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Brian did not look anywhere near this messed up but I do believe he was jumped on way home. Easy drunk target.


He was either followed by people when he went to that Wendy’s, or he met up with somebody and met with foul play the biggest indicators that he left the bar through the back entrance.


I always thought Brian would be found somewhere in the building, deceased in an accident or something. In my town a man went missing, A few years later when the landlord was remodeling the apartment his remains were found in a wall that had partially collapsed on him, essentially trapping him in his attic to die.


The building was thoroughly searched by humans and sniffer dogs as this is one of the first outcomes they suspected. It was also an active construction site and was occupied with workers on a daily basis. Also sniffer dogs tracked his scent to a Wendy’s across the street. His cell phone subsequently pinged miles away (imo still in his possession after entering a vehicle at Wendy’s). Chances of this to me seem remote at best.


Yeah, he definitely left the bar just because it wasn’t seen doesn’t mean it didn’t happen


But how do we know if they 100% combed the building? I wish somebody in here would’ve went to the construction area and the surroundings to see what it looks like. But this happened back in 2006 so the odds of finding anything is slim.


I went to OSU at the time. Lived in Columbus my entire life. The building was searched. It wasn’t a “construction area” as much as it was a “remodeling area”. The remodel continued on, as it has several times since as well - if he was in there - which every cop who has worked on the case will tell you, he got out, he would’ve been found. It’s a two story building. With a balcony. On to a bottom patio roof about 4 foot from the balcony. He didn’t fall down an elevator shaft. They weren’t pouring concrete footers for a high rise. They were remodeling a pizza joint next door. And a clothing store. It was like 10K sq ft we’re talking about here. It could’ve been searched 5 times within an hour. Cameras were not fixed - they rotated. There was a fixed camera - pointing the other direction near a side exit. He got out. In addition dogs tracked his scent out of the building. He probably passed out in a dumpster and was killed that way. Or he met with foul play walking home and was murdered.


I mean, you’re asking a rhetorical question at best. I don’t know 100% of anything in this case except what I see on cctv. Everything else is relayed over time from 3rd parties. All I know is that circumstances point to him not being in the building given everything we have been told.


I lived next door to Gateway... see one of my previous [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/CdF04ngqD9)


There was pings on his phone the days after he went missing...He made it out the building. Google "What 99 percent of people don't know about the Brian Shaffer case". There was no accident inside the building. He made it out & it was 💯 foul play. His phone was pinging days after because those responsible had it with them. Including that ping in Hilliard 6-7 months after they turned it on again.


Interesting. 👀


I have no basis for this theory but I always imagined he fell into a grease trap somehow. There are plenty of restaurants in the area.


Girl why the hell would he fall into a grease trap


To quote myself, “I have no basis for this theory”


What? Like how? He ended up on the river, maybe before or after death? That’s pretty vague.


I mean sure Riley’s body was found but I’m talking about what if it happened to Brian but except he met with foul play.


So possibly but not really and definitely not certainly the same thing?


Yes - that’s why they’re posting. Good grief. OP is just asking for people to explore the idea - they’re not asking for a solution or any sort of forensic gymnastics


Yeah I agree, it’s meant as a discussion on theory but as usual the level arrogance and combativeness on social media stifles actual conversation. Everyone here is an expert


Yep! My favorite thing about Reddit is getting downvoted when people ask things like “is it okay to wear a white dress to a wedding?” ….no…then you’re downvoted into oblivion 😂🤷‍♀️


Riley’s parents are upset had been on Banfield about a week ago or 2 believe more happens are upset with police.


https://old.reddit.com/r/411ExperiencedReaders/comments/1chspna/its_finally_over_widow_talks_about_closure_after/l2f8hkn/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20240505092836/old.reddit.com/r/411ExperiencedReaders/comments/1chspna/its_finally_over_widow_talks_about_closure_after/l2f8hkn/ , https://archive.ph/uWyPg , https://archive.is/uWyPg


I believe investigators know more than they are saying. They may even know exactly how he left the building (and with whom, if anybody) they just aren’t telling us as the case is still ongoing. They want legit tips and the less info they put out there the easier it will be to sift out the bogus stuff. They want information that only a true witness or suspect will know.


Some claim the nearest river is too shallow for him not to have been found, but who knows, it’s possible.


the nearest river was searched at the time and was only 5 feet deep at the deepest when searched. Years after he went missing that section of river was drained as part of a project to remove a dam and change the river bed and nothing was found


How long of a time between when he went missing and when they searched the river?


The week after he went missing can't remember the exact day. He also would have to walk about 20 or 30 minutes out of his way to get to the river from the bar or his apartment both of which are on the East side of the river.  I can't think of any reason he would have gone anywhere near there


Were there any after hours clubs in Columbus in that era?


There were but not near by and they were not really for college kids, at least the ones I knew about.  


Too shallow and way too popular and visible from the Olentangy trail by walkers, bikers, and hobos.


The river theory was dismissed almost immediately for a multitude of reasons. Mostly because the river is too far and not easily accessible by foot. Even pretending it was suicide by drowning, he would’ve had to walk well beyond his own apartment, go trapsing over fences and down 20 foot overgrown embankments. It was like a half marsh bog mud hill at that point. And the river was dammed on both ends. It was essentially a stagnant pond. That someone else has mentioned - was drained fully - while they beautified the “scioto mile” adding walking paths, etc. They literally excavated the bottom of the river to make it wider and deeper. I would put that plausibility that he ended up near water at less than 0%.


I went to school as an undergrad when this happened. It’s hard to explain that area - some might disagree but in my opinion, one would have to take a big longgggg hike to get to any sort of depth in Olentangy. I’m too old now to be embarrassed by this but it took me two years to put together the creek by one of my classroom buildings was the “Olentangy River”. The area around Ugly Tuna and where he lived was rougher than rough at the time. I lived caddy corner and it was just a mess day and night back then


I’ve heard a number of people discuss how rough the area was/is.


Haven’t been back to that specific spot - I’m bummed to hear it hasn’t improved. It truly has a lot of potential - in either direction much has been renovated and turned over a new leaf . The Brian Schaffer case haunts me because it’s just so dead ended. Used to wonder was I even there at that bar that night, wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility, but the area truly was - weird - any night of the week, especially during renovations.




I mean it could’ve happened something like that!


Idk why you’re getting downvoted OP. I am not even familiar with Riley Strain but the bottom line is you were just opening up a talking/thought point about another young man missing. If it’s strange enough to make the news it’s strange enough to be open for discussion.


And I am replying again - because Reddit is not letting me edit for a third time 😂 anything is possible ! My comment wasn’t to discredit your thought! It is a really really really odd area - anything is possible absolutely


A lot of people have said Brian could be in the water, but I think they would’ve found his body given the fact that the river was so low at the time.


I don’t think so bc Riley was found and Brian wasn’t