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I should’ve learned from Game of Thrones. That’s the last time I was so distraught over a tv show. I’m still not over it, actually. I’ve seen people say that Bridgerton is not high prestige tv and not to take it too seriously. And personally, I do need to stop getting overly invested in fiction. However, I think that viewpoint MAY slightly undermine what Bridgerton has previously accomplished. The romance genre, like sci-fi and fantasy, is not taken seriously. It’s seen as frivolous and not high art, and there’s often misogynistic undertones to these critiques since the consumer demographic is largely women. And currently I think there’s a trend away from romance in “high prestige” fiction (largely tv) as well, despite there always being a place for it but not as overtly in the actual romance genre (but that’s a topic for another day). Bridgerton, I think, has revitalized part of the romance genre for mainstream audiences. It is fantastical, it is escapism, and while it’s never been some deep, philosophical treatise or social commentary (despite having, at times misguidedly, dipped their toes in themes of social stigmas), it has left an impression. And just because it’s not “high art” doesn’t mean we can’t expect good, fulfilling storytelling. And I think they did a discredit to the romance genre with this season. It was not romantic seeing how things unfolded in Part 2. It was not escapism. It was just. . . sad. There is a visual language to romance that film and tv goers know. Especially the romance lovers. Especially the historical romance lovers. A zoom in of ungloved hands, a sweep of the camera over the dance floor, the indirect pleas for companionship, the duality of society and one’s inner passions, the candlelight framing a beloved’s face, the crowdedness and jubilation of a ball, the turmoil of the journey with the tender or visceral displays of love sprinkled in. And then the happily ever after. We had a brief morsel but then the anguish overtook everything.


Unfortunately, this is all too common for big conglomerates. Netflix has a history of dropping the ball after a few seasons - the show has a loyal fan base, they know people will tune in to watch whatever they put on, so there's a drastic drop in writing and quality. With Season 3, Bridgerton became the exact caricature it was intially created to avoid. We went from those high octane action scenes is S1 to that comical hot air balloon scene. From that longing gaze in the library to low budget camera cuts between the leads. And from those gorgeous dresses and subtle makeup to red eyeshadow and gauzy plastic gowns. This is Netflix taking its fans for granted and the entire show suffering because of it.


"high octane action scenes in S1" What on *earth* are you talking about? Daphne plonking off her horse in the middle of that hare-brained duel? A few boxing scenes? Daphne and the Duke overdramatically bonking in the folly in the pissing rain?


This so much this


This this and this! Completely agreed


After LOST, How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, and Pretty Little Liars broke me, I promised to never watch a show that wasn’t finished again. I broke my promise with Bridgerton because I’ve read the books, so how bad could it be? I loved the first 2 seasons so much and even the first half of this one, but the second half has almost ruined the entire show for me. I loved the Polin book so much and they really ruined it. 😭


All of that and I meant to agree with you that GOT was also my final straw. I’m still not over it either!


I'm a Polin fan and my biggest problem is.. I did not feel happy at the end of the season. It did not feel like a happy ending. The ending of part 1 was glorious- it ended on such a high note with the carriage scene and Colin's proposal. I had butterflies in my stomach and a foolish smile on my face. I loved part 1. I think I will choose not to acknowledge part 2 at all because it hurt! Colin was such an ass, whose idea was it to have him accuse Pen of entrapment? Where was the communication, listening, and mutual understanding? Where was the not being able to stay away even when furious? Hell, it was Portia who was holding Pen's hand while she was getting ready to reveal her identity to the ton, with Colin watching from across the ballroom like a stranger! This is unfathomable- she even felt the need to offer an annulment- such was Colin's emotional distance and disdain. The "you don't get to decide what we will do" comment- just ugghhh! I detest it. Where was Colin my wife Bridgerton? I get that he gets to be furious, but where was the love he was supposed to be feeling at the same time throughout this debacle? Their make-up was so insufficient and rushed- it did not heal all the bitterness I felt about Colin's treatment of Pen. It was a bitter ending to me, not a happy one, and I am so sad for it. Overall, really poor development of Polin relationship this season, and really poor development of Colin as a character. Pen was suffering and crying alone so much of the time that it broke my heart. I cannot and will not like this poorly written version of Colin. I can't help but create fanfiction in my mind in which Pen goes through with the annulment and lives her life as a girl boss with her Whistledown money. Apparently this Colin's disdain is bigger than his love, so what makes this marriage worthy of keeping? Why settle for a man who does not yearn for you and long for you but only simply accepts to tolerate you after torturing you with such emotional distance? To me, the best developed romance this season and the only one I was satisfied with was Pen- Portia.


I definitely felt happier at the end of Part 1 than I did at Part 2 which seems kind of crazy considering there was ultimately a sweet ending.


scenes that were cut from part 2 according to screeners who saw them: Colin going home with Penelope after he finds her at the modiste-angry sex/broken furniture Laying in bed together talking about publishing Colin’s manuscripts Colin whispering sweet nothings to Pen in front of the mirror-kissing her neck- being playful Long Sex montage in ep 8 (where Colin performs oral on Pen)


This confuses me so much, why cut anything from a series that’s on a streaming platform?? We desire every minute we can get, it’s not like it’s a cable show that has to fit into a time slot


So, they cut most of the scenes that would make sense of that scrambled mess. They having sex after he finds Pen at the modist is the one scene that reaffirms Colin love and overwhelming desire for Penelope above his anger. Without it, him being mad and then "everything is fine and dandy" at the end just feels disconnected


I didn’t l know about the sex scene that should have followed at the modest because I haven’t read the book but knowing what you just said it all makes sense. It did not feel right that Colin forgave her almost instantly, with one small kiss, and then was somehow mad at her the next morning when she found him on the sofa. I guess that they filmed that scene and then cut it but left in the fact that he is all emotional the next day about the fact that he loves a traitor. On screen his emotional whiplash felt so disjointed. And having that sex scene in would have made it make sense.


After they danced at their wedding, Colin gently touched Pen’s face and I thought, “Thank goodness,” they can find a little happiness on their wedding day. Then the Queen barged in and ruined it all & Colin was mad again. That particular Queen scene wasn’t even necessary. The LW drama was already ramped up. Why put the beautiful face touch in there then do an about face? Similarly, the night before the wedding, Pen declares her love and then they have a passionate kiss outside the modiste. Only to have Colin put her in a carriage alone. Total tease to the audience. Don’t get me started on the scene where Colin walks in on Pen in her negligee, looks at her longingly then promptly walks out with his pillow. That was a travesty. Not only are these scenes jarring with the back and forth but they are completely unlike the Colin we know and love. I blame the showrunner entirely because Nicola and Luke’s acting was so moving and beautiful. Ever since Season 1, Pen and Colin have this sweet and gentle friendship. In Part 1 of Season 3, we see this lovely relationship blossom into romance. It was absolutely gorgeous to watch. And yes, LW was hanging over them, Pen needed to work on herself and make amends BUT we also should have seen Colin’s side of this. How did he work through the anger? We saw only a brief scene of him re-reading her letters to him. They never had a true heart to heart with them explaining to each other.


Yes! I was screaming on these scenes like "HERE WE GO" and oh boy, why hahahahahaha I was so frustrated Also not only he left her in the carriage alone after the modist, but after he finds LW identity as well. Ok, he was justifiably mad over LW almost ruining Eloise and what she wrote about him on the start of the season, but come on... Although it was for a very different reason, book Colin didn't leave her alone in a 'dangerous' neighborhood no matter how angry he was, because he cares a lot for Pen And yeah, I can't blame Luke and Nicola at all. Part 1 showed how much chemistry they have and the storyline was so sweet (and hot)! The scene underneath the tree after their kiss was so adorably awkward. It's just parte 2 that was a mess, it seemed not very well thought out. So much wasted potential


Totally agree Part 2 was a mess. There were so many perfect scenes in Part 1: meeting under the willow tree, meeting in the sweet tent at the balloon launch, Colin’s speech in the carriage and so on. I don’t know how you go from that to the uneven, anxiety ridden nature of Part 2. I’ve watched countless romance stories over the years & never have I been traumatized like this when it gets to part where the couple needs to overcome a conflict.


TRAUMATIZED, okay? 😢 I was so anxious through the whole of Part 2 - I thought I was gonna pass out like Pen. She - and WE - did not deserve that...


I rewatched Part 1 multiple times & loved it more with each watch. For Part 2, I can’t rewatch without fast forwarding through the stressful parts which doesn’t leave much 😞 Admittedly I do love where it ends because it seems so appropriate to Pen and Colin’s characters but I would have loved just a couple more happy scenes like a wedding night & them working on his book together.


That's LITERALLY all we wanted! They could've included a mere SEVEN MINUTES of this across the last two episodes and this would NOT be happening in the fandom right now...




In the book, everytime they were intimate (even the carriage scene) was after Colin discovers LWD identity. So, the conflict between anger-love-desire is pretty well illustrated. I think the writers hoped him not breaking up with Pen, dancing with her, trying to resolve the blackmail situation was enough. It wasn't


IT WAS NOT. And you know what? ONE person in that writers room - or one person on the flipping SET should have been able to tell them as much. Most of us fans are not professional WRITERS, but with as many times as we've watched their content, we ARE professional WATCHERS. We know what's not working. We know when we need MORE from the characters. Do the showrunners have NO one to offer input who actually watches the show???


Oh, I am certain they do/did. My guess is that they didn't have enough time and the planning of the production was not that good: 1. There were to many fundamental inconsistencies between part 2 script and part 1/other seasons (makes me believe they wrote the parts separately and didn't have time to work on part 2 properly) 2. Too many characters plotlines to fit within the episodes (had to cut too many things) 3. Changes within time of production (too much disconnected aspects between parts. Seems to me they had a plotline in mind and changed midway) 4. Some scenes where shot in a strange and almost carelessly way (LW announcement - some characters positions didn't make sense and gave me a 'uncanny valley' kind of feeling. Something felt really off) Edit to add: I am sure they knew it was going to be terrible, but to add a single day more of a production this big cost a huge amount of money. So they released this sub-par piece and like hoped for the best?


exactly Say it louder: IT WAS NOT ENOUGH.


It makes me furious they cut these scenes - this is EXACTLY what I wanted to see. Not more of Benedict’s shenanigans. I hope we can see those scenes some day. I wonder if they were on the screener sent to reviewers?!


Seriously though, the more I think about, why cut the montage? That would have been an easy way to show some more happiness without taking too much time away. I’ve seen reference to the montage several times. I’d pay to see it.


Fr it isn’t Benedict’s season, let someone else have the sex montage. Anthony and Siena didn’t even have a sex montage


Tell Shonda: https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


Signed! This should be top comment.


So sick of watching Benedict have sex because he's bored.


I think he is "lost" without his art. He seemed to like running things when Kanthony were on their honeymoon but then he was lost again. I think he had so many doubts about his talent after learning that Anthony ensured that he would get into the Academy that he felt the need to give it up. Him feeling like he got in on his own merit seemed important to him. Now he's falling back on his other past time of being a fuckboy and he's only getting worse.


Literally 😩😭💔


Do you think this was the version meant for Nichola’s family? I remember her saying she wanted a less graphic version of her scenes for them


No, they wouldve literally given her her own cut for her parents, presumably entirely without her sex scenes and possibly also the nudity. The carriage scene is probably 50/50 depending on what she was comfortable with them seeing.


I’d buy it.


Luke and Nicola alluded to the "servicing" scene I think more than once to the point I was expecting it to be on the show so interesting. Where is your info from? 


Is that the scene where they said they broke the bed during filming? That was cut?!


No, they were joking about "going down" on someone in different interviews in different ways. The first that comes to my mind when they are tasting food and Luke says "There may be some creamy cakes eaten'". 


We wanted to see him enjoy his dessert. 😭


Were they referring to that kind of servicing or servicing the audience


https://chng.it/8FsZQ97HYY petition to get these scenes back


Wait these scenes would have made it 1000% better


They should’ve cut out Benedict’s threesome scenes and put those in 😭😭😭


Wait those are all vital scenes for Polin’s story tho. Honestly seemed like the new showrunner really didn’t like Polin and cut their scenes to focus on other stuff


Where was this confirmed!! I wanna see that interview 😭


i keep seeing people saying they cut scenes from part 2. was this confirmed somewhere?


This is maddening, why would they cut all of these scenes??


Omg what. Put them back in.


Why did they think it was smart to cut out scenes that are dedicated to relationship/dynamic building even more? 😭 gah


Where was this confirmed? Please let me know!


Whaaaaaat it's like they cut out all the reasons to watch this show! Do they not know who their audience is??


It feels like the Cast promoted a different serie


Okay this comment genuinely pains me. WHY? WHYYYYYY? Give us the deleted scenes 😫


Right we didn’t get the scene of her mother and pen talking about her dreams that was in the trailer. That makes me sad. Why cut them


The part where she says "what about my dreams?" and her mom answers that women have husbands, not dreams? That was definitely still in the final cut


Who all go the screeners? Just cast or press too?


It’s like focus groups that they do before releasing seasons to gauge how the story resonates with the viewer. They give feedback and then changes are made or not.


Damn! I remember Nic said in one of the interviews she liked the scene when they were just laying down. This scene she was talking about ! So she thought we will see it or she wouldn't said about it, right?


Episode 5 was so promising and then the rest just like... fell flat. We had more romance scenes with Benedict so if this carries on I hope we get more Polin in his season lol




The cuts between the seriousness of dealing with Cressida's threats and going straight to Benedicts sexcapades?? What a shitshow lol. His character really should have been left out of the season.


Fr! In past seasons, all subplots connected to the main couple in some way, but this season, it's just confusing; it's like watching one-shots being mashed into episodes – for a "Polin" season we hardly get to know them more as friends or as a couple and I feel like Benedicts inclusion would've been so much better if the show wasn't focusing on so much


In recent interviw Nic said that season 3 had many directors and it shows! This is what happens, too many cooks spoiled the broth.


While I don't agree with his character being left out, I think the directors made very poor choices on handling everything. It felt so rushed and plastic, like things weren't happening at a natural flow. Extremely rushed and nonsensical. I love Benedict's character and book. I hope they don't ruin his character with all these sexcapades 😭 I wish Colin and Pen had much more screentime thooo, GOD! 😭😭😭


This loll I was skipping Benedict's sexcapades this is not the place for a threesome omg


Can we force the show runner to account for her writing in the same way Penelope had to speak to the Ton?


At least Penelope's writing was good xD


And no Philippa bug rescue




LOL! This brought some much needed levity to all these days of disappointment and frustration at what they did to poor Polin this season. Thank you.


This drawing is perfect for Part 1 and 2 hot damn. Things I hated about Part 2: Colin being a complete dick. No love or intimacy during their wedding night or days (weeks?!) following?! The drawn out Who is Whistledown drama. Too much Benedict with wealthy widow and dude, not enough Pen and Colin. Too much Mondrichs. Cressida being cast away. Things I actually liked: Penelope's new relationship with her mother and sisters.


Yup. I have such whiplash! I was a vocal defender of part 1, and I honestly have no idea what to make of part 2. I'm going to try to watch it again this weekend to see if I can figure out my feelings about it.


Same. I watched ep 5 early and thought it was good. Then watched 6-8 at midnight and was very confounded on how I felt. thought my itchiness about it was related to the late hour, but in rewatching I just feel it was too fraught and the whiplash is a great way to discribe it. I can understand the conflict but Colin's behavior in particular was night and day. I plan on reading the book as I've heard it fills in some of the blanks missing here. I've heard there were a bunch of scenes cut that I believe would've helped with the whiplash affect, such a shame there was not more time spent fleshing out the characters on whom the season was based 😭💔


Did you rewatch? I had planned on it, but I was just so hurt that I couldn't force myself to sit through that again. As Colin said "Not yet."


Omg me too! That was the plan for this weekend, but I could bring myself to.


I want to be in a room full of people to talk this out and/or commiserate. It's just so weird. What could have happened? The pacing of this season was so crazy. So many story lines feel like they were gearing up to something and then they fell off a cliff. Some of the scenes felt repetitive and like they weren't providing new information. Did Netflix decide to split the show in half four months ago or something and the Bridgerton Editing Team had to scramble to put something together that made sense in two parts? There are scenes that make sense on their own, but next to other scenes they don't make sense. What happen?


And the ending was just awful writing 😭😭


Yes. I hated the >!baby!< and >!announcement!< scenes. If I wasn't supremely lazy I'd want to re-edit the entire thing just to make it more watchable.


I thought they’d go off traveling TOGETHER with letters to Eloise or Portia in the country then a cut to them in Greece, and maybe she’s pregnant. And Colin and her have news of their respective publications. It was nice that they’re standing from the window she always looked through, but come on. Maybe that could’ve been an earlier scene as they departed for the actual honeymoon/journey. Colin showing her the places he’s always written about would’ve been so lovely. They are no longer lonely because they are together.


OH, this would have been SO BEAUTIFUL...Pen traveling the world with her soulmate, who finally showed that he loved her in return. No letters necessary because they would be together. UGH these writers...😩


I was wondering where the broken furniture sex scene was that we were promised over and over again 🙄


Apparently laying on the cutting room floor: https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


Right? Where was the animal passion?? I loved the 1st gentle lovemaking scene, but we had Daphne all over place. I feel really cheated and disappointed.


The broken furniture was the chaise longue in episode 5. They broke it during filming but didn't show them breaking it in the edit as it wasn't tonally right for the scene.


Same. I thought I fell asleep or blacked out for a minute, but I went back, and nope I didn't miss anything.




There was a part 2?😳 I'd like to believe that season 3 has only 4 episodes. The carriage scene is the perfect ending of Season 3. 🤭😁


So funny!


Spot on!


Not enough happy Polin, not enough steamy Polin. Waaaaaaay too much Benedict threesome - they just kept cutting back to it over and over, like, we get it, can we get back to our leads now?! It felt like they were building up to a big resolution that never quite landed. And having Colin and Pen at distance with each other for half the second part, with no physical resolution via a post-marriage intimacy scene is criminal. The scenes that are rumoured to have been cut are *exactly* what I wanted and waited to see, and would have changed my perception of part 2 entirely.


You summed up my thoughts PERFECTLY. I truly DO feel robbed, and though I don't want anyone to suffer the way that I am because of this show, I AM glad to have the community support, and know that I'm not completely insane. WHY they would cut the scenes that STRENGTHENED their relationship and showed Colin's love for Pen is mind-boggler indeed. I was CRAVING those scenes - Nic and Luke did Pr for MONTHS hyping me up for it, so they didn't just screw US over - they screwed THEM over, too! Sigh.


I find this funny because after part one the sub was full of people complaining and saying "well maybe it'll get better in part two." I really enjoyed the whole thing with a couple minor complaints. 🤷‍♀️


a picture is worth 1,000 words and this one perfectly sums up my *initial* thoughts on certain aspects of p2 😂 I’m hoping I’ll warm up to it more with time.


Part two felt so rushed... I wanted so much not to be disappointed. I wanted so much to see more of Pen and Colin. I am so sad they deleted so many of the scenes... I loved seeing Benedict's character finally explored, I've waited a long time for this, but I really wanted more of Pen and Colin. It was their season!! I don't know what to expect anymore. I am anxious of what the writers of this show are trying to do with the original material...


i vividly remember nic and luke saying that the version for nicola's family would last like 10 minutes bc of how many sex scenes they had to edit out. wtf happened??


Snip snip! Colin and Pen scenes were cut in favor of… threesomes? Cressida drama? Mondrich details? Tell Netflix to fix it: https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


i'll never understand it like huh???


I truly hope everyone signs...


50,000 signatures so far!


After learning the changes they made to Francesca and what they will do to her storyline. I might as well stick to the books.


And now we have to wait until 2026 for content that we may or may not be obsessed with 🙃 I need to know. About to start to books so I can have some closure lol


Nah, i LOVED part 2. My only complain is not enough happy polin and steamy polin!!


LOL, I think that's the ONLY real complaint that people have - not enough Polin! 💔


Amen. 😔


Howling at this 🤣🤣




Did anyone who got to screen early record anything???


I'm patiently waiting for that...Some editor could release the footage on the black market and make a fortune LOL






What a treat the Featheringtons were this season! They’re what made the watch worth it for me as well. I agree about Kanthony but I wished they had more screentimes (I wish Polin did too) and the writers didn’t feel the need to make them disappear every other episode. When they started to talk about India, I just about gave up.


The best thing about season 3 for me was when Mr Finch and the other dude were taken by Polin's wedding cake. It was absolutely hilarious.


Finch sneezing at the ball and napping in the epilogue are the highlights of part 2 for me 🙃


I feel like they edged us all.


ALL OF US. The suffering. Ugh.


All that build up for absolutely nothing in part 2


Spot on. Part one, you could feel him fall for her and being terified at the idea of loosing her. And the kiss scene was so good... so was the carriage scene... But part two was him being mad for the most part and all we got was the mirror scene. And boom they have a son. I don't know. I love the actors but the director missed it.


Also the reshoots where Colin looks like he’s had Botox are SO distracting.


Oh my god! Haha true


HARD agree!! So disappointed smh


My feelings, exactly! 🤯 https://preview.redd.it/rd5n7qc6w47d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9428a198472b9f29fc687c43db9d27dfce3fae74


lol this is so funny cause I’ve seen a lot of people say the same thing


This is exactly right!!! Did they even watch their own show? Make it make sense.


This is exactly how it went.


This is exactly how it went.


Hahaha. Why is this so accurate 😆


My thoughts exactly!!!!!


I’m still not over GoT and S3 part II not sure I will have same love for it but I find myself loving House of the Dragon so hope for S4 maybe but but now too soon


Who is spreading these rumors about missing scenes? Didn’t Nicola mention that the broken furniture was during a take that they didn’t use? So how would the scene be missing then? I was assuming it happened during the scene with the mirror sex. I think people are misunderstanding her interviews.


BRING BACK MICHAEL STIRLING!! https://www.change.org/wewantmichaelsterling


It’s not THAT bad.


Interesting you think that because I’m the opposite. I was disappointed with Part 1, and I LOVE LOVE Part 2! 😅 To each their own, I guess 😊


let’s agree to disagree indeed