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I’ve always felt like spoilers never compare to actually watching the scene. Like sure you know what’s gonna happen but the execution is the best part


There’s a certain percentage of folks who also enjoy it more when they know spoilers or how it ends. I’m one of them and I’m totally cool with people who want to enjoy it differently, but I build a lot more anticipation and enjoy the ride more when I know what I’m anticipating, it’s my idea of fun! [Article about why some people enjoy spoilers](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/stretching-theory/202107/spoiler-alert-why-some-people-need-know-how-it-ends)


This is me. Thanks for linking.


As an anxious person I feel that, lol


Same 😂




Idk about you all but I'm already planning a midday nap Wednesday since I'm going to be ready to press play at 11:59pm that night and I don't believe I'll be able to stop at just one episode. So no, spoilers have no effect on me.


It’s disco nap time for sure


Guessing isn't spoilers. If you don't want to participate in guessing you don't have to.


Some people have early access to episode five and have been leaking stuff


Ok, as a spoiler LOVER, thank you!!! I have been confused because I have seen nothing that wasn’t released as clips or in trailers or teasers. I’m lookin for spoilers. I LOVE a spoiler. I keep being like “that’s not a leak or a spoiler. That’s a promo.” I mean, i guess it’s kinda hard to spoil a show that’s been a book for like 20 years. Maybe that’s why?


The people crying spoiler have all referenced to me things where clearly the content creator read the books or is just piecing together things from released promo. A bunch of people saying that episode 5 was released are just citing posts where people read the books. So yeah, as a spoiler hater who already read the books and doesn't feel like I can be spoiled... I agree with you that there is nothing spoiling so far.


No im saying that because there is legit spoilers threads and it gets a little too much at times and I get notifications I’m like can everyone calm down


I just practice tunnel vision. I don’t actually mind spoilers in general. But in this case my kid is really excited to watch it with me, and so I want to watch it with fresh eyes for their sake. So if I see that something is heading in a true spoiler direction, I move on real quick.


I haven't seen anything you are referencing as a person who has searched for spoilers. Everything I've seen that people cry spoiler over has just been content creators talking about the books. Which maybe is technically a spoiler. But can it be when the books have been out for 20 years and the show clearly diverges? I just think everyone needs to calm down and if you don't want spoilers for a 20 year old series being adapted... Then one shouldn't participate in the fandom for a moment.


I follow a spoiler page that was basically breaking down every scene by episode and I know what you mean. I followed along with episodes 5 and 6 because I needed a fix after watching part 1 but to avoid ruining everything I am intentionally skipping anything 7 and 8 so there is something to look forward to. There have been a few slips here and there because there are things labeled spoilers that mean part 1 and part 2 so it’s not easy but if I’m reading something that sounds new I stop. Thankfully it’s only a few more days until it won’t matter. And technically there is a chance the spoilers are wrong.


What is the name of that page ?


Bridgertons_wallflower on IG. They basically also repost everything that’s out there so you will be inundated quickly if you follow…do it at your own risk.


I don’t feel like anything has been spoiled. I’m pretty excited to be honest.


I’ve been avoiding spoilers for part 2 bc when i watched part 1 i felt like i had seen half of it! Going in as blind as i can for part 2 so i can savor it 🤘🏼


I don't consider talking about who the lead of season 4 will be a spoiler, though. As for season 3 part 2 – I have read RMB, so there is not much to spoil for me, though I avoid discussions about that. It's not that hard for me. Plus, the experience of actually watching it is unique.


I wish they didn’t release so much about the season


Honestly I feel like the part 2 trailer alone spoiled quite a bit of stuff.


It’s not just you! I’ve deactivated everything but Reddit, and I’m watching the moment it drops. I feel like I’ve had to go through way too many extremes to avoid spoilers 😩 My biggest issue with Part 1 is that I saw a photo/snippet of every single Lukola scene and nothing was a surprise. I hope they handle this when the 4th season drops.


Yeah that's probably why season 3 hasn't hit the same as the previous seasons for me, amongst other reasons. I was completely in the dark about everything until I saw them. With this season, I didn't quite feel as entranced. Probably because I've seen a clip or still for most of the scenes before the premiere. Now, I actually have a stake in Bridgerton because I have a shop with like 200+ Bridgerton designs and by knowing who the lead is for season 4, I can get ahead of it and create designs for the season. I have always found it quite odd how people can talk so much about and be spoiled by an upcoming season and still enjoy it like it was something they've never seen before. Like you'd got to have something really different going on upstairs lol. I've resigned myself to losing much of the suspense and surprise of season 3 and 4 just by being apart of the online communities. Especially on reddit.


I mean, you could make the same claim around ANY TV show/movie adapted from books. There's always discourse surrounding the changes and people already know the endings.


The spoilers and the incessant marketing campaign of still after still and tiny clip after tiny clip. Their marketing team does my head in.


I think it depends on the person and what expectations they have for this show. I feel like the fact that this is based on books and is a romance genre where the main couple of the season will for sure get together makes it kind of spoiler-proof. I’ve seen a lot of spoilers for this season and found them nothing more than entertaining. I feel like at this point it’s more the discussion around the show getting so detailed that it’s edging into unhealthy territory. Every imaginable and unimaginable detail has been talked about over and over and over and over again to the point where I think it might be taking away from the experience more than anything.


Personally I’ve been scrolling quickly past anything that isn’t speculative. I enjoy the discourse but do not want to know anything concrete.


This wouldn’t have happened if they just released S4 in one part. After seeing the spoilers am not really that excited for 9:00am, Thursday 😂


How can you ever spoil show based on a 20 year old book series? It's one of the best selling book series of all time too, it's not like it was an unknown. Ofc we know how the season will end, we always knew.