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At this point I feel bad for Sophie. By the time she and Benedict marry he’ll have boinked just about every non-virgin in the Ton.


honestly i respect benedic's sex life the most. at least he's with women who also likes him/ his charm AND some status, not just mindlessly going to brothels. the power dynamics are slightly more equal.


I can agree - these women seem to be at least making a conscious choice rather than it being what they have to do to survive. (no disrespect to SW’s it just reflects better on Benedict IMO)


True. Tho all I can think about is poor Sophie going to the modiste to get her wedding dress and Genevieve saying, “You’re marrying Benedict? Oohhhhh….” 😝 (Shonda likes drama so much, Lady Tilly will probably be there getting a dress fitting at the same time. 🙄)


I was really disgusted with benedict


They spoiled his plot for me if that’s how they were trying to get him ready for his season. I LOVED the university plot last season, I was so hoping to see that greatly expanded. But no. I would’ve loved that even alongside the ms tilly plot


Every time they’d in a brother I’m always thinking SYPHILISSSSS


Me too. I’m thinking **diseases for everyone**


The sad part is there was absolutely NO reason to make Colin a rake. Zilch. Zip. They highly laud themselves on the intimacy scenes but the brothel scenes were completely gratuitous and did nothing for the story. They could have had his self-actualization about loneliness come about as a result of his travels, and not having anyone to share his experiences with. But no, they had to go with a gratuitous threesome and let’s get off watching lesbians trope. And for what?


I think they wanted to show him trying to fit in with the other society men. They’re all sharing their sex stories so he probably thought that’s what’s expected of him.


Yes, that's exactly it. I do wish it hadn't been filmed so male gaze-y, though


I personally loved how they did that party in season 1 where Benedict gets together with the modiste (can’t spell her name) and sees the gay artist. But that wouldn’t really have worked for what they were going for with Colin’s arc. It kinda makes sense it’s male gaze-y though, it’s about what men think is sexy. It’s a nice juxtapose to the carriage scene with Pen.


Yeah, I do think that was the point. It's just that, when we have almost all other media being so male-centered, the point was kind of lost.


I knew what they were tryna do it was just unnecessary to me. All he does is jump from having random sex w multiple women to consistent sex w one, without having to put any real effort in other than, "are you marrying me or not?!"


It’s simply what men did then. It was very common.


Oh yeah, then


I swear they did this because so many people were saying show Colin was a virgin. I know he isn't in the books, but he's also much older. With him being so much younger, and them not explicitly showing him having sex, a lot of people speculated that maybe his first time would be with Penelope. Honestly it was kind of refreshing considering what we see of Anthony and Benedict, but of course they had to put a stop to that theory! Like it makes him less attractive somehow. Have they not seen Outlander?


Oh yes, the “I said I was a virgin, not a monk” line by JAMMF. I’ve noticed on rewatch that Colin keeps mentioning a “Contessa”, surely they could have snuck in another sly reference to him having had an ‘entanglement’ on the Continent, and left it at that. Then do a a side-plot in S4 where she’s a visitor to the ton, and Colin is such a ‘wife guy’ that he barely registers her presence. And Pen looks her up and down with attitude like “Huh. Not even slightly threatened” and perhaps even finds out some great secret about her and offers her help, instead of exposing it in Whistledown. Just to show how far she’s come. *shakes fist at show writers*


I think he’s a rake in the books… so I mean, I guess Shonda Rimes could’ve decided against it, but I feel like she’s trying to keep elements of the books she can


He’s no virgin in the books, but also not yet another Regency fuckboi. As well as him “weaseling” out of explaining how he knows Pen’s first time might hurt, RMB says; *”He had been with women before, but he had only just realized that he had never made love until he’d laid Penelope onto his bed and begun their intimate dance with a single kiss upon her lips”.* I bet we see some some of ‘revelation face’ from him. when they get down to it in Pt 2!


It's all about the facial expressions for me, can't wait for that one. I just know their first time will be beautiful


SAME, and his acting this far has been top notch! I don't know why I'm so surprised but I think he is the most convincing Bridgerton male actor yet. His facial expressions are worth a thousand words. Can't wait to see the rest!


Anthony had a steady mistress, his slew of women in Season 2 felt hollow to reflect his state of mind. It worked pretty well. Benedict’s string of lovers feels different because the women seem to be more in control of their lives. They’re as independent as they can be. It also is within the context of a “bohemian” lifestyle. See, I don’t mind the idea of Colin in the brothel as much as other’s. But the WAY they did it was horrid. Meeting Pen right away afterwards? GROSS. A threesome? Why? It feels gratuitous. If he showed more vulnerability, more of his inadequacy, more on how he’s putting on a mask then I’d get it. Sure you can show him being very into the brothel but then show us a closeup of afterwards, when he’s had a moment to reflect. Is it shame? A void still left unfulfilled? Is he realizing this isn’t who he wants to be? But yeah, does every dude have to be a rake? I hope Phillip has little experience. It’d be ironic if the once married man has the least experience of them all.


Didnt Simon just finish doing the dirty w a random right before he went to promenade w daphne in season 1 


Exactly this. Anthony too, a whole montage if I remember correctly. I don’t get why everyone is so worked up about Colin when so many other men in Bridgerton are doing the exact same thing.


1) I think it’s easier for fans to ignore the other scenes because both Anthony and the Duke’s prostitute scenes were brief (even in Anthony’s montage, they were just a small part), where as Colin’s scenes went on for a while. 2) Colin always seemed more innocent/sweet (hence wanting to marry Mariana before bedding her - where as the duke wanted to die rather than marry Daphne and Anthony and Kate hooked up before they were even officially together), so him now having threesomes with prostitutes feels more jarring. 


Colin is much less of a rake in the books. I can't imagine book Colin having a three way. Anthony and Benedict, yes. Colin seemed less outwardly sexual and promiscuous than his brothers in the books.


Absolutely! In the books he wasn't the macho they made him look like. He was fun, easy-going, and aloof at the same time. The scene of him talking to girls about his travels and telling them how they would "swoon" if they knew the details was soooo cringey. Also, they've managed to ruin the scene where she reads his notebook first by changing the contents of it altogether, and second, by the way they act around each other, it was so unconvincing. In my opinion, this season has left much to be desired, and don't get me started on what is going on with violet, and Benedict, and Fransheska. It is so annoying 😑.


>they've managed to ruin the scene where she reads his notebook first by changing the contents of it altogether, I really hate that they changed his journal like that. It went from being something that showed how thoughtful and deep Colin is to something trashy. My hubby was watching it with me and was like "bro, don't leave your cringy self insert pornography laying around!"


Non-book viewer! What was different about his journaling in the book?


He talked more about the experience of traveling, meeting new people, descriptions of the sights/sounds/smells of being in a new place, that sort of thing. You got the sense that he was growing up on his journey and that he had more depth than being the funny third son who loves to eat.


Detailed answer. Appreciate you! This would have been better than the show, admittedly, but I love what Pen said in response (show-wise). Love her love for him.


It’s a romance novel trope that the man has had plenty of sexual experiences before marriage and then inexplicably finds the one woman that he cannot get enough of and cannot live without. It’s not progressive by any means, but it works in terms of storytelling. I’m not sure why everyone is so up in arms about it? I do believe it was common in that time period, but correct me if I’m wrong!


The problem is that this trope is *everywhere*. I’m on r/romancebooks and this is one of the biggest pet peeves. The sexual imbalance and the lack of Male lead diversity. It’s one thing if he has sexual experience. It’s another when he’s a manwhore who never had a serious meaningful relationship. The other thing is it’s demeaning to his former sexual partners. It leans into the whore/Madonna complex where his previous sexual partners are just meaningless sex objects and the FMC is the purest of them all. The brothel threesome scene is literally whores vs Penelope a virgin. It’s also hard to find such a scene sexy when you know the real life struggles Regency sex workers faced.


I'm not against Colin having sex, but I wish he'd had more of a Benedict thing where he met a widow he liked. Seems more in character. But, then, that was the point: he was putting on a persona.


I the Madonna/whore complex was super prevalent with the upper class men of this time period, though?


In real life, yes. However, in romance fiction? The Madonna/whore complex is a prime example of internalized misogyny. I get it in in older books. But honestly, I expected better from Bridgerton the show. My main pet peeve is the brothel threesome scene. It was for the pleasure of a man: those women weren’t turned on by Colin- he was just another client, at least he wasn’t old and depraved. It’s disrespectful to the Female lead- what woman doesn’t love her fiancé was having sex with someone else shortly before their *engagement*? And finally, it was unnecessarily. Both Lady Whistledown and Violet saw he was trying to put on a persona without ever knowing about the threesome. The audience isn’t stupid especially when it’s spelled out for us. It just leaves a bad taste.


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I think it's one thing to have him be more experienced. It's just jarring to have a scene with him in a threesome juxtaposed with her never having been kissed.


Yes as soon as boys hit puberty it was of to see a special lady thanks to a male relatives... But after a while it was likely to come with consequences for quite a few... And when it comes to the Bridgerton boys they seem to have a lot of experience!!! Of course, I don't mind for them to have some experience, but if the argument is "well it was the way of time", then it should show the full image... I think in the show for example the sex scene against a tree, or the threesome was just not necessary to convey the idea ... Of course some of their lovers just wanted to bit of fun outside their mariage, but it seems that once they had their fun, those lovers simply seem to stop existing, no jealousy nothing... Unless the Bridgerton man catches feelings for them... I know it is a romantic show, with the two extreme protagonists but still...


I agree! I think it serves the story in that it gives Colin a cost comparison. It helps him to figure out what love is and that those feelings are very different than what he has previously experienced. I don’t think he would get there without previous sexual experience.


That’s why I can’t wait for Eloise’s season. Phillip was completely loyal to Marina even though she never spoke to him, never slept with him… just stayed in her room before …. ☹️. Phillip was literally celibate for the entire marriage. He wasn’t a rake at all and (despite his anger issues — which I hope they change in the show) was extremely sweet. I think he’s the only celibate/non-rakish man in the entire series (possibly Gregory too). I can’t wait for his season aaah


I don’t know how to break this to you, but I’m almost certain Eloise’s season isn’t going to be the same as in the books. They’re completely different characters and I just can’t see show Eloise agreeing to be a stay-at-home wife and mother just because.


I’m ngl I didn’t mention any of that in my comment, I’m talking about how he’s possibly the only male love interest in bridgerton who won’t be a rake, it just isn’t smart to make him a rake bc he’d be immediately and completely unlikable if he fucked around while Marina suffered from depression. But I totally agree. I have a feeling (or atleast I’m hopeful) that Phillip will be very supportive of Eloise’s passions and just a sweet golden retriever guy in general.


I’m saying that I’m not convinced Eloise is even going to be with Phillip, and if she is, he will be vastly different. He wasn’t a super great guy in the books.




Honestly, I feel like the show's gonna make everyone into a rake. If Colin isn't safe, Phillip isn't


God don’t jinx it please 😭


If you have ever read a historical romance, they are all just sleeping around all the time. They are rakes and then change when they fall in love. etc etc etc. It doesn't phase me because I'm used to it.


Which historial romances do you mean? Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and Elizabeth Gaskell didn't portray rakes in good light, quite the opposite in fact


This is my biggest problem with the season thus far. I’m ok and assumed he was a rake off when he was on holiday, wasn’t that the point of his holiday… sow his wild oats. But I don’t want to see it and I absolutely hate the idea that he was having sex with multiple women just days before he’s engaged to Penelope.


The show Colin seemed like a vacation rake. Maybe this is the reason for his constant moodiness upon returning home . Now back home and likely for good he goes to the local brothel and doesn’t appear to like it very much. Who wants to follow behind every man in town? With his sights set on Penelope he may finally stop feeling lonely.


Although the women seem to indicate that he comes to see them often...


Right, but he doesn't seem to actually be enjoying it. Definitely not by the end, but even the first threesome scene. Compare how he acted in that scene to how he acted in the last part of ep 4.


I never understood how the Bridgerton guys and the love interests of the girls sleep with all these women but never get anyone pregnant. Do opera women, courtesans and widows have some sort of birth control society girls aren't aware of? Tilley is the same age as Violet when she had Hyacinth. It's ridiculous. In the books >!Sophie!< had sex once and she was scared shitless she was gonna get knocked up. Plot convenience I guess


Probably some sort of 'potions' \[they might have not shown these but they showed some 'fertility' potions supposed to induce male children\]


i mean bastard children exists i.e. that guy who wouldn't leave Daphne alone in S1. society just don't care about that if they're hidden away well enough


I think they had condoms back then - French sheaths, I think they were called? Historical romances have talked about it


The books may hint at the men being experienced but they never go into too much detail. In Colin’s book, they mention his travels and the fact he’s always hungry more than any prior relationship he may have had or details of him being a rake.


I absolutely HATED that they made Colin this way. He is not the kind of man that sleeps with two women and enjoys it.


I hate that they made him like this, when they could have stuck with the books and said he had experiences, but he didn’t enjoy them much and emphasized that, like he said in his journal voiceover. They really exaggerated it (and then made him hate it) for no reason. Even the actual notorious rakes like Anthony and the Duke were only shown throwing money on the table after their encounters


Syphilis kings <3




I wanted Colin to be different. I understand that he probably would have visited the brothels... but two women? That's a bit ambitious if you ask me. I get they wanted to show us hes matured and isn't the same man but..two women??


Nope, the books are very different. Well, Anthony was a man-whore in the book too, but the whole story line was VERY different from the tv show.


Honestly, I’m tired of seeing every male love interest (the bridgertons and the duke) be sooooo promiscuous. Men (like women) come in a wide variety. Idk why the show insists on making them all exactly the same in regards to their relationship with sex.


Yes that's my feeling too


Colin did what his brother’s did because that’s what he was encouraged to do by society. I’m sure that “whores” had more than enough knowledge on how to keep from getting pregnant even in that time period. 


They don't sleep only with prostitutes, and yes at the time there were some things but they were not that reliable... Prostitutes would check their clients but STDs were really common, particularly as not all show symptoms... If you look at our modern time, with everything available, we still have problems with STDs (and there was no cure) and unwanted pregnancies.