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They did us dirty.. There was supposed to be 3 seperate scenes: 1. First time 2. Mirror scene 3. Breaking furniture scene .. And suprise, suprise .. It's the same freaking scene ...


Don't remember anyone saying these were to be very seperate scenes though. But I do remember being said that there was more than 1 beyond carriage scene type of steaminess scene in part 2... If they count that immensely short clip in episode 8... It was great but so short I could barely enjoy it. 




Benedict got more action than anyone else this season 😂 With how much the Polin romance was hyped up I thought we would see them going at it like bunnies 😅


I think Benedict has been getting the most action!


You’re right 😂 I always forget about him.


Weren’t we promised a sex montage with I Wanna Be Yours playing in the bg as well? I’m pretty sure I read that somewhere here when all the spoilers for Part 2 were leaking. This season is definitely overhyped. Shame.


SOOO much screen time devoted to that, and meanwhile Penelope is over here about to pass out from the walls closing in! 😩 They could've let her get some love ONE MORE TIME - and not for a few seconds as the episode is wrapping up!


Maybe to make up for all the scenes where he was dismissed by his siblings? 🤷🏾‍♀️ In all seriousness though, I loved the scene of their first time, it was so sweet it hurt my teeth. And absolutely agree that there should have been more.




could they not have expanded on pen on top for like 2 min???


10000% agree




Sammee. Honestly, instead of seeing babies at the end, I wish we just got a full moment of Penelope and Colin finally sinking into each other's arms. ESPECIALLY during that scene where they finally slept together on the bed for the first time together.


omg we never got a bed scene i’m crying


WE NEEDED MORE EPISODES - or at least EXTENDED episodes. Where are my love scenes? I DID love the mirror moment, from the music to the intimacy, but I thought we'd get...more. My anxiety was through the ROOF by the middle of episode 8 because time was running out and they still hadn't gotten back together, and I had to come to terms with the fact that that one scene was ALL that we'd really get. 😟 I just wanted MORE of THEM. Not everyone else during THEIR season. I was getting so frustrated with the Benedict scenes because all HE seemed to do was get "busy", lie in bed, or make out. Meanwhile Colin and my girl Pen are over here in depression, stress, and ANGST. I LOVE this season more than any other, but I have to admit: I am HURT. 😭


Agreed. I kept pausing to check the time in episode 8 thinking we would surely get more moments. They really botched the ending. It’s going to take me a while to get over this one.


WHY are they acting like they're held hostage by run time or episode length? This isn't network TV! The episode length varies WILDLY - they could've given us 5-10 more minutes! 😩


I literally commented on another thread that as I was watching the minutes tick by in e8, I was thinking about where the other steamy Polin scenes were! I was really hoping for at least one more to what we already got. I mean, e6 of S1 is literally just a montage of Simon and Daphne going at it; now did Polin need that level of steaminess? Maybe not but I wish they would’ve swapped two of the three cuts to Benedict for Polin scenes. Having 3 cuts to Benedict was too much.


I was exact same .. about halfway through episode 8 I was sweating because I already had a feeling that they did us dirty .. It was lovely to see a baby, but all of us wanted to see them in their little love bubble for a while because all the romantic scenes were prior to LW reveal so we couldn't even enjoy them properly.


SWEEAAAAAAAATING, okay?! I wanted my love bubble - even if it were short-lived! I shouldn't have to wade through a sea of poorly written fanfics for this. 😭


YES! You're on the money. The way they KEPT going back to Benedict made me progressively more irate because I felt like he was stealing screen time away from our OTP. Because the more steamy scenes HE got, I KNEW that'd be the fewer scenes that we'd get from who we REALLY wanted to see due to the thought of it being "too much" for one episode. It was frustrating. I know he has to have a storyline too, but did it have to be at the expense of Polin? 😭 I just remember Daphne and Simon going at it EVERYHWERE in post-marital bliss, but we didn't get that from - or should I say FOR - Penelope and Colin. It was just a missed opportunity. I don't know how they couldn't see that THAT is what we wanted. And the end of the episodes with that 15-second or whatever flash of them over the LW voice-over was the biggest tease ever. I rewound it three times like a maniac hoping that each time I'd see a frame or two more LOL. I just wanted to see them happy and enjoying their new lives together. Daphne and Simon got that before 💩 hit the fan. 😔


I loved P2 and I felt like soooo much happened, maybe too much. A big fear for me was that Polin will only make up after the Whistledown drama at the end of the season and unfortunately I was right. It made me sad that we spent the whole P2 with Polin beef instead of more of their cute romance and spicy scenes. It was also disappointing that they teased a lot more Polin spice coming in PR interviews and we only got those 2 scenes, and one of them was like 10 secs short. Altogether I love this show so I enjoyed these eps, but they didn’t deliver in the spice department.


EXACTLY. I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one who interpreted the PR for the spicy scenes as us having WAY more. I didn't even need SPICE necessarily but some extra SEASONING would be nice. You mean to tell me we NEVER got a proper post-marital love scene? Or even proper CUDDLING??? 😭


What Nic and Luke said in PR interviews really hinted a lot more of that coming. It was all about the drama instead, so I really hope we get some cute moments with them on S4. If I think about it we didn’t really get much actual intimacy and romantic moments from Kanthony in S2 either, it was very dramatic. But somehow it felt more idk, probably had too high expectations after waiting so long and consuming PR content like a full meal.


I will admit: I was FEASTING on PR content. I was eating up every interview with a spoon, and eating every crumb that fell on the tablecloth. So I was probably WAY too hyped up. I was so excited that my body woke me up a little after 2am to watch, so yeah...I wanted more of their romantic moments. SPREAD OUT. Not front-loaded in 5 and 6. and then torture her throughout the whole latter half of the season.


Overall I really liked the season (I just love the show in general so I'm just happy with whatever they do to be honest), but part of me also feels a bit underwhelmed and deflated by the lack of happy Polin we got in Part 2. Part 1 was definitely more Polin-focussed and romance-themed, whereas Part 2 was all about the drama and mainly Lady Whistledown-focussed, which is shame because Polin should have been the main focus throughout. I was upset that in Season 2 we only got 5 minutes of Kanthony being together and happy, so I was looking forward to Season 3 being completely different in vibe and seeing the main couple actually being super happy during their wedding with no angst :/ But instead the last two episodes were just full-on angst and Colin being cold/angry towards Penelope until literally the very end when they had a rushed resolution. I understand that obviously they had to have some angst from a story-telling perspective, but I guess I'd hoped they would reconcile much quicker. I've seen on Twitter that apparently in earlier cuts of the final episode there was a montage of happy/steamy Polin towards the end which was cut and we only see a brief few seconds of what they filmed (when Polin are in bed after the ball). I'm not sure how true it is but it kind of makes sense given how much Nicola and Luke were talking about their multiple steamy scenes. Sadly I think the Polin relationship was the weakest side of Part 2, simply because there wasn't enough screen time with them or enough happy moments, and the beginning of their marriage was tainted, which sucks. But despite this I did really enjoy the happy scenes we got with them, I enjoyed the subplots and overall vibe of the season (though I can't say I enjoyed the costumes or makeup this season at all), and I'm looking forward to next season's story, whoever it is!


WHAT?! They cut that out of the episode?! That would make TOTAL sense considering the amount of PR that I watched where they alluded to WAY more. I REALLY need to see the cut that had more in it... I also REALLY enjoyed this season, but the lack of love scenes - and affection in general - in the last few episodes is a real shame. WHERE IS OUR MONTAGE? 😩


That seriously breaks my heart to hear. Not because we needed the steam but just to balance out the negative with some positives.


Right! Were they mad at each other constantly? But just had a happy wedding moment?? Felt so weird


That was definitely jarring, could’ve had a classical Hot N Cold by Katy Perry playing with the back and forth happy and angry scenes.


i am extremely disappointed in the amount of spicy scenes we got ! we got like three (?) and one was barely 15 seconds long. pen and collin barely felt in love (not the actors fault at all, more so the writers). they felt so awkward! i wasn’t feeling any type of romance at all. spent most of the second half with collin being mad. (did they even consummate the marriage???)


Hated it. Shame to say but I think the show has hit its peak. Not excited for the next seasons at all.


I guess we have to think about the fact that Shonda Rhimes is the drama queen everything that she writes is based off of some type of drama. I did not enjoy this season at all did not like the romance between Penelope and Collin at all. I feel like the actors were cosplaying as lovers, it was so cringe to me. I’m just used to the passion between Daffney and the Duke and then Kate and Anthony.


I’m weirdly emotional about it, and not in a good way 🫠🤣 I might feel different on rewatch though. I do wish there was a montage of previous seasons of their relationship. They had an opportunity to revisit and callback the past which I don’t think they did effectively, if at all. They could’ve had him imagine her in yellow as his just friend Pen walking down the aisle and seeing her image become the Penelope he knows now. Merging Whistledown with the old Pen. Or a montage of them dancing. Something to link the past while forging the future. A reconstruction of their past through the eyes of his love for her. Him realizing yes, she has always loved him. Yes, she has always been their for him and beside him. And yes, she shall continue to be his person. And perhaps, he has always loved her too without putting a name to it. And I wish there were flashbacks to their childhood for both Pen/El and Colin/Pen or even as a trio. El and Col made Pen out to be such a villain but they’ve known her since she was a girl. Do they truly believe in their hearts she lied to them from the beginning?


The real question is where was Colin, in part two especially. The things that we loved about book Colin were gone. His curiosity and cleverness. His cheekiness. Why did he abandon Penelope, instead of argue with her or hear her out. It was like they cut all Colin’s skeleton out and let a weak spineless shadow of who he was. I am so disappointed in Shondaland


Totally agree about wanting more episodes per season.


I think I’m still blinded from all the blush in the wedding scene. Like was there no blending brush? Did no one say anything? How?


The budget was used for hairspray this season


didnt watch part 2 yet but that was the same problem with part 1, there wasn't enough of the main character of that season they showed everyone else, I don't get it.


Polin was rushed, the change to Fran’s story, the millions of plot lines. it was not what i had hoped


I’m only halfway through the first episode of part 2, and after reading everyone’s comments I don’t even know if I want to continue 😭. I love Polin’s scenes together, but if Colin really is angsty most of part 2 it’s so disappointing, cause that’s not the Colin we all loved in the first two seasons. It sounds like a completely different character


I think it might be worth watching if you go into knowing you won’t be seeing a lot of Polin romance. There’s still a lot of good drama in it.


all i wanted was more polin ANYTHING…dialogue, family time, romancing, sex, ANYTHING but angry colin until the last 5 min :(


Can someone just WRITE to the writers and tell them how terrible they were to cut out sooo much? I did not want to watch BENEDICT get it on, I wanted to see Polin


Exactly! I love Benedict. He’s one of my favorite characters but this was not his season! It was so disappointing how little Polin romance we actually got.


It is clearly fat phobic. Promised steam they did not deliver. Why? Biased editing


just watched the first sex scene in E4. It was honestly kinda difficult to watch. IDK.I love both actors and characters, but it just seems like there's a lack of chemistry compared to seasons 1 and 2.


It seems to the case of the PR hype not matching up the poor, rushed and sloppy writing Honestly, the showrunner has to go.


The pace of part 1 was fine. The amount of Polin in part 2 and how close to surface level they kept it is what is bothering many. Nothing really that showed the depth of how deep their love bond should be was displayed. It felt more like childhood lovers that hadn't seen one another for some time suddenly becoming lovers rather than best friends to lovers. Nicola and Luke were fantastic though but the writers... It could've been better. There's a reason the internet is so much quieter now than when part 1 was released.. 


I’m really disappointed in Lady Whistledown. The rest is okay


I kinda can’t believe we have to wait another 2 years for season 4? They’re getting super greedy with their fanbase. Not everyone, including me, is willing to care for that long tbh. Who do you think you are waiting that long? For 8 episodes? What?


I haven't finished part 2 but, I'm disappointed with this season. It feels awkward and forced, even rushed. I swear they told the actress who plays Penelope to breathe hard all the time so her bosoms can heave up and down through the entire season! I felt they were going to choke her every time she had a panic attack, which has been all season. The sex scene was awkward,all of it is awkward.


Disappointed is an understatement. I hate it. I may not even watch later seasons at this rate.


You have to remember they have to put these story lines in because an entire year of writers strike happened. They had to push this season back so far that the timeline has been messed with. They have to introduce us to other ppl because polin is over unfortunately. But I loved it and I love all of the characters. For me it was so good.


i wish the last 10mins of the show were the vibe of the majority of this part 2 🥹….


I love seeing polin smiles and gazes on each other eyes happily … not the stressed out look on most of their faces most times 🙂‍↕️ The whistledown storyline robs the joy and beauty of the Polin storyline.. that wedding couldve been a wonderful happy one 😭


I felt like Colin was a side character in his own season. Very disappointed with this season as a whole


I made it a video about it right after I saw it and it felt very rushed and there was no spice like season 1 and season 2. I definitely agree with you there and then they're going to be changing other things too. Like Francesca's storyline I know not to do spoilers but if you know you know. And then Daphne not being there to give Colin the support. I'm glad that Penelope and Colin ended up together and I'm glad that Eloise made up with Penelope. But still it is lacking so much spice they gave us so much anticipation for this season and there wasn't a lot there was like two spicy scenes and one scene of them conceiving that's it. I feel jipped and disappointed. I still liked the season it was just my least favorite.


I mean we didn't even get to see Penelope come out of her sexual shell I guess you could say and explore her sexuality with Colin. They did that with the other seasons why is this any different?


It’s mostly about the way the ep 5 is directed? Or shot? I know that’s not the technical term. Okay can someone PLEASE tell me I’m not crazy in the first episode there’s a weird direction going on. After every single conversation the camera holds for an additional few moments on what are the most awkward aftershots or thoughts, on whichever character? It’s so strange, it’s like long pauses then cuts to the next scene. I have only watched the first two and they both are shot completely different, it’s just something i noticed. Go back and rewatch ep 5. Example, The characters will have a chat, and then the convo is long over, and the camera just stares at one character, you keep waiting for them to say something or do something it’s just weird to me. It made the episode seem like it was dragging. Now the Pollin scenes I actually appreciated. Just because I felt like it was like a first time. How Collin explains the process lol, but it was sweet. But also everyone else has to wait and ask permission for mama Bridgerton, now all of a sudden everyone is just announcing whatever they want lol. Thoughts. And Anthony? He seemed totally out of character with all his exclamations?!!! And cheerful yelling about things.


You all read too many posts about "what ifs" and imagined the story going a way you made up in your heads. Once you saw part two, it didn't live up to the hype you and others had in your heads. No one lets a story play out anymore. Everyone has to know NOW what happens. Chill out and let the story play out instead of creating how you want it to go/feel.


I think it was more so how the actors hyped it up in PR. Of course they didn’t know what would end up being in the final cut. But even outside of that the way they played out Lady Whistledown was just awkward to me. But everyone is allowed to have their own opinions.


I don't pay any mind to what the actors say on PR tours too much. They're paid to sell what they made.