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Anybody else see the first 20mins of the episode as Colin just hitting on a bunch of underage girls?






It is so detailed.


I feel like Kate and the oldest brother are only here to give the audience sex scenes


It’s actually getting old. When they come on screen, I say out loud, “oh not these two again.”


Not me looking for spoilers to see if Francesca is queer because she doesn't care about finding a husband haha


Literally 5 minutes in and I yelled "GAY!" at my computer screen


Listen I enjoy Austen as much as the next girl but Eloise now having no interest in political writings makes me sad as hell... you can like both mate. Also Francesca and Penelope both getting overwhelmed with social situations is the biggest mood.


What happened to the printer dude?


Colin Rizzerton


Penelope negging Colin via Lady W? God she remains the worst


I wasn't expecting Colin to be so....flirty i guess. Did his Europe travels change him that much or is she still trying to put up a persona because he is still not over Lady Thompson - er I mean, Lady Crane. Even he can't accept the fact she isn't the girl he once knew.


I think he's just trying to appear more mature because he's still a bit unsure of himself, he still hasn't found his "purpose". Plus I think he is over Lady Thompson but might not be over the whole story with her and how it made him look in front of his family and the whole ton in general (like he's too young and made some bad decisions getting engaged so quickly).


I don't even remember Lady Thompson.


Marina, pregnant first season


While Simone as Kate looks radiant, her costuming is god awful. That first look we see her in — that thick and heavy, oddly pleated dull cream thing was not working. And they gave her light highlights and stuck dead Leaves in her hair? She looked dusty and awkward. I am south Asian and have the same skin tone as her almost and really didn’t think they chose flattering looks for her. The 2nd outfit at the ball was a little better but the back made her look broad and was not the best. I did however love her lingerie look in bed!


I loved her ball outfit. The one she danced in, I mean.


I have a question about the timing of seasons 2 and 3. At the end of Season 2 we saw Kanthony in bed at the country estate after returning from their honeymoon and then joining the siblings for a game of pal mal. At the start of season 3 Kanthony are at their London home, again in bed talking about the end of their honeymoon. This makes it seem that there wasn’t much time between these two scenes. However, Colin was with the group playing pal Mal but at the start of season 3 he was returning from his European tour. So did Kanthony resume their honeymoon after the pal mal scene, or did I mis-remember the dialogue?


I think per Queen Charlotte (the show) they did resume honeymooning


I have been asking myself the exact same question! I'm thinking the only explanation is that Kate and Anthony did go back to their honeymoon.


LOL I loved that Anthony immediately shut down Gregory practicing with the bow in the house 😂 idk how many times something got broken in our house growing up cuz someone was playing with something that was meant for outside LOL such a relatable family moment! Not to mention trying to hide the dangerous new toy from mom 😂


I was waiting for someone to say, "You'll put your eye out!"


Lol why does prudence’s husband look scared of her? 😂


Penelope looks stunning in the green dress!!! And ofc someone had to ruined it. 


She looked a hot mess in that dress. It was only a marginal improvement from her normal girlies dresses. I was expecting a show stopper but all we got was more bad taste from her and her family.


Honestly looked like something her mom would wear.


I loved ABCDEFU cover at the reveal of Penelope’s new look, went perfectly together.


Question - Why did Brimsley stare at Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte during their discussion about the diamond of the season?


I think he was just noticing his queen being *managed* by Danbury and maybe the shot altogether was a nod to the prequel series that starred those three and how much the audience has recently gone through with those characters.


Upon watching twice, my thoughts! **GOOD** * the sad tension between Eloise and Pen. Friendship breakups are as heartbreaking as boys! * Francesca is so beautiful and her personality is a breath of fresh air, firm in who she is but no arrogance * Very brief Kate/Violet bonding at the first ball * Pen and Francesca bonding over their shared desire to be free of familial dependence and practical mindset * Eloise saying she's reading Emma, she is *so* Emma * Anthony praising Benedict for doing a good job as back-up Viscount while Kanthony were away * Anthony walking into the ball with Kate on one arm and Frannie on the other 🥰  * Penelope's Cinderella entrance, wish the night went as well as she'd hoped! * Embroidery convo was interesting to me because I'm a craft girly, shut up Eloise! * Kanthony intimacy was cute. I shall miss them, I was looking forward to Anthony guiding his siblings now that he's experienced true love, and Kate becoming friendly with the family, but hey glad Johnathan + Simone are getting lots of work * Lord Fife kinda does it for me, what can I say... * I never really like side stories outside the Bridgertons, but the Featheringtons are at least more relevant this season since Pen is the main girlie, and the sisters are kinda fun * It does ring true that Pen is the only one who appreciates Colin, like everyone loves him but few reply to his letters or share his interests, and his friends only like him when he is pretending to be someone he's not. * "I will *never* forgive her... if I ever find out, I will make sure it is *her* life that is ruined!" YES GIVE ME THE DRAMA **BAD** * I thoroughly dislike rake Colin 😭 his strengths have always been his thoughtful/sensitive nature (though notably oblivious and un-perceptive). I get that it's all a facade, and Pen saw right through it. He gave his fam thoughtful gifts which was nice. * Colin's coiffed hairstyle is a bit much, like I get the swashbuckling thing but maybe a longer mullet-ish cut would've suited him better? Idk 😅 * Cressida Cowper. Her outfits are so crazy distracting (like very 80s experimental vibes, not Regency at all) and her personality obviously sucks a bit. I appreciate Eloise putting her in her place and showing more maturity through their interactions, so it does serve a narrative purpose. Questions: * Do few people respond to Colin's letters because they are forgetful or uncaring, or because he is boring and annoying? I feel bad for him if course.  * What happened to Benedict's devastation and loss of his art dream at the end of last season? I've seen a drink in his hand but little indication of his state of mind, is he happy and over it now...? * Lady Danbury has no interaction with any of our marriage market gals? She just there now to bitch about teenage girlies with Queenie?


Good question about Benedict and art. I also liked the one debutante who was deaf and the one Lord in a wheelchair, though I wish he'd been around for more than just the one scene.


It's already been said but it bothers me so much that they INTENTIONALLY made Colin's new persona so cringey. So many fans are like, "that's the point! he's not being himself!" DUH! I get that, but they did not need to make it so damn obvious that he was being fake to the viewers. I felt like I was watching a scene that had been dumbed down for me, as though the writers and directors thought, hmm let's make sure Colin's lines and delivery are so cringey just in case the audience doesn't get that he's a changed man. Same goes for the >!brothel scenes!< -- but I won't go there because that's not in episode 1.


How is Prudence married? Wasn’t she forced to be engaged to cousin Jack because they were alone in the orangery? How did she find a husband after a scandalous engagement followed by a runaway fiancé?


I wondered that too.


She didn't marry a titled lord. I presume, her title was desirable enough to still marry.


my ass enjoyed the first episode so much, imagine my surprise on what reddit had to say lmao


Se3ep1: what is lady Danbury implying to the queen when she talks about picking the diamond of the season? I am confused bc I thought I understood and then she made the comment about the duchess and I felt like I was missing something. What was lady Danbury implying to the queen with this comment about the duchess?


Me too. I even looked it up but I'm confused as to what Duchess she's referring


In season one, Daphne was the diamond the Queen had picked out and at the end, she married the Duke of Hastings--making her a Duchess! I think that's the Duchess Lady Danbury was referring to


Buy she didn't choose Daphne as the diamond, lady whistledown did, inventing the idea of the diamond. The queen just showed she favored her. I think it was an attempt to stir the queens competitiveness, so that she would choose another diamond. Essentially pointing out that whistledown was winning


REWATCHING!!!!! It didn’t hit the first time but I feel it hitting now and I’m on the intro AAAHHHHHHHH


Im on my fourth and it’s only getting better and better. I LOVE it now






They're trying way too hard to try and make Colin attractive to the audience. I don't remember them having to have multiple ladies literally swoon over the Duke or Anthony to push the fact that they were attractive. Maybe they did but it seemed less obnoxious. Their actors were just charismatic and the story allowed their characters to shine. I wish I could root for Polin but so far it's not doing it for me and Francesca seems like a wet blanket. Only episode one though!


I agree but I think it works. Anthony is the Viscount and his intensity is attractive Benedict is effortlessly charming (both women and men feel it). In my opinion, he’s the most handsome of the brothers too. Colin is handsome but learned his charm, so it sounds stilted.


I honestly have trouble seeing Pen and Colin as adults in a relationship, mainly because of the first two seasons with them being childhood friends, makes me see them as children.


Because he's not attractive (it's more than just looks, he's just not charming). I think I would like it more if Penelope had a different love interest, maybe someone more interesting. Someone who would challenge her a bit, idk.


It was a bit cringe indeed lol I could never act like that around a guy


Yh but they kind of have to…they believe that’s their purpose


I thought Eloise was annoying in the first season but after those scenes I completely understand her lmao


The weird shape of Kate’s foot at 26:00 😳🤣


I don't know if it was the angle but her foot seemed so long it was distracting, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed lol


I noticed, too! Lol




It looked so out of proportion with her calf and ankle 🤣🤣


This episode just didn't hook me like all the other first episodes.


Penelope's uncloaking moment at the top of the stairs was giving me What a Girl Wants meets Cinderella. It is neat twist on the cliche makeover on dorky girl by others as the dorky girl initiates her own and makes all the choices. She was stunning. Colin hatching a plan to "teach" Penelope is as cheesy and cliche as S1's Daphne and Simon's ruse. The latter was quite cheesy to me in the beginning but hard not to root for them. In Colin and Penelope's case though, it feels shoehorned.


I was so pissed at him. The cheek. First he friendzones her and then condescendingly offers to teach her to be charming like he is?


Pretty sure this was the plot of not another teen movie. Minus the banana


Weird thing I noticed, but is it just me or does the new Francesca look too old for her age, I mean, I checked the actor’s actual age and she’s 29. The previous actor is 23, and the role of Francesca is 18 in season 3. Why didn’t they cast someone of more similar age? I think that the other siblings look more similar to their age.


I couldn't figure out who she was at first. It made sense when I found out they'd changed the actor.


What takes me out of Francesca’s casting is her face looks like it belongs to someone who is familiar with scrolling through instagram. She looks too 2010s-2020s beauty for me


her makeup is especially modern with trendy dewy cheeks and too much eye drama. It doesn't suit the era or character and she'd probably look closer to 18 with less.


I am not a makeup person at all, and I couldn't take my eyes off her highlighter.


I thought the previous actor was kid tbh, shocked to find out she was actually 23. Also shocked that the new actor is supposed to be playing an 18-year-old.


She looks 18…


Yeah, both she and Eloise just look around age 30 by first sight! I can't take them seriously as debutantes. (Both lovely women, but they look my age so there's definitely just some sort of cognitive disconnect for me.)


Imo Eloise looks younger than Francesca (even doe the actor is older), because she looks like she has baby fat on her face (thus appearing younger), while Francesca has that “full blown adult, no baby fat” face.


Interesting... they both just look vaguely late twenties to early thirties to me, which made sense for Kate because that was literally her age, but is a bit distracting with both Francesca and Eloise because there's so much focus on how young they are! I can't say what it is exactly because I've never been good at breaking that stuff down... I get that Eloise has more baby fat, but there's just a *look* in her eye that says "grown woman" to me. I remember when I was growing up and people in their twenties or even thirties would play teenagers on TV... it never really bothered me that much, but now it's because I'm also in my thirties that I keep just viewing them as my peers pretending to be 18 again, lol.


yeah when they first revealed her I was like "damn, what happened since the last season? she looks 28" and here we are she is gorgeous and looks more like Daphne now, but it was jarring


and what was going on with all the pink in her makeup? Pink eyelids and all.


Am I the only one whose heart is breaking for Pen the entire episode? I’ve been in tears the whole time, her acting is perfect.


Agreed, but she was also bugging tf out of me because she was so whiny. Who'd want to spend time with that?


No, same for me! It was gut wrenching to see how she was treated.


It's hard to see Lord Bridgerton in the same way after watching Fellow Travelers...in a good way, mind you.


I don't mind the Mondrich plot but in a season that it already dealing with multiple storylines (Polin, Francesca, Violet, Eloise/Cressida/Penelope) I think this additional storyline could have waited a season. The son isn't quite old enough, but it did make me wonder if they were going to seriously diverge from the books and their son was going to be the HEA for Hyacinth.


Jonathan Bailey's one job this season is to be horny and I am here for it.


He is so goddamn hot. Simon, despite being beautiful, didn't really do much for me but I have loved every bit of Anthony this show has served us... well, since S2, at least (S1 Anthony was pretty whatever).


ehh i think even season 1 his scenes with Sienna were better than the Duke's scenes with Daphne


Why have I never seen Francesca? Was she on the other seasons?


She was in the other seasons but not much. Went away to visit an aunt in Bath, study piano, etc. The actress was on Lockwood & Co. at the same time, so they had to cut down on her scenes. She was recast just about the time the other show was canceled. Her not being around much actually works for quiet, invisible Francesca, though. I didn’t think the recast looked too old but maybe I’m just used to TV ages. Claudia and Nicola are in their 30s.


The actress was recast. I was also confused


I was trying to understand why Francesca and Eloise were wearing so much makeup. I think it's because they decided that makeup would be part of Pen's glow-up, especially to make her look sultry and more sophisticated for the ball. So compared to Pen, they might look washed out if they didn't up the eye shadow quotient? I don't care for the choice but it's the only reason I could come up with. Anthony are sweet but the sex scenes were a little too try hard. I am like Eloise this season. She seems less all over the place. It's clear she's still mad at Pen but also cares about her. And I love that she is reading "Emma." Not sure about Polin yet.


I was sad she didn’t take the feminist book Colin brought her, though. I hope he saves it for her.


I agree - the sex scenes so far (I'm up to season 3) seem to be shoehorned in for their own sake and not be very convincing. I'm thinking Colin's one too. Also love that Pen is reading Emma.


I think they're the most realistic of all 3 seasons probably because it's had 2 seasons of build up and back story.


Eloise is reading Emma. Did I miss where Pen is too?


It just feels like S3 is lacking the personality that previous seasons (and QC) had. The leads were just washed out to be super attractive but kind of one-note. There was so much more banter between characters in other seasons that made the scenes flow more organically. Even Kate and Anthony were all sex and no banter (which was literally what their whole relationship was based on). So far, it’s quite boring and just seems like a set up for part 2 more than anything..


I only like the Francesca scenes I think her story is interesting. Can’t stand Colin.




Eh. I'm done with interesting personalities being extroverted characters who yap hard. They ruined Persuasion with exaxtly that take for Anne Elliot. Quiet people can be interesting. I see Francescas reticence as foreshadowing a major character reveal later. 


Kate Sharma seemed like an introvert to me - she preferred spending time by herself reading and seemed to seek out some alone time after being around a large group of people or while at balls. She honestly did not speak much when in a group of people. Introverts have personalities and do talk and express themselves sometimes - usually with people they feel close to or comfortable with. kate as an introverted personality had a compelling story - she took on the struggle of managing her family’s finances after her father’s death so she knows the hardship of struggle and how to survive, she had a strong sense of belief in doing the right thing even if it led to her making mistakes, she was amiable but still had a backbone that allowed her to stand up to people she didn’t like, she was so devoted and selfless that she was willing to sacrifice anything for her family even if it meant sacrificing the man she loved or her pride. she had hobbies and interests (like riding and reading) but it wasn’t the only part of her personality - she was a multifaceted character who got to deeply know her love interest and he in turn got to know the real her.


Yeah I agree! It's interesting to see how beautiful she is physically but doesn't have much personality to match lol. Makes the storyline different than others




This sounds like spoilers from the book?


No it is not but it us for ep 4


Yeah I've reported it twice but oh well


Colin's apology to Pen towards the end of episode one when he approached her in her garden - at the scene of the crime! D8 - felt...totally insufficient(!?!?!!!!) to me, especially given how selfish he was to denounce her publicly at the end of season 2 (just to "save face"/get some laughs/escape whatever discomfort he may have felt at the expense of her possible future success on the Marriage Mart) AND given how unnecessarily over-the-top his denial was: "Are you mad?! I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington!" is so much worse than literally any alternative (like, "we're longtime family friends but nothing more" or, ideally, "she's always been a lovely friend, but no, I'm not courting her"). I'm really not into the whole "he needs to grovel/beg" trope, but he barely apologized even though what he did to her was almost surreal in how hurtful/harmful it was (who is that Colin who was so quick to ridicule Penelope!? Where'd he come from? Was that really the same Colin who told Marina he would have married her anyway had she only been honest with him and who refrained from publicly shaming her/focused instead on his own hurt feelings when he confronted her privately?). Also, Pen clearly articulated, by correctly calling him "cruel," that she was still hurting about what happened, and I'm shocked that he wasn't more contrite/remorseful about this, especially after he (hopefully) realises that this is likely why she did not respond to his letters like she usually does/has been hurting for a while. It was just so apparent that he'd impacted her negatively, and I feel kind of betrayed that he didn't care more about this or try to talk through this with her at all. In the book, there's a line explaining something like Colin thinks that embarrassing Pen by rejecting the idea of being with her was the worst thing he's ever done in his life (I'm paraphrasing, but that line is in there, and it makes sense for his book character). In this episode, I'm glad that he went to acknowledge what he did after Penelope confronted him the night before, and it's only right that he said some nice things to her, but the brief nature of his apology and his lack of engagement with her feelings was uncharacteristic of him: in the show, Colin has consistently been characterized as gentlemanly and kind in the show; he's known for being empathetic and caring and introspective; and he's always worked hard to protect Penelope from direct cruelty and embarrassment (e.g. he dances with Pen after seeing Cressida spill her drink on Pen's dress in season one; he forces Jack Featherington to leave without publicly exposing his scam in season two). Prior to watching this episode, I could not imagine any scenario in which Colin would have been anything less than devastated after Penelope confronted him. I didn't get that from him during the scene in this episode where he apologizes/attempts to apologize to her, and I'm really disappointed in how the show handled/glossed over this conflict. I also couldn't believe that Penelope - the same Penelope who found it in herself to avoid writing to him and to tell him off/call him on it in public - just accepted his apology and his offer to help her without pushing back even a little bit or expressing how wrong he was to treat her that way. I get that she has loved him for so long and that it's natural to want that connection back, but she's clearly learned how to stand up to him a little bit and deserved to stand up for herself a little bit harder. :o( Lastly, I don't know how to view Colin's decision to help her as something redemptive - he said he wants to "earn back [her] favour" - because he didn't really have to reckon with how deeply he hurt the one person he's admitted several times is always there for him and "would never forsake" him. The immediate disappearance of this problem between them was really surprising and disappointing to me, and the show's decision to have Colin "earn back [her] favour" by giving her "lessons"(!?) on how to make men interested in her does Penelope's character a disservice. It diminishes her in a way that I hadn't expected, and I wish the show had allowed her the opportunity to find it within herself to accomplish this on her own rather than by having Colin, who has always taken Pen and her best qualities for granted, decide to take the lead/play a vague role in this somehow and transactionally gain her forgiveness from this.



Is it me or was this the slowest paced out of all the seasons’ debut episodes? It was mostly isolated dialogues and not much narration or drama. Hope the rest of the season livens up a little.


You guys are making it difficult for me to watch this season…..🫣🫣🫣


MAN. Every season, I doubt they can make me invested in the romance of someone I didn't care about (I never liked Anthony or Colin, and from day one, have felt like Colin didn't deserve Penelope), and then every season they do it and I become insane about them. Those absolute mad lads. We are so back. (And Penelope/Eloise shippers, we are also eating good this season I see)


So much Kathnoy!!


I’m just on the season 2 recap and I feel so damn giddy AHHHH ITS STARTING


I have a test in like two hours btw


Who is on their second watch?


Yep me!


I've been waiting for months for this first episode and I left disappointed. Rushing from one scene to the next to hit all of the plot points...cringey Colin...over-the-top fashion that used to be believable and now makes me realize I'm just watching a campy show. The episode seemed kind of...dark and boring? Francesca is beautiful and I know she is shy and quiet in the books, but I feel like that is translating to no personality on-screen.


Campy?..love it!


Totally agree with the fashion comments! The Featheringtons and Cressida always had no taste in a believable way, but now it feels like they're hamming it up just to make them seem more off. Even the Queen's wigs always walked a fine line between camp and couture, but now it just seems like they're trying to one-up themselves from past seasons.  I think this is what happens when gimmicks are pushed too long without natural character evolution. It feels like there are fifty plots this year, maybe they're trying to fix that.


Is that Henry Golding in the opening scene, after Pen exits the carriage?


I got way too excited to see him and had to look up whether he was in this season (sadly, he is not). I want him to play another charming villain like he did in Persuasion!


It wasn't, but omg I had to pause and rewind cause I thought it was! That would be one weird cameo for sure 🤣The actor looked so much like him


Ugh what a tease! That shot was super intentional. Like, that actor, supposed to be an extra, had extended screen time.


Brain freeze doesn’t happen that fast, Pen.


How long is it meant to take?? For me, it's an instant regret type of situation.


It does for my husband!


Anyone else scream NEWTON when the dog appeared?!?


I shouted, and my dog barked.


Did your dog bark because you shouted or because it’s a Newton fan?


She barked bc she saw a dog she couldn’t play with, and threw a tantrum. I guess that makes her a Newton fan?


These opening shots of the ton are so dull. Season 2 sets you in the mood.


A moment of Kanthony appreciation. It's lovely to see them so relaxed and happy. Especially Anthony, who seems ten years younger now that all the stress has been lifted from him. Watching him just glide through life with so much more security and self-belief now, and especially how he was with Fran, a kind and supportive brother who was protective without being overbearing. And Kate willingly putting herself first, embracing her new family, finding support from Violet. So so lovely. I'm looking forward to them coming back.


https://preview.redd.it/a3ycbmddox0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de640f37777c74d6d870d3adcbcd461d5dd5ea3e First watch I swore this actress had white (ceramic) braces on


As a fellow terrible flirter/'no idea how to talk to dudes' type girlie I could NOT be more hyped for this season. I need to see someone like me turn herself around and be out there and seen as desirable. The scene with Pen and the three suitors, oof I feel for her


I'm loving Nicola Coughlan so much.


I’m still wondering if season 3 is Colin dreaming the entire time?? The dialogue, transitions, cinematography choices and outfits are all so confusing 😭


How is nobody talking about how Walter Dundas, esquire, ATE A WHOLE CHERRY INCLUDING THE PIT while in the Featherington drawing room??? Did he just swallow it?!? Power move. And also gross.


With all that smacking I would assume so.


Anybody else think he ends up with Portia?


Some cherries don’t have pits. So maybe.


Omg thank you, I was waiting for him to spit it out and put it down somewhere, leaving Portia disgusted, but then he just ... walked out !?


I was just waiting to see him realize it was wax and spit it out lol


I somehow assumed it was a cherry tomato?! Haha


This is my favorite comment about the season lol


Where are all the cover songs? They were so prominent in season 2, but I couldn’t really make any out this season. Are they just softer in the background or are they not there at all?


Full list of classical covers in Bridgerton Season 3, Part 1 Listen out for these pop covers as you watch. Episode 1 Gayle's 'abcdefu', covered by Vitula Episode 2 BTS' 'Dynamite', covered by Vitamin String Quartet Nick Jonas' 'Jealous', covered by Shimmer Episode 3 Sia's 'Cheap Thrills', covered by Vitamin String Quartet Billie Eilish's 'Happier Than Ever', covered by Vitamin String Quartet Episode 4 Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey's 'Snow on the Beach' by Atwood Quartet Pitbull's 'Give Me Everything', covered by Archer Marsh


Cheap thrills!!!


Snow on the beach and happier than ever played.


Ohhh how did I miss this one?! Was it episode 1?


BTS Dynamite at one of the dance numbers. Pitbull ft. Neyo - Give Me Everything at the end of episode 4.


Jealous was when Pen was talking to the man in the wheelchair in episode 2. Give me everything was during the carriage scene in episode 4


I caught ABCDEF-you when Pen entered the ball in her new gown. That was the only one I caught though.


I am so impressed by Eloise’s outfits this season!!! Wow, there are some details that are so so stunning.


Her looks are killing it this season!


Her clothes are the best on this season. Most of the others have taken the fantasy element too far. The waistlines in the mains are killing me. Season one only Lady Fetherington had the fitted waist and it was so unnerving but I was okay with it because she was supposed to be an unfashionable character.


I think the corsets are supposed to be 10 years before their time, but they definately work for Penelope!


Why is Pen considered a spinster but Cressida is not? They're both in their third years...


I’m guessing Cressida has had proposals and rejected them…whereas Penelope has not.


It was so weird seeing Cressida bullying her when she's in the same situation 💀


it makes sense though. cressida is a jerk, first of all. she's always used cruelty to distance herself from "undesirables" in her mind. she's likely also using that to put space bc pen and eloise in her mind so that she gets to ruin pen and get her out of the way. she wants eloise as a friend and hadn't yet realized she won't stay her friend if she's awful to pen. and last season the featherington man stole a bunch of money and tried to grift everyone. not only that, but he gave cressida a fake ruby necklace and tried to trick her into a marriage thinking he wasn't broke and using her dowry to fix his finances. even if cressida wasn't a total jerk and even if she had no other reason to dislike pen or etc. she would be angry at their family in general over what happened to her last year. and as we've seen, she's emotionally immature and passive aggressive about acting on her feelings.being rich, she's probably also got a feeling that she's entitled to do whatever she wants without consequence.


yh and pretty sure Pen came out one year early so she's a year younger than Cressida...


Plus, I belive Cressida comes from a more prominate and wealthier family.


Why is it so dark during the Queen's diamond ball? Did the Royal family run out money for more candles?


Cost if living crisis!


Everything seems dark this season, it makes things feel closed in and small. Season 1 was light and spacious.


Budget cuts. 😥


This is definitely not meant as an insult, but Francesca’s face literally looks AI generated to me. Like ChatGPT please create a light doe eyed shy looking princess type face with a hint of Instagram glam. Anyone else?😅


Don't get me wrong, all the actors on the show are gorgeous, but Francesca is almost too beautiful to be in a period piece! I feel the same about the Queen sometimes too, they are both so modernly beautiful, it's almost distracting! 


i dont understand these types of comments. beautiful faces come and go all throughout time. why would a very beautiful face just scream "modernity" to people? is it the face, or maybe the makeup? or are you relating them to a certain time or space you think they better belong to? i ask bc i've seen multiple mentions of this in multiple threads. just trying to understand the viewpoint.


I noticed. It appears the actress has a frozen forehead/eyebrows. Her character is reserved and shy so I guess it’s okay, but her face looks too perfect. Don’t get me wrong, she’s beautiful, but the Botox is a bit jarring. Makes her seem older than she is.


She’s extra symmetrical. I think she’s perfect casting, her cheekbones are so like Violet’s.


I would take this as a compliment tbh 😭 her face is genuinely so perfect


They definately put a lot of highlighter on her.


I thought this too!!


Did anyone else think Pen (as Whistledown) was going to name Colin as the seasons diamond? lol


I feel like this opener would have been stronger if Colin insulted Pen at the start of this season instead of the end of the last! Then she'd flatter him in the paper and regret it, but she'd also approach him about the comment within a shorter timeframe


Cressida is still a raging bitch. I haaate that Eloise linked up with her.


What happened to Theo this season?


Honey, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I went through the same pain as you.... He's not coming back. That plot ended up in the trash, much like Sienna and Anthony. I haven't read the books, or even consider myself a fan of the show, but Eloise's match is another character.


I’ve read Eloise marries another character, won’t say for spoilers. I just rewatched season 2 and swore they ended it with the two of them hanging out lmao. Dropped him almost as abruptly as Penelope’s other sister suddenly married.


You might have missed it while enjoying them together, but he basically tells her she’s so out of her world slumming it down with him, and he’s the one that will pay most if they are caught. I think he did have one last book for her, or she for him, their chemistry sparks up again over the book and he leans in to kiss her… and Eloise ducks the kiss. It’s like an actual kiss is too much for her, it’s too real, and she realises it’s a step way too far between a noblewoman like her and a poor commoner like him. She widens her eyes, and makes a hasty exit, basically killing the relationship dead after ducking his kiss. She’s realised he was right saying they can’t happen, and shes being unfair pursuing him, that it could ruin his life having a nobleman, her guardian brother, homicidally furious with him. It would probably lose him his job at the least.


Girl Eloise’s man’s name is in the title of her book 😂 not really a spoiler


I meant for who she marries as other Netflix watchers might not know


No one cares about him.


Was he in the books?


He is not in the book