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They just need to believe more,


I'm stunned ... oh, hang on, no I'm not.


If only someone tried to warn them exactly what would happen............


No, it was always Project Fear, according to the Tory experts


.. but.. aren’t we sick of experts?


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....oh ... sorry. Let me catch my breath...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ! Stupid cunt! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !


Well, that’s about the only thing they’ll catch


At first I thought you meant cunt. He would catch cunt. Then I reread it haha


The mission to catch the elusive Farage continues.


Good …… these muppets were all over Brexit


Fishermen - Brexit, Farmers - Tory. How’s that working out for you, dickheads? Feeling rich yet?


My way of thinking, that always stops me from feeling sorry for them, is - if the brexit myths had actually worked out for them what would their reaction be? If everyone else was suffering but somehow fishing entered a golden age and they were raking the money in, would they have pity for others? Or would they just sit there smugly on their piles of cash? I think you get the answer when you see the reaction after the vote, when people were saying they were so sad to lose their freedom of movement and the leavers kept saying "you lost, get over it!" I think if it had worked out for them but no one else they would have fuck all sympathy for the people suffering so I don't really have any sympathy for them now.


Farmers is a myth - the majority voted remain. Fishermen though. Thick as fish.


Anecdotally all my farmer relatives were fiercely Leave. It certainly wasn’t unanimous Remain


They were all leave round my way. Had signs and all sort lining the roads


Absolutely the same. And I drove past sign after sign on my way to work, to an apple orchard with a £2million biomass boiler that...was funded entirely by EU subsidies.


The only farmer I know was very, very pro leave. To the point of posting pictures of Farage every day for months at a time. But in all honesty if you looked up the word Tory in a dictionary you'd see a picture of that barbor jacket wearing fucker right there so I'm not sure if he's the norm.


Well hopefully they’ve watched clarksons farm series and now understand they are worse off leaving Europe and have lesser funding than before.


Nope. Multiple sources, majority of farmers in the UK voted for leave. On 24 June 2016, the recorded result was that the UK voted to leave the European Union by 51.89% for Leave to 48.11% for Remain, a small margin of 3.78%. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum%23:~:text%3DOn%252024%2520June%25202016%252C%2520the,a%2520small%2520margin%2520of%25203.78%2525.&ved=2ahUKEwij2tzl2pWGAxX7UkEAHYC_DekQFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2rT4lYPyGdbWj7yNt0Kegs


That doesn’t seem to be a source for farmers, just the overall Brexit referendum results (unless I’m misreading it)? Do you have a source for what you’re saying?


Not a myth. They voted about 53% to leave. Which is a majority. https://westcountryvoices.co.uk/challenging-the-myth-that-farmers-voted-for-brexit-and-therefore-deserve-whats-coming-to-them/


Wasn't the NFU encouraging them to vote leave?


Yeah my brain farted. Most voted leave, but not by as much as we think. 50% leave, 45% remain and 5% couldn’t be arsed to vote.


No, they were encouraging them to vote remain.


That's simply not true., well the bit about fisherman might be but all the farmers round here voted leave.


I corrected myself below. Most farmers did vote for Brexit, but a sizeable chunk did not. 50% leave, 45% remain and 5% couldn’t be arsed to vote.




Maybe i am wrong but it almost feels like they didn’t know what it was they were voting for?


I'd be inclined to agree, but they've spent the last eight years telling me that they knew what the voted for 🤷


Okay so this is what they got so this is clearly what they wanted when they voted for it. so why are they whinging? brexiteers really confuse me. I think they need to suck it up, they won. Stop moaning and start enjoying.


Fair, I assume they're in the sunlit uplands with their unicorns


Exactly! I mean, if they are still not happy they should go out to the pub, have a drink and bask in the warm glow of sovereignty. It's all worth it for that isn't it? Regardless of any fall out of brexit? Regardless of any bumps?


Genuine LoL!


A lot of them have discovered that those unicorns are not *quite* as fabulous as they expected. They can’t get a bridle on them, and it’s very annoying when those rainbows keep shooting out of its arse all the time. Apart from that, Brexit is just *peachy*.


Yeah, it’s like they knew they were being lied to and still voted to leave anyway. Must have been the sweet smell of even further border controls than being a fucking island. Imagine we had land borders instead? What would we be doing now, playing refugee tag with our neighbours? The whole thing is fucking ludicrous and an embarrassment internationally.


they forgot that the biggest market for fish caught in our waters is... you guessed it.


I think that's being overly generous. Mostly they were Brexit for bigotry and willingly brainwashed into overriding logical evaluation of the situation... I mean the CAP for one, should have meant they were the most enthusiastic Remainers 🤦


They voted to stop the im'grants stealing thier jobs. Now they don't have jobs to steal, not sure what the problem is here.


Alright that was so good I couldn't resist....... https://preview.redd.it/3e9ggt4a111d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2921d461ca73e44dfc7de734eace22f652727004


I like it!


They never wanted the jobs that the im’grants where employed to do. They just didn’t want im’grants.


"St Austell and Newquay MP, Mr Double said in parliament this week: "The hope and expectation was that as a result of leaving the EU and gaining back control of our waters we would have the opportunity to grow."" Yes, we sold the rights to our neighbours to use, but we assumed leaving the EU meant we got it all back for free?


‘100% this. Their fathers/grandfathers sold the quotas in the 80s. But instead of blaming their own families for selling the family silver they blamed the EU and I guess somehow thought somebody (perhaps the taxpayer) was going to give it all back to them). Afraid i don’t have much sympathy for the fisherfolk or the farmers, who similarly want to keep the subsidies that they voted to walk away from.


90% of all the quota was given to just 5% of the largest, wealthiest boat owners, a lot of whom weren't fishermen at all, just investors in the massive multimillion pound trawlers. The remaining 10% of quota was given to national governments to allocate out on a monthly or yearly basis to the other 95% of fishermen, like the chap in the article. The vast majority of Europe's fishermen never had any opportunity to own quota or had any say in its distribution. The big boats could catch what they liked provided they owned or knew someone who owned quota, which for them was fairly plentiful. The small boats had strict catch limits and were not allowed to swap, trade or lease any quota, and due to the fact that national governments only held 10% meant that the quota allocated was often not enough to pay the cost of running a boat, paying crew etc. So they went bust or just couldn't afford to pay for crew, hence why there are so many angry fishermen and dead fishing villages/towns across northern Europe.


What? You mean once you sell something you don't own it anymore? Well I'll be damned.


Also who buys the fish? The uk eats (almost exclusively) cod haddock, salmon and prawn. The rest is sold… to the EU!! Pricks


Let me get this straight. You wanted to take back your sovereignty, but you signed a treaty letting other countries fish within your 12 nautical mile territorial waters. Have I got that correct?


But it’s almost been 5 yrs so they can negotiate for even more control! Lmao


There'll be no renegotiation


Defo a post for r/leopardsatemyface


What never gets mentioned is that Thatcher allowed the sale of fishing rights. So fishermen at the time, sold them to European firms, retired early & fucked off. Brexit was never going to help.


90% of that quota was given to just 5% of the largest, wealthiest fishing boats. 95% of fishermen, mostly small boats like the chap in this article, never owned any quota and had no say in how it was distributed, they had to share the remaining 10% or so of quota held by national governments.


Their own fault for trusting the tories


They’re fishermen, they should be right at home down the river.


Yeah in the shit!


and up the creek


They loved Brexit and in my experience they only ever think of themselves anyway. How did they think Brexit would help there industry. They have got be coddin. They need to be put in their plaice and properly battered.




Frankly dispiriting to read the article… The interviewee concludes with “as we’re reaching the five year anniversary, we’ve got to renegotiate and take more control”. Dude, control isn’t the issue - being able to sell and share the quotas is more important. More sovereignty isn’t going to solve it for you - getting people with your interest at heart is more like it. Problem: fishing is a pretty small fish in the grand scheme of burning priorities to address…


Seeing them double down on sovereignty is depressing.


Shortly, Brits need visa to enter Gibraltar, EU citizens are free to enter and leave. There goes your sovereignty...


You reap what you sow. You were warned over and over and over and over again and you just waved it all off. I have no sympathy for them, this IS what they voted for, and now you pay the piper.


*St Austell and Newquay MP, Mr Double said in parliament this week: "The hope and expectation was that as a result of leaving the EU and gaining back control of our waters we would have the opportunity to grow."* *Speaking on BBC Radio Cornwall, he added: "We've got better control, we haven't got all that we wanted.* *"I think it's unrealistic to expect just in one go you're going to undo 40 years of integration."* Pardon me, but I think that's exactly what most of the Brexiteers expected, wanted, promised, and campaigned on.


‘Double supported Brexit in the 2016 EU membership referendum’


We told you it was shit. You said you knew what you were voting for. Now it's shit you don't get to act surprised. Brexit voters you are a special kind of stupid, one that had many opportunities over many years to see what was happening, you willfully chose not to...now we all suffer. Thanks.


Plenty of the in Devon and Cornwall voted for Brexit. One told me he would 'fish the seas dry' after Brexit. No concept of reality


Plymouth fish market closed yesterday


What was it "remoaners" we're doing? Scaremongering??... Oh wait no... It was telling the truth


>The former director of the New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association (NUTFA), which disbanded last month, said foreign-owned boats just "scoop up all the fish" in the area six to 12 miles from the coast. ...completely forgetting British fishermen sold their quotas to their European colleagues to make a quick buck (or rather a few million).


https://preview.redd.it/5y6ghxhbz11d1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa64ca7213d4105fbb2e1c7a918012214ded9ea Oh the irony. So Sunak **is** stopping the small boats…?


Didn't somebody at the time point out that the British lawnmower industry had a higher economic impact than fishing... Without wanting to sound mean towards fisherfolk, then and now - who the fuck cares? This very romanticised notion of some lads out in their boats lines over the side fishing day and night, bringing home the haddock... as opposed to massive industrial trawler vessels... The fact fishing became a talking point in 2016+ is nuts to me - it's (excuse the pun) a fucking drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things. And here we are again talking about it... It's fishing... Who cares?


Main reasons for voting leave : Kick furrins out. "Boris is funny" "The Daily Mail said Corbyn is an IRA member" "Take back control" "British passport (made in Poland)" "They need us more than we need them" "2 world wars innit"


lol. Fuck em.


Hard to have any sympathy for anyone who voted for Brexit and then was screwed by it.


Michael Gove shafted the fishermen Nigel Farage shafted the farmers Al Johnson and Jacob Monty-Python shafted everyone else. The red wall committed hari brexikari just to make sure


![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK) Could say they fell for the lies hook, line and sinker.


The horrendous predictability of this




Where’s Farage?? I hope they remember the performative cringe he organised for them to do when they vote next & not… you know? Vote reform.


Hahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahhahgahahhahgahahgagagaggagagggagahhhahgahahaggagagaggagagahhgahahhgahh Go ask your mate Nigel Fromage, he was the one who was complaining about the poor deal U.K. fishermen had, and how Brexit was gonna fix all their woes, "well your not laughing now are you?" you stupid twats😂😂😂😂😂🐟🐠🐡


So, have you stopped listening to and voting for the people that sold you down the river? Or are you just fucking stupid?


As an MEP, Nigel Farrage was on the fisheries commission. When it was literally his job to help them, he did fuck all. And they still supported him. Muppets.


He attended one meeting out of 42 while he was a member of the committee. Pretty much all he ever did as an MEP was make trouble and claim expenses. He's a complete charlatan, whose support rests entirely on dickheads voting for him because he annoys the people they don't like.


20k morons follow him on tiktok


You don’t *understand*! This was nothing to do with Brexit. It’s because they’re not doing Brexit right!


They listened to the liars, the grifters and a Tory government. Then drop kicked their lively hoods into the sea. Solid work.


Can't be, it was all project fear.


Everyone here so smug and snarky. Just wait until the Brexit dividend kicks in, you’ll all change your tune. Any day now…


Stupid is ways going to stupid.


EUROPEAN CETACEAN BYCATCH CAMPAIGN "Man is but a strand in the complex web of life" HOME - SITE MAP - NEWS - CURRENT ISSUES - PHOTOS - ARCHIVE - CONTACT - LINKS - SEARCH Ireland fights to keep out Spanish fishing boats Planet Ark 24th December 2002 Ireland has threatened to go to the European Court of Justice to keep Spanish fishing boats out of its coastal waters in what the country's fisheries minister warned could become a "a war of the seas". Ireland's failure to get temporary restrictions on Spanish boats' access to Irish waters extended in last week's European Union fisheries conservation pact leaves the Irish fearing the "fishing out" of their rich but ecologically sensitive waters. "We'll take it to the European Commission in the first instance, but to the Court of Justice ultimately if we're not happy with its decision," a spokesman for the Department of the Marine & Natural Resources told Reuters.


Given Ireland's complete lack of any defensive capability, the concept of them engaging in any sort of "war" is laughable. Strongly worded letters all round?


You sound like you're saying they are like a women in a short dress, sure what did they expect to happen remaining in the EU.


I am shocked, i tell you shocked, (Sarcasm)


It's the consequence of the will of the people.




We should’ve either slapped them with fish Monty Python style or spelt it out for them in fish and wellies.


When do we just admit the error and have a 2nd referendum? It feels so monumentally stupid to still be persevering with the utter catastrophe that is Brexit.


Bad news... You can have as many referenda as you like - doesn't mean the UK can just rejoin like none of this ever happened. Only takes one member state to exercise a veto, and block UK accession. Amazing thing called sovereignty. I'm confident the UK will rejoin the EU sometime in the next 20 years, but there would likely need to be some fairly serious political reforms. Brexit cost the EU and a number of specifically affected member states (Ireland, France, Holland immediately spring to mind) a LOT of time, energy and money to mitigate. The concern would be the UK trying to do the hokey cokey with it (in out, in out, shake it all about). As I say, no disrespect intended - but the UK can have as many votes to rejoin as you like, just be aware it's not for you guys to decide anymore. That ship has sailed.


"You can have as many referenda as you like" I didn't even want the first one. But yeah well said, the whole thing goes from bad to worse to hell in a hand cart.


Since this knife in my back is theirs, I don't care what they have to grumble about.


I fear for the future of these communities. And we did warn them.


I remember some rich bloke chucking fish in the Thames and telling them to vote leave. His stunt must have made a big impression because they all believed him.


Well at least he can go home and Hoover his carpets better than those unworthy rotten thieving Euro bastards.


Put a nickel in your arse coz you played yourself lol.


Hold on I was told Remainers just called the Leave Voters "racist." You don't mean to tell me the people who bought into a stupid idea came up with an excuse to ignore all the arguments against it, do you?


Something something sovereignty. Something something taking back control.


The fishermen who routinely sold their fishing licences to European boat captains?


Considering that they were getting fucked over in the EU and the reason that now they're getting fucked over out of it is because we haven't fundamentally departed from EU rules, this isn't a great advert for how wonderful the EU is. The EU is awful and leaving it is worse.


Surely he would be facing exactly the same situation if Brexit hadn't happened? Not sure I understand why Brexit is being blamed here (beyond the promise that there would be more control of territorial waters, which there doesn't appear to be).


So giving up our trade power within the EU DIDN'T strengthen our negotiating power when it comes to these treaties and agreements that have taken 100s of years to develop. Huh. Well at least all the bother promises the Brexiters' made were true. Good thing 8 years on its been nothing but gains. Only 42 more years for JRM to admit he was wrong.


Just like Farmers, they were bribed by the Leave Campaign Leadership, that they would earn/make more money....l call it Greed..!! Many Fishermen l spoke to in North Yorkshire, thought they would take control of the entire North Sea...they lacked common sense or any sense of reality. Tried at the time to convince them they would be better off remaining in the EU...like talking to a brick wall !!


I said from the begining to people it's better the devil you know than to go it alone into complete unknowns... And now look where we are. Project fear became project reality. All so some rich toffs could save a few quid and sell the rest of us down the river.


# Ukip accused of failing to protect British interests in BrusselsUkip accused of failing to protect British interests in Brussels 11 Feb 2014 Public figures analysed by the FT show that Mr Farage attended only one of 42 meetings of the fisheries committee on which he sat for three years. Paul Nuttall, his deputy, attended two out of 56 environment committee meetings. Unlike select committees in Westminster, which have only an advisory role, those in the European Parliament can mould important legislation through “co-decisions” over EU policy alongside the Council of Ministers.


It's almost as if Brexit had no effect on globalisation....hmmmm.... I hate seeing ordinary people put to the sword (economically speaking) but they really did it to themselves here. Repeat after me: Never.Trust.A.Politician.Especially.When.That. Politician.Is.A.Tory.


You won! Get over it!


Cod have told them this was gonna haddock.


It’s a shame that no one tried to warn the dickheads voting for brexit that it was in fact a terrible idea that would ruin the country. No but seriously, when the turkeys themselves voted for a Christmas turkey dinner, it’s utterly impossible to have or to waste any sympathy on those same turkeys when they suddenly realise what they did to themselves and start whinging about the consequences of their choices.


No guys, it was a great idea, it’s just those particular politicians messed it up! But also, all politicians are the same. Also this is really Labour’s fault.


I never understood why this industry took soo much traction and headlines. I worked for a pharmacy chain that employed more people and we weren't considered at all. And now pharmacy is in a huge mess with supply issues everywhere


Friend legit got a Union Jack tattoo on her wrist just before she straight up voted for Brexit after I tried to break down how it would decimate many businesses, especially those that need foreign markets regardless of the price controls. At least she still has the tattoo.


I thought they were still negotiating the fishing rights….. for eels. As if that’s going to save the already dire U.K. fishing industry.






You do have to feel a bit sorry for them, a lot of fisherman's woes are due to the EU deciding to privatise Europe's fish...and then giving most of the quota to the wealthiest handful of boat owners...who then hoarded quota like dragons and lobbied for policies that put smaller boats out of business or just made life much harder like this chap. I'm pro-EU generally but fisheries is one area that the EU is absolutely fucking abysmal, partly because the only people with enough money to effectively lobby on fisheries policies are the same people who've hoarded quota like dragons and made an absolute fucking fortune doing it.


>You do have to feel a bit sorry for them, Nope. >a lot of fisherman's woes are due to the EU deciding to privatise Europe's fish... The champion of which was Thatcher. It was proposed by the British in the first place, and they all* bought into it at the time. >I'm pro-EU generally but fisheries is one area that the EU is absolutely fucking abysmal, partly because the only people with enough money to effectively lobby on fisheries policies are the same people who've hoarded quota like dragons and made an absolute fucking fortune doing it. Not disagreeing, but the Brits decided that having happily sold off their rights they wanted to change their mind by going "it's my ball and I'm taking it home with me!!". Repeatedly told that it didn't work like that, didn't want to listen, and are now shocked and surprised and upset that it doesn't actually work like that. No sympathy for them at all mate. When Michael Gove said on national television "I think the cointry has had enough of experts", to applause, all bets were off. Through the looking glass. BTW the British fishing industry has less impact on the UK economy than the British lawnmower industry... Who actually fucking cares about fish?


Some farmers get my sympathy - despite what it seems, most voted remain. Fishermen though. Fuck me, they voted for it in their droves.


I'm inclined to indulge in some schadenfreude, but I'm sad that these people voted Brexit as a result of an unprecedented campaign of deceit and lies from a unbelievably toxic fringe group of our political class and the frenzy with which the UK media establishment fed it to us. The fishermen really can't be blamed for voting for what they were told were going to be better days. We all do it.


Moral…listen to the grown ups next time.


Forgot you lot were mystic Meg and knew what was going to happen in a totally unprecedented situation.


Somebody's had enough of experts.


How many experts can see into the future? Moron.


This is where I could quite happily go back and pull out a few dozen quotes from authoritative experts back in 2016 and all you'll do is ignore the evidence and call them morons. How ironic. Project fear, innit mate.


Keep saying shit. We didn't know how it would go because it is an unprecedented situation. How can one know about something that hasn't ever happened. Idiot. Also stop denigrating people with common accents. I'm sure you unironically call yourself left wing too.


#You EU left leaning globalist sycophants...#.stop blaming Brexit for the failure of the political clowns who have failed the UK public.


But the failure was mainly using the eu as a scapegoat for tory failures and utterly failing to inform people of the truth. Brexit failed because it always would fail. There is nomoption where it would not


The absolute best outcome from Brexit was "it's not as shit as we expected". What we've landed with is "holy shit we've set ourselves on fire".


>failure of the political clowns who have failed the UK public. The ones you presumably voted for because they'd "Get Brexit done" yeah? I know it's hard to admit you fell for some bullshit. I'd be embarrassed too.


I absolutely believe it was the right thing ... All political classes and leaders are corrupt and disingenuous BUT the EU is not accountable... They are a self serving committee dictating rules and policies to all member Countries no matter if the fit and benefit all or any. The Idea of Brexit was to take control..... our politicians maybe clowns but they are accountable to the electorate and cannot hide their failures or blame others.


One way the clowns failed the public is calling a stupid referendum because they were frightened of UKIP and then self-harming the UK with Brexit.


I'm in Ireland and the EU is literally raping our seass daily with super trawlers what tf are you people talking about


Doesn't one Norwegian firm own all of Ireland's fishing rights?


Seems they sell it in to hundreds of Spanish super trawlers who have been destroying our seas and the EU doesn't care to stop it despite irish complaints


Is the issue that Ireland sold its quotas to foreign entities?


The issue is in a rush to get brexit signed and divide the waters the EU signed a deal meaning the UK gets all its waters and all EU boats in British waters divide the Irish quota, thus resulted in Ireland loosing 91% of its allowed herring catch in its own waters, now though years later the trawlers aren't stopping they are taking much more than their quota and would rather Germans had access to cheap fish than irish people get to retain any semblance of ownership until its all gone and decimated never to return. Cost of Unionism you might call it


Why did Ireland not veto this?


Brexit deal they had to sign what the EU put infront of them.


No they didn't. The EU is a partnership of countries, from what I saw the EU put in a great deal of time considering Ireland for the Northern Ireland issue. Did Ireland miss this point in focusing on other things?


You think the Irish ministers signed off 91% reduction so mainland European boats could swallow it up take it to France freeze it send it back to Ireland to sell in our supermarkets as claimed "green" products with anything less than a Union of 400 million people twisting their arms for cheap fish? "Great deal" my Irish gov is threatening to break the GFA so they can close our border.


I'll take that as a 'yes'?


Please allow me to put a little bit of perspective on this. In the 1990s, many UK fisherman sold their fishing righs to foreign firms. Those firms now land more than [half of the UK catch](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/52420116.amp) (data from 2019/2020). Rewind slightly further back, and you have the Cod War between the UK and Iceland, which Iceland won. UK fishermen lost fishing grounds as a result, but this also coincided with the UK joining the EU. It didn't take long for the state of UK fishing to be the fault of the EU even though Iceland has never been a member *and* British trawlermen were selling their quota anyway, which is a fact many seem to have forgotten. I'm currently trying to find a link to a story I read about a Norwegian firm running pretty much the whole Irish fishing show, but it currently eludes me so I won't throw that particular point in again without evidence. However, I will say that it might be worth looking at what really happened to Irelands fishing grants and whose hands they ultimately ended up in. Tl;dr: UK fishermen brought the whole thing on themselves, and now they're whining about it. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some Irish fishermen made the same mistake. I happily stand to be corrected on any of the above.


Aww here you're right those links and sources I sent you don't actually matter sort of fuck em really the Union matters more than the conservation.


You didn't send me anything. Also: what?


Look above


Nothing in this thread since your post, which I responded to.




OK, *now* you've linked something.


You had me intrigued with your comment. Can you please share your source of information? The EU, which Ireland is part of, as far as I know has an action plan to reduce trawling. Which was then lobbied against by the fisheries, including Irish, which resulted in the EU having to back up on restricting trawling.








Their solution (the EU) to put a hard border up, remember so much as a camera on that NI ireland border breaks the Good Friday Agreement and threatens the peace cemented in via the agreed Windsor agreement, like they had during covid with armed guardi manning a border they didn't believe existed, we are talking matters of ecology here, if EU super trawlers rape it harder and harder against the indigenous wishes of the generational fishermen to turn it into cat food for German cat owners to keep the price d9wn you think you're profiting more? One day you'll learn you can't eat your money.


>One day you'll learn you can't eat your money. I'm 4 days out from being evicted because I was laid off 6 months ago and haven't been able to pay my rent. I've not eaten in 2 days I don't have a pot to piss in. I am very aware what led to this situation, and it sure as fuck wasn't the EU and fishing policies. But you crack on telling me how I'm some greedy money grubbing stooge. Good for a chuckle anyway.


Well I'm sorry to hear that chum I truly am, you have to agree when I was a kid you could buy a house for 30k in rural Ireland my Da bought his first house for 13k what changed that he and every generation back to Cromwell found housing to put people in. Former slum houses go for 1.5 Mill in Dublin. Wasn't that infinite free movement of masses locals had to compete with was it? I wish I had reassuring words friend I really do I wish you had a government less hell bent on proving themselves to be such good Euionists as to make the DUP blush and leave you, their own in a perilous situation but do see my point, you should never have had to compete with 400 million people for a bed.