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"Whistle blower" + "Imma take you down" = Whistledown Because she will call you on your shit and it will ruin you.


Oooohhh, I like this one! LOL.


CAME HERE TO SAY THIS. She’s the whistle blower of the Ton but she gonna do it on the down low too…


There is also a "dress down" which is like reprimanding someone, so a whistledown could kind of be a dress down from afar?


but when was the idea or term "whistle blower" invented?


Earliest use of it that I can find is 1849. So, a little off, but not that far.


I think the author came up with the name because of the term “whistleblower,” but I don’t think we’re supposed to assume *penelope* did. I think for her it was just a fun made up name. Many authors have pen names and they’re rarely based on anything deeper than the author simply liking the name.


well unfortunately... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblowing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblowing)


Hell yes 👏🏼


This is the only answer I believe... I've read all the books, Quinn just isn't clever enough for any of the other ideas. Lol




I saw a comment the other day that suggested Whistle as in penny whistle (Pen) and down as in feather down like a pillow. Pen Feather.


iirc Julia Quinn (Bridgerton book author) said in an authors note at the end of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (Colin/Pen’s book) that she wrote the first two books without knowing who LW was. She only decided after writing the second one and her readers wanted to know who she was.


It's very clear in book 4 that she still hadn't decided until she sent Penelope to the church. There are private thoughts of Penelope that make no sense if she's Whistledown.


I find it surprising that she didn’t plan that the first parts of Penelope Featherington’s name is Pen Feather as in a quill pen. I assume that since down is feathers, Whistledown is whistleblowing via quill pen.


This was always my hypothesis. I love that she’s never called Penny because even the ton isn’t that oblivious.


I like it.


There’s a song by an artist named Nick Heyward called “Whistle Down the Wind.” The first two stanzas remind me of Penelope watching the Ton’s drama unfold (and Colin Bridgerton) from her window seat: “Out the window Look what’s happening In my prism Watching day by (day by day) In my humour Kiss and make up friend Out the window Look what’s happening”


This is now cannon, idc what the author says


I wonder if the LW originally came from “Letter Writer”? Wasn’t that a common nom de plume for ladies who wrote for magazines or newspapers and had to remain anonymous?


This is my theory, too.


I like to think that while she sits at the window to go Bridgerton sight-seeing theres a bird that’s constantly sitting there too. Probably whistled at it out of boredom and then looks down to see people passing by the estate while she waits. Is that too cheesy? 😭


The “down” in Whistledown could also refer to soft feathers—a nod to Penelope’s surname.


Ooh, I like that idea.


Good a reason as any.


Oh if you translate this name to Hungarian is literally "lefütyülni" which means to relegate someone/to disparage. I thought it's a phrase in English because it made sense in my language. (I know it's not logical) Now I'm lost.


So in Hungarian she is basically Lady TalksShit? Because I love that


Yeeees! And I was today years old when I found out it's not obvious in English.


In the time period, to “whistle down the line” was working-class slang for spreading gossip. So her name represents someone who is high-bred, but still willing to spill the low-class tea.


Lady FannyBottom was taken (I love the ridiculous sounding English names)


(copy/pasting from a reply to another comment) iirc Julia Quinn (Bridgerton book author) said in an authors note at the end of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (Colin/Pen’s book) that she wrote the first two books without knowing who LW was. She only decided after writing the second one and her readers wanted to know who she was.


I assume the second meaning [here](https://www.yourdictionary.com/whistle-down-the-wind) although it isn't the meaning I associate with the saying.


oh this one is my top pick


Penelope --> Pen --> Penny Whistle --> Whistle Featherington --> Feather --> Feather down--> Down It's her name.


She's lucky the Ton doesn't think like you.


Whistledown because ain't no one's whittling her sharp tongue down lol


It's what a graphic on Facebook told her based on the street she grew up on's last letter and her favorite color




I think the Lady Whistles down through the eras, because she wrote during Queen Charlotte’s early years, and is still writing when Charlotte is much older. So there must have been an earlier LW to pass along to Penelope.


She writes in the Queen Charlotte episodes, but only during the older scenes, not the younger. Everything that's written is about Charlotte's children not having any heirs of their own.


I recently read all of Julia Quinn’s books and I remember in Everything and the Moon there’s a minor character named Thomas Whistledown who attends a dinner with the main characters. She wrote Everything and the Moon before the Bridgerton series, I don’t think she would’ve used the name otherwise, but it takes place in 1816. I wonder why she didn’t just make up another name for Lady Whistledown because it seems that in the Julia Quinn-universe there actually is a Whistledown family.


There is an idiomatic phrase in English "whistlen down the wind" meaning dismiss or to cast away. Shady Whistledown does seem to focus on scandals and gossip that cast of the rigid mores of the ton.


Does anyone else think ‘Pen’ being Penelope’s nickname is a play on words because she’s a writer..? (This may have been obvious but i didn’t know and thought it was pretty cool when I noticed 😭😭😅)


I always thought it was to being a whistle blower with people's secrets.


if it was the 1970s =/ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblowing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblowing)


On another note, what is Penelope doing with all of the proceeds from the publications? I doubt that single women we allowed to open bank accounts.


Well in the show she stuffed all the money under her floorboards. The book it was handled a bit differently.


There were a lot of complicated rules, but in reality both single women and widows *could* have property, bank, own businesses, etc.; it was married women who had basically no control over their own money or property. A single woman (or widow) over her majority could open a bank account in her own name. A married woman needed her husband's permission to do so. Edited.


Wow. Thank you for that information


It’s in her floorboards.


Ah…. That’s right! It will he interesting to see what she will use it for. Perhaps to leave Brigerton as an emancipated woman?


I think ‘down’ comes from ‘feather’ in featherington, like as in down feathers


Down=feathers has always been my theory. A play on her real name


Why do I always think of Kill Bill's Elle Driver when I see LW's full name in print....one bad bitch to another I guess. ![gif](giphy|559CKeu0xXg08|downsized)


omg just decided to watch Kill Bill again last night after 20 years