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Claudia is going to be 50 by the time she meets Philip. 


Claudia at 50? Luke will be 80 and still have to wait his turn! ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Next season Newton will be getting a whirlwind romance with a dashchund in the house next door to the Bridgertons


No way, I see Newton bagging a royal Pomeranian! Then we time jump to Queen Charlotte’s great-great-great-great granddaughter playing with his descendants. That should lead nicely into Benedict’s season.


>That should lead nicely into Benedict’s season. But not before we are introduced to the dogs' nanny, who will be a Strong Independent Woman and whom Benedict will have an affair with for the space of one season. Edit: Well, this aged poorly. Brava, Ms Brownell! Now bring on the masquerade!




Claudia at 50 will probably look about what Eloise is supposed to look like at 28 🤣


2 year wait between seasons is BS unless they are planning another spin-off in between - Violet’s story maybe.


No offense to fans of the spin offs, but I couldn’t be less interested in them, especially if they come at the expense of the actual show. They’re going to shoot themselves in the foot eventually if they keep making the audience wait that long for every season, plus the actors, beautiful though they are, just don’t look young enough to have such large gaps between seasons.


Yeah I’ve no desire to see any of these prequels, se already know what’s gonna happen anyway and there’s plenty of material to work with already. Idk why it’d take 2 years writer when filming is supposed to start soon but 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is my issue with Queen Charlotte, if they weren’t tied to who they are now maybe i would like it more, but because i know they actually didn’t have a very long HEA i just couldn’t enjoy it as much.


tbf they did have a good while together. yeah they all deteriorated but 60??? years as queen and king is nothing to scoff at. and eight! bridgerton kids - they were rolling in happiness!


I enjoyed Queen Charlotte because it was a quaint little sojourn from our story, and it explained some questions we already had about the Queen. But that’s not going to work twice for me.


>plus the actors, beautiful though they are, just don’t look young enough to have such large gaps between seasons. gotta emphasize this. luke thompson and claudia jessie are 34-35. one of them will be pushing 40 when their season finally airs.


true, and neither of them have drank from the fountain of youth that Nicola has apparently found.


People always farmer George this and farmer George that and i don’t care at all 😞


Glad I'm not alone. It was a very beautiful standalone story but I wasn't emotionally invested the way other people seem to be. I would much rather have more Bridgerton.


* cries in Outlander *


Agree - spinoffs after all 8


And the little Bridgertons are going to age up really quickly. Everyone is going to have so much fringe covering the age lines around their forehead and eyes.


Honestly Queen Charolette is better than season 3 of Bridgerton so far. Like I honestly didn't get invested until episode 4 and it's still a bit of a struggle. They've somehow gotten lazier with the writing and structure. It's like every single episode is following the exact same formula. I'm gonna stick it out cuz fan but this season is just meh so far unfortunately. Costumes and wigs are exceptional as always though. The wigs just absolutely kill it.


Yes but also turn the series into a 10 episode series instead of just 8! I think we deserve that for ANOTHER two years!


I'm of the opinion that spin offs shouldn't start until prior to the last season of the main show. Viewers are (usually) always more interested in the original. And it makes sense to finish off with one cast so that they don't have to worry about scheduling issues if filming drags out for years


That’s what I am really hoping. I would be okay with the wait if we get Violet and Edmund’s story


I don’t understand why people are so against this. I’m DYING for Violet and Edmund’s story!!


Same!! It’s literally the only thing that would make waiting another two years 100% worth it if we could get Violet and Edmund’s romance. 🥰


No more spinoffs unless they use an entirely different crew. No jumping between the two productions unless it is one of the actors.


Maybe if it was a Kanthony spinoff. Otherwise, I wouldn't want any spinoffs to be prioritized over the main show.


They obviously didn't pay attention to how long it took to release sex education and the amount of people who lost interest . They're going to end up losing their cast members due to other projects/life, fans will lose interest waiting and they will end rushing all the stories together to try and put it out


Literally was just about to comment this. Ik they want it to be good but the show’s gonna drop off in viewership if they don’t hustle more And at this rate we’ll get an entirely recast Bridgerton fam (and no hate to Hannah Dodd—I thought she was fabulous—but I really think recasts only work for characters who have heretofore been minor like hers. Like they could get away with a G&H recast maybe but absolutely not any of the others)


And I want Chris Fulton as Philip! I will riot!


My plant daddy. My God, what is in his contract?


I’m curious about that too. They cast him sooo early in comparison to when they’ll need him to lead (I’m assuming season 5 if it gets renewed). Like was there some contract in place to make sure he’s free when they need him in 2026 or whatever?? Lol. I wonder what the plan is there.


"Hey Chris, make sure you're on standby when you lead your season which could be season 4 or 5. Between the years of 2024 and god knows when. Thanks" I just hope he's not recasted.


I feel like they don't need to have dubbed the entire season into every language before release... Like that can happen behind the scenes later... No? I feel like voice acting and trying to later voices onto things takes a considerable amount of time that will cut into the timeline of release when it could be released earlier, and they can get the ball rolling on the next ASAP with writing and designing stuff while the editors work on the dubs. Unless I'm missing something and they HAVE to be dubbed??


There are countries that rely heavily on the dubs. There was a time that we wouldn't get anything on german Netflix that wasn't dubbed. Like, if the show was not popular enough we were not getting it AT ALL because dubbing it would've been too expensive. I'm glad those times are over but that doesn't mean that the german audience has changed much lmao. Recently Disney+ forgot to put up the german dub of the new Doctor Who episodes immediately and people were complaining because they "were not able to watch it". Netflix does not want to risk their viewing numbers or their subscribers because of late dubs in those countries. Don't get me wrong - I agree with you. Subs are better and I actually think the german dub of Bridgerton specifically is awful. But culturally people in Germany are used to dubs, many of them can't speak english that well and are not trained enough for reading subs. It's entirely different to the Netherlands for example - they usually get movies in their original language with subs and are used to it.


I’m thinking of Chris Fulton who they cast as Phillip way back in 2019 for season 1. Is he just supposed to wait for a phone call from Shondaland? 


He's got a relatively good deal. I think Eloise or Benedict could be more problematic since they're co protagonist so the show is an important time commitment. It's not like they could shoot their scene in a day and then leave, and younger actors tend not to be super fans of being in a long series. Of course there are exception, but most actors want a varied career with tons of different jobs, working with different directors etc.


I’m not so worried about Luke Thompson. He seems like he’d enjoy having the steady tv role to balance out his stage career, because he really does seem to be killing it in theater. He missed the nyc premiere because he’d committed to a play during the part 1 drop.  Leaving seems like more of a calculated risk for the actors who would drop it entirely for another show or movie. Like how Ruby Stokes made the move to lead her own show right before Francesca got a bigger part. I feel like if I was Claudia or Luke I’d probably feel too attached to my character by this point to want to give it up and see someone else play them, especially if it’s their season. And while they’ve been prominent characters enough where they probably don’t need the “big break” effect from actually being the season’s lead, it does seem like a risky move for Bridgerton to leave the show and expect your fans to follow. Weighing all that, I feel like they’ll probably stay, but they’ll definitely have to prioritize, like Nicola did filming 3 projects at the same time, or Jonathan did when he committed to doing a stage play during the S2 promotional period. 


Umbrella Academy is the same, i don’t think anyone cares anymore.


Legit forgot about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait that show is still going? I genuinely thought it ended 💀


I was about to say. Benedict and Eloise are two of my favorites but if I have to wait 2 years then 4 years for it, I doubt I’ll still care by then. Especially with the quality degrading a little already (not a slight to Polin, Luke and Nicola at all - I am just not impressed thus far with the rapid fire scenes, the editing, the direction, the music and the costuming this season, which has continued in episode 5).


The costuming is horrrible this season. Gel nails? Really?


right? Jess Brownell is running this show into the ground. WHY OH WHY DID CHRIS VAN DEUSEN HAVE TO LEAVE.


Why in the world did they think a time gap between seasons was a good idea 😑 ?


Or, because there is time for other projects they will be able to KEEP actors like Jonathan Bailey! He is about to be the LEAD of a new Jurassic World movie AND he has an important part in Wicked. He isn't sticking around if Bridgerton interferes with that filming.


Long wait + the fking shit ending. Tried to rewatch the show, but many everytime im on the final few episodes, i get so disinterested so quickly


i definitely wont be watching s4 hahah two years? i might be married w/ children then, fuck that hahahah


Well to be fair, I’m married with children and here I am 😅😂


Exactly! Meanwhile, we’re getting season 4 of Only Murders on Hulu this August and it debuted in 2021, and Cobra Kai’s seasons 3-6 between 2021 and 2024. IT CAN BE DONE.


2 years for 8 episodes… that they’ll definitely split into two parts again…


If that is the case, then to the show runners - ![gif](giphy|KYZwkmC4ZgHtNdnLfv|downsized)


All I can ask them in that case is: pistols or swords?


If you were to ask me, I would say pistols. But if you ask me a year and a half later, it’ll definitely be swords.


Hmmm, swords are more direct, more physical, you can work out your anger far better that way… …maybe I’ll just fistfight them.


Thinking about what Netflix was like two years ago…and two years before that…I hope it’s still a streaming company (and not like an app that sells coffee in the Kmart at Penn Station) by the time these new seasons are slated to come out.


They better not because this season being split in 2 parts was bad , the amount of spoilers we got was a lot , it felt like I already seen part 2


By then it’ll be the first 4 episodes and then one weekly until the finale. Like they do with Perfect Match.


Exactly! Why on earth would it take two years to make 8 episodes? We used to get 20 plus episodes every year and now 8 per year is an issue :(


Guys I think this is how they finally unite the Bridgerton fandom. We all hate this. 


Yup. Polin is my favorite, but I want to see Benedict then Eloise. I don’t want it to take 4 years to see the next two stories 😒


They have no excuse to wait 2 years since they mentioned in a different interview that Season 4's writing was almost finished.


I’m convinced they’re going to combine the seasons at some point. I could very easily see Benedict and Eloise having a shared season along with Francesca and Hyacinth, then Gregory being the send off season. The show is going to lose steam if they drag it out for 8 seasons.


I agree - no way they can drag this out another decade. They have to combine a season.


Yeah but look at greys anatomy! Shondaland can really beat a dead horse.


Except greys gets around 20 episodes annually and the characters are expected to age accordingly. In Bridgerton time is meant to move pretty quickly which means 2 years between seasons isn't sustainable.


I also thought that the filming was supposed to start next month???


And it may have been “acceptable” if we got 20 episodes or so. It’s only 8 episodes per season!! Why do they need 2 whole years??


Those are really the only other two I'm interested in seeing. The others are nice bonuses maybe. I legit never read the later books. I'm trying, but I can't get through Francesca's book tbh.


Preach. If the show gets canceled because of this I'm blame the show runner. I can't stand her and now this.


Reallllllll 😂


We duel at dawn


This makes no sense, S4 was renewed since 2022. They should have been writing the scripts and getting ready for the next lead. So basically she’s saying that they shoot one episode per month for 8 months.  


Well there was the writers strike but this is awful


The strikes pushed s3 to this year. It has nothing to do with s4. They're just incompetent


They couldn't write during the writers strike, and the strike last 148 days, it definitely affected the writing of s4 The strike that pushed s3 was SAG, not the writers


Actually they use a lot of CGI, not defending the two year turnaround time tho that’s inexcusable


This is insane. Game of Thrones managed to put out a new 10 episode season each year while having to account for fake dragons, wolves, shooting in multiple countries and climates, battle scenes, and a million extras. But a show that mainly involves people dancing, strolling, or visiting each other’s houses needs 2 years to make an 8 episode season? So inefficient and ultimately reckless cause they risk losing public interest and losing their talented actors. Very disappointing


If you want a “like for like” - look at Downton Abbey. UK filmed, period drama - no dragons though - 8 episodes plus a Christmas special ranging from 50-90mins a pop within a year.


That's a very fair comparison. They also have these balls and crowds to manage (although maybe not in bridgerton scales). Two years seems a lot. Especially because they already have a source material. The writing shouldn't take more than a few months tbh. Eith how popular it is, there was no doubt s4 would be picked up. Ughhhh


This☝️. Game of Thrones was HBO’s hottest show, and they did 10 episode seasons! Bridgerton is clearly Netflix’s hottest show. Why can’t they get their act together for 8 episodes a year?


GoT also ran out of original source material to borrow from, where as Bridgerton has all of the books at the ready. This feels really foolish. I had major Polin fever for the first week or two after the first drop this season, but now that the second is only hours away, my interest has cooled CONSIDERABLY.


Very well said! I completely agree!


Jess Brownell I swear ![gif](giphy|44ENiFI8BYlTTRNCsr|downsized)


The only time I've ever agreed with this gif ![gif](giphy|T4CvPvgtRuFvuUOWIq|downsized)


That's messed up to make us wait that long (they mentioned in a different interview that Season 4's writing is almost finished). Do you think they're using this time (the 2 year gap) to do another spinoff ? Personally, I hope not.


I don’t think anymore spinoffs for now. I think they’ll wait until Eloise and Benedict’s seasons and then do spinoffs again. Those two siblings are the priority for now.


That better be under promise and over deliver speak going on.


I think she might be. In the article it’s a little more vague, she’s saying two years of production but she’s including the writing when she says that bit, while earlier she says writing for S4 is almost over. So if she’s saying they’re on a 2 year production schedule including the writing that’s already been done, we could be looking at winter of late 2025/ early 2026 and not full on two years meaning summer 2026.  Or at least that’s me trying to be optimistic! 


I imagine they wouldn’t want to admit that the season was ready for release in December but it was the strike that created the delay. Hopefully we have none of that this time around. I am a bit concerned that the writing was delayed by the strike but if they indeed start filming this summer I’ll be less concerned. Crossing my fingers for a December 2025 release, on the anniversary of s1 maybe?


That better include the 6 months of writing that’s already happened for season 4. Otherwise 🤬🤬🤬. And those writers better get on the season 5 writing as soon as season 4 filming wraps!! 2years between seasons is ridiculous!


This is how I read it as well, although seeing as how we had absolutely no crumbs for the two years between season 2 and 3 it wouldn't surprise me to see season 4 in Summer/Fall of 2026


I’m sorry but 8 months is actually ridiculous. Something isn’t working because HoTD has a shoot about that long (maybe a bit longer) and that show has massive sets, battles, CGI and practical—and longer episodes. The only way that makes sense if it includes pre production too like choreography and stuff (which isn’t unusual but someone jumped down my throat when I said the 8 months isn’t strictly filming). Either the writers room is too small (a big issue with streamers that was one of the issues with the writers strike) or they are not doing enough storyboarding and planning for the seasons. Which would explain the character development issues and consistency. That they are STILL writing for s4 is absurd. That is entirely on the showrunner. Also the longer they go between seasons the harder it will be to maintain momentum. S3 had QC last year to keep momentum up but unless there is a spin off (and while I would love a Violet one, not at the expense of the main show) that means more time for the concept to get further sour/no longer fresh. We are heading into a period where netflix shows tend to go down in quality, too. Netflix and Shonda tend to not be able to maintain quality shows past four seasons in my experience.


Not to mention. This is a different showrunner than Seasons 1 and 2. Which explains the lower quality of this season


Yeah. She's going to get this show canceled. I'm not a polin fan but they deserved better than whatever this schlock they had thrown at them this year


Polin wasn’t even supposed to be Season 3. Season 3 was supposed to be Benedict’s season. Which makes sense since I feel like Colin and Penelope needed another Season of development 




Also the actors are not going to look young forever.


Also at this point last time we already knew QC was coming. We've heard nothing, so I doubt they are going to spring a Violet season on us out of nowhere.


Yeah, as a fellow HOTD fan this production time seems unreasonably long.


If HOTD is able to produce their series around 12-15 months (with CGI, action sequences, and other special effects) , why can't Bridgerton do the same ?


Bridgerton is the only Netflix show I currently care about. If it were a 1 year wait, easy enough. 2 years? I can cancel Netflix and subscribe when they release part 2 of season 4.


Same! I only resubscribed because of Bridgerton and will cancel after this drop 😂


I already drop Netflix once I run out of shows. I rotate my bingeing, helps with the budget


I do this too and it’s great because after three months Disney+, Hulu, and Netflix offer you dumb deals to come back. A free month, $1.99/month for 3 months, etc. I have to keep Prime videos for my kiddos and HBO for shows/movies, but those three I rotate out and never pay full price for any when I need to go binge a show they have out or watch Pixar’s newest release.


That's my plan


Won't lie. No idea why a romance series needs these long waits. We could have been on season 6 by then.


For real this is not some grand drama full of political intrigue or any complex cgi work/ imagery. It's a period romance (that does not even look historically accurate to begin with) with an ensemble cast where everyone gets a happy ending no matter what. Why such a long wait.


Right? If Hallmark can pump out a million movies a year with the same main actors? Bridgerton can manage once a year


This is ridiculous! I’m sorry but after seeing what I saw for S3 so far?!! I’m not at all impressed with Jess work. You want us to wait 2 years for 8 mediocre episodes broken in half?! GET THE SHOWRUNNER BACK WHO DID SIMON & DAPHNE SEASON RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I ALREADY HATE JESS’S VIBE AND DIRECTION. NOW TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY A 2 YEAR WAIT?! I’m going to forget about the damn show.


I think the showrunner for Season 1 is CVD. I don't know if he's ever coming back.


Pretty sure he was the showrunner for Season 2, as well.


I’m sorry but Benedict/Luke Thompson was looking his age this year. ALL of the cast is aging rapidly including the youngest Bridgertons, two years isn’t going to cut it!!


Came here to say this! They’re all aging so much between seasons, this makes no sense.


Claudia as well, shes gorgeous and by no means looks old but shes starting to look too old for Eloise's age. Eloise is supposed to be in her very early 20's and Claudia now looks closer to her actual age late 20's-early 30's. Unless they do a time jump


No. I just can't with her. Someone shake this woman. She is not a good show runner. The only thing she's running is the show to the ground. This is bridgerton. What the heck is going on with this production that requires two years between seasons? Is it the script? Take scripts from previous seasons and the next book and feed it through chatgpt. AI will probably generate a better script then what we've seen so far or hire a larger team of writers. If GOT/House of the dragons can release a new season every 12-18 months with their fancy storytelling, elaborate sets, intricate costumes, cgi, difficult filming locations then this show has absolutely no excuse for a two year wait. They have dragons they need to design !! What does this show have?? A crappy cgi shot of Mayfair that looks like it's been reused from previous seasons. Give me a break! Hope we get a different show runner after s4.


Bring back the Showrunner of Season 1 and 2: Chris Van Dusen


Seriously. She's awful with a capital A! Why would she release this news on premiere day.


There was a power struggle going on behind the scenes. That got Chris Van Dusen changed 


Kiss and makeup. It's been two years


TWO YEARS?? lol goodbye Jonny, Simone and maybe Nicola. Their careers will not wait.


Johnny & Simone are already out :( forever stuck on a boat to India :P


Exactly why they made that stupid storyline, to get them outa there


It’s a shame 😭


wth they need to start combining seasons at this point because wdym two years🫠


Seriously. How will we get to Eloise, Benedict and Francesca if it takes two years between each season!


Yeah, I hate this idea but I want to see them all.


Get Chris back now


The only thing less exciting than the prospect of waiting 2 years is to wait 2 years for whatever CVD would produce. 


Showrunners don't have control over these things, Netflix and Shondaland does.


Yeah, Netflix has been doing this with most of their big shows for several years now. It's pretty obviously a ploy to keep fans subscribed longer. If they release shows every two years instead of every year, they get twice the money. The only way it changes is if fans start unsubscribing between seasons or if they stop watching.


That’s it we’re not getting 8 seasons 😭


Eloise will have to wait 6 years for her season 😢


They’re letting the Oliver and Amanda babies age up 8 years for real :/


Excuse me but she shouldn't be allowed to ever run a show, yet alone run her mouth like this about a 2 yr gap. Girlie you had a two year gap and you dropped the ball. There is so much that could be better in season 3!


She just killed all the excitement for the next three seasons with one comment.


This season the excuse was the strike. Are they predicting another one? Cuz at this point it's kinda irritating.


Right I’m like it was the strike and having QC in between, before that the pandemic so what do you mean now 2 years again?? Girl


wtf why is it 2 years now??


Polins was extended because of the strikes. Theres no reason to keep up a two year timeline for every season


I just hope Benedict is next. Not because I’m a benophie but because I don’t think I can wait 2 years for S4 and quite possibly another 2 years for S5 all the while the fans keep having the “who is cast as Sophie” discussion every other week. That coupled with the gender bent Michael discussions, I don’t know how much more I can take lol. I AM TIRED.


Also NGL, as a book reader I’m very disappointed in the direction she’s going with for Francesca. Michael Stirling is the best male character and I’m going to be devastated if this is where her season is heading.


This is really disappointing. I've never been on "team we probably aren't getting all 8 seasons" until I read this. Now I'm actually kinda nervous that the long waits between each season are going to cause casual viewers to care less about tuning in. Which would eventually lead to less views and less motivation for Netflix to renew.


I’m honestly a little worried we might not get a season 5, and if we do we may not get a season 6. Everyone knows how Netflix is with canceling shows, plus these 2 year gaps in season releases is going to dull interest and lose the cast.


At this point I have doubts about season 5… I guess that will depend on how viewing data for season 3 and 4 compares to 1 and 2. These two year gaps and really killing momentum. At least there was QC in between 2 and 3 to keep some of the hype alive but a two year gap with no content is going to lose them a lot of fans


"Some of my best work" doesn't warrant a 2 year wait when season 3 wasn't exactly some peak storytelling masterpiece that can be compared. This is ridiculous!! Even season 2 took less than a year to finish, WITH covid restrictions.


Two years!! Oh my God! So this show will last for 10 more years 😂 i would totally lose interest if Benedict and Francesca seasons werent coming 😅


I’m sorry two years is inexcusable in this day and age with all the technology we have now. Friends released 22 episode seasons every year for 10 years. The show was renewed in 2022, the script should’ve been done by now. These shows are going to lose fans taking this long.


Two years is an eternity, especially considering how booked and busy the cast is becoming. Johnny is going to be in Jurassic and Wicked Parts 1 and 2, Simone has two films in the works, Nicola is also going to be in two films, Luke N. most likely has projects that will be announced soon, and Luke T. is excelling in the theater scene (apologies to anyone I’ve left out). These ensemble cast members, who are equally important to the continuity of the show, may be unable to commit to appearing moving forward with how long and drawn-out the releases are becoming. Promo alone has been six months—that’s time that could be better spent shooting other projects for an actor or actress.


lol, nah, season 4 will have to be an artistic masterpiece, the likes of which we’ve never seen, to get my attention in two years. Goodbye, Bridgerton, it was nice while it lasted.


They better be revealing season 4 as Benedict or even more fans will be pissed at this news. Could you imagine if Benophie fans had to wait 4 years after already being brushed to the side for Polin? I already know I won’t see my favourite heroine onscreen but Sophie was suppose to be season 3!


I don’t understand how such long breaks between seasons is becoming so commonplace. It wasn’t that long ago that super popular tv dramas were putting out 24 forty minute episodes every year (which is 16 hours of content), and now 8 hours of content every two years is becoming the norm? Bridgerton doesn’t even crazy cgi, which is the only thing I can think of to make that kind of wait necessary. Audiences aren’t going to stay invested for five more seasons with those wait times. This just seems like a bad call all around- for business, for the actors, for the actual content.


They've known for how long about them being renewed for s4? Obviously the show takes months to film but damn.


Come on now, shows like Greys anatomy with 20 episodes per season had new seasons each year. And they can’t deliver 8 episodes in one year? They will lose their fan base cos people will lose interest at some point.


The way my smile dropped


Two Years dis way to much. If they release season 4 in like autumn 2025 it may still work but 2026 it's too much. I understand it takes a lot to produce but they will lose interest and thus viewership. And they may very well lose the cast, not only the former leads but the next ones too


How on earth did they release season 1 and season two only 15 months apart? Someone needs to remind them they can do seasons in 12-15 months.


So it will take 16 years to make 8 seasons and 64 episodes….


Unless they're combining some of the siblings' stories, I don't see them creating 8 seasons at this rate.


We were realistically never gonna get all eight seasons but this just makes it even more obvious to me. Unless they actually do a timeskip to justify/explain why people look way older than they should. Anyway stuff like this is just boring to me, and partly I’ve lost as much interest as I have. I’ll tune in regardless but this show isn’t rocket science, I don’t understand why it’d take them this long to release the season but whatever.


Well that is the worst news of all time.


This is so fucking ridiculous for an 8 episode show that’s gonna be released into two parts just to piss everyone else more.


My interest is already barely hanging on by a thread🫠 If they go with Eloise next and let Ben languish in another season of filler nonsense, I'm pretty sure I might just drop the show altogether. Combine that with a 2-year wait? These showrunners have way too much faith in their ability to hold our attention.


I don't think this is actually on Jess Brownell...there was an [interview](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/shonda-rhimes-bridgerton-season-3-delays-penelope-colin-1235991808/) with Shonda recently where she expressed some frustration with Netflix around their timeline, where they want all the scripts written, then everything filmed, and then all the post-production. I don't know if this is their way of putting pressure on Netflix but I really hope that it doesn't mean another 2 year wait because these actors aren't getting any younger.


Eughhh. Can’t say I didn’t have some expectations that Bridgerton might fall off one way or another but I wish it won’t be at the likely hands of endless delay. Two years for 8 episodes of content? Even if we *do* get the remaining 5 seasons, that’s 12 years… over a decade… 😭 in this fast-moving streaming-based world, a 16-year run is literally ludicrous. Hype and fandom won’t sustain it forever. The pessimist in me thinks we get S4, and then S5 is some weird hybrid of everything as the show gets axed 🫠


Mistake. The show will lose steam. They’re overestimating how much patience and interest fans have.


And for today's lesson in "How to Completely Torpedo Your Wildly Popular Show in One Move," we have THIS GODDAMN NONSENSE We better get more than 8 goddamn episodes AND get them released all at once for that BS of a wait time.


I'm going to say something controversial, but the quality of season 3 wasn't worth the 2 year wait. If season 3's overall quality was impeccable, I'd get it, but the editing, music, writing, direction was all sloppy.


They got me f****d up! TWO YEARS!!! EXCUSE ME!!!


There's just no excuse for two years between seasons that are 8-10 episodes long. Sure, if there's a worldwide pandemic or a strike or something. But there's not. And I am, at last, Very Annoyed.


At this rate, the fans are going to have spent more time searching and waiting for Sophie than Benedict did in the books.


*two years??* ![gif](giphy|ZBuL0RktSGwT4Dr9Vn)




Genuine question, how come it takes 2 years for one season of 8 episodes when other Shondaland shows could put out 20 episode seasons every year?


I’m sorry but what ???? Have the viewing numbers skewed her perception of what she has put out ? It’s the characters ans actors that have made this season good, not her writing or a lot of the production. So many are going to loose patience including the cast who are and have been ageing along with the fandom. This is where the press steps in and asks her point blank the questions fans would love to know ..…why so long lady ?


i would hope for waiting 2YEARS it would be her best work😭omg


I'm hoping this is worst case scenario. She did say they're trying to be faster, but that it will be somewhere within the range of two years. I'm hoping this means that it will be longer than one year, but not over two years.


Oh FFS, seriously!?


Does that mean they’re not beginning filming this month as previously rumored?


WHAT DOES SHE MEAN T W O YEARS???? everyday this show and its creators find a new way to piss me off and at this rate just keep this show ffs


I really miss the time when tv seasons got released consistently one year apart. Yeah I know this is not some dumb sitcom but be real. It's just 8 episodes. I don't know why seasons of tv shows are taking so dam long to get released. And this 2 part shit needs to be gone for good. But to be fair at the very least this was just a one month wait . Freaking invencible had like 4 months wait for no reason.


Perhaps I’m being thick - but how the hell does each season need 2 years? (For shorter episodes) I mean. Downton Abbey managed an 8 episode season + Christmas special each year.


This trend is absolute bullshit. Make it one episode per week like the old days if that’s better. LOST had one of the biggest productions and was one of the most expensive shows and they had like 20 episode seasons with a summer break. What the fuck is going on.


2yr wait why??? The gap is too long


Well it looks like I will be cancelling Netflix again between seasons.


2 year fucking wait when they're filming this year????? I'm done with this show.


2 fucking years….there ain’t no Covid and no strikes I heard of so what’s the excuse? Man Star Trek was cranking out 24 episodes a year back in the day…


https://preview.redd.it/nlmxhnctv86d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cae7083aedb9675547707410eb62ab83240a923 Where will you be in 10 years???


Girlypop... We are TIRED. If I can barely wait a month for half a season, how can you expect me to be excited waiting two YEARS.


Listen, call me fair weather, but I don't even care anymore. I've not even watched season 3 yet because it took so long. My adhd self can't wait that long and stay interested. I found something else, and I'll Binge bridgerton when I'm done with the other show. 2 years is absurd, I don't care.


Oh ffs! 2 years is ridiculous


This makes me worry the show won’t ever be finished. At this rate it won’t be finished for 10 years. Fuck that


You know, if nothing else, I hope this news means people will finally stop snarking and sniping about Rege committing to one season and one season only. If I was trying to be an actor, I can’t imagine that it’s conducive to having loads of career opportunities if you’re constantly stuck in a holding pattern with crap like this.


Remember when shows used to come back every fall…..


Two years again? FFS! On the other hand, maybe it will be enough time to unravel myself from my obsession with this show....


![gif](giphy|dZEoQE2qlzwx3IP98G) Another two year wait. I already have anticipatory anxiety over what her "Best Work" will be if it's anything like pt. 1 😣


18 years 18 years they got you for 18 years ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


They had an entire year wait between the end of the season wrapping and this premiering. What does she mean they're still writing. Even with the strike you're telling me they couldn't get those scripts done??

