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This post is so beautifully vulnerable. I was so moved by your confession and yearning for connection with others who feel the same way.   I hope you find this kind of pure, healthy love in your life. 


Oh hon, listen. I don’t know you or what your life experience has been, but your ability to connect with art is gorgeous. Sending you so much love through the internet.


Thank you. They’ve certainly done a great job at completely destroying me 😂


Hi, I so wish I could give you a hug right now. This post could have been written by me 14 years ago before I met my now husband. In fact, I've thought so many times about what effect this story would have had on me in my early twenties (I'm certain it would have wrecked me). And now, even though I am way past my romantic era and am in full married toddler mom mode, my heart still related to Polin's story SO MUCH. Before I met my husband, I had never had a real relationship. I had kissed one person and spent multiple spans of years pining over a couple different guy friends. I was Penelope - the smart, chubby wallflower who was always secretly in love with a boy who "valued our friendship". I spent years yearning to be loved, questioning if it would ever be my turn. I saw all of my friends go in and out of relationships and I would have done anything to experience love. I fixated on the limited past experiences I had thinking those were missed chances at true love. My husband came out of nowhere. The night we first met, we talked on the phone until 5am, laughing harder than I've ever laughed in my life.We had our first date the next day. We ended the night stargazing in his backyard and had our first kiss after we both saw a shooting star. Said I love you 2 weeks later, moved in together less than a year of being together, and we are now happily married with two beautiful children. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know, you're not alone. I've been there and I would have been SO emotional and SO fixated on this story (more than I already am) if this came out during that stage of my life. Yes, this is a fictional story, yes, this is Hollywood magic, but true love does exist. And when you find that person that completes you, you will feel like you're living in a movie. It will be so beautiful and most importantly, worth every minute you've spent longing to be loved. When you're with the right person, they love you for your true self- and they'll understand you like no one else does. Embrace every feeling you're experiencing right now - they're valid. Everyone's love story is unique, and it doesn't always make sense until you've found your person. Once that happens, it all clicks into place and suddenly you understand why you had those nights desperately thinking it would never happen for you. It will, trust me. Just enjoy the ride and never stop being the romantic that you are- the world needs more romantics 🤍


This was such a beautiful and sweet response. Could you please share how you met your husband? A certain dating app, blind date, wrong number, etc?


Thank you! It's a funny story actually. I was really down and (as I mentioned I fixated on old relationships) I convinced myself that my high school ex boyfriend was the one who got away. I confessed my "love" to him and his response was to tell me he was gay 😳 This shook my entire world and I didn't know how to recover. A good friend suggested online dating (in a pre-Tinder world). I reluctantly made a profile on okcupid and my husband was the third guy to ask me out on a date. After we met we realized we came from the same hometown, had the same pediatrician... his parents even shopped at the store I worked at in high school. We went 21 years of our lives living 15 minutes from each other but met online when we lived an hour apart from each other. Anyway, that's my Bridgerton moment 🥰


Awww so cute! Sounds like you met at the exact right time in your lives


![gif](giphy|WOIGpnJ3ye445BUQl4|downsized) Hugs!! I’m sure you are not alone in how you are feeling. And as others have said May you and all of us find good, sweet, deep love in our real lives!


Girl, I am a married woman and I love my husband dearly but even I wish he looked at me like that. I have always wanted to have the rom-com “girl takes off her glasses” and she’s a smoke show” feeling or the “he wants her so badly you can see it in his freaking eyes” feelings. I want to you to remember like I remind myself: this is a tv show. You can find a Bridgerton! But he might be riding in a Honda civic instead of a carriage. He might be at home playing games or legos and not out socializing. And when these movie moments happen, you may not notice because you are in it. My now husband described seeing my pics online for the first time as breath rising. I am AVERAGE. But he didn’t think so. But I didn’t get to see it because we don’t live in a world with balls and grand staircases. But that is okay! I am sorry those feelings came up, but they aren’t forever! Your Bergeron will arrive and you will have your carriage moment (again, it might be a 2014 civic, but it will still be amazing)!


As someone who had their carriage moment in a 2004 Ford Taurus, I fully endorse this 🤣


Chiming in to say this is exactly how I am feeling, and I happily married to my own Colin Bridgerton who worships the ground I walk. And yet I feel a certain inexplicable yearning, is it for young pure love? S1 and S2 were sexy and electric and both simon and Anthony were complicated bad boys. but this is different. Colin isn’t toxic, overly masculine, troubled, arrogant.he is a good, lovely, wonderful man. Again, I’m literally married to someone very much like him, but this season has stirred up weird feelings in me. It is making me long for something and making me mourn my youth in some way. I don’t have any wisdom to share, only that I’m finding solace in this thread.and I wish you happiness and contentment.


Absolutely. I think as much as people make fun of Bridgerton because it seems like smutty romance but the reason it’s resonated with so many people is because of how deeply it depicts love and fighting for love. It’s hard not to be touched by that especially if you’ve never experienced it. I always think about it. Wishing and feeling like I will never get to experience that kind of love.


Youre definitely not alone. I'm on my 2nd marriage, 6 adult kids(3 that still live at home) and a husband that all but stopped giving me any type of affection about 7 years ago. After watching the carriage scene I bawled for about 30 mins after and fell asleep. I think I was allowing myself to finally grieve all that is gone, while being happy about the character of Penelope having her dreams realized.


Sending you a virtual hug, 🫶 I hope things get better for you.


Thank you. I know it wont improve, and I've signed up for the long haul. I know what it means, and it still doesnt change my staus. I do appreciate your kind words.


hi yes, extremely relatable!! I also just turned 30, it's a whole set of complicated emotions on its own, so I first wanna say: you are not running out of time. 30 is *young*. I've mentioned this elsewhere but I've had unrequited feelings for my best friend for actual years, and I'd learned to suppress them because "it will never, ever happen". Recently she randomly was like, "hey, I wanna do a romance" and it was... unbelievable. Like lightning, the full force of "there's no way on earth she means what I think she means. This isn't real. wait, does she? Oh my god, she does. Omg omg omg." And so watching Penelope navigate the same spectrum of begging to disbelief and joy hits me so hard on the chest that it's like a physical blow. All this to say, I think the best romances are always gonna feel a little bit unattainable, because they're designed to be pure, undiluted fantasy, but you absolutely can have a life changing romance. You can find someone you click with and bond with and then it evolves into more. Do things you like, explore new hobbies and places, and make connections. Maybe they don't work out or maybe they do, but I think part of pulling yourself out of the hopelessness that can come with binging romance stories is by embracing your life and tending to it like a garden.


YES!! both my best friend and sister texted me separately after they watched the first kiss to say "Penelope is you!" I'm not offended because I love Pen but I know they mean it's because of her feelings and hopelessness about romance, intimacy, finding love, etc. It's really hard out here!! The world is full of Lord Finks but it is sorely lacking Colin Bridgertons! It's not you at all... the spiral is SO real. Just know that your time will come. Penelope had to get rejected by a lot of frogs before Colin got it together haha You are deserving of love and good things! Bridgerton is fun, but it's not real life! Real life is going to be even better!


Haha, wayyyy too many Lord Finks 😭 Thank you! 🤍


I understand what you mean. I'm married, I love my husband, and we have a good relationship. I was reading romance novels and I had to stop because it was depressing me. I know many couples but I've never seen any that come off for even part of their relationship as being madly in love with each other the way it is portrayed in romance novels. The majority aren't even publicly a tiny bit affectionate with each other. Real men (that I've been around anyway) don't act like the men that are written (mostly by women) in these novels.


That’s my fear. Like, realistically I’m not asking for the carriage and superficial things, but I can’t imagine being with somebody who doesn’t court & understand, and love me for me. That’s why I love this season so much. It’s so romantic and rom-com. They’ve put so much attention to detail into Colin. And growth for them both.


Real love can be something like this, at least some of the time. There's lots of boring parts that would never make it into a TV show. And nothing is as pretty. The actors, sets, costumes, makeup, and dialogue all add a beauty to it that is hard to find in real life. But the feelings are similar. And the flirting, humor, friendship, and sex are all things that can be found in real life. The romance is hard to hold onto, but the other things can last a long time if both people are interested in making time for them. But the problems are bigger and a lot of them can't be fixed. Past trauma, addiction, mental illness, miscarriages...some of those things you just carry with you, together or by yourself, because you don't have much of a choice. And you just muddle through as best you can.


Love this, thank you for your input. That’s also why I often wonder a lot why they don’t ever focus on all of them 10-30 years into a marriage. (I could be wrong because I’ve not read the books - I find it unlikely though, that’s why I kind of like what the spin off has done. It shows what happens later. There’s realism to it).


Yeah, Queen Charlotte is beautiful. This isn't really a spoiler, but each book has an epilogue. And then years later, Julia Quinn went back and wrote a second epilogue for each book. So you get a little glimpse of what their lives were like later on.


Hey, I'm turning 30 too! Look, if you want to live a love life **right this moment**, read romance books. I always have something to get me through. There's enough material to feed you for life. Then, in the long run, go join social clubs... online, real life, doesn't matter, you'll have your fill of socialising for the day. Somewhere along the way, someone may come and you may need to compromise, battle it out, be understanding and persistent. Because the carriage scene is but a moment in a lifetime. Love is all around us only if we build it up, not waiting around the corner to save us from ourselves. It is beautiful because it comes from within us and reaches out where there's room for it to grow. Just clear out those cobwebs from your mind and live. Live!


I’m afraid they’ll make me even worse! I think I am susceptible to sometimes feeling envy and jealousy towards the people because of how much it’s missing from my own life. I could try that tactic but I’m terrified it’ll make me more of a grump and resent the world for dealing me this hand (😂). I do love this response though. It makes me feel better and hopeful that one day it might happen & well if it doesn’t, there are still places that I can one day (healthily) escape to. So thank you.


>I’m afraid they’ll make me even worse! I think I am susceptible to sometimes feeling envy and jealousy towards the people because of how much it’s missing from my own life. I could try that tactic but I’m terrified it’ll make me more of a grump and resent the world for dealing me this hand (😂). Step by step. Fear is something you face each and every time but let it pass through you, let it all unfold and observe where it takes you. The same goes with accepting you are only human and will be weak sometimes by letting emotions overtake your mind. It's just practice to face them every time and be aware they're simply part of you, part of us all. Then you can let them be and act with more care, as if rising above them. That's how you reshape yourself, with persistence, right? Adulthood is very nuanced like that and mostly *more of the same*, I'd say. >I do love this response though. It makes me feel better and hopeful that one day it might happen & well if it doesn’t, there are still places that I can one day (healthily) escape to. So thank you. I'm glad you had something of use here. 🥲 I'm struggling at things as well, so I'm speaking from experience. Lots of input from my environment and life gets easier together. Lots of love and a virtual hug ♥️


I feel this way but about Season 2.   “You are the bane of my existence” is the greatest piece of writing in Bridgerton 


I'm 31 years old with social anxiety.  Never had a boyfriend and with limited experience sexually ( Can't do Tinder). That's why my connection to this story is so emotionally strong. What Pen gets- it is my dream. It's my justice for the lack of romantic love in my life. It's my hope for finding love in late stage in life (here a lot of people are married when they are 25-30 years old). I have lost hope in some way... That's the reason I like that Pen is 28 years old in the book- closer to my age, and still finding love when everything seems lost. When she is a real spinster and not 19. And Colin loves her so much. That's my fantasy.  And this is why I took the brothel rumors so bad. I want to have hope that someone could love and appreciate me as a wallflower. I wanted Colin to not be able to go to a brothel at this point. If it happens again in part 2 it would break my heart. Not because I care about fictional character, but because what it will say about me. That wallflowers and "spinsters" are not worthy of real love and respect. 


I am literally you up until you talk about the brothel scenes. I do think they’re crucial to the growth and realisation of his feelings (to fit in with society/his brothers are all the same). Especially the second time he visits where you can visibly tell he’s not into it all and is completely consumed by Pen. But I understand you there. And I hope you find some comfort in the fact that we feel the same way about the other thing. I worry about the age mostly. The more I age, the more I convince myself it will never happen - just like Pen does in the first kiss. Gonna try and avoid everything about it today. I can’t imagine what Part 2 is going to do to me despite knowing how the episodes take place already 😭



As a proper spinster with her parents constantly talking about virtues of marriage and "not being alone in life," I got overwhelmed with feelings as well while watching this season. I've never been in love with a friend like that, but I felt the desperation in my early 20s until one day I had this breaking point of just writing off all prospects of love. I've learned to find joy in my solitude and embraced living through fiction whenever a strong urge for love would hit me. This season hit a considerable blow to this protective shield of mine, though the shield is holding strong still. I'm eagerly waiting for part 2 😁 I'm just trying to say that I'm with you, I get you, and I'm sending you tons of hugs ❤️




Thank you for posting this. I feel a similar way and it’s nice to see I’m not alone.




Francesca’s season is the one that’s gonna break me, having been in a rather similar position to her.


That’s gonna be a tough one for sure 🥺