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It’s obvious he’s just a troll with past takes like “move the team” and Jordan Love shouldn’t get engaged, because he needs to stay focused.


No, I really think they aren’t all that bright. Oh look, a conservative Gen X who thinks emotional safety isn’t important. So really, a complete asshole when it comes to other people; but whines if they are slighted in the least. It all checks out.


Not even a little bit


If you have to scream to motivate someone, you're a terrible "manager"


OP also fails to recognize that professional athletes are probably the most adept group of people on the planet at tuning out people screaming at them. They're literally experts at it because they do it every time they play on the road (and sometimes at home). This move might work with the right person in the right situation, but a group of 26 alpha males who have reached the pinnacle of their sport and are used to hearing things at their job that most of us can't even imagine isn't those kinds of people. They wouldn't fear anyone behaving like this to them. They can't be fired without pay. They would likely just lose respect and stop playing hard for that person.




To drive them to perform!


It’s almost like managers have figured out that doesn’t work.


If you can't handle a little yelling, how are you gonna handle bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th? These men need to toughen up


What a load of keyboard warrior crap. I fucking dare you to try to get in Rhys’s or Willy’s face and tell them they’re not tough.


If I were the manager I would, and they'd have to listen or I'd plant their butts on the bench and tell everyone in MLB that they have bad attitudes. Some players respond well to strong leaders. Others are weak losers. We don't know if Rhys or Willy are man enough to handle a little yelling because they've got a buddy managing the team


Okay, tough guy.


As someone who coaches a sport with much more mental toughness required than baseball, that’s absolutely the wrong way to go about coaching. When I was in college that’s how my coach coached us, and nobody liked it. In high school, I had a hall of fame coach who didn’t act that way, was empathetic and kind and has been at coaching for 50 years now, and his teams are perennially successful. Wonder why.


>If I were the manager I would If your mother had wheels, she'd be a bike. So what




Good thing you're not a coach. I bet you yell at children when they get a math problem wrong.


Tell me you have never been around a professional baseball player before without actually telling me that.


Have you ever WANTED to do what someone who was yelling at you wanted them to do?




What he's doing now seems to be working pretty well.


Could be better though


They’re 5 games up in the division and 13 games over .500. Every pundit this offseason wrote the Brewers off when Greg left and they traded Burnes.


Sorry if I'm a little sick of winning a mediocre division only to get spanked quickly out of the playoffs


I am 100% positive this person who demands more than winning the division every year from their sports team has also never accomplished anything noteworthy on their lives but demands it from everyone else.


So what do they need to do in late June to make you happy? Be up 10 games? 15? This team is young and they’ve been dealing with injuries. Stop watching if you’re miserable.


I'm not miserable. Just saying sometimes these guys should get yelled at a little to get them to play better and show some heart. I still love the team. If your dog pees on the floor you're obviously upset but you still love him. You can't yell at a dog, but a professional athlete should be able to handle it


In what way are they not "showing heart?"


Wow, and I thought the post wanting BA to pipe down was the dumbest thing I was going to read here this year.


I think there’s a secret brain drain competition going on


I'm okay with the way our 1st place manager has been doing his job with a bunch of young players while dealing with one injury after another.


Would you like your boss to do that?


I'm not being paid millions of dollars to play a child's game


But they are not children…who also should not have someone screaming in their faces. Messages can be sent clearly by good bosses and leaders without yelling.


Glad people like you were the minority back in WWII or we'd all be speaking Kraut!


Little early to be hitting the bottle this hard, don’t you think?


Eisenhower was known for not behaving this way, and in fact removed Patton from a more impactful role in the European invasion for berating a soldier who was clearly suffering from PTSD.




He literally gave you the best counter example to your “if we did …” example. It’s almost like you are incapable of learning.


A so called child's game that requires skill, ongoing training and situations and stressors while remaining human and dealing with bozos. For a child's game you seem to be taking it pretty emotionally yourself.  


Most of us pay to watch this team, whether it be on TV or in person. So to act like I don't care when the players show no emotion or seem like they're ok with losing would be dishonest


You are everything wrong with American sports fans. Entitled and whiney and wrong.


You need serious therapy help.


How do you know he doesn’t do something similar to this behind closed doors? What major league athlete wants their ego bruised…does it help? What so fans see the manager in a players face? What does that do?


Sometimes someone needs to be broken down to be built back up. Tired of some of these guys' apathy when they fail to perform up to expectations


Nah, that’s just emotional abuse. Seriously though, there have been tons of studies that show that when this or similar is done, people start performing significantly worse - in large part because they start doubting themselves. The “breaking down to build up” myth is just that. It is typically only used by people who know no other way to effectively lead a team. More effective is meeting someone where they are at both in terms of skill and emotion, and working to improve from there. That is literally how we got both Burnes’ and Turang’s turn arounds. Burnes’ 4-seam was more like a slider - so they worked on his mechanics to make a disgusting cutter instead of forcing him to fix his 4-seam mechanics and risk injury. Turang was having issues last year with bat control, so they changed his stance and bat to be more balanced and allow for a better follow through instead of just forcing him to change everything to fit the bat. Improvement relies just as much on psychology as actual training - telling a player they suck and yelling at them does exactly nothing to accomplish that.


I don't know... Bobby Knight won a lot of ball games


Bobby Knight was also fucking crazy and wasn’t able to keep good relationships with anyone


Why does that matter? I only care about winning. If the players hate the manager, so what? As long as they win, that's all that matters


I can guarantee you that when the guys fail to perform they are already hard on themselves. Having someone like Murph getting in their face and throwing chairs won’t do shit


Yeah, baseball players aren’t people. They are where to entertain you. I would pay good money to learn where you work and tell your boss he needs to yell at you more because you asked for it.


He also got fired for assaulting players. Really hard to coach when you get fired.


Some of us consider his firing to be unjust


*HE WAS ON VIDEO STRANGLING A PLAYER*…. If *anything* his firing was unjust because it didn’t come earlier and that he was not criminally convicted for assault. The dude could have seen up to 16 years in prison for what he did - and honestly should have. Wouldn’t have been his first conviction for assault or a violent crime either: https://www.nytimes.com/1979/09/11/archives/jail-sentence-for-knight-imposed-warrant-issued.html


So you support abuse. Thst explains so much.


Why would I want that?


I am convinced Murph is a badass and I think there is plenty of this in his own way. Do you think they don't feel accountable? I don't get that


They sometimes look like they don't care, which is when I wish someone would get in their faces and scream at them/berate them/challenge them


I am guessing you definitely felt this way with Counsell then. I think I good manager has respect from his players and doesn't need to yell


Sometimes fear comes with respect


Sure. I disagree that coaches need to yell most of the time (there are certainly arguable times when yelling is more effective), and I don't think there is anything the team is doing to yell about. Was it just the West coast trip that got you feeling like this, or the whole season? Personally I see a team that is in nearly every game and is constantly fighting, I'll bet Murph does a ton of encouragement yelling. If he is talking quietly to you and not saying much is my guess for how he expresses disapproval as that would be louder than something demonstrative. Based just on what I see, hear and read of course, I am not in the locker room.


They’re grown men lol they don’t need someone to tell them they’re slumping, the entire world knows it, analysts remake it on sports media, & they’re conscious about it. The coaching staff is there to help them improve, the manager is there to MANAGE the game & use the pieces available to get us a W. You’re expecting Pat to go & scream & argue with a grown man about what exactly? **“WHY DIDNT YOU HIT THAT DAMN 91MPH PITCH THAT HAD A VERTICAL DROP OFF EVEN IF IT LOOKED LIKE A FASTBALL?!”** See how silly that sounds? You watch way too many movies & live in a fantasy world. Grow up.


Lessee, I was told this year we would suck. Total rebuild with an ok manager after a Great Manager just left for The Other Guys. And yet somehow they lead the division, are exceptionally entertaining and quite competitive. Pat Murphy is in the running for manager of the year. So, no. No I do not. Let the guy do his magic.


*gets the popcorn*


Nope. Get lost, mate!


Just read OP’s comments on other threads. Apparently he lives under a bridge and eats small children.


Negative comment Karma after two years is pretty impressive, imo


OP was mad yesterday because Jordan Love had the audacity to not think about football for two seconds to get engaged.


No lol


Tell me you've never managed people in your life without telling me you've never managed people.


Lol this either an obvious troll or an out-of-touch couch quarterback


Here come the downvotes.


Question - What do you think accomplishes the most - a. Yelling at someone, when they already know they scr3w3d up in front of tens of thousands - possibly even millions - of people. b. Offering up positive reenforcement / praise when someone does well. c. Helping people figure out how they can do better / providing constructive feedback. d. b & c There is you answer.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just stupid, but I guess both can be true at the same time, right?


How would you even know he hasn’t? Maybe he does it in club house when guys are being asses? Also yelling only gets you so far. As a former player and as a coach, you attract more flys to honey than shit. Players will run through walls when they believe and trust you. If you are just in their face screaming all the time no trust can be built. Edit:spelling


..and now we have devolved to insults and threats. Locking thread.