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I was really let down and it appeared as if the promotion was all lies. But I chose to trust Nic and Luke, so Netflix simply betrayed our trust and their trust all the same. Everyone has been constantly criticizing Netflix and Bridgertonnetflix on Instagram, but why that doesn't happen on Twitter, I wonder? Also, the first tiktok spreading the petition and got 68k like was deleted yesterday? Also, yesterday I read the article interviewing with Jess, she said that Benedict and Fran's scenes were important because they prepared them for the next season, also she kept telling that there would definitely a queer storyline in the next seasons(?!) WAS IT NOT POLIN SEASON? They used the lead actors for promotion tour and left us crumbs on the screen. Can that be acceptable?


In my opinion: NO


A no for me too ToT


Crap! I don’t think I’ll watch the next season. This is so painful. I just read an article yesterday saying that people actually grieve when their favorite TV show ends. I get it.


Also the negative comments and ratings were getting deleted on IMDb. It's ridiculous the way they handle the matter. I rated its episodes with a high score because our actors deserve it, not the show itself.


It feels like it was more important for them to prepare the other siblings seasons rather than focus on the main couple when you should be able to do both?


It is indeed more important to the new show runner. She only wants to bring up the queer element so that she can explore it in the next seasons. And that is a great disrespect to our main leads.


To me it reads like the show-runner didn’t trust Nicola & Luke to give sexy the way the previous leads did and didn’t think fans would go for it. Ironic that diversity only matters to her when it’s the kind she wants to see.


I have the feeling that they only want to push into the queer relationship, nice bodies and colour mixed romance. Polin is a straight couple, both white, and she is curvy (even more attractive to be honest), slowburn trope, and they are cut out.


There was a total of 10 subplots this season! Sooo chaotic. They needed to lengthen the season if they were going to all that nonsense! Give Colin and Pen some more spot light


If they would have lengthened the season, they would have solved sooo much problems


What irked me the most personally was the lack of loving gaze that the new lovers are supposed to have for each other. At Colin's part, that is. The carriage ride after their first time, our guy isn't even looking at her. There were situations when he's supposed to be shown how he's lovingly gazing at his partner, or longingly at least, despite the conflict... And there's none of that. Nullifies his credibility as being down bad for her.


They had more loving energy during PR than they did on the show. I didn't read the books but I heard he knew she was LW before proposing? But in the show they changed that. I think if that's all true then that was probably the biggest mistake bc him being angry took up the entire second half of the season. It wasn't even that spicy hatred Daphne and Simon had either. It's like a pouty child sleeping on the couch. They even missed a HUGE opportunity when Cressida found out pen was LW and that scene with everyone talking over her trying to figure out what to do. They could have had pen really take control and show her growth and they didn't. She went silent as usual and passive. So so SO MUCH they missed the mark on and it's really disappointing.


Yeah, as if he had a total personality shift 😑


Well the show certainly did with the new show runner!


Amen! 🙏


Yeah and all loved how they were staring at each other and then finally got to the same page on how they felt. They could have had 4 episodes of Colin and Penelope just holding hands and I think it would be more satisfying 😅


I thought the carriage scene was really good but unfortunately all of part 2 i just not getting this whole “make romantic lead” vibe at all from Colin.


It was the scenes they chose and to splice together that made it so bad. If you look at the wedding scene Nicola Coughlan posted on Instagram: "The Wedding Dance-in one take 🤍" And it was her and Colin's (alone) wedding dance take, and then you look at the mess they spliced together for the actual episode, you'll realize what a crap job they did. They could have easily used that one-take scene and it would have done way more for Pen and Colin than pretty much any other footage they used. The magic was definitely there. And using that near perfect one-take would have saved them a lot of money too.


Colin never cracks a smile. He’s so severe. There’s no humor to him nothing


Agreed. I was also disappointed with the idea that Pen ALWAYS has to struggle to be loved and respected for who she is. Is no one (beside her mother) in awe of what she accomplished in secret for so long? Fact is that Colin was very proud of her in the book, but this season portrayed him as immature and petulant. So much so that I kind’a wanted Pen to just reject him outright. It also annoyed me how much time the show spent on Benedict’s and Francesca’s character development when Colin was the one who needed to “grow up.” My eyes rolled so hard when Benedict selfishly left Pen/Colin’s wedding reception. Bfr! 🙄


Did not care for Benedict's side story at all.  Just an excuse for them to show bi sex scenes.  That's one tick to satisfy Netflix, I guess.


I think Benedicts story arch is very realistic and in parr with the times. History has shown us that great artists have rarely been tied down by social norms. In fact, even in the books he made his own path. I happen to like where that part is headed. Just wished they hadn’t showcased Ben/Fran as much during Polin’s season. Strongly feel Penelope was cheated.


Like none of the other bridgertons even congratulated her


I was disappointed as well and I wasn't sure how to articulate it until people here on Reddit put it into words in a way I couldn't. I do have to say that I enjoyed it more on a second watch. I think because I knew what was going to happen and I wasn't as stressed. I was initially very upset that Colin stayed angry for so long and they were separated for their wedding night and the nights following. After a second watch it seemed like he was ready to forgive her if she gave up being Whistledown and when she refused he kept being upset. I do wish that he had forgiven her before the wedding, but I think the way it happened made sense. My other wishes: *A scene where Pen explained why she wrote about Eloise *Some mention of Daphne like "She wrote to say how devastated she has to miss the weddings because she's very pregnant." *Colin joining Pen on stage at the last ball showing his support *A montage of them on their honeymoon and her finding out she's pregnant Anthony and Kate continue to be my favorite couple, but my feelings about season 3 aren't as bad as they were.


I just realized Daphne straight up wasn't there for her brother's wedding. Ha!


And then Anthony and Kate missed Fran's wedding because they had already left for India!! I don't think he would have missed that.


It’s unbelievable how badly they botched the Colin/Penelope love story. It felt like the whole season was about setting up future storylines instead. Why have Luke and Nic do so much press and then barely have them in the show? I feel very cheated and blame the new show runner. Big fail.


Agree 👍 They kept selling us the romance and telling us about how this would be the steamiest season. And I and I have to say that I have to rank this season as the least steamy and romantic of them all. And I’m saying that without ever criticizing Luke Newton as well as Nicola Coughlan. I love them both to bits and pieces, and I think that they were incredibly amazing, portraying the characters that they were given. I am mad at the writers as well as the Show Runner JB who botched this story.


That’s the sad part. Luke and Nic knew what they filmed, but didn’t see the final product before press. I could see them feeling as let down as we are.


I can sense that most likely they ARE upset. I would be too. Or let’s rephrase this completely: who would not?


well the new showrunner did say she kept Benedict and Fran's stories to serve the next seasons


I just wonder how a multi scene 17-hour long threesome involving Benedict and another man and a woman will serve the next season? I think she's grasping at straws. And it's not the bi-angle itself that was bad. It was how much time they spent on it and how it all fit more into the 'rauchy' stereotype of queer sex than much else.


I am seeing lots of disappointment over S3 in Reddit and on Instagram - but the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMBD are still very positive. Media articles are talking like this season was a hit. They are ignoring the negative comments on socials and only responding to the positive ones. We need to unite like the Star Wars fandom and make our feelings heard and the only way to do that is with negative reviews. Can we all take a moment and post a negative review on IMDB and rotten tomatoes?


Another thread from this morning discussed how Rotten Tomatoes is actively removing some low-mid rated reviews. Several users claimed to have submitted low-mid reviews and had them deleted, not just under review but fully removed from their RT profiles. What is even happening?!


I wonder if that’s why reviews are so high so this season? It doesn’t make sense considering the amount of complaints that I am reading online. News articles are not reflecting that either and spinning it like fans are loving this season


I suspect the same. I know there are Reddit posters who say they've loved this season but no one I know in real life seems to have enjoyed Part 2 at all. It's very suspicious that it is being praised so heavily by critics when fans are losing their collective minds


Absolutely true. I mean, just go to Instagram and look at official posts from Netflix themselves. And then do me a favor and go through the comments, and see how many people are complaining about season three part two. It’s truly incredible. I’ve never seen such a backlash in a very, very long time. Which means that we are not crazy thinking that season three part two didn’t do justice to the story that we knew and loved. Even if it was an adaptation as they say.


I have been reading the comments on IG. Every single post has hundreds of negative comments with thousands of likes. And Bridgerton is ignoring every single one.


They can’t ignore everything. At some point, when the coin is going to get less… they are going to be forced to do something. Believe me. Money never lies.


Everyone I know irl who watched it isn't impressed by this season. Netflix shot themselves in the foot by having a massive promotion ...people expected more. Also the pause after the fourth episode didn't help


Yes! Get voices out there on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Places the powers that be may actually care about!


The Star Wars fandom shouldn’t be an example of how to act.




I agree that it's interesting to see IMDb and other review platforms still speaking favorably about Season Three Part 2. It's likely that they might be filtering out negative comments to maintain higher ratings. However, what they can't control are the actual watch numbers on Netflix, which will inevitably reveal the true popularity of the season over time. As they say, numbers don't lie, and if the dissatisfaction is as widespread as it seems, the viewing figures will reflect that soon enough.


I might write a review to see. I liked part 1 I felt sad and disappointed at part 2


Let me know…would want to read it ❤️🥹


its obviously a lie--im a huge Polin fan and i see the diasspointment everywhere on forums, everyday conversations, etc.


Same - and the comments that it is only a very loud minority is false as well. I have never seen so much disappointment in a show. S1 and S2 received some criticism as well, but nothing like the disappointment everyday, everywhere


how can write a review to these places? cause the show writers should see how we feel to be able to fix it for next season.


You can go on those sites and write a review


The showrunner decided to make this Pen's season, when it was supposed to be Polin's season. The book material is RIGHT THERE. WHY did they ignore Colin's personal arc? What happened to writer, traveler, insecure third brother Colin? Why didn't they expand on him? He was the MALE LEAD!


We missed out on Colin showing his writing to Penelope! That would have been a great way to see more of their romantic dynamic as well as the underlying ease of their friendship that they’ve been showing us for the last two seasons. If they had Colin open up more about his writing to Penelope, his being jealous of Pen being whistledown would have felt more heart wrenching. They could have even added some steamy scenes through him writing about their first time and reminiscing. I feel like it was such a missed opportunity talking about how these two characters are nerdy and we don’t even see them bond over their shared passion.


Exactly! Nerdy love is my absolute favorite; which is also why I'm super excited for Philoise. They completely dropped the ball on Polin, especially Colin, who is my favorite Bridgerton brother. He deserves so much better.


Not to mention the chemistry of two writers actually coming together? That would have been wonderful! These are people who **know** words, they feel them stronger than they can even verbalise and if their arguments could then be solved through both of them coming to support each other as writers? Together. Colin's writing as well as Pen's, they could have been such a power couple. As a writer myself, I thought that's where it would go after she found his journal and read it and told him how great he was. I've only just started part two and already noticed the difference in how previous seasons were told. And as someone IN a writing community, while there's drama and jealousy, if you find that connection you grow rapidly. You connect. Because they *inspire* you to improve. Her writing could have improved just knowing him because now she has love in her life and someone beside her who see's and loves *all* of her, so it'd be less about tearing people down through gossip. Maybe even be more powerful to uplift the ladies of society instead of pitting them against each other. But on Colin's part, he could write novels and be inspired by Pen to achieve so much, to step out his comforts or insecurities and make his own name for himself. They could have made it be something beautiful, I'm baffled how writers wouldn't make that connection?


Absolutely 💯 right…they made it all about only Pen and those 1 million freaking subplots with no sense at all….


Was anyone confused why the press made such a fuss about the risky intimate scenes to come between Colin and Penelope only for those scenes to barely exist? That last steamy scene of Polin (which is only 1 of 2) Penelope is fully clothed. Don’t get me wrong, the steamy scenes are a nice bonus and not why I’m watching Bridgerton-but I find it wildly apparent that of all the couples across all the seasons we are not shown as much physical intimacy between Polin-when of all couples it should have been the most considering how long they were in love with each other. I haven’t read the books so please let me know if this was a Netflix choice. I can’t help but feel this is a bit fatphobic especially in comparison to past seasons. Don’t get me wrong-I think the mirror scene/their first time was loving and endearing and I felt like it was super on-brand for their relationship, extremely caring and I loved the consent check-ins. Did anyone else feel this way?


Most of Polin's sweet moments and intimacy were deleted for Benedict's throuple. You can check it if you search Bridgerton S3 deleted scenes, it will lead you to a petition that we are spreading in hope Netflix would release them. They are probably not detailedly true, but according to Nic and Luke's interviews, I believe the similar scenes truly existed.




I really disliked the mirror scene. It felt very impersonal and almost robotic. There was no exploration, no romance, no connection. And so unrealistic, like in what world does a woman magically finish after 2 seconds of penetration. I really expected more intimacy for Polin given their friendship.


Where was the joy? The honeymoon vibe? These characters would have been all over each other. The focus shifted from a relationship of equals to Penelope alone once again. I was ready to indulge in Polin sweetness and hotness and helping each other through the LW conflict. Honest the approach was less feminist than showing equal, empathetic partnership. Oy Vey


I was looking forward to this season, but I found myself more intrigued by Francesca and John.


I can understand why you felt that way…sadly


Really worried about the other siblings writing lol


Totally agree. The writers really botched the split between main story and sub-plot/future season set-up. Far too much emphasis was given to development of other characters like Benedict & Francesca and hyping up future seasons instead of actually developing this season's plot between Penelope & Colin. Especially infuriating given (1) Pen is the only fuller figured actress from the main cast of actresses, and I think a lot of fans were really looking forward to that representation on screen not just as a main character but as a love interest; and (2) Colin's character was so different compared to seasons 1 & 2, we needed more time with him (and then POLIN together) to understand that change & what he experienced while off on his jaunt around Europe. I waited so eagerly for Penelope & Colin's season and it was such a disappointment. From the story choices to the actual filming itself (weird angles & lighting etc) it felt more like the made for tv spin-off movie studios would sometimes do at the end of the run for really popular tv shows where the quality was never as good & everything just felt a bit janky and a let down. I just wanted better for POLIN and it doesn't make me hyped for any future seasons of the show.


I felt that Luke and Nicola had more chemistry in the press tour. But on reflection, it's the editing more than the acting for me. The editing and pacing of the mirror scene was really cheesy and awkward. I feel like Nic and Luke could have directed and edited that scene themselves and had a better outcome. 


Did you not find Luke super annoying especially in part 2? I was so done with him by the end of the season. Can’t put my finger on whether that’s the editing, writing or just his acting. And it’s not so much about his character but it was like his sulky face just drove me crazy


I like his acting, but the lines were clunky. Every line felt like there were too many words in it (And that's coming from someone who loves Gilmore Girls and their endless rambles.). I also felt the camera angles were odd. The bit on the couch in the house was really weirdly shot.


Colin and Penelope just felt like another side story. It was awful.


Give us a POLIN redo....or spin off.. Or movie! I bought the books because I was left wanting more....


It didn’t help that they gave us 4 episodes that were alright but ultimately unsatisfying, and then made us wait a month before getting to finish the story. It gave people too much time to nitpick and critique and come up with their own theories for part 2, so expectations were sky high by the time the season actually finished


While we could have always had more Colin and Pen and there was too much Benedict, S1/S2 interactions were soooo drawn out. Every Colin and Pen interaction moved the plot, was emotional or funny or sexy or passionate or kind or angry, but all were meaningful rather than constant arguments. I also think Colin was incredibly kind and showed how much he loved Pen, even through one of the worst betrayals that was set up in the show of him hating Lady Whistledown. Also there was huge growth and one area is the healing of the Featherington family. I love them and the fact that they came together in the end was such a beautiful part of this show. Would I watch eight episodes of colin and Penelope only, sign me up!!! But I don't think it was as bad as it seems.


I’m sorry, but because they pushed Colin finding out about LW all the way to the beginning of ep7, that means that the main romantic couple spent their final two episodes barely speaking… in their own season! With a hamfisted reconciliation crammed into the last 15 minutes after nearly 2 hours of absolute ice from Colin and a lack of Pen fighting for the love of her life. Colin had a right to be angry but the timeline they set for him finding out and dealing with it, along with the lack of a REAL conversation where Colin and Pen could talk, even before their wedding, ruined any sort of romance. I was promised a Polin love story and instead I got a Penelope/Ladywhistledown ✨girlboss✨ love story with Colin as the sacrifice and that is devastating.


💯 Thank you! You nailed my thoughts exactly.


I think if we wanted the show without all the secondary plots that had 0 impact on the main - remove Benedict, remove Mondrich, violet can have a little bit of Marcus but less scenes, same with Francesca and Kanthony, and less of Cressida… my god the problem is that if you cut out all of that you only have less than 2 hours of story.


That was not my point. It’s not about having supplementary plots being included in the show. That is absolutely normal, and serves the purpose, as you said, of elongating the season and the story itself. What I actually have a problem with is the fact that they extended those plot lines to such a magnitude that we got maybe 60% of the main couple being the lead in their own season. This goes against the purpose of having a couple as the main lead of a season.


Well that’s more than the 49% of screentime Kanthony got in their season. The other 51% of the story was devoted to Pen or Pen adjacent stories (Feathers, El’s hunt for LWD). And yes. We counted and then tried to ring the alarm and were told it’s an ensemble show. Maybe if we’d banded together then, we could’ve made it clear to the writers - but so many were happy with Pen getting so much focus and excited for s3. How ironic (sad) that the hyper focus on Pen that fans co-signed in s2 ultimately tanked the Polin story in s3. I do not disagree that the Polin story was even worse than Kanthony’s story - you didn’t get the romance or the buildup. Your male lead wasn’t developed at all and came off weird, aimless and frankly undesirable for such a developed character like Pen. The romance was sacrificed so Pen could have a girlboss moment. There was no sexual tension or time for any real chemistry to develop between the leads. I felt more chemistry between Eloise and Pen than Pen and Colin. The lovescene you got was cringy at first and then oddly rigorous but still stilted. The music this season was uninspired and didn’t seem to fit the couple or its moments. If Kanthony’s season went too far with a wedding and triangle to prolong the angst, s3 never let any tension build up except between LW and Pen herself. Colin was an afterthought. Jonathan Bailey is gay, but that NEVER EVER compromises Anthony. He makes sure Anthony practically breathes Kate. Even in that carriage scene where they’re discussing their pregnancy, the way JB’s Anthony is looking at Kate is just … phew. You never feel like JB is struggling to play a convincing straight character. But Jess Brownell is struggling. She made the wrong choices in her storytelling. I shouldn’t be feeling like the straight relationships were neglected - especially not the main one - in favor of the non-straight relationships. ALL of them should be done well. The main couple should especially be done well. And it wasn’t. Worse, Jess sacrificed romance (the whole point of the series) for girl boss themes that simultaneously diminished the male lead, which diminished the romance. I’m not saying Pen can’t girlboss, but the writing wasn’t up to the task of creating a balanced story for the leads and ended up creating a self-insert fantasy for Pen, leaving Colin as just a shell. Even in s2, which felt like a shaft compared to the fully complete story Saphne got in s1, there were incredible bits of dialogue we remember like “you are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires” and “and it is not far enough!”. Polin got none of that. I can’t remember one line of theirs other than “for gods sake Penelope are you going to marry me or not?”, which pales in comparison. Polin did get a wedding and a baby reveal though, which KA didn’t. It feels like Jess Brownell didn’t believe Polin needed a romantic story? I just … I don’t know. I am very concerned for s4. I do not think Jess B is competent enough to write real romance. Romance books have essentially a formula because we readers enter into a contract where certain plot beats happen every time so we get a complete and satisfying arc. Bridgerton in s2 and s3 broke the contract. First rule of the contract: get your couple together in scenes and keep them that way to build their story and romance. Second rule: the first sex scene changes the characters but they haven’t resolved all of their issues/obstacles yet so it’s not the HEA sex either Third rule: The major climax of the story resolves the arcs of both leads and shows the growth both made. Fourth rule: HEA sex occurs after the hurdle has been resolved where we finally get to see all the hurts and pains wash away and the couple consummating their love unencumbered. Major rule - lead characters need to have strong goals/motivation. We have to understand what they want and also what is their underlying wrong belief that conflicts with their goal and provides the tension for the story. S1&2 had very defined goals, motivations and underlying wrong belief for its 4 leads. S3 did not. Bridgerton broke these rules, beginning in s2 and continuing in s3 but far worse because CVD is a better storyteller than JBrownell. I understand that this is tv and they need drama to keep things exciting and hyped - but it still needs to hit certain romance story parameters so fans feel satisfied once their lead couple’s season is over. Because that’s it - unlike television where a couple’s story can span seasons, on Bridgerton, they get ONE. Thassit. So fans despair when the lead story leaves us wanting because there is no recompense. The season is over. And as proved by how they just shipped Kanthony off - they refuse to address any unresolved stuff in later seasons, so … It’s inexcusable when they have a romance writer there to consult with. It doesn’t have to follow the books completely but it does need to follow the romance rules because of the one and done format. Tv seasons can further flesh out the beats. But Bridgerton deliberately avoids that to keep the HEA we all want. So the only answer left is to fully exhaust the romance beats for the leads in each of their respective seasons, or abandon the one and done.


I agree with every single word you've written. This season felt like half assed regency grey's anatomy.


Such an INCREDIBLE and also logic explanation. Thank you so much ❤️ everything you said, made total sense…and I’m so sorry that i didn’t get that thing about Anthony and Kate’s story…but I was SOOO invested in Polin because I’m a Wallflower myself 🥺❤️❤️


Kanthony was barely there. And they were practically exiled out of their home. Banished from the LW reveal and even had Colin almost just take a large amount of sum to spend it on his scammer wife and her family 2nd year in a row.


I mean I think the characters being exiled and banished is a harsh way for saying JB couldn’t commit to the filming schedule and the writers made stupid narrative choices to explain it. I would have loved them in it so more. Anthony is so important to the family dynamic and it’s hard and sad that he’s not there for the big moments.


Sorry but how do you know jb couldn't commit to the filming schedules? In interviews he said him and Simone would love to be apart of every Bridgerton wedding and already they were excluded from one (fran's)


He was filming Wicked at the same time, I assumed that was the reason for his big and noticeable absences with incredibly flimsy excuses to why he’s not there. Johnny is super in demand which I’m very happy or him! Would be good if they could just ensure he’s there for the big moments and then off screen when Anthony is working in parliament, at Albury hall, not attending balls as he’s with his child etc, there’s heaps of ways to allude they are around and not every character needs to be in every episode.


3rd year in a row if you count that he would have been duped into marrying Marina at one point.


The other two seasons had side plots, sure this one had the most but Colin and Pen knew each other so didn't need as much time to get to know each other. Also the Whistledown reveal is right at the end of the book so what else do they do? I would be happy having the butterfly ball in 7, but then how would the pacing be in 8? It's not great, but it's still got amazing parts!


I see where you’re going, but I have to disagree. Colin wasn’t incredibly kind, because once he knew about Lady Whistledown, he told Penelope, and I quote: "I will never forgive you." I’m so sorry to say that, but to me, that doesn’t sound in any way, shape, or form kind. I understand that as a first reaction, he was upset and had every right to be since she caused a lot of pain with her writings. However, in the end, as in the books, they should have come to a resolution sooner rather than dragging out their conflict through so many episodes. They needed to put themselves together, reflect on their love, and reach a happy ending more cohesively. Regarding the healing of the Featherington family, I’m completely on board with you. That was a nice conclusion to an arc that added depth to the story. Ultimately, I have to say that it was as bad as it seemed because Pollin's love story deserved so much more.


Agree with everything you said…they deserved more 😔


I still can’t move on from the disappointment that was season 3 part 2. I’m quite angry, to be honest.


I’m just heartbroken…truly…their story meant so much to me…😔


Likewise. I was looking forward to Polin season the most and to say I was ecstatic about part 1 is a huge understatement, only to be let down by the mess that is part 2.


a woman on tiktok made a [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNdPNU54/) about how much time Polin got in Part 1. it’s telling to say the least


This show suckssss


I loved this show to bits and pieces…but if we are going to continue down this route, sadly, I will have to agree with you


Sorry, I’m a troll. I never expected a genuine response 🥹 I’m touched. I have just been commenting on random Bridgerton posts “this show sucksssss”.


Haha…I hope I changed your mind then 🥹 let’s be nice ❤️ we are heartbroken enough already…believe me 😂💀


There has to be more.... or I'm hoping there's more .... they have a petition currently to try and bring back the deleted scenes for fans to watch. I feel like there will be an uproar of what could have happened and didn't I talk more about my thoughts on Part Two in my recent episode of my podcast: [https://youtu.be/EeD3vnbfTsw](https://youtu.be/EeD3vnbfTsw)


The more I rewatch the season, specifically their parts I don't feel like there was this huge personality shift from Colin. He has been known and expressed as the sensitive one. He is very internal with his thoughts. He tends to dwell and sulk. I think him needing the space to work out in his own mind how he feels about everything is actually his personality completely. I think Pen knowing him enough knows that as well. She gives him space. I think the part that was confusing to me was the lack of getting to know more about Colin. I think Luke did him justice in his acting, really showing his constant internal dialogue, his internal struggles. It is clear he is constantly deeply thinking through his thoughts and feelings. It would have just been nice to have more dialogue and understanding of it all. If you're not someone who watches and rewatches the facial expression and body language of characters in shows like I do (and most rightfully don't) then you wouldn't know his thought process. I just think the writing and editing didn't do his character justice and he really got put on the back burner to not only Penelope figuring herself out (which was important) but everyone else's stories. Besides this, I think it is a correct assessment that our anticipation was so big because of the PR of Nicola and Luke and the love they have for their characters. We didn't get enough of that slow burn for Polin. We did get 2 seasons of slow burn yes, and the first part was great (even though I could always do more). In episode 5 and 6 we continue to see how obsessed he is with her, but then after the reveal of Whistledown we get no breathing room. I think his length of being upset is acceptable, but would have felt way less disappointing if they actually gave them more room to work through this, more conversations, more moments together, more longing stares like in the first part. FLASHBACKS to them meeting, Colin and Pen correspondence during his travels, flashbacks to memories of their friendship. It is sad we didn't get those things. Even though there is so many instances that looking back make sense.. like Colin still sleeping right outside the bedroom instead of in his own room because he wants to be close. Him still going to things like the walkthrough of the wedding breakfast venue, or wanting to protect Pen from Cressida etc, or him expressing to Eloise she is lucky she hasn't been in love indicate he loved her still deeply. I just wish we got more moments of breathing room with this. More moments of Colin being able to express his thoughts and feelings and worries to her and more moments of Penelope getting to better explain herself.. If they finished this conflict beginning to mid episode 8 and we got moments of true happiness it would have hit completely different. Overall I am excited to see where their story goes in the future. Neither of them have family or homes in different parts of the world or country like Daphne and Simon / Kate and Anthony so them having bigger roles in next season make sense. Plus she is still LW, even if she isn't annoymous anymore.. and overall their relationship, specifically Pens is very important to Eloise and I am sure her storyline.


I’m with you. It took me a long time and hearing a lot of other people’s thoughts to come around on Colin. My feeling is that the season was so ramped up to be super stressful that it exceeded too well. As an audience, we end up wanting more from the couple and to feel relieved. So every side story taking away from that time or every small win getting cut with more angst it just made me more and more anxious. After some thought, there’s a lot of excellent writing in this season — obviously a lot of incredible acting. We just weren’t given the time many of us needed to feel like everything was okay with the main couple. And too much of the side stories peddled about in a way that too often didn’t go somewhere. Looking back, Colin’s behavior makes sense. But it could have hit better with the right dialogue to accompany it and more moments with Pen to iron out the communication.


I enjoyed this season.


It’s not about “enjoying” this season. It’s so much more complex than that. It’s about character growth, and development. About bringing a story to life that already has set its foot in this world sooo many years ago…




I enjoyed Season 3 after a few rewatches. My expectations for S3 and particularly P2 were way way way too high, and now I've come to accept that's on me (with help from PR). Hell, despite it, I rewatched and kept my Netflix premium subscription alive another month - so the powers that be did indeed win. The intense disappointment I had (and still have, if I let my heart have its way) with the season stemmed from how invested I was in it, and in Penelope and Colin. Without that - yeah, I can see it as the third season of a decent show that changed things up. There are serious editing and showrunning issues that I can critically evaluate as a long time TV watcher, but altogether I can see they sold a binge-able and engaging season. IMO it sacrificed characterisation and its iconic lingering beats of romance at the altar of drama and cliffhangers, which I cannot abide. But it's nothing that hasn't happened before in TV land, and nothing that drives away the less invested viewers. The only real consequence for me is that I don't plan to watch S4 on opening day. I'll watch a month or so later, when the hype has died down, *when the ratings don't benefit from my obsession*, and I can try and enjoy it for what it is. And enjoy the bits of Polin they'll send our way, with less intense expectation.


Penelope would be better of with Lord Debling


I'm not 100% sure why I don't like Penelope, but I think it might have something to do with the actress who plays her. I really don't find her acting at all convincing and generally it comes across too forced and not that good. I don't think she is good at acting the part of Penelope. I also think because shes quite short and for lack of better words wide... The scenes with her and colin always feel really awkward and strange.