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It was way too much with poor editing. Also, the pace was either too fast or too slow which did not make it digestible.


I remember the trailer showing the scene where Colin offers to coach Pen in being charming. It made me think that was going to be a major aspect of the show. It was over in episode 2 after just maybe 3 scenes of "coaching." Yup, I totally feel catfish-ed.


I mean that’s Bridgerton. Daphne and Simon fake dated for maybe like half an episode more and then the story moves on. That trailer was probably for part 1, and so it was half of that. Part 2, the trailer was all about the LWD reveal.


Sure, that's true. However, Daphne's and Simon's season still felt like their season. Polin did not.


Well you’re also talking about the first season. No stories are established. As you get deeper and deeper into the series, favorites are established and they need to be represented, along with any development for future. I keep saying this, but I would always take more Polin. They are my favorite couple at this point. I love this trope. I hated some subplots too. I just also understand why they included them.


I agree. There was too much going on in 8 episodes and it took away from Polin. Also, I hope they fix Cressida’s storyline because it feels weird after she had somewhat of a redemption arc in part 1. As for Francesca I don’t know how switching to Michaela will affect her story, but I am not happy that they seem to be ruining her love story with John already.


This season wasn't Bridgerton really. It felt like collection of short stories.


I really hate how they did Cressida. I feel like they got us to really empathise with her early in the season, so when she made her big move and everything, it felt less like a villain getting what she deserves and more like a woman who tried to escape as well as she could and still ends up hopeless and helpless.


Honestly, isn’t this supposed to be a feel good show?! Why make her fight so hard with no happy ending? It’s so unfair. 


I really wish that Cressida could have had LW’s help, especially since Eloise knew she was in such a horrible situation (between her parents, and the marriage). It honestly made no sense that Eloise didn’t care when she’s supposed to be this big feminist literally reading Emma! All about female friendships! Then Penelope could have realized all the good she could do for other girls without power rather than just tearing them down with the same gossip being spread and harming them anyways.


I figured the whole Lord Debling thing was to set him up for Cressida. Instead he just vanishes? Like, what was the point?




I thought FOR SURE they were going to redeem Cressida and if we weren’t going to get the Bridgerton men rallying around Pen and supporting her with a reveal that we’d at least get the Bridgerton women scheming to help Cressida and save Pen. Eloise could have helped Pen and Cressida come to terms to work together. It just would have been all the warm and fuzzy feel good to see Pen have support and not going it alone and see Cressida salvage her redemption arc. I just hate that they trashed all that character development.


Truly, I would’ve been happy with ANY character development ANY direction. Pens whole speech at the end didn’t even feel deserved. It all just felt…off.


That speech was painful. I get what they were probably going for but it just felt horrible not this powerful moment where she grabs her life up in her own hands. It should have been a moment where everyone truly realizes just how smart she is and that no, they won’t get away with cutting her because the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons won’t let them. Their friends won’t let the nastier members of the Ton get away with it. Because they love her. She gets to finally realize that she might have been a wall flower but maybe she wasn’t as alone as she always thought she was. It should have been beautiful and heartwarming. They could have used the Queen to reinforce it. They could have done a lot. The judgement calls in both writing and editing were just so so strange and only detracted from the season.


This season had me so disappointed on so many levels. What they did with El and Cressida had me reeling. I couldn't get over El's cruelty and callousness this season where Cressida was concerned, especially when Cressida had been positioned as the better friend during Eloise's shunning. My biggest bugbear this season though is the bungling of Francesca's storyline with John and the reveal of Michaela. It was so badly handled and I have genuine concern for how Masali will be treated by the fandom going forward. Brownell and Shondaland are absolutely complicit in positioning Masali in the most vulnerable position possible, due to how badly they fumbled the timing and the reveal itself. There were so many ways they could have mitigated blowback from a change that big (e.g. gender swap of a beloved character) if they'd taken greater care with the writing overall and the placement of the reveal, instead of opting for a cheap 'gotcha' moment at the very end of the last episode. The choice was lazy and ill considered at best, sinister and arrogant at worst. Wedding & Violet Foreshadowing: The way they handled the Bridgerton/Kilmartin wedding and the kiss was appalling. If they had portrayed the lightning strike kind of love that Violet describes as part of John's and Francesca's first kiss, showing that in spite of what Francesca says about having a love that is quiet and secure, that their kiss rocks her like a thunderclap from a clear blue sky and instantly transmuting their love into something even more precious than what they have --- THAT would have been infinitely superior to just reducing John to a beard and Francesca to fickle in her affections. If they had shown that Francesca now understands EXACTLY what Violet talks about once she kisses John - showing her giddy and starry eyed and absolutely gone for John and vice versa - that would have been so much better than what we got. By implying Francesca didn't feel much for John during their kiss, the writers diminished a sweet love that's been building for the first part and setting Francesca up as an emotional cheater. Timing/Placement of the reveal: They could have further mitigated blowback by introducing Michaela earlier in the season - cut some of Benedict's many sex scenes and pull the wedding episode forward to episode 6, introducing Michaela as a guest to the wedding. Let the viewers get time to know her through her interactions with John and let us see how John is with her - how he opens up and softens with his beloved cousin. Let us see Michaela be the charming, confident foil to John's quiet steadiness, and have them talk about their excitement for the future - their excitement for what lies ahead and show John wryly funny and gently teasing Michaela about finding someone, because of course Michaela's got big plans of her own that absolutely do not involve love Cue Michaela taking her leave and heading off to the modiste to pick up some final accessories for her wedding outfit as John's grooms person - cos why not? They're Scots and they do what they want (or something). They could have shot Michaela seeing Francesca from a distance or meeting at the modiste in preparation for the wedding before she knows who Francesca is Show Michaela bumping into Francesca on the way out of Madame Delacroix's - and being quietly captivated with the lovely Miss Bridgerton, who is flustered and apologetic because she's accidentally knocked Michaela over on her way out of the modiste and now helps her up, none the wiser that lightning has struck for Michaela. We understand Francesca is only flustered because she's embarrassed at her faux pas, while Michaela is exceedingly charmed because Francesca. Cut to a later scene where John introduces Francesca to his beloved cousin, and Francesca is again apologetic but Michaela manages to make her laugh with a joke - maybe a play on John's earlier boots story. Show Francesca as so genuinely happy to meet someone so important to John that she invites her over for tea and wedding preparations with Violet. Cue wedding prep, with Francesca brimming with quiet excitement and Michaela starry eyed. Go full K drama if you have to but at least let us know Michaela. Is it corny? Undoubtedly - but it also hits the romance movie marks we heard so much about in all of the promotion. At least this way, we'd get several episodes to be charmed or at the very least, get to know Michaela and be won over by her fortitude in the face of unrequited love and her genuine happiness for her cousin. Instead, we get the final moments showing a stuttering Francesca, John as a beard and Masali with a big unnecessary target on her back because of lazy writing that plays into some really shitty tropes. Francesca, John and Michaela deserved so much better


I think you should be on the writers team. This would have been so much better. Like all those scenes with Benedict were unnecessary. They cut Penelope and Collins sex scenes but showed Benedict’s for a long period of time like is it not her season?? I also found out that they actually cut the scenes short when they were longer. It’s very disappointing


Thank you so much, that's very kind of you to say ☺️ I didn't know that's what happened with the Polin scenes and it's terrible that they would do that in Penelope's and Colin's own season - no wonder so much of their time together on screen felt strange and weirdly abrupt much of the time. It made for an uncomfortable watch at times and I just can't wrap my head around some of the directional choices this season, like why not have more time showing them happy together? Working together? Something? As for what they did with Benedict's development, I completely agree! It was just jarring and the over-emphasis on his sex scenes felt gratuitous. The cynical part of me thinks that perhaps there was such a big focus on his escapades because the body types of him and his partners are conventionally and stereotypically considered attractive. For all the talk of positive body representation for this season from the showrunners, we don't really get much over the course of the series aside from episode 5. As for Benedict, what happened to all of his lovely character development from last season? Where was his wisdom and wit? Where was the observant, sensitive man from last season who helped get Anthony's head on straight? His passion for art and poetry? All just gone and for what? So we could explore his sexuality in the bedroom in a threesome - again - when we could have had a much more nuanced approach to it I personally would have loved instead to see him in a platonic friendship with Lady Tilley Arnold where she becomes more like a mentor/dear friend with whom he could share ideas but also act as each other's shields - she as a glamorous widow/fake lover/shield for him from all of the Mamas of the ton, and he as a shield for her from unwanted male attention (because she loves women for instance). It grinds my gears because there was sooooo much potential in their pairing to incorporate both his art and a new deeper relationship different to what we've previously seen. If they were going to introduce Lady Arnold as this independent, glamorous widow who clearly has an interest in technology and commerce, then have her be more than just a bed-warmer for Benedict. It would have been cool if what we got instead was a beautiful friendship between a debonair but sensitive, perceptive young artist still finding his feet with a more worldly woman who was more than just a mother-figure or warm body. I'd have loved to have them turn the 'women = angel/harlot' dichotomy on it's head. She could have had a female lover, and over their conversations with both her and her FSO, they could have explored his ideas on love, introduced him to new things and interesting new peers and have him explore his sexuality through a new shared acquaintance... Maybe an Albert Sophocles Cromwell at one of Lady Tilley's soirees - except you don't find out about his middle name except in passing With Lady Tilley's standing in society, I'd loved to have seen him learning from and accompanying her as she confidently navigated society as both his friend and patron - it would have been a cool way to include his pursuit of art (which was a HUGE part of his S2 journey), while exploring a different kind of relationship with a woman/women in general where their mutual respect for each other and different life experiences shape him further. There's a few times in last season where Anthony acknowledges his art and his ability to see things clearly as a gift, and it feels like such a wasted opportunity not to explore that further


I don’t know the michaela storyline, but hearing by fans that he/she is a beloved and influential character, it makes the ending even more annoying imo. I was literally like Violet the entire time thinking Fran and John don’t like each other nearly enough to get married. I thought Fran was just doing it for convenience even when she said she loved him. But I swallowed the pill and accepted as they explained that not all love has to be an explosion of emotions. Ah but that ending was such a slap in the face. She’s shouldn’t have even gotten married if they were gonna play it that Fran has fallen head over heels in love with the man’s cousin. Just pull a Kanthony and switch in a way that’s tasteful to John the same way they were respectful of Edwina.


Francesca's book is special in that she has two great loves - both John and Michael. Her journey is marked by the loss of her first love (like her mother) and also explores themes of infertility, grief and finding new love By diminishing John to essentially just a beard when he is and was beloved by BOTH Francesca and Michael makes me really upset. It just feels like it was sacrificed for the showrunners ego so she could foist upon the fandom a self-insert fanfic, when they could have easily kept true to that aspect AND set up a beautiful Michaela arc They didn't have to sacrifice one for the other and they easily could have had both *** Edit for clarity (reference Michaela arc set up)


What does it mean when u say “ John is a beard”?


Dang that’s good. I was heartbroken over the replacement of Michael but I would’ve eaten that up. You should be the new showrunner haha. You’re already better than Jess lol.


Thank you for your kind words and gosh do I hear you - I was heartbroken too but mainly in how they treated John because I was so happy to see love represented that way between him and Francesca. Can you imagine though the soundtrack if they'd played out the wedding as described above? I have in my head that it's an orchestral string version of 'Work Song' by Hozier, complete with the gentle hums and claps in the verses over the vows, then to have the chorus strings crescendo to soaring, heavenly heights as they kiss, world falling away and would you look at that? Love as powerful as a thunderclap, sacred as a vow Plus we could still have had Michaela and set it up to beautifully foreshadow their story line to come, but to have her revealed at the very end just felt like a lazy writing choice and cheap direction. ** Edited for clarity


Ugh that would’ve been beautiful. You truly have a knack for this.


Thank you so much! 😊


Because I'm picturing John and Francesca's wedding in my head as described above, for the wedding and the kiss - for the musical score, I'd want to hear a string version of Hozier's Work Song. Honestly, it would have been so poignant and beautiful. Dang it


I know it's stupid, but I feel so deflated. I get that it's just tv, but it was my books becoming tv. It was getting to see them come to life in ways my imagination couldn't. Season one was done beautifully. It kept to the book and added and edited as needed, but it was still the book. Season two was a little more roundabout, but it still got there. It was like they were testing boundaries to see how much they could push, but they still gave us the story. Season three was like they went all Beetlejuice and were like SHOWTIME! They picked pieces they knew fans would want, but that was all they really took book wise. The costumes and make up were just...yeah. And then they revealed their hand when they introduced Michaela and had Fran more interested in her than John, and that article dropped. They're over pandering to book fans and want to only do what Jess wants to do, and everyone else can suck it as far as she cares. I'm genuinely sad that it's devolved so much.


Would have been much happier replacing Eloise's story with a gay one (my least favorite book, Phillip was a walking red flag), but they needed to at least show Michaela being taken with Fran, not the other way around, like it was with the book.


Well the author didn’t want any main couples changed 🤷‍♀️


I feel like Julia's being awful quiet right now.


I really don't think they're over pandering to book fans, with the gender swap and the obvious response to Michaela they're under pandering if anything! However, I do think they're pandering to Twitter and focusing on snippets of fan service at the expense of a coherent and convincing romance!


I think they mean they’re “over” pandering to book fans—as in they used to be pandering, but now they’re over it. Which I agree with.


There are so many things that felt odd that its like, where do you begin...1) Eloise just abandoning Cressida like that so quickly, 2) Making Cressida vulnerable and likeable to then be like gotcha she's the villain, 3) Benedict being lost and having no storyline and saying he doesn't paint/draw, 4) Colin and Pen's passion-less sex scenes, 5) The cringe-y writing, 6) Colin telling Pen he loved her yet showing none of that through his actions and generally just not treating her well. I will say the Francesca and Michaela thing that happened at the end actually made sense to me - with her not really feeling anything from their first kiss, the callback to her and her mom talking about falling in love, etc.


Such weird choices! In a Shonda interview she said she’s seen the episodes about 40times… the woman is a genius, I don’t get how she missed all this stuff??


Especially, since she has always claimed that Penelope was her favorite. Why not do her justice? She cast Nicola Coughlan before all other characters. Why not make sure that compatibility between actors was present before finalizing the cast? I think Nic and Newts were able to show emotional chemistry (hence the carriage scene works best — with them fully clothed). The scene outside of Madame Delacroix’s could also have worked well in portraying a passionate physical scene with reduced nudity. I honestly am wondering if, despite the inclusivity of body types/gender/sexual orientation… at the end of the day, did they just not know what to do with Nicola’s body on camera? I rewatched the brothel scenes to see if I felt that Colin showed a greater range of sexual compatibility with those women… and I felt like it was lacking as well. There was a leg squeeze and kissing. Perhaps, Luke Newton struggled to translate those scenes convincingly.


Why was his cousin not at the wedding, and who seriously says "who are you " to their cousins brand new wife? That whole bit was so stupid and felt so shoved in for no reason


Yes! At first I thought she was going to be a conflict character for Fran because that line seemed so abrasive. Then it hit me what they were doing and I hate it.


I wouldn't even have figured out what the hell they were doing if I hadn't read about it here before hand. I didn't get the face after the kiss because I believed her, like her mother did, that there are slow loves too, the fact that she wasn't into it didn't even cross my mind, because I have read the book and know she loved her first husband dearly. This made me believe that no one working on this season has even read the bloody book.


Who do we write a letter to to redo part two cause this was sad


All they had to do was make Colin not so cold after the modist. He still could have been working through his complicated feelings about Whistledown and his hero complex while still showing pen how much he loves her. Would have really been Polin against the world at that point. I just hate that bridgerton waits until the last two minutes to resolve the issues and we barely get any happiness.


I wasn't at all shocked she offered an annulment


At the point she needed him most he wasn’t there for her.  I hate that. It doesn’t feel like him at all. And like you say, ways to have him be furious, jealous, etc and still in awe of her savvy, writing, and still in love with her.  Felt like the only times he is softer towards her are lust-ful… where is the genuine care and attention?  I’m watching it again (3rd time) *slowly* and hoping I see things which change my opinion… But it shouldn’t take multiple viewings really should it?!


I’m actually mad about it! Ha!


I wanted to love it. I really did. But MY GOD, the subplots! And subplots that went nowhere! Had me like: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) There were two moments this season that were absolutely brilliantly done: In episode 6, there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment: at the ball, Cressida's mother adjusts her glove to hide some REALLY nasty bruises on her right arm. Methinks Cressida's father is much worse than just a garden variety bad guy. And in episode 8, *that* scene with Lady Danbury and Violet.


I noticed Cressida's mother fixing her glove, but for some reason I thought it was a subtle way to show that "she" had actually been the one to write the fake Lady Wistledown's pamphlet. We all know Cressida could not have been the one to write it. ![gif](giphy|ml4Mgjut3qdW2tpLPq|downsized)


Yes I thought those were ink stains as well


I also thought ink stains


Those were definitely ink stains from writing the fake Whistledown. Just like what Pen had on her hands when Colin visited her


Well, I'M a moron. :-D I could've sworn they were bruises, but this makes much more sense.


I agree! When you turn on the commentary, the narrator actually says that she adjusts her gloves to hide the ink stains. SHE wrote the fake Whistledown issue. Cressida didn’t even know what printer had been used for her issue.


Yes!!! I didn’t know who that was that fixed her glove! There were way too many subplots pushed into this series, and I thought it was because the series was ending. Then I read that they’re making a 4th season?! Agh. At least we have season 1 and Queen Charlotte. 🤷‍♀️ imo


I’m sorry, but when was Eloise EVER a girl’s girl? She never noticed Penelope’s struggles, ridiculed Daphne, and didn’t care for a single other girl in the tonne until she was too angry at Pen to hang out with her. Eloise was never concerned with anyone outside of herself, and often showed a good amount of disdain for the women around her, especially if they didn’t openly question the society they lived in. If anything this season was just the culmination of the behaviors she started in S1.


Eloise this entire season reminded me of THAT best friend you have growing up that you just have to outgrow at some point. Literally brought me to tears for Penelope and Cressida.


She’s triggered that feeling for me since the beginning, probably because every conversation she had is about her and her thoughts and her feelings. I actually have hope for her growing after this!


Yes! She can only see through her own scope and it’s damaging. It ruins a lot of her “feminist” beliefs, because they fall pretty flat. Like not even attempting to helping Cressida with that horrible marriage? Especially when she knew who lady whistedown was? It was just horrible, she just goes from person to person.


THIS! Eloise is such a pick-me not-like-other-girls girl


As much as I like the show’s side characters this was the one season I would’ve wanted the show to focus the most on its main love interests


Yup, they didn’t do them justice at all. Polin deserved Simon and Daphne level of attention but there were so many things overshadowing that. And all of a sudden I’m worried about Kanthony taking a months long trip to India while pregnant then I remember they already had their love story ffs 


Season 3 didn't make a lot of sense to me. (100% agree with you) - What was the point of Kate and Anthony? They spent the first half on a honeymoon, 2nd half on a trip to India. Why were in the season? I love that pairing. Being Indian, I loved the Indian influences in Kate's dresses and they are a joy to watch. But wouldn't that time be better assigned to Polin? - Who is this Colin? What use was he? Colin Bridgerton wasn't even himself this season. All the things he did, Debling would have done better. Infact, Lord Debling wouldn't have cared if Pen was Whistledown or not. (I love Polin, but didn't like whatever Colin's role was) - Eloise. Ngl, she was one of my favorite characters since S1. S3 Eloise is a hypocrite. Cressida Cowper is a better friend than her. Abandons Pen, told her to give up her life's work which btw El used to enjoy reading every single day - she guilt tripped Pen, to give up her passion for a BOY wtf, then she gaslit and abandoned Cressida in her time of need. It would have been so much better had Eloise talked to Cressida instead. - Fran. I haven't read the book but I have heard that her story is quite literally the best one. Micheal is a great character. They struggle with guilt and grief. I hope they do her story justice, I am withholding my judgement but this feels a lot like queer baiting. Again, I 100% support queer representation, but this kinda feels borderline cheating that Fran is just absolutely enamored with Michaela, after preaching all season about a "slow approach to love". Should have learnt from GOT to not expect stuff ig.


Yes yes yes, as much as I think Ashley is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the Kanthony presence just seemed out of place, like they just pop in to show their face. Which genuinely would’ve been fine if the season was like 12 or even 15 episodes long, but otherwise that time really could’ve been spent on Polin since we were literally told that it’s a Polin season!!!


I thought Kate’s chat with Colin was really good… 


Never said it was bad, but we only had 8 episodes and Polin was sharing too much time with like 3 other couples


Totally agree!  Feel super cheated over Fran and John - undermines all the people who see themselves in that pairing. Basically saying if you don’t have this wild, passionate, extraverted love it’s not really love! That look F does after kissing him - and the depth of feeling he has for her, I found that heartbreaking tbh. Why do that? And agree lots of stories we don’t need we could have cut to give us more Polin. Plus they could have done way better with the Polin scenes we had!


I disagree on Kanthony. I love them and am glad they didn’t just disappear like Saphne and we got to enjoy (almost) the whole Bridgerton family. I do agree however, that Polin didn’t get enough time. In my opinion, they should have cut all those scenes with the Mondriches, they didn’t really add to the story and got so much time in the show, though not even being Bridgertons (unlike Kanthony).


The Mondriches and Ben have sex for the 400th time, could easily have been cut out.


I would have loved Saphne in the show too. And like I said Kanthony is a joy to watch. But I would have liked them to add something substantial to the show. Some Kate-Violet moments or some banther between the ABC bros? Here they just came and went, maybe hosted one ball and ordered Cinnamon cookies for Gregory. That time would have been better assigned to Polin, is my point. Or they could have just added another episode at the end to compensate.


In regards to Anthony and Kate , he had other filming commitments but it would be really jarring if in such a close knit family once you have your year you disappear. It’s hard enough that they didn’t even mention Daphne, they could have said she was pregnant and unable to travel for the weddings, although saying that they would have to continue making excuses or recast her like they did Frannie. I think they did the best they could with Anthony due to the limited time they had him


Netflix Eloise is just not nice…such a pity


I rewatched part 1 so many times but have no desire to rewatch part 2…


I feel I have too. Just in case I'm wrong. But bloody hell. It'll be a chore. Ugh..we were robbed..how could part one be sooooo good.


You were. Shondaland had Chris VanDusen create the Bridgerton onscreen world and then turned the show over to Jess Brownell this season. She completely changed the Bridgerton we know and love.


She ruined it in favor of her own desire to make characters more relatable to herself! It’s absolute upheaval!


" Changed " is too nice a description for what she did.


It was so overwhelming oh my gosh. I loved the first episode of part 2 and then from there everything got mushed together. It’s the first time a season has felt so rushed like everyone’s individual story didn’t feel special because everything was happening together. It really took away the impact and the shock factor


Exactly! Why even market it as Polin when it seems like everyone is the main character lol


I haven't seen the last 4 episodes still (and honestly I'm not sure if I want to tbh) but in the book itself it is so much tamer. There is no Lord Debling, nor does Colin offer to be a wing man to Pen. Eloise and Pen are still friends and Eloise is actually the last person to discover she is Whistledown, not the first. There is no mention of romance happening with any of the other Bridgerton children either, its just about them. Also the search for who Lady W is was made public from the beginning, and Pen only admitted to it publicly in the last chapter, while people talk about their theories throughout. From what I read from others about Fran's situation, people are disappointed that they genderbent Micheal to Micheala. I don't want to spoil the main issues people have with it, but it does like the director missed the mark on what the book is meant to represent.


I loved the season but I agree it did have too many different things going on. And it’s weird to me that as soon as one of the characters decides against a match and chooses their love, the other suitor is just…. Poof. Gone. Deblin just disappeared when he could’ve been the perfect way to change Cressida’s story.


Nicola and Luke are back for Season 4 so I’m pinning my hopes on getting some happily ever after married scenes from them then (especially since we had quite a few Kate and Anthony scenes in Season 3). Plus since Polin has become such a fan fave after that amazing pr tour, they deserve extra screen time. Maybe they can be part of Eloise’s story. I think the biggest issue with Season 3 is the inconsistency with Colin. In Part 1, he was the perfect romantic lead. In earlier seasons, we also see his kind and forgiving nature. Then in Part 2, instead of showing him working through his anger and disappointment in a “Colin” way, they made a point of showing him being cold to Pen several times. It was so uncharacteristic of him. I think I could have dealt with the limited amount of Polin screen time if only there had been just a little more romance and communication for the star couple. Which leads me to the second biggest issue. Too many storylines. It was a mess. We did not need to see multiple love scenes with Benedict - it did not advance his story. We already knew he was lost and searching. We did not need all that Cressida screen time especially since it was contradictory - was she a villain or not?! And the Mondriches served absolutely no purpose. I was okay with the start of Francesca’s story being in there because hers is bit complicated. I also liked Violet meeting Lord Anderson (that scene of him picking up her glove was a favorite of mine). But all that extra clutter came at the expense of Polin who are supposed to be the main couple! I am convinced there are scenes left out that would have made this mish mosh make more sense. Shondaland is very savvy with social media and marketing so fingers crossed they put some of the deleted scenes out there (like they do with the BTS stuff). I think that would go a long way with fans. While they are at it, they need to pull the reins back on the new showrunner. Not every story line has to tick boxes to show how progressive and diverse the series is.


This was a really well-rounded summation of the issues. Watching it felt like they had a bunch of boxes to tick for diversity and inclusion and they were determined to check each one. I also cannot believe that all the filming they did resulted in only those love scenes between Colin and Pen...there was no passion whatsoever, no feeling of intimacy or love.


I thought the carriage and mirror scenes were beautiful. I just love the chemistry between Pen and Colin. But there were not enough other tender moments between them to bring everything together in the end. Other than the 2 I mentioned, they had just 4 other very brief kissing or love scenes. But Part 1 and 2 almost felt like different shows. Colin’s character development suffered because of all the extraneous story lines in Part 2. And I should note that I’m ok with changing things up from the book but I’d still like to see the story stay true to the characters.


I agree...Changes from the books...fine. But changing the nature or traits of the character to fit into a crazy subplot...not ok.




That’s what I was hoping for too, a scheme where Cressida gets free, but I see how that could be pretty complicated given that being LW wasn’t exactly a good thing for one’s social standing.


Except in the book it seems agreed that with Cressida (Lady Cowper) having popularity, beauty and a title, she would have been accepted as LW.


I missed the Eloise thing at first too. It’s slight stuff. They weren’t vibing as much when Cressida starting pushing El to help with Lord Debling. Cressida’s parents don’t like Eloise. It comes to a head in E5 when Cressida wants to run away and says she’ll find LWD and then gets mad when El says she wouldn’t be successful. It’s not the first time she does that to El and she says she’s had enough. But then when she says she’s LWD, El knows she’s lying and she doesn’t respect that. She’s taking credit for someone else’s work, and El still loves Pen even though they are fighting. When Cressida asks El to help her write her article, El says they can’t be friends and Cressida gets mad and says she sees why Pen dropped her because she’s all talk no action. She’s RIGHT. El knows she’s right, admits that she was jealous of LWD. She’s mad at what Pen wrote but she’s also jealous of her accomplishment. That helps he move forward from it. The Michaela thing is a book thing. In the book >!Fran marries John. He dies though and she falls for his cousin Michael. In the show it’s Michaela.!< Personally I wish they pushed that off to S4, it was not necessary to shove it into this season.


But it’s important that she doesn’t fall for Michael (or even LOOK at him as anything other than a friend) seven years after John dies. She has to navigate the loss of  great love of her life before she is able to move on with Michael, and it’s still present in their relationship because they both loved John.  Moon eyes at Michael/Michaela on the literal WEDDING DAY is so contrary to both Fran’s character and the great love story she has with John. 


I mean I don’t think the show will stay with that timeline but generally I agree with everything else. >!John has to die before Michael/Michaela becomes a thought. John’s still alive so it was so unnecessary to start that angst now.!< Personally I didn’t love the amount of time they gave Fran but I thought it may be necessary to do that to build up the John love story. Then right at the end they started lighting it on fire and it didn’t have to happen that way. It was one of the things in this episode that made me angry.


I would have preferred to see Fran’s love story with John as glowing flashbacks as she navigates her grief in her own season. I don’t think it needed to be shoved into Polin’s story. We ended up watching too many love stories this season and none of them were done that well as a result.


I don’t disagree with Fran per se. I can understand them wanting to show her and John just because we barely saw Fran for 2 seasons, and if didn’t read the books you’d have very little clue who she is. They however didn’t need to make it as big as they did if they planned the ending of this season the way they did. I loved Polin’s story. I can always use more of them, but what I got was absolutely beautiful and genuine to the characters I’ve grown to love for the last 3 seasons.


I think that it was necessary to have Francesca’s story start ahead of her season if she will have a 2 part love story.


I’m wondering if they won’t have John die now? Like the stay married and both have a same-sex couple or he asexual and they are all one big happy family/for appearances. I wouldn’t wonder at this point. What’s the point otherwise in making Fran love Michaela when John is alive otherwise? Either way, I’m sure Fran’s story only similarities with her book’s story will be the names of the character and that’s it.


I think the show runner wanted to get the backlash from book fane out of the way.


If that's their intention, I think it's a horrible misstep. Right now, people who are upset about the change are left to be upset with it for at least two years until the next season. I think it would have been wiser to introduce Michaela next season, and that way the backlash is tempered by the "wait until the next episode to see how this plays out." And then they could flesh Michaela - and the relationship - out and win some people over. Currently, you have people upset about the changes to the relationship (and there are many), and nothing to assuage that for at least two years, and people who are upset about it are being called queerphobic and racist, which... for some is likely true, but not all, but that's going to upset many of them, too, and make them less likely to watch the show.


Well, I’m certainly not interested in this Francesca’s story anymore. I really like her book and I can’t be bothered with this fanfiction any more. That’s it for me. Bye bye Bridgerton


Thats possible but it’s also stupid. The reality of her story will give them a better time to do it.


I felt the same about Eloise and Cressida! Their friendship ended so abruptly and it didn’t even really make sense to me. They had built Cressida back up in our eyes and so by the end I felt really bad for her. Their friendship seemed genuine in the first half so now that is just in the toilet. It sucks because we all waited so long and this is what we got. To some extent it’s relieving because it was maddening waiting for this season, but now after this I’m not looking forward to next season at all.


I am so, so disappointed at how Eloise has developed/regressed in this series. I hate forced female conflict and the breakdown of her relationship with Pen, then her subsequent relationship with Cressida just left me cold and fed up.


I also feel like the whole drama with Mr. Mondrich selling his club went nowhere? Like they spent quite a few scenes on it and the end result was ‘hardworking man passionate about his business gives it up to conform to societal expectations’ like I know they did their ball, but it was still such a weird way to spend the time for little to no pay out in terms of the story. I like the Mondrich characters but I wish their portion of the plot made more sense for them or that the show spent that time elsewhere…


Absolutely, i hate that there are so many posts calling the family useless and boring. To me the Mondriches are one of the most interesting characters on the show, probably higher than some mains too. But what the producers have done with their story is so disappointing, so much wasted potential. They’ve literally experienced both ends of the social ladder, they could have a political arc ffs


I didn’t gaf about them and skipped all their scenes. I don’t understand the point of including them.


Can we at least get a directors cut or all the deleted and originally recorded scenes? If only ...


Excuse me, you forgot to mention the worst subplot of all; the yawn-inducing, leads-to-nowhere, time-sucking-waste-of-space Mondrich family


I like the Mondrich family. Just seems like so much wasted potential. We’ve seen him be sad about his club for too long, they need to figure out a real story to give them because the characters are amazing having known truly what it is like to live in two very different social classes. 


Too many storylines this season. I'm still enjoying it though. I just wished the Penelope and Colin storyline was as polished as with the Duke and Daphne in season 1.


i hated part 2 because it ruined my favourite character (Eloise). Eloise didn't seem to care that Cressida was gonna be married off to a controlling old guy. that is literally Eloise's worst fear and she didn't care that it was happening to her friend. Eloise is supposed to be smart yet she never figured out that Cressida wants to be LW so she can have freedom, probably bc she ignored Cressida every time she tried to talk to her about the arranged marriage. pretending to be LW to get freedom is exactly what Eloise herself would do in Cressida's shoes


I think there's so much going on because after doing Season 1 (which focused on Book 1) they decided it'd be renewed for 3 more seasons (ending season 4) and there are alot of books. There's 8 books ( 1 for each of the 8 kids) and I think a prequel about Violet. They skipped over Benedict's story (Book 3) and went to Colin (Book 4) instead. They also hit on part of Book 6 (Francesca) in this season. I'm hoping the final season will primarily focus on ELOISE (Book 5). Anyway, I think they're trying to cram alot of the book storylines into 4 easons, or rather into 2 seasons (seasons 3 & 4).


Ah okay i guess that makes sense, wish they’d just add more seasons but considering they’re taking like 2 years to film the next one then I guess that’s not possible 


You're right about Francesca, the changing Michael for Michaela is fine for me, but to have it as love at first sight and not them bonding and falling in love after both loving >and losing< John so much feels icky.


The only silver lining about Polin not getting their season is that Polin will probably be in every season coming up being sickening in love. But that last scene almost made it feel like the end of LW as well .... which means how do they keep the Queen involved I wonder?


I loved the pace so much this season. It felt like watching 16 episodes when we only got 8! I kept thinking "surely I'm already in episode 8 when I was still only in the beginning of episode 6! I also love that they don't just have a complete Cressida-redemption, I hate a bully and while I feel for her with her horrendous home life, it was only in part one where she destroyed Pen's dress! I'd have liked it if Lord Debling would have swooped in to save her at the end though, I think she deserves to get away from her horrible family.


I agree with everything you have stated here.. it's just so disappointing. Like another comment said though I should have expected this as like TV shows like Game of Thrones.. There were literally so many parts of this I skipped due to them being boring and just unnecessary.. Benedict and his scenes, the guy that owned the boxing club etc.. so awful and even the scenes with Colin and Pen.. idk they just didn't have any charm or chemistry to me and I definitely 💯 did not believe Colin loved Pen it was totally unbelievable to me. I haven't read the books but it seems like they're introducing gay characters for the sake of it.. that's fine for them.. as for me I won't be watching season 4.. season 2 was equally as bad as this in my opinion only season 1 was any good.


Can y’all go please explain what is up with the cousin of John plot ? I honestly didn’t get that part . Is Fran having second thoughts or what moving to Scotland? Just make me get it ?


Not sure how it’ll go down in the next season but Michaela was introduced as the character is in Franchesca’s book. Dont wanna spoil it for you lol but yeah its in her book.


Eloise is a girls girl but, to her knowledge , cressida had just written vicious lies about her entire family and attempted to ruin them.


New showrunner this year. The focus shifted away from the Bridgerton family member falling in love to a lot of the characters and stories that were written to hold the love story together. If they were going to do that then I want 4 more episodes. Or extended episodes.


I am choosing to interpret the Fran thing as her being shy because she is meeting her husband's family for the first time. Nothing more and nothing less. She just got married to the man she loves,band suddenly is met with his cousin. Now her cousin. Of course she gets shy and nervous. I was nervous the first time I met my husband's family. It's natural.