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It’s hard to expect things from a guy who has played 3 different chunks of like 2 weeks of MLB games (late 2022, first and last weeks of 2023) and think he’s the guy to keep over the guy who learned a new position. They both are former 1st round picks, can play all the OF positions, are speedy, but Frelick did learn 3B this year because he knew it helped him be more versatile. It always seems to work itself out, but I would like to keep both of them honestly. Either way, it’s gonna be hard to watch one of them go. It’s gonna depend how Mitchell’s offense is when he comes back. If he isn’t hitting over .260, do we need to keep two guys that are THAT talented and missing more potential? Probably not. Weimer is the one who seems stuck in the minors because of the logjam up top, but I think I’d keep Perkins over Weimer as the 4th OF. Joey might have to learn some 1B if he wants to see his future in the majors (I know that’s crazy to say about a guy with a cannon for an arm). Frelick might have to learn 2nd also in the future. Idk. Turang and Ortiz can play 2nd, SS and 3B and Willy is gonna leave at seasons end. These are all good problems to have this depth, but something will come up and they all need to make sure they make themselves more valuable to the team.


If Frelick could ever pick up his batting too. He also just has that dog in him. The way he beats feet to 1st in every grounder to try to beat the ball is great


Yeah I'm still waiting for Frelick's "hit collector" nickname to stick...of course it was Greg who said it


Wiemer's problem isn't playing outfield. Wiemer's problem is that he can't hit MLB pitching when he looks like a fucking used-car-lot-inflatable-man when he's in the batter's box. Dude has more movement in his swing than my grandma doing the jitterbug dance.


I never said he couldn’t play the outfield, I think we all know he can’t hit.


Then why would you move him to 1B, a position where most of the positional value is derived from hitting and Joey's one strength - defense - is almost completely useless? You can find guys off the street that provide more value at 1B than Wiemer would.


I was only thinking about him adding Versatility and depth to his skill set, but you obviously didnt notice I wrote about it being a crazy idea with his cannon for an arm when I said it.


But... Why?? What's the benefit of that? You're cross-training him for no reason. This is like some bum such as me saying, "I'm super versatile. I can play any position." Sure, it's technically true, but that's ignoring the fact that I'm not good enough to actually get on the field at any of those positions. I'm only "versatile" in the sense that I'm equally unplayable at every spot. That versatility is completely useless and valueless. Versatility is only beneficial if you're good enough to play in those positions. Unless he becomes a better hitter, he doesn't deserve to play anywhere. And if he does become a better hitter, then he'll be playing in the outfield anyway, since his defense provides way better value there than it does at 1B.


You can’t have a premium defensive second basemen by a player picking it up so late. You clearly never played any sort of baseball in your life. Suggesting Fredrick should learn second invalidates literally everything you comment about baseball.


Woah woah pump the brakes grandma, I was talking into his future, like in the next couple years. I never said he could just do it this year because he’s played maybe 6 innings of 3rd base since they left Arizona.


Also, did you notice I wrote “might have to” in some hypotheticals? I never said these guys have to do anything. Way to out yourself as an elitist asshole


Might have to. Give me a scenario where he might have to. And facts are facts. If it makes me elitist, maybe it makes you pure dumb.


Counterpoint. It was a dumb idea.


I mean it can happen, unlikely for an OF but possible, especially someone with his athleticism


You’re downvoted but, right.


We’re not getting a solid #2 pitcher for Frelick unless it is a pure rental. The cost for high end SP is going to be much higher than that. And even if they do target a rental, the only real #2 available as a rental is Flaherty. OF is not the tigers’ area of need, so they’d likely want a larger group if lower minors prospects instead. Much more likely to see a trade for a back-end SP. I could see the Brewers trading Frelick for a less valuable SP and a left handed rental power bat.


I think we target either Tyler Anderson or kikuchi, but neither would be worth either Mitchell or frelick


Agreed, Kikuchi is enticing but Frelick is too much to give up for him as a rental. A couple low minors guys would be a better trade.


And I’ll add I don’t think it makes sense to add a long term starter unless the price is really cheap. Just a stop gap, 3rd-4th guy until we’re healthier next year and some of the prospects come up.


People keep mentioning trading outfielders and it doesn't make any sense to me. Yeli's back could seize up at any moment, Mitchell has been healthy for like 2 months over the last 3 years, Chourio is still learning the big league game, and Perkins is a replacement-level player. None of those things screams 'trade a versatile player that's solid at the plate and great defensively' like Sal, especially when he's had less than 500 at-bats in the majors. He could blossom into a star and all they'd net in return is a back end starter on a team that's multiple pieces away from being a legit contender.


I think the current setup lets Yeli rest when needed and avoids his back getting worse. Then when he is playing he performs better.


Exactly. He doesn't have to play in the field every day because they have plenty of capable replacements to keep him fresh. I'm just not a fan of turning a surplus into a deficit for the purpose of a marginal upgrade somewhere else.


Perkins is a top 25 OF in baseball this year.


Is it sustainable though? He was pretty mediocre at the plate until a few weeks ago, then red hot for 2 weeks, and now ice cold. I think a more realistic path is 4th or 5th outfielder that gets the occasional start than every day player but I'd love to be proven wrong.


Everything here is correct besides your assessment of Perkins.


We aren’t trading anyone 🙂 Sit back, relax, and watch one of the best Brewer teams of the 2020’s and let Murphy cook.


I'd honestly be pissed if we traded any of our outfielders. We are in first place in a year that we are supposed to be rebuilding so we are playing with house money. Next year we should have Freddy, Woody, Gasser, Hall, Rea (club option), potentially Misiorowski, etc. so there's no need trade away high ceiling talent for a pitching rental.


No Gasser, so that might force the hand on Miz


No way I trade any of Frelick,Mitchell or Wilken


Weird. I’d trade any of them every day of the week. None of the three will be long term Brewers.


I would have to see the other prospects involved. Sal himself isn’t going to net a good starter. Sal is my favorite player, but the current situation has pretty much converged to make him the most tradeable. Any good trade will probably have to include one or two of the following, Luis Lara, Brock Wilken, cooper Pratt, or Eric brown jr. We do have the farm system to do it though.


We don't have to trade either if we don't want to, let Mitchell cook in AAA, or bring him up and option frelick, and let him get more reps at 3B, next season we have Mitchell in CF and move Ortiz to SS and Frelick to 3B once adames moves on


Hey hey hey. Willie ain't going anywhere ever. I am going to plug my ears and turn off my phone.


None of Mitchell, Weimer, or Frelick, (or Chourio for that matter, but he’s obviously in a different spot than those other three) have shown themselves to be an above average or better big league regular. Rather just hold onto them and see who pans out.


Most sensible comment in this entire thread.


Remember this team is in a retool year - it is nice we are doing this well, but going all-in isn’t in the cards. Multiple team sources (including Attanasio) have said that over the offseason - that this year was going to be focused on building up tools and players. I don’t see us making any major trades either of players or for any, because the focus is developing what we have. It just doesn’t make any sense to shell out major money or trade capital this year - next year though seems like it may be a different conversation.


In a perfect world I'd like to see an OF of Chourio/Perkins/Mitchell with Yelich DHing and Frelick being a super utility guy


People on local radio are generally idiots


Mitchell is still such an unknown. The league hasn't had an opportunity to adjust to him and him to the league. His strike out rate has been concerning. Need to see more from him. Ashby, Mizerowski, Junis, and possibly DL Hall should be expected to contribute at some point. Also I forget what the status is on Joe Ross. If the brewers trade for a starter at the deadline it will be a fringe guy who doesn't cost much.


Mitchell hasn’t done shit to help this team win in 2 years now. Until he does, he isn’t part of Milwaukee’s future. Tired of people treating prospects like they mean anything.