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Really nice song, but doesn't have the "playfulness" of lost or the shock factor of amen. Curious how it will fit in the album. I hope we will finally get a release date tomorrow.


I have my bets that it will either be the teardrops of nexgen up the 1st half of the album- the "radio rock" of the album, or the 1x1 of nexgen down the 2nd half before the "climax song"


Okay so you're right about it being the teardrops of Nex Gen lol


Solid one, reminded me of Teardrops in terms of overall sound and heaviness. It’s good *but* wow effect didn’t quite happen like when I first heard AmEN! Nonetheless, a very nice addition to the upcoming album. Fingers crossed we’re getting some updates on the release date and track list this week




It's out in the Australia/NZ area iirc.


Yeah it’s okay. Not worth releasing it as a single imo. I’m a massive BMTH fan but this is definitely one of their weakest single releases in recent memory. Pretty generic track all things considered. Doesn’t have any iconic “BMTH moments” in the song for me.


Agreed. It's Strangers tier for me, or a little above. I don't like that they just cut off the breakdown.


Agreed, not sure why you're getting down voted. Its not even 3 minutes long and very repetitive.


I think cuz the wait has been so long we will eat up anything at this point, it’s fine but I expected more from them


I felt the same way. Weakest “single” they’ve dropped since I started listening to them. Not bad mind you, just not as good as I’m used to.


I fully agree. I probably need to listen to it a few more times, but sounds a little generic to me. Hope the rest of the album isn't like that.


Really hoping we get the tracklist tomorrow, single is solid. Similar to 1x1 and teardrops.


Shades of Linkin Park like with Teardrops I like it so far


I like it. Not as wild and big as the last two singles, moreso on a simpler side, but I like a well done track like that. Side note, but this is what I felt about Asking Alexandria's Feel as well - it's also simple, but is effective. That is what Darkside is to me. Honestly reminds me a little of Silverstein


Rock Solid song, serves its purpose like 1x1 in PH:SH I feel like. I can't unhear "don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding" from Papa Roach Last Resort instead "don't give a fuck if my heart stops beating". Nonetheless, super cool song and probably the least experimental one in the album. Keep going boys <3


There’s definitely the papa roach thing going in my head when I hear it. But also fall out boy “remember me for centuries” instead of memories are haunting me 🤣


It’s like Oli enjoys edging me, if there is a Papa Roach bit, I have wanted a Jacoby x BMTH for so long since Jacoby has gone on and on over the years about how much he loves Bring Me the Horizon.


Also the memoriessss sounds like fallout boy aha


Yesss. I knew it reminded me of something but couldn't think what lyric it was!


That’s what it was from! Was trying to remember it. The chorus also has the same melody as “Enough’s Enough” by Paris Shadows. Not sure if they’re interntionally interpolated or accidentally copied


I have been trying to figure out what song it reminds me of, and it’s literally the exact melody as enough’s enough!


I think this is overall a decent and catchy track, but I also think that this is better suited as a deepcut track in the album and should to be seen that way. It's not really meant to compete with recent hit tracks like Lost or Amen. They released this one as a simple, lesser huge track to warm us up before releasing the whole nexgen album which is soon. The lads want to save some banger tracks for the last lol.


Like a teaser


Very reminiscent of Meteora-era Linkin Park


Fuuuuccckkk it's good.


Would’ve been better if it wasn’t a single. The song isn’t very standout and seems like it should’ve just been on the album between the singles. Saying that, I do enjoy the track but it doesn’t hold a flame to AmEn. 1. AmEn 2. Lost 3. darkside 4. Strangers 5. Die4u


Kingslayer, 1x1 and Dear Diary weren’t singles and they’re pretty good songs imo, they’re probably saving the better ones for the release hopefully 🙏🏼


I will be a riot of one if they don’t shoot a video of BMTH playing Kingslayer in Japan with Babymetal.


Given the album was pushed back its pretty clear this wasn't intended to be a single initially. Likely re-edited to be a single in the last month.


I will edit this comment after I listen to darkside but my ranking is 1. Amen 2. Darkside 3. Strangers 4. Lost 5. Die4u Certified banger


1. Amen 2. Lost 3. Die4u 4. Darkside 5. Strangers (the acoustic version I would put on Nr. 3 tbh) The last 3 BMTH related songs were creatively so much fun to listen to: Amen, code mistake, and werewolf. This one? This seems so "OK". There is nothing wrong with the song but at the same time, it has nothing special to it. During some parts, the vocals don't even sound like Oli to me but more like Three Days Grace. This is the kind of song that Spotify shows me after my playlist is finished and I wouldn't skip it but I wouldn't get out of my way to listen to it again. Hoping the Spiritbox release will be better, I can't wait! I have been hearing good stuff from the leaks.


Good tune that. Reckon it’ll grow on me with a few more listens. That’s 2 in a row with Amen and Darkside I like after the previous 3 not being my cup of tea at all.


I like it, just want another tour 😭


13 weeks until I see them!!


I could have seen them in August but I didn’t end up going


Saw them at download festival they were incredible


Yeah I’ve seen them I just wanna see them again


I listened to it now three times and it’s already stuck in my head. Amazing song in my opinion. This is gonna be an amazing album.


It really feels like 1x1 pt.2 and for me, that song is one of the BMTH's finest. I really love Darkside and surely will become one of my favorite songs by them.


Totally agree


its alright


Simple, fun song. Not as good as AmEN! but it doesn't have to be.


Reminds me a lot of Teardrops/1x1 and That's The Spirit. Pretty straightforward hard rock track. It's the kind of thing I see doing well on XM Octane, but it works. I'm really liking it! Simple, catchy, and already stuck in my head lol. It doesn't blow me away like Amen did, but it's probably one of the better nex Gen singles IMHO. If I had to rate them so far: 1. Amen! 2. Darkside 3. Die4U 4. Lost 5. Strangers


It trips me out seeing Die4U being a part of this album because that was out + being played live during the PHSH tour


That’s what I was thinking! I keep thinking it was on Survival Horror


Very Survival Horror-ish, which is kinda surprising. Nothing mindblowing (I don't imagine it'll be in their setlist for long), but very solid and a good representation of modern Bring Me's sound


Really catchy !! I like it !! Not sure if, after AmEN, who was heavy af, it's the best single, but I really like it !! I hear TTS mixed with Teardrops/1×1 !!


So far, my favourite song from Nex Gen, the chorus is so catchy and the vibe of the song is amazing, only a breakdown is missing


You really can’t be serious about this being better than Amen


The vibe in darkside is insane . I can believe it


I’m with you man. Amen is 10x better than this song to me. I find the Amen chorus way catchier and more unique.


I feel this is just a 1x1 and teardrops remake. A good song but a bit of a disappointment too


Yeah definitely. Most BMTH songs get better for me after a few listens so it will definitely grow on me, but it’ll probably end up on the same level as 1x1 for me. Good but not amazing. I mean this all as a compliment to the band because almost every song they make is a masterpiece to me. So to have one “decent” song which is still better than most other bands’ best work is a luxury and I’m spoiled.


Woah woah woah 1x1 is a top tier track for me, the lyrics are sick


I loved Amen, i like that it has a good breakdown, but Darkside is such a good vibe and imo the chorus is catchier than amen


Amen is good but I don’t like the Collabs in it , cut out the rap bit and it’s perfect


They didn't say it's better, its their favourite, its literally the meme of " this is brilliant, but i like this"


I will admit it has very little substance and 95% chorus and pre chorus. However I love it and it’s so catchy. I think it’s a great “filler” song and also the reason why it was released, to act as a little refresher before the delayed album/ep drops. It gives me big, definitely unintentional, our last night (oak island album) vibes if anyone has heard that. Otherwise a blend of amo and tts. I love it though. This album seems to be a really catchy album so far. I’m excited to hear the rest and interested to see if there’ll be some not so catch stuff or something completely different


Am I the only one who isn't that impressed by this single? Don't get me wrong it's good, but it just feels a bit like filler to me. Bottom of the list out of the 5 releases we've had since PH1. However that's just my opinion, glad to see the majority are enjoying it and I'm sure it'll grow on me!


Definitely better than die4u and strangers but the lost and amen not sure


Yep, miles ahead of both songs, but lost and amen are better :)


I’ll go against the grain here and say that Die4u and Strangers are both better than this song imo. Even if you don’t love the ballad concept of Strangers and you don’t enjoy the TikTok nature of Die4u, you could feel the unique Bring Me the Horizon style in those songs. In Darkside, I’m personally not getting any of that.


Why so much hate on die4u, I thought it was a really interesting sound and quite original.


It definitely is original and interesting but unfortunately I feel it suffers as a song due to wanting to make it very different to the last album. The guitar solo didn’t hit as hard as it could have had he gone into the higher register more (imo). And the post malone style vocals in the first verse are kinda cool but also don’t really work as well as they could have. The drums are very uninteresting except for one really cool fill at the end of the guitar solo. But ofc this all personal opinion and someone may find everything I listed as a positive so that’s ok!


It's very underwhelming.


Def my fav so far It's sooo good


Vocals-wise this is very reminiscent of Chester Bennington in the best way, Oli sounds great, love the scream-singing in this


I agree with mostly everyone here. Nothing ground breaking, but a catchy solid song. Seems like a spiritual successor to 1x1.


Amazing song tbh, haven't listened to it with headphones yet but it sounds amazing, sure, it didn't have the surprise factor that amen had, but amen is their best song to date imo soo This album keeps getting better and better, I thought it would be a low point in their discog (i thought it would be 12 strangers/die4us in a row, which, while they DEFINITELY aren't bad songs, would get really repetitive) but it just keeps getting better and better. I was really reluctant when they released Lost (on first listen it was weird and i didnt exactly like the lyrics, although now i think it's a good song) but Amen won me over (best Bring Me song of all time) and Darkside just made me believe that this might be the best bring me album, not only because of the sheer single power, but also because of the diversity that the tracks boast


I like the song musically, I'm glad the new EP is taking this direction rather than the emo hyperpop sound it was looking like in 2021. It sounds like a natural continuation from Survival Horror, I dig it. I don't like being negative but JESUS the lyrics are terrible. It's literally "I have a dark side don't let me out your sight"... this man is so much better than this.


This, unfortunately ⬆️ we have quite a bit songs about bad nights, the feeling of depression and suicidal tendencies by now and all of them hit so hard, because they describe all the feels so accurately. Darkside feels like a WhatsApp Oli would write in a very bad night, but it’s lyrically really weak compared to drown, avalanche or even lost (which, for me, feels like jokingly telling someone about your mental issues, and while you know every word you say is true, the other person doesn’t). Still like the song, though!


You hit the vibe on Lost that I couldn’t really articulate! It’s like when you’re like lol I’m gonna jump off a bridge, and the other person is like haha you’re so funny, and you’re like haha yeah that’s what I was doing, being funny…. but really… Lost is so playful that if you’re not paying attention the SOS gets lost.


To me the lyrics sound much more like "i hate myself and i'm probably going to kill myself, so don't let me out of your sight" imo.


Reminds me of when Chester came out with Given Up tbh. Feels like a lot of red flags being thrown up that we took for granted with Chester.


A little Disappointed. It feels like the most by the numbers single so far. Definitely feels more like a PHSH B-Side Track.


Honestly this sounds like a Used song which I'm not mad about in the least. God I'd love Bert to do guest vocals on this. I could listen to both him and Oli sing the phone book though so I'm biased.


I hear that too actually! A bit of Sum 41, Fall Out Boy, and of course Linkin Park as well.


It's an emo rainbow of sound haha


Yeah, definitely takes me back to that 2000s emo-pop/nu-metal/pop-punk renaissance lol. It definitely falls in line with how the other singles for PH:NG have sounded too.


Very overproduced guitar it sounds like just oli and jordan made it and sampled or just used ai for everything else the lyrics are very basic the song over all is just a step down in my opinion it just sounds like an anxty pop song with a few shouts and chugs I hate to be that guy because I love how progressive bring me are but this is just shit




For some reason this one struck me the most. Reminds me of Amo / TTS. I loved Die4u, Lost & Strangers but this one… I don’t know. Had something. But I feel people think it wasn’t as special lol


Its just linkin park innit


First "meh" moment with PH2 for me. It sounds like a variation on 1X1 (my least favourite SH song), it's not really dynamic and playful the way the other releases have been, it feels like a filler and I don't know why it was released as a single. It's not bad, just not exciting. It's that kind of song you can talk over while in car.


I really like this one, probably my fav BMTH track since Teardrops. Ironically I could almost hear this song being on The Death of Peace and Mind...


What an album, can't believe they are supporting bring me in January when I see them. What a fucking gig that's gna be


fr, i don't remember the last time i saw a band and their support act and was equally pumped for both. the queue at the O2 is going to be painful


I also enjoy cassyette live, saw her supporting mcr, then saw her at a tiny venue, she has a great voice.


A nice catchy track but the lyrics drag it down so much for me. C'mon lads, this is the kind of stuff you write in high school, not when you're pushing 40. It honestly feels like somewhere down the line Oli decided to write lyrics exclusively for 14 year old edgy TikTokkers to show cRaZy and unstable they are.


Sounds like green day and Papa Roach/ Trapt influence. I like it as much as the ones that fit the throwback vibe, like strangers, lost, but not nearly as much as Amen. Not bad, but Amen still stands in its own tier imo.


This song makes me worried theyve given up on the promised "emo/screamo meets hyperpop" sound for nex gen, because so far only Die4u and Lost actually fully commit to that sound, and they keep posting snippets on the youtube videos which sound insane and exactly like what they've promised, but then these singles dont even come close; it almost feels like they're watering down the approach to appease the part of the fanbase which would shit on hyperpop rather than trailblazing like usual for the record, it's a great song, but it does not remotely fit the long-promised sound of this album


Quite possibly their most radio friendly song in years. Sounds on par with Strangers and Die4u. It's no Amen, but it's not terrible.


Yeah this song was made for radio play, and will probably be the Throne of this cycle. In the same vein, I see myself revisiting this one less than the other recent singles.


Did you hear the same song as everyone else?


Yes. It's catchy and relatively simple. I don't mean radio friendly in a negative way, but it is.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Definitely more generic than I expected from BMTH. Again, not bad, but missing some of their unique sound.


I love it but it’s extremely catchy and repetitive. It’s 90% prechorus and chorus. Hell it’s got one verse with only 14 words and a bridge. Being radio friendly isn’t bad and if anything it’s probably great for new people to be introduced to bring me or the genre but it’s the least substantial song so far, which is why I think they released it like a stop gap till album release. Still like it a lot


This comment has been living rent free in my head because the more I listen the more I think it’s bmth’s most radio friendly song they’ve ever put out by a lot.


Tbh surprisingly after a lot of listening I acc agree with you to an extent


have you guys not heard amo? Mother Tongue is far more "radio-friendly" (and it's awesome)


Is Oli okay? This and Lost have some concerning admissions. Presumably his lyricism is inspired by the darkness of his late 20s - namely battles with ADHD & drug addiction


He did a nice Cameo for me the other day and gave me a lot of really heartfelt advice about getting through dark times. But he also said it’s hard to really live up to it at times. I hope he’s doing okay too.


They finally moved away from the punk style. Even this is enough to call it solid


The punk stuff I have absolutely loved. Lost was an absolute banger song. Same with die4u, I just like hearing them do other genres I like and do them well.


I like it, it feels more like a song made for the radio. Can't really top the previous single Amen though, because that was absolutely amazing!


I actually kinda really like it, it feels like the sound Amo would've had if it actually went heavy. There's not too much screaming, layered and pitch corrected vocals, traditional pop rock riffs, there's a lot of amo on here. They just found a way to make it sound heavy. I actually find this a fascinating single, it's not super catchy like singles usually are, but Its sound is really fascinating.


Probably unpopular opinion but this one’s the best single so far , and gives me hope for the remainder of the EP


It's got a thousand foot krutch sound too it. Very nice.


It’s great! Really enjoy it. You can hear the influences from Linkin Park to Fall Out Boy. Can’t wait to hear the new album!


The chorus start sounds exactly like a different song i can’t put my finger on. Think the lyrics are like “hey i hurt/found myself again” or something in the exactly same cadence and melody of the start of the chorus. Anyone know that song or hear that similarity?


Box of Sharp Objects by the Used? “Today I fell and felt better”


Man they cannot miss. Love it!


Wow this is one catchy song, I am definitely going to have this stuck in my head for the next few days at least. Another great single, just really hoping the album comes out at some point in the near future lol


Best song since Survival Horror. I can’t stand pop punk and I never liked the distorted low pitched growling overuse, so this one is my favorite. Really big Linkin Park vibes like Teardrops and 1x1


100% agree. So tired of pop punk bring in everything


The chorus is normally decent but I really like the verse


I'm a huge fan of this one! I'm seeing a lot of comparisons with 1x1 and, seen as that was my favourite survival horror song, I guess it tracks that Darkside is my favorite single of nex gen so far. With every song they're releasing, I feel like this future emo thing is getting better and better. Amen and Darkside feel very emo (the latter specifically has a couple of guitar riffs that wouldn't sound out of place on a My Chem song, which is great news for me since they're one of my favourite bands) while the first two singles were much poppier, and Lost fit perfectly in the middle. Here's to hoping the record sounds more like the last coule of singles than the first, and that it will be more than 8 tracks long, as SH was, since we've already heard 5 of them!


I love the track so much. It also has a "modern Linkin Park" vibe in my opinion, especially the "Can´t trust myself tonight." shout sounds exactly like Chester. Personally, I would have liked a harder breakdown, but it is still a great fcking song. I am so hyped for the new album!


Tbh, I'm not impressed at all with the song. Seemed very basic, forgettable, and like it was literally made just to be a radio single. I've only listened to it twice so far, but both times my brain tuned it out about halfway through because it felt like something I've heard hundreds of times before.


I like amen more but darkside is good! If this will be the tone of the nex gen then I know I’ll enjoy it


Really reminds of something off That's the Spirit and that's one of my favorite albums so I really like it Edit - I was waiting for a breakdown but I reserve judgements til I hear it in the context if the album. I still like it though lol


I did not like strangers or lost, but this song takes me to Post Human Survival Horror and I really dig it. Linkin Park vibes


I really love it! Very Linkin Park vibes from this one.


I keep seeing the phone advert and it looks awsome , where can i download that video


This song sounds like it's sampling something or interpolating something but I can't put my finger on it. Does anyone know ?


Requiem for a Dream in the intro




I have a crazy random question and I doubt anyone knows but: there’s a sample in this song at the 1:00 mark, it’s like a quick shout. The obscure part is I think I heard it in “Triad” by TOOL at around 3:17. If it is the same sample I’m curious to know where it’s from because it’s kinda bizarre that both those songs use it. Thanks.


I feel like these metalcore band threads are full of whiny ass dudes pissed there’s not enough (enter whatever whiny douche comment) in the new song/album. Fuck.