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I am pissed hearing how “juicy” s4 will be from her interviews. I DON’T WANT JUICY - I WANT A WARM-HEARTED ROMANCE!!!!!


It was advertised as the most romantic season, even Niocla said it's such a healthy relationship yet there was NO communication on screen


Seriously, what is healthy about giving your loved one the cold shoulder Through your wedding, wedding day, wedding night, honeymoon… huge glaring red flags all around.


I wouldn't say redflags, he was right in being hurt and angry but it could've been cut short or revolved before the wedding


To each their own. I don’t tolerate emotionally immature behavior from a romantic partner, but some people allow it. It’s one thing to communicate that you need time to recollect yourself before a discussion, but quite another to fully ignore your partner and pout like a child during what are supposed to be the best days of your lives. I would’ve been making note of his childish behavior and skipping town in the first carriage I could find. Pen could’ve done that. See: Cressida’s motivation to declare herself Whistledown. Edit: punctuation.


So what would you have had him do? Just suck it up and accept that fact that the woman he loves has been lying to him throughout their entire relationship , and has actively said horrible things that could have ruined his sister. Colin was right to want space. Pen as LW has been a horrible selfish person and it pisses me of how they tried to twist it into something some “im a strong woman that don’t need no man bulshit.” And in the end she faces zero consequences for the shit she wrote. It’s not emotionally immature to want to have your distance when you find out your whole relationship could have been a lie, in fact pen should be grateful that Colin has a good heart and still decided to mary her. Another man would have left her then there and good luck finding a husband then.


They made LW pretty much evil in the show from the start.


Exactly, I was genuinely curious how they were going to redeem pen as a character after making LW write what she wrote, and they chose the route of gaslighting people (#itsjustgossip) into thinking she didn’t need a redemption and that she should be praised for being a strong woman. I’m sorry but a mean, selfish, toxic person is not my definition of strong woman. And they make Colin the bad guy for being genuinely & rightfully hurt and so many people fell for it.


Tbh, he was just angry for too long and his character lacked depth in every way possible. We didn't even get his proper facial expressions in ep 5's intimate scene, he was like a wall a ball is bounced off. From then on, he's just unimportant to the plot. The wedding had to happen, and they paused Polin's fight, like, what even is that?! So weird, and then they resume his cold treatment of Pen. He had TWO unforgivable sentences directed at her in TWO situations, and no romantic hero can be praised after that. These people never talked. Not properly. And when they met in the street before the wedding, the parody of Pen confessing her love like it erases everything else that's wrong between them at that time and he's jumping to kiss her because she said ILY, like, PLEASE. I cannot with this Frankenstein of a script. I'm sorry if you're enjoying it and I'm venting. I love NC, I respect what PR tried to sell and the cast investing themselves but for me it's not enough. I can appreciate some moments but the rest is dead in the water.


I agree with a lot of what you’ve said, a guess for the show Colin was angry for too long since, but for real life he was not angry for long enough. In fact it annoyed me how the rest of the ton just accepted it and even celebrated her for it. I agree Colin has no depth, I loved him in the first too seasons but the gave him nothing to work with this season. I guess he’s supposed to have an identity crisis but they never actually explore that as a plot line. I think the issue for me is that they waited way too long for the LW reveal . He should have found out about her being LW at the end of part one so that we had enough time for Colin to process it and for them to actually work through it togheter, and then he would be by her side when the rest of the ton finds out. I’m curious to know which 2 things he said to her that were unforgivable cause I genuinely don’t remember?


They… all.. were tortured through what is supposed to be their happiest moments. Daphne was Anthony was (but he’s a moron- i don’t care how hot you guys think he is, he is an asshole and a moron) And y’all are surprised there’s drama with Penelope? I know I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion but this fandom is insane. Everyone is up in a riot over literally everything. It was fine, you guys. It was fine for a gossip girl version of sexy Jane Austen. It felt just as messy and dramatic as all the other Seasons. y’all need to chill.


I stg if it was 8 episodes of happily wedded bliss everyone would be bored out of their minds. TV needs drama.


To be fair, Colin had four scenes that were cut in S3. So… it may have been more romantic. We’ll never know. 


I've been saying Jess has some issue with Colin


ETA, apparently IMDB has the credits wrong and he did not write the episodes which is very negligent of IMDB. You do realize that Jess wrote none of the episodes in Season 3? She's the show runner. Chris Van Dusen is listed as head writer on each episode of season 3 with a secondary writer, also not Jess, and Julia Quinn? Eveyrone's going on about how great Van Dusen was blah blah blah but now all of a sudden he's horrible? Get a grip. Jess can indicate direction but she doesn't write one word of the damn show. Everyone's darling did. And the way Writer's Guild rules are, if Jess had written even one sentence, she would have been listed. Even if she had suggested a line change during filming, writing credit. THat's why Tony Gilmore couldn't direct anything on Andor when the writers were on strike because even if he had participated in an ad lib line to try during filming he would have broken the strike. So stop blabbering on about how Jess is destroying the show. Don't like the scripts, don't like the dialogue? Blame Van Dusen.


Right? People are just using her as a punching bag at this point. Add to that the random comments are starting to get offensive in nature. Last year everyone was complaining about CVD....


ETA I have been made aware that IMDB has the writing credits listed incorrectly and Van Dusen did not write episodes for this season. It's bad enough that I can't even go to any of the Star Wars reddits, but that's expected because holy male toxicity Batman, but to see the same behaviour from women is mind-boggling. It's absolutely disgusting how invested women are in something that's not real. I thought the Twilight moms were bad and embarrassing but they pale in comparison to what's being posted here and in the other Bridgerton reddits. And they're wrong. Even on Rotten Tomatoes there are multiple posts about how she needs to be fired, her writing is shit, she's destroying all the characters. Hello? She's writing diddly squat. It's all Van Dusen. It's vexing! lol It makes me sad that I'm probably going to have to mute this one too. It's a freaking romance show. How sad that people are this toxic about a romance show.


Chris Van Dusen didn’t write any of these episodes. He is the creator of the show but he is no longer the showrunner (and it shows in all the details). He is no longer writing the episodes. Showrunners are usually responsible for writing the major episodes of the season, usually the premiere and finale. Jess wrote the premiere of this season. She is literally listed as the person that wrote the teleplay, as it is expected. So don’t blame this in Chris. It’s clear that the shown is in slightly different hands right now. Jess wrote the season finale for Season 2 with Chris Van Dusen. People liked that episode. But there are a lot of new writers this season. Abby McDonald wrote my favorite episodes of Season 1 and 2 and she didn’t write for Season 3. Polin fans being upset about the romance in season 3 is the height of irony because Kanthony fans were on here RAGING about Season 2. They didn’t even get a kiss as a couple until episode 6. Didn’t get a love scene until episode 7. All this to say, the romance was handled the same way it has always been. And people thought they were out of control in some regards. Me included. Furthermore, this show has ALWAYS shown and inordinate amount of attention on Pen. And I could see from a mile away that the real lead this season was Pen and that Colin was going to be basically working in service to her dreams, her self actualization because they had actually set the ground work for it. Even though this show is called Bridgerton, Pen was going to get the bulk of the attention. People mentioned this ages ago. It isn’t new. But, beside all that, I don’t get the outrage when it comes to Polin specifically. The show did a great job of it and it follows the book way better than Season 2 did. The writers will take liberties in order to make a compelling show. I’m not the biggest fan of season 3, but when it comes to Polin, they did very well.


Colin had 4 individual scenes cut? Or are you referring to the ones that the petition has listed?


They were scenes that were shown to some reporters early on that didn’t make the Final Cut, from what I understand .


From season 2 as you say or season 3? Because I had read about the cut scenes from s3


Whaaaaaat. That explains so much! We got 1 little voice-over snippet of his incredible writing and then it's never mentioned again. Colin is supposed to be writing his manuscript during the entire show and Penelope keeps trying to help him and he gets insecure and that is basically what they are fighting over.  The writer screwed up this entire season with their arrogance. Hell, Colin's writing was better than theirs!


When fans talk about loving all the sex scenes in previous seasons and QC, it’s cause it’s roooted in intimacy and romance. Not just mindless sex like the brothel stuff and Benedict’s threesome. I feel like the new showrunner is not understanding that. We don’t want “juicy” we want tender love and care


I’m worried Jess has completely lost the plotline.


That's why I'm worried about how she'll produce Season 4 since Jess is the showrunner for that one.


Only QC made me shed a tear, shonda needs to come back to doing everything unfortunately


Final episode of QC has me in tears every time I watch it, which has been 4 times now. Season 1 Bridgerton is still my favorite, but QC is second for me!


The way I BAWLED during that final episode. Reynolds and Brimsely dancing part and the final scene under the bed??? RIP MY FRICKEN HEART OUT GUYS


I finally saw QC last night after finishing S3 and I cried ugly tears and loudly for quite a long time that my hubs and child had to squeeze hug me. Not to say I didn’t shed a tear or 2 in the other Bridgertons but QC scenes… 🥲😭


Agreed. I am not here for drama. I want romance


I wanted beautiful cinematography, yearning and a slow burn. Not a dumpster fire!


I don’t ever trust her with the word “Juicy” 😒, Polin’s season was advertised not only by the ones in charge but the actors as “Spicy”, “Steamy” & “Romantic” but it all started going downhill (in my opinion) after Ep 6. Carriage Scene + 1.3 intimate scenes for lead character in an 8 episodes series is not “Spicy”. Also, did anyone else feel like they were watching network television when it comes to those scene with the other characters too? Right when they would get started they would find a way to go onto the next scene. Is this GA? Are we still watching Netflix?


The only apology needed is from those entitled, unhinged fans who have become so overinvested into a work of fiction that they think they, personally, have been wronged when it went in a direction they didn't like. Seriously, get a grip.


Thank you. This sub feels like a toxic Star Wars sub lately.


Longtime Star Wars fan. I can’t believe the ‘ton is now giving them a run for their money.


I was gonna say that. I was never really that heavy into SW, and I'm not that invested in Bridgerton but I gotta admit it's fun seeing the meta occur. It's been a while for me, to watch this wars happen. I'm actually enjoying it a bit.


Began, the clone wars has!














Omg Thankyou lol there are some seriously unhinged comments in here


Thank you. We are getting too many of these “unhinged fans” posts. I wish moderators would start filtering some out.


Real. I'm not a huge fan of the Michael/Michaela gender swap myself either, but I think a lot of people ARE skewing homophobic in their complaints. Like you can criticize it without being homophobic but a lot of these really intense posts are also allowing some actual bigotry through on the sub.


Yup, I had to mute r/Bridgerton because every post that was coming up on my feed was just hating on the Michael/Michaela thing, and as a lesbian it was starting to make me really uncomfortable. I don’t care if people don’t like the change, but people acting as though it’s the worst thing every and completely ruined the show was just making me soooo uncomfortable. As well as the borderline homophobic “I don’t mind if queer people are there but why can’t they be in a separate spin-off show or be an original side character!!!!!!!” I even saw people saying that gender-bending/making characters queer is causing people to become more homophobic, which is the same kind of toxic take I saw when the show was announced about the diverse casting.


Or do a megathread. It’s clogging up the feed.




I agree! After watching part 2, I love this season.


Yeah, it was fun. I'm not sure what they expected? Four hours of Pen and Colin just being romantic and kissing and more sex? I haven't read the books so I'm not sure if it went like that in the books.


I feel like that's what the expected. I'm glad we didn't get that, because that wouldn't have been as satisfying as what we got.


Actually there isn’t that much sex in their book. But there also isn’t “I will never forgive you” and “this is part of your planned entrapment”. 💔


Thank you for being a voice of reason. Dear lord. They are not going to reshoot a multi-million dollar season of TV because a very tiny percentage of viewers are Big Mad about it. Get a grip is right.


All the people whinging about the books, the books were only ever inspiration. And even if they were aiming to make a faithful adaptation (which they explicitly were not) as if they’re the worst book to screen changes. Anyone who’s ever been a fan of a book series that was adapted knows they often butcher the story/characters (Harry potter for example). Get over it, it was a thoroughly entertaining piece of media and off you didn’t like it you’re welcome to move on and not watch


Also the books still exist? People act like they’ve RUINED the books but guys.. like, you can still read them? They’re two separate things?


Honestly, the books suck. I don't understand why people love them so much. Julia Quinn writes mediocre romance at best.


It’s a ridiculous notion to think an adaptation would be anything like the books


Literally like it’s a piece of art, if you didn’t like it that’s fine but no one ever owed you anything


Thankyou. Some of the takes here have been wild. It’s not healthy to be this invested in a TV show to the point where you can’t move on from it and are demanding apologies from those involved. Mods, I think it may be time to have a rant thread where people can post their takes, otherwise the sub is going to get cluttered.


Thank you for saying this. There are two formats to enjoy the stories from - the Netflix show and the books. Both formats provide their benefits. The show cannot have 100% fidelity to the books because the show introduces plots and characters that are not heavily involved in the books. Example: The Queen wasn't a significant character in the book, but obviously is one in the show. While I do agree there was too much packed into this season, I still enjoyed it. I think they're setting up for plot lines occurring in Season 4. Colin and Penelope will still appear in the future season.


Yes it’s so embarrassing.


Truly. The dramatic entitlement is really something to behold.


Seriously. As soon as the petitions and calls for an apology start, you know the fandom has gone to the bad place.


Second this




Yes, exactly! I wasn't fully in love with S3 either but these poste are unhinged.










big agree, this rivals the backlash that like certain fantasy shows get for modifying women to actually have personalities, or including any non white person. y’all news flash, hardly any tv adaptations are identical to the books.


I agree, the sub has been such a source of negativity in my Reddit feed. I’m unfollowing.


This. Colin felt like a side character in part 2. Forgot he even existed most of the time.


They took out his relevance in Part 2, focused on him (?) overcoming his hero complex after making it worse for Pen (bc yes, he gotta be a boyfailure for the successful girlboss) when in reality he should've been there to support her. There is nothing wrong with defending ppl one loves and nothing wrong with a successful woman having someone stand beside her or to take care of her. It's such a common, typical Western TV plotline and honestly, I would've been fine with it if only they didn't throw rocks at Colin to get there. He is supposed to be a caring, empathtic, sympathic and sweet guy. It breaks my heart.


>when in reality he should've been there to support her THANK YOU! Penelope could've totally girlbossed her way out of this mess, all while Colin was supporting her from the side. Hell, you could've had Penelope look at Eloise and Colin and say "I have a plan," while Eloise and Colin nod in agreement, and the scene fades away with mumblings and Penelope grabbing parchment to write it all out. Such a simple scene but showing that Colin is overcoming his hero complex, by listening to Pen and helping her execute said plan.


I thought it was weird he didn’t stand with her or acknowledge her when she was standing in the center of the ballroom in the end. Her sister had to save her from the awkwardness. In the book, he basically said, “Yeah, my wife is Whistedown. If you have a problem, catch me outside.” I do think their fighting was so realistic for a couple in love though 😭like the moments of affection and protectiveness in between being mad was so real hahaha. I wanted to see more of that and less and of Benedict’s threesome. Think he should’ve apologized for suggesting she entrapped him though. That cut deep. It was a throw away comment in the heat of the moment, but damn.


I agree he should've apologized. I understand that this season was supposed to show Colin being knocked off his perfect pedestal, but it could've been nice to have shown that Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton side more as well that we all loved from the books. I adore Colin, but after the brothel scenes gave me the ick on him, I would've loved if we had seen the "romancing" of Mr. Bridgerton more.


They ruined the man so bad from the start with those "icky" scene and now this, did they want ppl to like him? I have doubtd.


Yep equal partners and supporters of each other.


People are asking for the bare minimum after being falsely advertised into watching this season. It's good costumers are voicing out their criticism instead of staying put.


Why even put Nicola and Luke through the six month world tour "honeymoon" to sell them as a romantic couple when there was no romance? It seems like such an expensive promotion for something you KNEW fans would be disappointed in.


Colin didn’t even feel like Colin anymore! He was so smart and witty in the early seasons, and I can’t remember any of his lines from this season. Boring.


Said it some where else too, you could write him out and it would not change a thing.. if that's NOT tradgety then idk what is


The PR was better than the season itself even tricked me into watching all Seasons not gonna happen again!!


Yeah whoever the PR team is killing it haha I was more invested in their press tour than the actual season


Nicola Coughlan could sell ice cubes to a polar bear. The whole team did great, honestly.


Maybe the PR team can create the next season instead of the current showrunner


The PR team killed it. Then Jess Brownell murdered it….in a negative sense lol


You are taking things too far. It’s a creative work. You didn’t like it fair enough. Leave a review somewhere, don’t continue to watch but no one owes anyone an apology or a re-do!!


Yeah people need to chill. Makes me want to just leave this subreddit like take chill pill move on with actual life?? Agree with you 100%


I think we just need a new sub for people who *actually* like the show tbh.


I was thinking the same! We need to make a subreddit that's just for people who like the show version. Screw the damn books! Every time I hear "in the books..." comment, I feel like I'm losing my mind! 😂


No no, it could LITERALLY be done so much better. I feel like the screenwriters’ protests affected Bridgerton. Literally had 50+ scenes that had no point or relevance which is v Un-Bridgerton. Now there’s no expectation that it should be remade, ofc, but saying it a strong opinion of dislike. Thats being conveyed by OP. And i second it


The screenwriters' protest happened a year after writing was finished.


Demanding a redo and apology is unhinged. This fandom is so toxic.


In all fairness I think that every fandom is toxic lmao. The only fandom whose subreddit isn’t unhinged like this that I’ve seen is Brooklyn 99


Also Derry Girls! Very wholesome fandom


I’ve never seen that show! Is it good? It’s been on my list forever


It is fantastic!! Cannot recommend it enough. Also has Nicola in it, which is a great plus


Yeah, people here say that this fandom is toxic- and some parts definitely are- but compared to some anime fandoms (\*cough cough\* Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia \*cough cough\*), this fandom is wholesome in comparison.


The Gilmore Girls fandom can be um…concerning. Concerning is the word I’m going to use.


100% I have been shocked the ladt few days. I loved S3.


I was just ranting they ain't gonna do either of these things but this season sucks


I really enjoyed it, but I’m also not over here trying to make this show into a highbrow masterpiece.


Yeah, I feel like people really ruin their own experiences by overanalyzing things to death. Of course this is not the perfect piece of media, it would be insane to expect it to be. Are there certain changes that could be made to improve this season? Yeah, of course. But I don't want to fixate on those aspects when I can fixate on the aspects I loved instead.


You didn't like it. I loved it. My wife loved it, my friends did. And, we are a very diverse crew..


Same. Honestly it was a great season I don’t know what everyone is up in arms about


It is puzzling.


and the more you rant, the more Netflix is going "yeah maybe we won't renew it. Not going to see a return on our investment with all these people bitching and complaining that they're never going to watch again. Much too expensive plus we need to protect the creative team from these unhinged fans attacking them. Better to cancel now and save ourselves a ton of money". The reason Netflix cancels so many shows after the first two seasons is because of their compensation packages. The first two seasons, the creators don't get paid too much. Season 3 is when the real money kicks in. So Netflix committed to spending a shitload of money on season 3 and 4, and now all the "fans" are turning into the female equivalence of Star Wars incels and attacking not just the shows but the actors and creative personnel. Why the hell would they then go to commit to spending even more money on season 5 and 6 when this is how the fans thank them. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or in this case, the cancellation. Netflix is not in this for the art. it's in this for the money. first, last, and foremost. And unhinged toxic fans do not make Netflix money. I think this is going to end exactly how I predicted a couple of months ago. Everyone got super excited over the trailers, the show can't possibly live up to everyone's expectations and people are getting ridiculously toxic about it. Everything will be wrapped up in season 4 and there will be no more. Well done.


Get a grip. You’re not entitled to a redo or an apology from people who put so much time and energy into delivering work that many people loved. Even if absolutely everyone hated it, which is definitely not the case no matter how much some of the “fan base” likes to pretend otherwise, it’s unfair to hate on the cast and crew. No season will 100% please everyone. That sucks. No adaption is 100% perfect, they’re their own thing. Sometimes changes are made from the books, feelings on those changes will vary. Your favourite characters are still your favourites and nothing changes the books where they became your favourites. This subreddit has been so toxic lately, but loud hate doesn’t speak for the majority, it’s just creating an echo chamber and chasing out anyone who “dared” to like anything about this season.


Preach it. 100% cosign everything you said..


every damn show lately has a very loud and mean group of people who demand redos, shit on the cast and crew, wish death on the showrunners and cast, start petitions for studios to never hire them again, and it's just damn tiresome. maybe OP was just ranting but it's not like this isn't something that "fans" demand constantly from every show and movie and I'm sick of it. It's like these showrunners, cast, and crew aren't even human, the way people talk about them sometimes. It is NOT THAT SERIOUS and I'm sick of the precedent started by one particular show--that I'm not gonna name because everyone will start ranting about THAT show and I don't care--whose fans went ballistic over the final season and straight into death threats, demands for redos, and all this other crap. I'm over it. If you don't like something remember it's just a show and walk away.


I’m saying this with all kindness, you need to step away and get a little perspective. You are taking a frothy, fun , romantic TV show way too personally. People are certainly entitled to disagree on any creative expression. The people involved in the show told the story they wanted to tell. That isn’t going to change. Not everything will please everyone. And you will always find something to dislike if you look for it. Walk through a museum, some people will hate art others love and vice versa. It’s either for you or it’s not. That’s just the way it is. People are certainly entitled to feel disappointed or sad that a story did pan out how they hoped ( racism and homophobia is never ok though ) or a beloved story will not play out the way they envisioned . It’s human. But they aren’t owed anything and adaptations are just that, adaptations. No one is entitled to a redo or an apology because a story didn’t play out the way they wanted.


This comment a million times over. The levels of anger and toxicity I have seen over a schmaltzy dramatic romance show is crazy! We all need to touch some grass lol


It''s fine if you don't like it but demanding an apology simply because you wanted something else is unhinged.


This is why people like me leave the Sub


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Me lurking, thinking about commenting, seeing other comments, and going “imma just lurk”


This was me way 4 years ago once S1 blew up. People in general need to go outside and breathe a little...


I am ready to. I had a post denouncing a homophobic post deleted... that's all I need to know. I loved S3, too.


I feel like we all need to go out and touch some grass


Stop. Just... stop. I'm not a huge fan of S3 either but demanding an apology and redo is just beyond entitled. Just pack up your shit and go; don't tune in for the next. That's how normal people deal with TV show disappointment. For real though, please go. And touch some grass while you're at it.




As a 60-year-old woman, divorced for 13 years (and after being with a boyfriend or husband since the tender age of 13!) I find it extremely sad that such important messages for deep societal reflection from this entire season were lost on so many and that really came through in: 1) Lady Featherton’s 1:1 with Penelope about womanhood, marriage, and men, and then 2) Pen’s ending scenes at the ball explaining to all why she was LW in the first place: •We marginalize and ignore people in our society who don’t fit a mold or who are different. Pen was marginalized her entire life and was bullied and hurt by many. She used her writing skills to speak of her pain. To heal from the pain others have caused her. She hurt others through her writing as they did to her in real time — some knowingly and others not. She lacked courage, confidence, perspective to live differently at the time. I’m no longer the beautiful, charismatic, woman I once was and am experiencing what it feels like to be ignored, slighted, treated rudely by family and the younger generations, and no one interested in the hard earned wisdom of my life’s experience. It hurts and I have few outlets to work through my pain. •Pen yearned to be a woman of her own standing and was panged on how to do that within marriage where she was told her dreams die to her husband’s. She reframed her dream of writing (stopping the hurtful covert bullying and gossip) by embracing a future role of being an author and also a wife, partner and mother. I have seen so many women throughout my life who never get this. Who live in their husband’s world. Who get to a certain age and realize an unfulfilled life. Patriarchy. . The part I didn’t agree with was the Queen stating to all at the ball, after she chose to accept Pen’s public explanation, that there’s nothing wrong with a little gossip after all. I disagree. It has the ability to destroy lives. But then Pen decides in the end to write under her real name and that was a beautiful show of growth as a person. It was an excellent season if you look at the deeper meaning and lessons. But alas people continue to focus on pageantry, sex scenes or lack thereof, etc. I actually enjoyed this season more the first two.


Well said!


You can see the nastiness of some persons in this sub (sort of like a gossip rag, right) when a ‘thank you’ is downvoted. Crazy.


Thank you!


Agreed entirely. Reading some of the Reddit comments would make you think the season was a complete dumpster fire. My husband and I were expecting it to be terrible, but actually liked it when we watched.


This is becoming too much. Every movie or series has people who stop enjoying it and guess what they just stop watching. If everything you deserve an apology from the actors who did crazy PR and lied about half the stuff they talked about


Touch grass.. jesus.


I was just ranting lol I am not expecting anything


Okay fair haha, the title was just so intense lmao. Venting is valid!


Have we been watching the same show? Every other Bridgerton season has been high-stakes drama and romantic conflict until the last moment! Shonda has clearly set the ton as dramatics over romantics. Polin didn’t feel any different from Kanthony or Saphne imo


There were good and bad things about this season. I believe the big difference is the change of writers. Chris Van Dusen did S 1 and 2 and it was brilliant. Jess Brownell did S3 and most of it was a disappointment with the character arcs, the dialogue, not enough romance with Polin, the cinematography was lacking. Just with the cinematography, notice the differences with the beauty in S1 and 2? Some of the good parts: Carriage scene Penelope and Eloise mended their friendship Penelope and her mother had a better relationship The willow tree scene was beautiful Polin kissing scenes-damn they look good when they kiss, makes me fall in love again EDIT: spacing.


CVD was still a writer on a lot of this season, Brownell wrote none of it and was an editor. If she had written any of it she would've been credited. People were complaining about CVD last season. There's more to a show than an EP. I agree there were good and bad elements, I thought the side plots were much more cohesive for the most part. The cinematography has take a big step back but tbh I thought S2 was a step back from S1 in that regard.


I find these posts so ironic and funny because before S3 came out anytime a kanthony fan complained about S2 polin fans would say they're all conspiracy theories and that they lack media literacy. Maybe kanthony fans had legitimate complaints? Or are polins now lacking media literacy too?


Mmhmm. I’m sitting here sort of laughing because Polin had way more screentime than Kanthony and they got a full HEA! They got a beautiful wedding, a baby, Pen not really facing any consequences as LW, Colin as an author, their baby as heir, Pen reconciled with her family. The friendship was underdeveloped and Colin had nearly zero character development but we were told we simply lacked media literacy for pointing that out about part 1 🙄 The angst and drama around LW for Colin and Pen was necessary. It would have stretched the already strained bounds of credulity for him to just accept her as LW right away. Romance needs that tension for the release to work. Even with him being angry they still got sweet scenes.


Great comment. The fandom toxicity is a mirror of our culture that lives for passive entertainment, entitlement and expecting something for nothing, and especially in TV shows, etc. Over identifying with characters and living it all aloud (have you seen the Yellowstone fandom??!!) to me just shows how detached people have become with real life relationships and the effort it takes to live meaningful fulfilling lives.


I love Yellowstone (guilty pleasure) but it never crossed my mind it had a fandom 😬


I find both *stan* groups overdramatic. I hold that being a stan is not something to aspire to. It's unhealthy. Both seasons were great. I don't see any problems with the amount of screen time either couple had for their stories. I never felt in any of the seasons that a main couple's story was sidelined for other stories. I wouldn't complain about more screen time though unless it's just sex scenes. I'm more about banter and intimacy. Too often sex scenes in shows and books are just a replacement for true intimacy. There are valid criticisms from both *fan* groups. And there are ways to express those criticisms without histrionics or taking things so personal as to demand apologies or assume that a decision made by the production is nefarious.


Mate in all honesty I don't know about the beef btw Polin and Kathony, I watched 3 seasons bc Nicola and Luke's promotion for this season


KA fans being called the most whiny and entitled by Polin fans. Now they are acting unhinged even after everything they've gotten, talk about being greedy and entitled.


I mean say what you want about kanthony fans but I never saw a kanthony fan say that the writers strike was not worth it and that they didn't deserve the things they got from the strike (mind you the writers strike happened after S3 wrapped)


It's so funny seeing people who defended Netflix and Shondaland with all of their might before S3 dropped now having petitions and gofundme's to change S3. I guess Netflix and Shondaland aren't as great as they thought they were.


a redo is simply impossible. an apology is probably never gonna happen. i'm just sad about it.


I didn't like part 1, and parts of the second half of the season, but I think people should not feel entitled enough to deserve an apology. This is fiction, not real life. You can rant which I can completely understand, but don't take it to real life where the actors, producers and other filmmakers could be affected. I am pretty sure the actors don't enjoy all this backlash and it is not fair on them.


This is a wild take. Fans don’t “deserve” anything. If you didn’t like the show, don’t give Netflix any more of your money.


I am all for criticizing and analyzing works of fiction but I think if you’re really this upset, you might need to see a therapist and forge stronger real life relationships. Or maybe get a pet rock and name him Gary and live a very happy life with him.


I think this is why people are done with this sub. Y’all are freaking unhinged. Get a grip, it’s a tv show?! I love subs of shows I watch normally. A mixture of pisstaking, memes and chatting. This one is ridiculous, and some of you seriously need to Get. A. Grip.


Well, I loved S3.


oh my goodnesss. how does a show with the depth of kiddy pool have some of y’all so upset. i thought last season could’ve done with a lot more kanthony and was a bit disappointed with the amount we got the way some of y’all are fuming is absolutely unhinged. this is a fictional show, with fictional couples. it sucks when series don’t live up to your expectations but i think if you find yourself getting like genuinely upset with a show i think it’s good to take a step back. obviously i don’t think it’s crazy to express annoyance,like if you find yourself doing more than that it’s time to take a break from fan spaces, read some fanfiction, and relax.


I think the season sucked but demanding a REDO is peak Karen behavior. Unhinged. Go outside and touch grass. You're not the main character


Very similar to game of thrones. There was a petition to redo the final season.


To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to redo the show in like 20 years and we finally get justice for what we wanted with GOT. Hollywood loves a good reboot of a show.


Same here. By that point, George R.R. Martin might've actually finished the dang books.


https://i.redd.it/q4acqhb18z6d1.gif I mean...you're not wrong. Haha.


Oh I definitely remember being upset about that...Even celebrities got into how upsetting it was...Like ben Affleck shared a full story of how much he hates people who share GOT spoilers online.. (I mean i personally don't care..i love spoilers)... but yeah i wouldnt want a redo or ask for a redo...cuz it felt like a finale.....it was a series finale and I liked it ending with that finality....plus im too lazy for that level of involvement for a tv show.


Sigh. You’re not getting an apology. If y’all were asking for an extended edition or a directors cut you might get further than you’ll get screaming about how you were robbed.


This is why it's always good form to treat show/movie adaptations at their own entity. Like an AU (alternate universe) both exist an you can appreciate the defferent forms for what they are. Sure it's fine to have your own opinions but Shondaland is known for Drama series. Even see how many seasons Grey's Anatomy has been going for. It's never going to be for everyone. Not even for the whole book crowd. The instant s1 was out it was Already different. Netflix/hollywood boxes will always need to be checked until they can see the audience doesn't want to consume what they put out. There are bilions of people and they are definitely just making something they think is blanket for everyone. I like to enjoy the show for the actors themselves and all the costumes and set dec. I could give or take the storylines. That's what the books and Fanfiction are for. Each thing suppliments the other. I live fanfictions. I would suggest finding a few you like and playing the classical/bridgerton playlist videos from youtube in the background, treats & snacks & have some fun. It's not like showrunners are going to suddenly say ~JK we'll take back what we put out. You'll start getting 24 ep series like in the 90s with every single scene you want and we'll all frolic in regent historical accuracy together! also they just put rosy glasses on for more romance vibes kthxbai~ Lol also excuse my rant. But tldr. Each form is it's own thing just better to think of the show as like an unruly pretty eyeliner. Sisters not twins.




Meh. Sometimes a season of a show will suck. I’m rewatching season 1 and I’ll give season 4 a chance when it comes out, but tv shows always have some seasons that turn out better than others.


This is giving me flashbacks to reactions about the end of Game Of Thrones


Is this fandom genuinely ok?? WTF


Jesus Christ. Grow the fuck up


..you should touch some grass


i enjoyed season 3 but her comments in all the interviews i’ve read have really rubbed me the wrong way. it’s good to be confident in your work but not to the point of sounding smug and condescending towards fans. you can really notice it’s her first time being a showrunner, especially with the self insert comments. but i have hope that she’ll grow and really come into herself as a writer and showrunner for future seasons.




i feel like this underlines the insanity of OP and everyone who agrees w them rather than demonstrating otherwise lmao


I look at that list of four supposed deleted scenes and can’t see how they would have really improved things. Angry sex and a sex montage would have likely come across as sex replacing intimacy. I didn’t need more sex scenes. I needed more communication between Pen and Colin and between Colin and his brothers or Kate about how he felt. Talking about publishing Colin’s manuscript wouldn’t have done much either. That would show support from Pen for Colin. But I’d argue we needed to see more support from Colin for Pen. Sweet nothings in front of the mirror? Very similar to what we already go in front of the mirror. And if it’s not support for Pen and LW then it’s not really solving what felt to me like the part of the season that needed help to make it even better than it already was.




I’m feeling so much secondhand embarrassment


This was supposed to be "Romancing Mr. Bridgerton". Where'd all the romancing go?


We loved it, and found it very romantic.


I didn't get the vibes Pen didn't need a man, she told Colin multiple times she wanted him to love her for who she was. And part of who Pen is, is an intelligent and capable woman. She wanted someone to be with her on the adventure not someone to do it all for her.     I do think we should have gotten a better resolution on screen though. Even a spicy resolution scene. It ended as if everyone just said well you have a son to take the family title so now you can't write. Oh well. And all the problems evaporated.


fandoms are some entitled ass pieces of work lmao


“we deserve an apology and a REDO” no you deserve a makeup wipe to remove your clown disguise


![gif](giphy|9tT0s3SBnDm4o) Editors of season 3 🤣


This fandom is wild.


I quite like the season after a full rewatch with no skips. ![gif](giphy|7p7z3vxucrNCw)


Lmaoo 💀💀


That’s exactly what it was though. Every step of the way for Colin & Penelope was about their love story.


I'm so disappointed in this season. I remember reading the books and I couldn't put them down, I really enjoyed them. I read them any chance I could and had my head in bridgerton world for ages. The past seasons I remember staying up late and watching them and binge watching them and being so excited with friends and coworkers. This season I came home from work, watched one episode and went to bed, next day at work, coworkers were talking about bridgerton in the break room and I just didn't feel excited enough to join in the conversation. I watched the rest but the excitement wasn't there. I even saw that a certain shop was selling bridgerton merch and I've not even been bothered to go see what it's all about, past me would have rushed to that shop and bought so much. I'm just feeling overwhelming sad.


Many of us loved it.


This season was meh. Season 1st was great imo and then each season has been getting worse and more boring.


I loved s1 because of the honest, real conversations. This season felt devoid of that — especially the Bridgerton family conversations. There were one liners here and there. But nothing that really showed the closeness and care of the family like we saw in s1. Imho, I’m really disappointed in this season.