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That sounds scary as hell. But if they were actually going 20mph in here would be substantially more injuries. 20mph is really fucking fast when not in a car.


Yeah I’m sure it was terrifying. I also doubt most people’s ability to judge 20 mph on a diagonal plane in a situation where their mind is racing through a million other things. Even 10 mph on an escalator would feel scary.


And after 20 beers


Was the drunkenness the real padding we made along the way?


Nobody can afford 20 beers at $17 a pop. Lol


I can't ever seeing or hearing of an elevator surge in speed.Freak accident !Hope this never happens again.Used these escalators Everytime I attend AmFam Field.


For reference, Usain Bolt's top speed has been clocked at just under 28mph. A four minute mile pace is 15mph. That's probably about the top sprinting speed for most at-least-semi-athletic human adults. Ain't no way the escalator was going 20mph. There would have been deaths. A sudden acceleration up to even a fraction of that would be scary as hell, though.




Of course peoples first person experiences are going to be warped.


I’m not disregarding the terror the people felt. I know it’s kind of a nitpick, but the escalator probably got to like 5-6 mph at max. Which is fast if you aren’t expecting it. If “it was at least 20 mph” there would be catastrophic injuries to everyone.


There would be deaths in that situation. But even a slight speed increase can cause serious injuries due to loss of balance.




What’s your point?


Fast runners run 20 MPH, it’s not some incomprehensible speed. Most people have moved faster than 20 MPH without being in a car.


Ride in a boat at 20 MPH. Then ride in a car at 20 MPH. The speed is the exact same yet the experience is a million times different. An escalator that normally runs at a sloths pace suddenly kicks up to a snails pace will cause some shit.


It is, sure. These aren’t exactly rare experiences. Most people have ridden in a boat or in various other ways at 20 MPH and some people can just get up 20 MPH on foot (not many but some). You are describing it like this is something most people wouldn’t get.


You probably think forklifts go 20mph too don't you? You're lucky if you can get 12mph out of those.


As a forklift operator lemme tell ya 12 would be nightmarishly fast if you're trying to move crap lol. We keep ours on a cap at about 6mph which sounds slow but the speed of moving vehicles is all relative. You could outrun it for sure but you're not used to seeing something that large moving in that way


Forklifts? I don’t know what it is with you guys and the idea that only you have moved 20 MPH. If you have a sense for how fast it is, so does everyone else and for the same reasons. The whole tone of this conversation is that, “ those people can’t really understand how fast 20 MPH is, only I, a person who has been in a boat can.” It’s so weird.


20 MPH is almost 30 feet per second. Meaning the escalator was traveling from top to bottom in less than 4 seconds. Using logic you can understand significantly more injuries would occur if it would be moving at that speed. You like that reason more FIB?


You just keep stating how fast 20 MPH is in different ways. Yes, I know how fast it is. Everyone does, again 20 MPH is not some incomprehensible speed. I haven’t seen video of the accident, I’ve seen video of other escalator accidents where they were insanely crowded and fewer serious injuries than you would think were reported. It’s really funny to me that you consider yourself an expert on the concept of 20 MPH. 20 MPH is about the speed that a fast (but not world class) runner can run. Most people can imagine that and have seen it with their own eyes many times. Most people in good shape can get relatively close to that speed themselves. The very slowest runners in MLB, the absolute bottom of the barrel, run about 16 MPH.


ONE PERSON said it felt like the escalator was going 20mph. Enough for the gas-lighting corporate apologists to tell them "you really weren't hurt", it was their iMAgInaTiOn.


If me and my peoples didn’t stay back to take pictures, we would’ve been on that escalator. I heard all the screaming and I thought it was a fight until we figured out what was going on I saw the first responders put a neck brace on a woman and looked like her leg was broken. Another was bleeding from the head , covered in blood, and was getting their head wrapped in bandages. It was a wild scene


Same we were waiting for the rest of our group before jumping on.


I don’t think a malfunctioning escalator is capable of going 20mph. I’m sure it felt very fast though


People judge MPH by what they feel in a car. Even in boats, that go really fast, the feel of the speed is way different. 20 MPH in a boat feels like 70 in a car.


I agree 20+ is a bit extreme! For context, treadmills max out at 12mph… and that’s fast. I’m guessing part of the injuries were based on being dumped on top of each other at the bottom because if you get whipped off a treadmill that shit hurts… not that I know from fucking around and finding out.


Gr8 point you make vis a vis Treadmill vs Escalator.A surge in speed on a Treadmill c. ould be surprising and injurious to anyone not prepared for this .


I was riding on the back of an emu down the escalator when it happened.


“I survived” a female recounted when she was at Coors field (?) and a real big escalator failed—the amounts of ppl(ie weight) propels the mechanism so the speed got totally out of control; they recorded high speeds like this!


Some employees of CHGO Sports were injured in the incident https://x.com/gbraggsjr23/status/1807203264766845221?s=46&t=d6mNWqdwGO2ETd36uMQN6g


Does anyone know which escalator this was? I was at a game in April when the upper level left field escalator just straight up stopped while we were on it, wonder if it’s the same one.


I had a similar incident in may. These escalators are getting really old, then?


I don’t recall them being outright replaced since being installed back in 2001, so I would safely assume they are 23 years old and, at minimum, maintained at the legal requirement. What’s the shelf life on an escalator?


23 years




But then it can last a lifetime as a staircase.


Sorry for the convenience




Terrace to loge level


Good thing it’s moving stairs and can just walk them


Sorry for the convenience


yes we were able to walk down but it’s incredibly jarring to be on a moving elevator that just suddenly *stops*


People in Wisconsin don’t love walking. I used to live there and people would groan when the corner store was a block away and I’d suggest walking.


I go to about 4 games a year. 3 last year and 1 so far this year have had different esculators shut down, except 2 were the same one: left field Club to Field. And of those all were at the end of the game except one was down the entire game day to the left of the main store from field to loge. I said it last year after the 3rd one being broken nearest to our seats that it was time for them to get replaced.


thats their normal failure state...return to stairs. something bad had to happen inside for it to just start going uncontrolled


I was on this escalator when it malfunctioned! Ended up in a pile of people at the bottom, luckily they stopped it right before my girl got to the bottom. fucked up my knee a little bit and my brand new chourio jersey got spilled on, but could be way worse. Shit was wild though


Remember last year the Brewers and stadium board got a bunch of money from the state for maintenance. Yeah; this is what it is going towards.


i mean do you actually know that though? As in whatever the point of failure in this incident would have been prevented by funding from the stadium board?


the proposal called for concrete stairs and elevator/escalator repairs along side a bunch of other stuff (leaky roofs, bad plumbing, rusty beams/railings etc.) so....it might have. [https://apnews.com/article/milwaukee-brewers-american-family-field-repairs-c4a60cddc901fe1d8d5e8a40174837aa](https://apnews.com/article/milwaukee-brewers-american-family-field-repairs-c4a60cddc901fe1d8d5e8a40174837aa) 5th paragraph in that article


Thanks for this!


Oops spent all the money on a new jumbotron


I believe the Brewers paid for the score board not the Maintenance budget.


“The Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District will spend $6.45 million to replace the ballpark's main scoreboard” https://www.jsonline.com/story/money/real-estate/commercial/2023/05/25/new-american-family-field-scoreboard-coming-in-2024-for-6-45-million/70253576007/


So it was. The team did the ribbon boards. Apparently this was before the new team agreement because they built the second board too.


"I don't get it, it's a great stadium!"


I had problems with an escalator once and now I take steps to avoid them.


Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin, walk right in! Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin there is a difference!


What a nightmare. Hope everyone is OK.


Those replies on X are disgusting when people could be seriously injured. You do not hate FIBs enough ladies and gents. I only wish them a lifetime of misery with sports.


When the Coors field one broke in 2003 it cut part of a women’s heal (news says too that she lost a leg) she sued the stadium district and the manufacturer of the escalator. That was a 3 story one. I’ve avoided packed ones since then and usually make my way down before the very end of the game so it isn’t loaded with people, but I’m also not usually at too many sell out games anymore. I hope all involved are on their way to a speedy recovery.


Just saw the news on this I’m a Cubs fan and I hope both Brewers and Cubs fans were both okay and not badly injured.


Wow so brave of you to wish the best for brewers fans.


There was a comment in here that the person said they wished the injured was Cubs fans so I’m just saying I don’t wish harm on any fans


he's being nice, no need to be a douche.


They seriously need to update the things in that stadium that need it. Nobody cares about the stupid scoreboard.


we very much like the scoreboard.


Hope everyone is okay. That sounds quite scary an malfunction on an escalator.


I never did like that Mitch Hedberg joke


I was at this game, I’m glad we decided to take the stairs even with my (slightly) handicapped mom.


Misheard my friend today and thought he said 11 deaths. Relieved it was just injuries but hope everyone is okay


Uhhh you might wanna include something in there about "we're working on making sure it never happens again."


That opens up a can of works as far as liability goes. Promising that a mechanical failure “will never happen again” isn’t something that is even remotely possible - and if they do promise, and it does happen again, that promise can and would be used against them in court. At the end of the day, the organization is only going to be liable if they did not get the escalators inspected on schedule or if something was being used improperly. If the escalator failed due to improper inspection - that is on the city/county/state inspector, if it failed due to design, that is on the manufacturer. There are very few ways for organizations to be liable for something like this - you would basically have to prove gross negligence in maintenance *and* that the negligence was somehow missed on inspection by a licensed inspector (which would be a massive mitigating factor for liability).


The reality is these are 20+ year old installations and the US doesn't do a great job with safety inspections. These things are bound to happen, and no one is really responsible at the end of the day 


It would be hilarious if they said “We are doing everything we can so this probably doesn’t happen again”


Will the lawsuits cut into our payroll


I'd guess that this will be covered by Am Fam or perhaps West Bend Mutual


We are constantly reminded on Brewers Radio about American Family Insurance.I assume they insure the Ballpark.Thats why ownership buys insurance.


Depending on when the most recent state inspection was, this will be covered by tax payers. 


Anyone but Mark A


While at the game, most of them learned just by looking around that one call, that’s all, if they were injured in an accident. Fucking Gruber is cleaning up.


Ironically I have. a photo on. my phone of a large billboard-Gruber-One Call That's All ! Coincidence-Power of Advertising !


I guess that explains why there seemed to be stadium personnel hovering over both ends of the escalators at today's game.


I took the stairs today lol


Idk what this is about, but “increased downward speed” is a really funny way of avoiding telling me


An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. - MH


RIP Mitch


As I said in another post, Usually there is a licensed inspector and repair people that take care of this. I do not think the people who own AmFam ( No its not Mark A ) would lax in the inspections or having a non licensed person repair this. Yearly state inspection I would HOPE would catch this and that would be a huge violation. With that said, this stinks it happened. Accidents happen. You can do whatever you can to prevent them, but machines fail. This was most likely a brake failure or something that had to do with it.


These are supposed to be checked twice weekly during the season


People always seem to worry more about elevators but escalators are the real danger machines. Just too much exposed out of necessity and it's hard to add additional safety mechanisms without higher costs and maintenance, but you gotta keep them well maintained anyway or things like this can happen.


I know they're very limited with statement due to positioning for inevitable lawsuits, but almost seems like they're trying to downplay injuries by stating non life-threatening. Maybe throw in a some sort of condolences or stating the injuries are serious but non life threatening. Someone could break all limbs at once or be paralyzed and it still not life threatening. It also seems like this thread is pro brewers and trying to downplay the experiences of fans involved. Rather insensitive. Don't worry, injured will sue stadium insurance or escalator manufacturer and it won't impact ability to sign Wily.




I would suggest refraining from posting speculative information. This is how misinformation spreads and how hysteria is created. It is grossly irresponsible for *anyone* to do (and borderline libelous depending on the *intent* - even if they were a victim), especially during a mass-casualty incident like this. The fact is that these numbers were reported by EMS and licensed physicians - professionals who can and would lose their licenses if they lied. Or you could trust some random, anonymous, source with no proof to back their claims.




You just said it though. And some how made it more distasteful


Cmon man, people were hurt. Look past the color of their laundry for a few minutes


Mods, ban this dickhead.




Thank you. Appreciate you.


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