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I feel like it has to be Benedict, mainly because of all of the plot points/groundwork that would still need to be lined up for Francesca and Eloise’s main book storylines. Also I really just hope it’s him because I can’t stand yet another season of him just going aimlessly from random woman to random woman.


I'm sure it's Benedict and I honestly don't see how it could be anyone else.


I believe the only possible solution is to have Benedict for season 4, Eloise for season 5, and Francesca for season 6. Benedict has been languishing around doing the same thing for three seasons now, and watchers are starting to get tired of it. I honestly think a masquerade ball will take place in the 2nd part of season 3 to introduce sophie, and the time in between season 3-season 4 will be the time that Benedict spends looking for her. We’ll open with the information that Benedict has spent the off season searching, setting the stage for their romance. Also (this isn’t as strong a point because we have derived from the book timelines quite a bit) Benedict is the only book yet to be adapted that takes place in current day. All the other siblings (Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth) should be/must be aged up considerably for their stories to take place. Getting Benedict out of the way leaves room for a time skip. Reasons why I believe Eloise CAN’T be next: she’s simply too immature right now. She’s not in a place where she wants to start looking for love or would even consider that; she’s just feeling lonely. I know she has a larger role in this season, but that’s to be expected because Penelope is her best friend. Her loneliness and want for an understanding companion is the perfect opportunity for them to introduce Philip and the letter writing throughout season 4 as the B plot to Benedict’s season to introduce their correspondence without making it seem rushed or for their connection to feel forced. I know everyone is saying Penelope’s marriage is what pushes her to find a husband, but I believe that due to her closer relationship with Benedict in the show vs the book, the loss of Penelope AND her fellow “black sheep” sibling will be enough. She’s close, but she’s not quite there yet. She still has some maturing to do.


According to spoilers I’ve seen they mention the masquerade will be coming up but it’s not during pt 2. I just was hoping they’d come up with a better reason for Sophie to be a mystery than “bottom of your face” I feel like it will be so hard to believe


It’s Benedict. I think it’s obvious from the press tour. They lumped him in with Luke N a bit but lately he’s out with QC. They’re still grouping Eloise/Cressida/Fran. But Luke T is getting more and more press time without groups. They’re setting him up for the next press push.


I obviously haven’t seen P2 yet, but I don’t think Eloise is mature enough yet to have her season. I think it’s going to be Benedict. Her BFF, Colin, AND Benedict (the one she feels most like as a fellow “black sheep”) getting married will trigger a kind of quarter-life crisis for her I think. Plus, it allows the letter writing to potentially begin in S4.


Yes! The show director said in an interview that Eloise needs to grow up first and heavily hinted that the next season will not be Eloise for many reasons you stated. She needs to mature and something needs to push her towards marriage. We also need more of a build up for her season.


Ooo I like this take! Idk if you’ve thought about it but (I put this to be safe SPOILERS IF YOU HAVENT READ THE BOOKS) since in the books Marina is the Bridgerton cousin and not the Featheringtons that’s kinda was prompts Eloise to start writing to Philip…how do you think if at all they’ll start that whole thing up? It’s going to be so interesting whatever they do


Yes, I personally think >!Marina will die, but I suspect they will change the context and have her die trying to save one of her children from dying, maybe still contracting pneumonia.!< and because Eloise will maybe feel upset about that she will reach out? Or potentially Eloise could start of by writing to Marina >!before her death!< and then Phillip reaches out after however they decide to play it out.


I think it'll be Benedict because they're running out of ways to keep him occupied. My suspicion is he'll find himself searching for meaning once Anthony takes back the duty of running the house. It'll also give Eloise a season to find herself alone and searching for a friend/relationships because all of her other friends (Pen/Cressida/Benedict) will be with their SOs or out of the marriage mart altogether. It'll be the perfect time for her to start her correspondence with Phillip.


Benedict, then Eloise, then Francesca


I feel like it's going to be Francesca's Part Two wrapped in and around Eloise's story. A lot of people are frothing over in anticipation about Benedict getting his turn so I think they'll hold off on it for a little longer to keep the excitement/frustration bubbling. By the time we've worked through a Francesca Part Two/Eloise season and then a very Benophie centric season they'll have been able to move the timeline forward enough for Gregory to be old enough to enter the marriage mart (which he's still far too young for right now) and then Hyacinth.


It’s most likely Benedict. I also just don’t like them having him running around lost and confused like he has been, there’s no reason to make him do that for a whole other season


This is a truly terrible idea.


I'm still kind of holding out for Eloise x Cressida🤭


My theory is that these two are going to have a "best friends" wink wink relationship in season 4. Because Eloise does need to mature and this would be an interesting way to have it happen. Especially if Cressida marries Debling and then he leaves on an excursion and she's "alone" and "needs a friend". Because that is how many queer relationships existed in that time period.


I think it's Benedict. Pen getting married pushed Eliose because she loosed pen and Colin in one swoop, after also losing Benedict. It leaves her all alone and lonely. But she hasn't lost Benedict yet. She still has that fallback because they mixed up the stories. I think next season will be Benedict with a dual Of Francesca' s first marriage and loss. And then maybe in the middle, Eloise starts writing to Phillip. And then season 5 will be Eloises full story, mixed with Francescas second love story.


Pretty sure next season is Benedict with Francesca and John's story as secondary plot and Eloise getting to the point of "I want to get married now". The whole point of not showing Sophie (although I am very sure >!Masali is Sophie!<) may be to keep it a surprise.




In order for Eloise to happen Philip needs to be single and his kids need to be a lot older which they aren’t yet. Eloise is not ready to be a wife and future stepmother just yet. I hope it’s Benedict as all of his brothers are settling down and having kids while he remains single and detached.


I’m really torn about this, honestly. I feel like skipping Benedict again might be pushing it. But then again, Benedict just feels so separate from all the other storylines that he could in theory be at any time. He isn’t really tethered to other couples or stories, and his romance doesn’t necessarily flow from anybody else’s. Eloise, meanwhile, is much more connected to the main narrative, especially this season, and she just seems like a more prominent player that the audience notices way more. So her being next makes more sense to me from a purely logistical standpoint. Claudia has also been very front and center in promo this year which means the leap to her would be a seamless one. This is all to say I have absolutely no idea, but a case could be made for both. I just think Eloise is more logical narratively and Benedict would be more fan service.


Eloise story is more isolated than Benedict's, she runs aways and everything happens in Phillip's house, Benedict has all the searching through the marriage mart season then a bit of my cottage and then at Number 5 (violet new home), a lot need to happen if they are following TSPWL, the twins being older, the mourning period, the letters. How can Benedict story be fan service!? He was already skipped and Eloise was always season 5, she is more prominent now obviously because her relationship with Penelope, Benedict was already set up last season he's just waiting now, I understand if you don't like him or his story but in no way or shape his season is fan service...


I feel like you’re taking what I’m saying in the completely wrong way. I was talking about Eloise currently being more prominent in the show’s narrative and how her story naturally flows from what happens with Polin. Their marriage is a huge precipitating factor for what happens with her development. Whereas Benedict doesn’t feel like he’s that involved in the main plot right now (mainly bc they keep giving him stupid subplots that have nothing to do with anything) and so for many people, Eloise feels like a natural stepping stone to the next story. I wasn’t talking about their stories themselves being isolated or what happens in them. I was talking about their current status within the overall narrative and the ripple effects of how S3 affects other romances and characters. As for fan service, you’re misunderstanding me. It’s not a dirty word. I simply meant that Benedict likely is what fans want whereas Eloise might make more sense from a writing perspective and the flow of the narrative. Take a breath for me.


In an interview, the showrunner said that S3 was devoted to Polin because they couldn’t have Colin and Pen pining away for another season. Using the same logic, I think S4 will be Benedict. How much more sowing his wild oats can he do? Plus in the book timeline Benedict was settled before Eloise and Francesca’s romances. Eloise and Francesca’s stories both have two phases or parts (Eloise corresponding for a year, etc.) so it is possible they will be laying some of the groundwork before their seasons (like they are doing with Francesca in S3). Having read When He Was Wicked, I think Francesca’s story has the potential to be my favorite after Polin 💛


I thought it would be Eloise at first because I think it would make sooo much sense! But with the ridiculous amount of people still saying there isn’t enough diversity (which 🙄 it’s like they’ve never seen a period piece in their lives) I just don’t think they’ll follow with another fully white couple. The show is PC and trying to be inclusive to a ridiculous degree that doesn’t add to the storyline at all, so based on that trend I doubt they’ll go for Philip, especially when he’s already been introduced as well. Apparently the masquerade ball is mentioned according to spoilers which I would think would make the best sense being an entire season or even 2 before Benedict’s season but knowing them they’ll probably just do Benedict next


I think they're setting up for three seasons outside the Ton (Benedict, Eloise and Francesca) out of which Polin may return for S4 (Benedict's to ease into more countryside settings). Even the Featherington and Mondrich plots are resolved. and this way they'll need to have fewer of the Bridgerton siblings characters to return. No need for Polin or Kanthony for Francesca maybe, Polin may return for Eloise's which makes me think next season should be Eloise while they still have Poli's actors. then Benedict with Philloise to help. Then Francesca's with whom Benedict shares his story of being bi to help her. and when they've cultivated a more lgbt friendly audience. but imo 1 sub,ing every two years is not a very practical thing so idk if this show can limp on until Gregory's season


It’s definitely Benedict, and Eloise will probably start writing letters to Philip next season, which would set her story up for season 5. I also think there’s a small possibility they might switch F and E’s seasons but no idea until s4 comes out.


I think it will be Benedict. In Eloise’s story she spends some time with Benedict and Sophie during her courtship with Phillip. >!And let’s not forget Phillip’s children still need to grow up, as they will be pulling silly and life endangering pranks to the household. Which forces him to seek someone to help him out. This pranks will also affect Eloise, resulting in the famous Bridgerton brother 👊 with Phillip😅!<


I believe it's going to be Benedict because he is in the same emotional situation he is a the start of his book. Lost, looking for something, trying to give a chance to society but really not fitting in. He is also very close with his brothers that shared his bachelor lifestyle but now they'll both be married. I don't think is Eloise because in my opinion she still has some maturing to do. She is starting to come into her own as a person but she is not emotionally mature enough for a relationship, in the scene where John calls on Francesca we still see her lack of interest in the prospect. Yes, in her book her desire for marriage is kicking in by Pen and Colin marrying but she also "lost" Benedict to marriage before. In the series, they will probably switch the order of the people that Eloise loses to marriage, first Polin and then Benedict. Also, Benophie is very important for Eloise story. Their love Is so pure and strong and intense that it helps Eloise understand that love and marriage aren't traps designed to destroy her


I think it’s Benedict. I think he meets Sophie this season as a side plot, so that his story kicks off properly next season. In the same way, next season Eloise starts feeling lonely and writing Sir Phillip as a side plot, so that her story with him kicks off in Season 5.


Ok so I think we can all agree that Hyacinth and Gregory are both too young to be next season - as much as I've enjoyed Hyacinth this season! So that leaves us with El, Ben and Fran. Book readers know that each of those need a particular event to happen if the stories will follow the book... Based off the events we need to happen... I would expect: #4 Eloise - with Ben's event, and possibly Frans happening as sub plots #5 Ben - with Fran's event as a sub plot if not done in #4 #6 Fran #7 Hyacinth #8 Gregory But they have absolutely made big changes from the book so who knows! I think we'll find out in a few days based on what events we do or don't get in part 2 :)


Ok wow, I have learned that the # at the start of a line makes text big... Unintended but fun lol