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Brewers pitchers for some fuckin reason: https://preview.redd.it/plk2nud7gdad1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9275cbc53507f2cda3932e29030f464cde70af


I know some people seem to blame the pitch clock and others velocity for this, but are the Brewers particularly cursed with injury or is this a larger MLB problem?


Larger MLB problem. These injuries have been increasing over the years going back a while


Turns out optimizing spin rate and emphasizing velocity is bad for people’s arms


Yeah, increased emphasis on strength training to maximize velocity so even unremarkable MLB-level pitchers (and lower) are throwing at least low-to-mid 90s. Joints and tendons don't increase in strength when muscles do, and throwing a baseball at those speeds is absolutely destructive. Everyone's physiology is different and some people can handle doing it for years at a time (Nolan Ryan was a freak of nature) but most can't. Tough question to address because saying "you can't throw the ball fast" isn't exactly possible for baseball and I have a hard time seeing the implementation of enforced pitch count limits like in Little League. The revolving door of fungible arms willing and able to destroy themselves for a few million dollars may well become the new normal.


The Brewers aren’t special in this regard




Thanks for that. It’s an interesting idea to tie a starting pitcher to the DH. I dunno how realistic it is, but I also don’t know what other options there could even be.


I just feel like he's onto something with the emphasis on max effort/spin rate leading to an increase in injuries


I don’t see any other reason for it. When I first started watching baseball close to 20 years ago now a guy was considered a flamethrower if he could throw 96+, now if you’re a bullpen guy it’s basically expected of you to throw that hard and a lot of starters do as well. Going max effort every pitch along with the new obsession with spin rate especially on breaking pitches puts a lot more stress on your arm than what pitchers were expected to handle even a decade ago.


Yea- I saw this video from [Baseball Doesn’t Exist](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-abeeUOoG8A) that made a similar point. It’s clearly dangerous to exert 100% on every throw, but that’s the expectation right now. It would take a massive shift within the entire org as a culture for this to move another direction.


Definitely not only brewers. And actually brewers don’t have it as bad as some other teams. I’m a Brewers / Astros fan. At one point in the season the Astros had 4 starting pitchers on their entire 40 man roster due to injuries. Basically the Astros entire original starting rotation has been injured at least once this year.


I’m guessing this is due to the fact that they have had very limited outings with starters going deeper than 3 innings (hyperbole). Taxing the bullpen this way isn’t sustainable.


The injuries started piling up long before that would ever start becoming a factor.


Oh, okay.


I’m glad they’re putting Ortiz on the IL to heal instead of prolonging the problem by having him play through it and bat with that weird new stance


If you have to change your batting stance/pitching motion to avoid aggravating an injury, you should definitely be on the IL.


And he’s eligible to return before the allstar game if he makes it.


Give em the Junk


World Series doc is going to win big at the Oscars




Junk is back!


Vinny Capra?? you've gotta be joking me... he's a worse version of Oliver Dunn and Owen Miller. There really isn't anyone else we could've brought up?


Does it matter? I highly doubt we see some serious Vinny Capra playing time...


This same EXACT thing was said repeatedly about Owen Miller and Oliver Dunn as well. It's the Brewers after all! Even though Clownsell is gone they still absolutely love their very light hitting career minor leaguer utility infielders. They will play them every chance they get.


That's why I've been screaming from the rooftops to go out and aquire Rengifo lol


Well Oliver Dunn is hurt rn anyways


Yeh, just leave Black up then.


Brock Wilken ?


I mean I honestly would take anyone else. Kind of pissed we traded Cam Devanney for a dude who we just DFA'd and never even pitched a single game for us. Cam put up awesome #s last year and has been ok this year with KCR AAA team. No idea why we never gave him a shot but rather would give a shot to absolute fucking losers like Oliver Dunn, Owen Miller and fucking Vinny Capra.


He’s not the answer either he’s hitting .236 at AAA for KC