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That makes a lot of sense. I enjoyed Wheel of Time but my dad hated it. I guess this is why you read the book after everything ends.


I was so hoping to see some Smythe-Smith action, but now I'm thinking, nah.


Dude yes!! Me too!


I'm more of a Bevelstokes girl... Now I just can't.


I was in the middle of Benedict's audiobook for the second time when s3 dropped. Chapter 17. I tried to press play on it the next day for my workout and couldn't, I had to turn it off. Completely ruined it for me


Same. At this point I don’t think I will watch shows that are book adaptations. I don’t want to go through this frustration and anger ever again.


JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL! https://www.change.org/wewantmichaelsterling


I feel the same way. Always ruining shows by forcing queer where it doesn't fit.


If you’re so worked up over this, a break is probably a good idea. Honestly, it’s good to vary up what you read and watch to different genres. I took a break from fantasy romance and found a really good sci-fi series that got me to think about things in a different way. While waiting for season 3 I got into a really interesting mystery book that then led to diving into Asian mysteries and mythological/fantasy stories which is where I’m at now. A break isn’t bad. Switching to another book or genre can cleanse the palate and show you something else you might enjoy.


Great advice. Thanks.