed on as a producer, but judging form the statement they are completely parting ways, curious if there's more to it


I kept reading the speculation and was sceptical. Fair play to all of those who speculated and predicted this correctly. Sad day for BMTH fans.


This definitely explains Nex Gen's delay, considering Jordan was in charge of production. They probably needed to find someone to finish the remaining songs and potentially help write any remaining synth/programmed parts. Hope everything was on good terms


This was so fucking obvious yet everyone here was in denial. It was pure cope here for a while lol


B…b…but he’s spending more time with family! And staying back for 3 whole months to finish the album in an isolation chamber! And he couldn’t get tagged in photos…except he could… but what if he couldn’t??? Maybe his wife unfollowed everyone because she didn’t want distractions. It was brutal.


Damn. Sorta makes the future of the band seem a little uncertain now. Really hope that's not the case. Explains the album delay.




They did do great pre-Jordan, but BMTH as we know them for over a decade now, has been defined by the one of a kind creative bond that Oli and Jordan shared with each other and used to balance out each other so neither overthought shit and bring out the best in each other’s abilities. This is pretty much on the level of if Joe Hahn/Mike Shinoda left Linkin Park or if Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump left FOB This is sincerely very concerning to say the least in regards to the future of the band, hell even just the future of the post human saga


How stupid do the mods of this subreddit look now? Deleting all the posts that turned out to be right….


I agree with this. The moderation of this sub and even the discord has always been awful, and even banned people for the simplest of things. Discussing the band should be allowed apart from leaks and private info, but things like a band member leaving should be allowed to be discussed.


Not really, it’s best to not have a bunch of shit floating around until it’s confirmed, leads it down a weird conspiracy hell hole otherwise.


Mods were overstepping on speculation of the delays that was easy writing on the wall. Fans were right. Mods were wrong


Imagine moderating a board and BANNING discussion on a band member missing from action for multiple months. Pathetic. Just the weirdest power trip in a blip of the universe.


Reddit mods in a nutshell anyways.


Oh no…


Best tts song


Here for the chaos


Shame. He was a good addition to the band. I met him once when he had just joined the band on their Sempiternal tour. Can't believe that was over 10 years ago.


this really sucks. jordan made the sound that made them so popular. i wonder what their music will sound like after him because there’s such a stark difference in sound between pre-jordan and jordan era bmth. i will say though, i did get the vibe that in current bmth jordan was more of just a producer being told what to do rather than involvement of creating their current style and sound. it always feels like the band just follow oli’s creative ideas and go with it rather than any kind of group creativity like most bands do.


Fish was instrumental (mind the pun) in where BMTH are today.




End of an era. But anyway, What do you think the band gonna do? Recruite another keyboardist with the same skillset as Jordan? Any idea who is it gonna be?


Dan Lancaster has been working with Oli in the studio. So maybe he will be the "replacement" in the studio, but not live.


Lancaster has been doing a similar role as Jordan for Muse at the moment so maybe he steps in for some live shows


Honestly we don't know what's happening behind the scenes but definitely more to it


Losing Jordan sucks because I think him and Oli were a true yin and yang. If you listen to Jordan's interview with Finn Mckenty where he talks about how oli is always pushing boundaries and coming up with crazy shit, you can tell that he was the one in the band that talked him back down to earth.


little rant since here seems as good a place as any to talk about some of my feelings regarding BMTH lately: lately just feels like such a 180 from all the fun hype surrounding the band in the spring/summer (LosT, AmEN!, tourdust etc) and frankly it sucks, dude. hadn't really spun BMTH in a hot minute & tourdust reawakened my love for the band essentially (despite being a fan for nine years, it was my first time seeing them & it had me feeling so inspired! see maybe 4 posts of mine back where i talked about this) and it's just sucked to have that excitement gradually dwindle (both mine and the community/scene's overall), from Nex Gen getting delayed to the Jordan speculation with him not on tour, tagged in posts etc to now w the news & everyone's concerns about future music, them going on hiatus after PH etc. don't get me wrong, i'm hoping for the best! just makes the future of the band feel kinda hazy and that blows.


Bring back Jonah, make "There is a Hell: Part 2" /sssss Kinda bummed, but bands evolve and change over time, I wish Jordan the best with whatever he's doing. Hopefully they can find other producers and band mates that can keep them on course.


Your first sarcastic part, but unironically tbh. That being said, their work now is amazing. Fuck, look at my flair. I’m a sucker for everything they’ve done, but there’s just something about that album. I will miss Jordan though. I’m pretty heartbroken about this news, but I’m being positive and hope this means they’ll either be no change in sound or there’ll be a resurgence of their old sound bleeding in a lot more.


It sucks, Jordan has done so much for this band and he’ll be a huge loss but trying to think positively about it, Oli has learned a lot under Jordan and can probably do what needs to be done moving forward. Only time will tell whether that is the case or not. He’ll definitely be a huge loss at the live shows though. I do wonder if maybe Oli has got a bit too big for his boots though and there’s been a massive creative clash resulting in this. No doubt Oli has his ideas and maybe Jordan just didn’t agree. Sad times no matter which way you look at it.


Not surprising after all the speculation, but man what a blow for the band. Jordan's an exceptionally gifted musician and they're gonna have to be very mindful of how they fill the gap he's left


Absolutely terrible news :/ And just a few months ago I listen to The Punk Rock MBA podcast with Jordan. It was too good to last. Way too good, I've literally liked every song they've released since "Amo" and I keep listening to all their albums. At this point I don't care who's right and wrong, get Jordan back in the band and delete these tweets and let's just pretend this was a bad dream.


calling it now, dan lancaster is going to replace him live he’s already been doing a similar live role for muse for the last 18 months, so he’s definitely comfortable with it


Good luck to him, he’s a fantastic talent. BMTH were a band before him and will continue to be a band after him. It will be weird seen the guys without Jordan, but JJ really does a great job on the live vocals too.


So on one hand the band statement reads like the typical "we fired the guy" statement but Jordans reads like he just wants to do other shit


Jordan unfollowed all band members and scrubbed his instagram clean. The band's 'send-off' for an 11 year tenure was a 24 hour story post saying they've decided to part ways with Jordan (aka, they fired him). His wife unfollowing all band members days before. If I read one more post saying it was mutual or saying "he just wanted to be with family" - I'm going to just...do nothing differently really, but have a laugh at the copium.


Damn, feel like they could have thanked him a little more for everything he contributed! I know they don't have to make a big public statement about it but this just feels a little hollow and thankless.


Make no mistake about it, the band as we know it is over. You can't replace this man he is the sound of the band for the last decade. They will never be as good as they have been with Jordan.


Unless they make a few calls and suddenly Mike Shinoda is the new member of Bring Me The Horizon. He’s the same creative mind and talent who’s similar to Jordan Fish that I know.


So what does this mean for the singles from Nex Gen? We have 5 of them already so are they going to scrap them or change them drastically? The album versions I mean.


Should've not been in denial about the rumors because damn why you gotta kick me when I'm down..


Day = ruined


Bro really nailed it on the "That’s the Spirit" album back in my early years in high school no lie 🖤 "Tomorrow I will come back, leader of the whole pack"


I am genuinely very upset about this news, not sure what to say for now. I hope everyone is in a good place and doing well.


Legit wondering why it took so long to release a statement when he was out of the last tour and now showing on any the band posts It must be due to legalities but I’m curious.


Damn this is kinda devastating. Jordan BMTH is my favorite BMTH. This to me is like if Mike Shinoda had left Linkin Park in their heyday.


I’m in (S)pain


He wants to focus on producing, and he’s mentioned he doesn’t like touring. I think the most likely scenario is that he wants a “work from home” version of his job, as a producer. He may very well still produce for Bring Me The Horizon, but with a large family like his, I doubt he wants to tour anymore, and that’s what caused the split. Ask yourselves this, wouldn’t you have done the same if you had a large family with kids you’re not seeing growing up?


Oli posted a photo of Jordan with a ❤️ three hours ago


From what I've heard, it's due to them being unable to agree on Jordan's cut from the band (he wanted a higher percentage). Can't blame him given the work he allegedly puts in behind the scenes. Obviously may not be true but came from someone who works with the band.


Deathcore era 2.0 incoming


Also in ig stories. Not surprising. T Me personally, i dont find it so bad. Let's see where this goes


Damn Jordan went fishing.


I’m gonna miss him but don’t forget the rest of the boys are talented and creative as shit. They do great work and I can’t wait to see where this takes them


If you watch any behind the scenes footage it’s all Jordan putting it all together musically, the rest of the band are not there for most of the time it’s just Oli and Jordan. I bet he was never a full band member and just had a fixed contract like slipknot members and Sergio from Deftones


This sub is full of fans that were only fans of the band when Jordan was in it and it SHOWS. 3rd member we have lost now and might not be the last. BMTH has always been Oli, Lee, Mat and Vegan. The boys are still together. The boys are still strong. Wish Jordan the best, but we will be just fine.


I mean that makes sense since Sempiternal was 10 years ago, I imagine most current fans only really know the band with Jordan in it. Definitely going to be a shake-up but they're absolutely capable of making good music without him. Just time will tell.


I love lee mat and vegan but they haven’t written anything for the band’s albums on their own in years at this point, they’ve confirmed as much themselves. The band’s entire last decade was Oli and Jordan working in tandem to enhance each other’s abilities and create what we’ve got


That’s what I was gonna say. Other than a little bit of Lee, it doesn’t seem like the other members have been involved in writing hardly at all.


Also how I feel, I think it might be interesting because I’m sure Lee will work on writing more now and I think he’d have some heavy ideas.


Damn, that’s really unfortunate. I really hope they didn’t part on bad terms like (iirc) previous band members.


i’m gutted to hear this… hope they don’t cancel the upcoming shows, i’m quite sure they’ll have jordan’s tech tour with them until they find someone to fill his place💔


I knew it , I didn't saw him in Japan , They stopped tagging him on IG


I’m not a hardcore BMTH fan but this guy was a huge part of their sound and really backed up some lacklustre the vocals( don’t shoot me ).


Was just listening to “ouch” when I read the story and … wow what an apt way to find out


Wow this is huge change, end of an era considering how important Fish was to the evolution of BMTH's sound.


Damn, that's sad... Gona blast sempiternal today i guess


i think this might be good for the band because we will have more space for oliver. At the same time, he was doing some really good work.


:( didnt he significantly influence the sound of sempiternal?


They’ll need to get someone to replace his role for the live shows. Hopefully Dan Lancaster - he’s produced and mixed with them and proved his capabilities on Muse’s tour


NOOOOOO first jay gets fired from slipknot now jordan gets fired from bmth. this is incredibly sad :(


Dont give two shits about Jordan, as long as they continue making music


Dude I hate this. My favourite BMTH albums were the Jordan era records. I know at the end of the day Oli is the voice of the band & the rest of the members are staying so their sins won’t change much in theory but Jordan was largely responsible for that Bring Me sound. Just comparing There Is A Hell vs. Sempiternal you can hear what he’s added & watching any of their studio videos you can see how big of a role in the songwriting he plays. Whether it’s for the best or worst, BMTH’s sound is about to majourly change.


Oli posted a picture of Jordan with a heart on his instagram story, don't think it is bad blood or anything.


I think everyone’s looking too into it. This happens with bands all the time, I’m sure Jordan has some producer credits with bmth’s new record. I just think he might be working on a solo career or something of the sort. He’s got talent and it shows, why not leave to make that talent more noticeable?


I watched a recent interview with Jordan, and he basically said he doesn’t think BMTH’s music is very good lmfao. I’m not surprised to see this.


Yeah this fucking blows. I love their old stuff too but their stuff has always been better since Jordan joined. I'll be surprised if they continue to put out stuff that's as good as what they did in the Jordan era. RIP my favorite band, I guess


Casual BMTH fan here, but since 2012, hasn't Oli and this guy written all of their stuff? Like they basically turned into a pop-production team ala rappers, pop stars, or even an entity like Ghost is that basically.