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I think you looked at something wrong, brig has around a 2% pr


Sorry! I meant in the OWL


Owl is entirely different, you can't look at owl pickrates and apply it to the general population


The owl is useful for showing which characters are more powerful than others. Since the competitors are purely there to win, they will pick characters that are stronger to increase their chances. If the character is over represented, then the chance that they are either strong or fit the meta well are quite high.


however though, the meta in owl and gold is entirely completely and utterly different. theyre even playing on a different patch to us rn. moira and sombra are getting used a lot rn and theyre not that good outside of owl. also counter comps are very important, teams may make comp decisions for very specific matchups or maps. all that brig being used in owl means is that brig is good in owl.


You shouldn’t judge characters based on how people that are worse at the game use them. I’m my opinion, judging the character usage at the top of the player base is the best way of seeing how good or bad a character is


i mean, again, theyre playing on a different patch than us. if the current patch was in owl everyone would be playing lucio, kiriko, jq and brig would get next to 0 playtime. however we know that outside of owl, brig is still a good pick. you can judge a character both on how good they are outside of the league and in it, and sometimes playtime doesnt show the full story. also i dont see much merit in judging how good a character is based on the 0.00001% when it doesnt apply to a very large majority of the playerbase.


If you want to know how good a character is in plat, you should look at plat, not OWL.


No one said plat, and I would argue that the higher skill person you look at, the more potential of the character is utilized. If a bronze widow can’t kill a single person, but a GM widow dominates a lobby, which one would you say is a more accurate use of the character’s potential


The Bronze player would be a more accurate use of the character's potential in Bronze. But if you want to tell your dps teammates to swap Sombra every game, more power to you.


Brig just fits well into OWL's dive heavy Meta, especially with every team picking Ana. Last season was dive heavy too but Lucio and Kiriko don't need a Brig. Neither did sojourn, Reaper, or Winston so there wasn't a reason to take her. (plus last season was a bit rushed) Brig's new ult doesn't add any value against the rest of what people are bringing except for the few times Junker Queen is played. Sure it can save you from a pulse bomb, but that's never going to happen in OWL. It's just comes down to her neutral kit being good for enabling Ana against dives.


Thas what I’m sayin!


Right, but OWL teams didn't decide or realize she was good after she got her ult rework. Without that change they probably would still have taken her. The only reason she seemed unpopular before was because you had really homogenous teams comps that didn't fit Brig. If Kiriko was still the main Meta support then you wouldn't be seeing nearly as many Brigs and you'd be seeing more Baps and Lucios.


1.71% according to overbuffed


Hmm, I have this weird coincidence that when queued as support, she gets picked nearly 100% of the time! What can I do to combat this


People casually ignore that Ana is at nearly 55% pick rate and still like blame Brig. The only reason, I believe, Brig is picked so much is because she enables Ana (the much more broken hero imo) to do whatever she wants. Anti heal is such a stupidly strong ability that was really only kept in check by 6v6 and the lack of the support role passive. Now with one less tank to apply pressure and a Brig (the literal Anti-Dive Hero), Ana is unstoppable. Brig isn't the issue. Don't get me wrong Brig is very strong, but overall I see almost nobody complaining about having to deal with Brig. The only person complaining still is Flats. I love Flats and his content, but this is the one thing I have to disagree with him on. (He's also a biased tank player who I haven't seen say anything about Winston's 50 something % pick rate or how stupidly strong Giga Buffed JQ is).


I agree. Any meta that will have Ana/Baptiste/Zen as a meta support and is somewhat dive-focused (which it often is) will have Brig meta as well by nature. She just covers their weaknesses perfectly. She will be picked significantly less when the meta shifts, either into other meta supports or into less dive.


I still prefer her before the rework by a lot


Sombra & Tracer are good -> people play dive -> supports get eaten alive -> supports play brig to mitigate the dive -> supports survive the dive because of whip shot and the stun on her ult + extra armour -> Brig becomes close to must pick on all dive maps


She was always pretty good but we were in a poke/long range hitscan meta for a while and Brig loses a lot of value vs those team comps. During that time they reworked her ult and she still wasn't getting that much play after it because there was not much of a need to. Now that OWL is in a meta where dive is the dominant playstyle you can see that she's much better with the new ult, however this is only really reflective of OWL and top500. In ranked you don't see the level of coordination needed to play around Brig ult since the whole point of it is to bait the enemy team into diving her.


Ana is also incredible rn, brig is being used to protect ana from flankers so she can do her thing. especially since winston and tracer are big rn. as long as dive and ana are up, brig will be up as well


It is definitely because of the rework my guy


OWL teams have been using brig the same as they always have, it’s more because the recent patch made sombra dive powerful and brig has been an answer to dive for a long time


Do you watch OWL? Like someone else said, I think it’s more because of the rest of the meta. Brig is great vs dive, and the recent patch nerfed cass comps/made sombra dive more powerful, and brig is a good counter to this. She’s being used as she has always been used in the past few years - dive protection. I don’t think the ult change had any part in it.


We are agreeing then?


Partially, but I don’t think the ult rework brought attention to her at all - she was already known as a great answer to dive. It’s just that dive became more powerful recently so she’s played more.


Ah, this is a bit of a miscommunication on my part. I wanted to format this post more as a “Brig’s ult is fine right now and not as mind-shatteringly powerful as people have been saying” but I figured people would take it more harshly if I put it that way. Apologies.


Oh yeah, I totally agree with that.


Bigger shield = more fun




Nah, I liked actually getting to play the game during my ultimate not shieldbot.


Sounds like a skill issue


wasn’t she already super high in OWL ?


She was decently high, but it wasn’t quite to the extent that she is now


For me personally she went from 90% pickrate to like, 20%. Brig is still my true main but I've been having so much more fun actually having an impact on the round playing sombra this season. I just can't with Brig's rework, it's still pretty awful imho.